Section A: Answer All Questions

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Answer all questions. Every question is followed by four answer A, B, C and D. Choose the correct answer. Then, blacken your answer on the answer sheet provided. The suggested time for this section is 45 minutes. If you are unable to answer a question, proceed to the next question. 1 Which of the following are microorganism ? I II III IV Virus Protozoa Conjunctivitis Measles

A I and II only B I and III only C II and III only D III and IV only 2 Microorganisms do not make food. They feed on _____________ A Plants B Animals C Dead organisms D Water 3 Microorganisms can be seen through a .. A Mirror B Telescope C Microscope D Periscope 4 Which of following describe the characteristics of microorganisms ? I II III IV A B C D Breathing Growing Moving Produce young I and III only I, III, IV only II, III and IV only I, II, III and IV

Which of the following are true about microorganisms ? I II III IV A B C D They have different shapes, sizes and colours They can only be found in water. They are living things They are very small I and II only I and III only II and IV only I, III and IV only

Fungi can cause A B C D Bread to rise Bread to turn mouldy Decay of matter Fatal and deadly diseases

Which of the following food use yeast ? I II III IV A B C D Tapai Bread Tempe Cheese I and II only II and III only I, II and III only I, II, IV only

Which of the following is true about yeast ? I II III IV A B C D It is a fungus It is a green plant It is not a living thing. It helps in the process of making bread. I and II only I and IV only II and IV only I, II, and IV only

Diagram 1 shows a piece of bread that has been left for a few days.

Diagram 1 Which of the following conditions causes fungus to grow on it ? A B C D Damp and cold Damp and warm Dry and cold Dry and warm


Microorganisms can cause . I II III IV A B C D Tooth decay Food turning bad Illnesses Food poisoning I, II, and III only I, II and IV only II, III, and IV only I, II, III and IV


Why must we drink boiled water ? A B C D Boiled water tastes better Boiled water contains more minerals Boiling can kill microorganisms Boiled water is rich in vitamins


What step should be taken to prevent diseases caused by microorganisms from spreading ? I II III IV A B C D Do not expose wounds Boil water before drinking Wash hands before handling food Cover mouth and nose when coughing. I and II only I and III only I, II and III only I, II, III and IV


Which of the following animals takes care of their eggs and their young ? A B


Which of the following can help birds to ensure the survival of their species ? I II III IV A B C D Nests are built at high places Producing many eggs Take care of their eggs until the eggs hatch Feeding their young II only I and III only I, III and IV only II, III and IV only


The characteristics of an animal are shown below. What is the animal ? A B C D A frog A crocodile A turtle A snake Go back to the land to lay eggs Lay many eggs Hide their eggs


What is the meaning of survival ? A B C D The potential of living things to continuously live to propagate The process of reproduce of living things The way animals lay eggs or give birth The interaction between living things in an area


Animal X lives in a group. Their young are always in the midst of the adult animals. Which of the following animals is animal X ? A B


Which of the following statements is true for an eagle ? A B C D Lay many eggs Feed their young Leave their young after the eggs hatch Other animals hatch their eggs

Run, run little tiger Followed closely by mother tiger If there is any fear Mother tiger will be in the rear
19 The above poem refers to A B C D 20 the growth of an animal the reproduction of an animal the movement of an animal the survival of an animal

The picture below shows three animals.

Which of the following are the similarities among the three animals ? I II III IV A B C D 21 Take care of their eggs Lay eggs in water Lay many eggs Do not take care of their eggs and their young I and II only III and IV only I, II and III only II, III and IV only

The chart below shows two groups of animals. Animals

X Butterfly Turtle

Y Crocodile Chicken

Which of the following can be grouped in classes X and Y ? A B C D X Snail Lizard Duck Mosquito Y Grasshopper Snake Frog Cockroach


The picture below shows a frog laying eggs in water.

What will the frog do after it lays the eggs ? A B C D 23 Take care of their eggs Build a nest Leave the eggs Hatch the eggs

Plants ensure the survival of their species by A B C D dispersing their seeds. making food. dropping their leaves. responding to light.


The picture below shows four types of seeds. I II



Which are the seeds dispersed by animals ? A B C D II only I and II only II and III only II, III and IV only


The list below show the characteristics of a seed or a fruit of a plant. P have wing-like structures Q bright in colour R Have a nice smell S Light Which of the following characteristics helps the dispersal of seeds by wind ? A B C D S only P and Q only Q and S only P and S only


The picture below shows three types of fruits.

Which of the following characteristics attracts animals to the fruits ? A B C D The heavy The colour and the taste The size The shape

The fruit explodes when ripe. The explosion causes the seeds to disperse away from the tree.


Which of the following plants has fruits with the above characteristics ? I II III IV A B C D Rubber tree Coconut tree Balsam plant Chestnut tree I and II only II and IV only I, III and IV only I, II, III and IV


The picture below shows a seed of a plant.

Which of the following seeds is dispersed in the same way as the seed shown above ? A B


The picture below shows two types of seeds.

Which of the following is correct for the seeds above ? A B C D 30 Characteristics Have hooks Have wing-like structures Red in colour Have small seeds Way of dispersal Animal Wind Animal Water

The picture shows a species of an animal.

Why is the animal above facing extinction? A B C D Shortage of food resources. Their young eaten by predator. They do not take care of their young. They compete with other animal to get food.

SECTION B ( 20 MARKS ) The time suggested for this section is 30 minutes. If you are unable to answer a question, proceed to the next question. Answer all questions.

The table below shows the way animals K, L, M and N take care of their young and eggs . Type of animal K L M N Ways animal take care of their young Hides its eggs in the sand. Carries its young in its pouch. Carries its young on its body. Lays slimy eggs.


Why do animals K, L, M and N have to take care of their eggs or young ? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ( 1 mark )


State a relationship between the type of animal and the way to take care of their young. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ( 1 mark )


Give an example of the animals. i) ii) iii) iv) K : _____________________________________________________________________ L : _____________________________________________________________________ M : _____________________________________________________________________ N : _____________________________________________________________________ ( 4 marks )

Study the picture below.


What does the above picture show? ______________________________________________________________________________ ( 1 mark )


Give a reason to support your answer in Question 1. ______________________________________________________________________________ ( 1 mark ) Name a producer in the picture. ______________________________________________________________________________ ( 1 mark )


List out all the food eaten by i) eagle ii) chicken : __________________________________________________________________ : __________________________________________________________________ ( 2 marks )


Diagram 2 shows a rotten orange and a stale piece of bread.


What do you see on the rotten orange and the stale piece of bread ? ________________________________________________________________________ ( 1 mark )


What do microorganisms need to grow ? ________________________________________________________________________ ( 1 mark )


What are the microorganisms present on the orange and bread ? ________________________________________________________________________ ( 1 mark )


What can be concluded from this investigation ? ________________________________________________________________________ ( 1 mark )


Match the animals to their way of ensuring the survival of their species.

( 5 marks)



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