Geology and Stream Sediment Geochemistry of The Mesothermal Gold Deposits - An Application For Exploration

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Geology and stream sediment geochemistry of the mesothermal gold deposits in the Kitakami Mountains- an application for exploration

Hiroyasu Murakami (AIST)

The studied gold district of the southern Kitakami Mountains, Northeast Japan, is characterized by more than thirty mesothermal vein type Au deposits (Oya; Kohoku; Shishiori, etc, they have ceased production since 1970), associated with the Early Cretaceous plutonic rocks (119-103Ma) intruding the Paleozoic and Mesozoic neritic sediments. The plutonic rocks have the compositions of typical calc-alkaline, I-type, and magnetite-series. Based on trace element composition such as Rb/Sr-Zr and Rb-Y+Nb diagrams, the plutonic rocks hosting mesothermal veins meet the criteria for intrusive rocks related to Au skarn type deposits, and are distinguished from non-mineralized plutons. The mesothermal auriferous veins striking generally NNE and NW are mainly composed of quartz exhibiting transparent and coarse-grained appearance in comparison with that of epithermal for low sulfidation style, with small amounts of K-feldspar, sericite, and chlorite. K-Ar age of K-feldspar from the Oya deposit is 106.8 2.3Ma, being synchronous with activity of the plutonic rocks. These quartz veins mostly contain two-phase inclusions with average homogenization temperatures varying from 261C to 387C at 2kb and salinities ranging up to 15 wt % NaCl equiv indicating involvement of brine from magmatic water associated with plutonic rocks. Ore minerals include mainly native gold, arsenopyrite, pyrite, pyrrhotite, and chalcopyrite, which are occasionally disseminated into host rock in the vicinity of vein systems with silicification. The stream sediment geochemistry was conducted by JOGMEC (former Metal Mining Agency of Japan) with an average density of 0.69 km2 per sample (area=1,450km2, 1,000samples). Samples were collected 500m fractions by sieving on-site from pockets of sand-gravel found in relatively low energy sites. Size of fraction of stream sediment between 74m and 63m has the highest value of gold. Concentration of elevated Au in stream sediments (as much as 200ppb) distinctly defines former gold mining site. The distribution of As strongly correlate with that for Au, that is also recognized in the primary mesothermal auriferous veins. Especially, positive correlation among Au, As, and Cu is prominent around the Oya deposit. Geochemical pattern of stream sediments showing Ca and K values of more than 3.1% and 1.4% coincide with areas of intrusive rocks and biotite hornfels, respectively. K value may be an indicator of the buried intrusion with biotite hornfels. These hornfels and intrusions are also distinguished as high and low angle area in DEM (Digital Elevation Model) mapping, respectively. For gold exploration, integration of data reflecting geological, geochemical and topographical signatures provide the more precise position responsible for hydrothermal alteration and Au mineralization related to plutonic rocks.

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