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Homework 3 Physics 112-3 Fall 2011 p1 Homework #3 Chapter 22: Electric Potential Page 385: #: Why can a bird

perch on a high-voltage power line without getting electrocuted? #5: Must the potential be zero at any point where the electric field is zero? Explain. #18: Show that 1 V/m is the same as 1 N/C. #22: The potential difference across a typical cell membrane is about 80mV. How much work is done on a singly ionized potassium ion moving through the membrane? #23: An electric field is given by position, taking V = 0 at y = 0. where E0 is a constant. Find the potential as a function of

#27: A 3.5cm diameter isolated metal sphere carries 0.86C. (a) Find the potential at the spheres surface. (b) If a proton were released from rest at the surface, what would be its speed far from the sphere? Page 386: #38: Whats the charge on an ion that gains 1.6 x 10-15 J when it moves through a potential difference of 2500V? #48: Your radio station needs a new coaxial cable to connect the transmitter and antenna. One possible cable consists of a 2.0mm diameter inner conductor and an outer conductor with a diameter 1.6 cm and negligible thickness. The maximum safe potential difference between the conductors is 2kV. In your application, the conductors carry charge densities 62nC/m. Will this cable work for you? Page 387: #58: The potential in a region is V = axy, where a is a constant. (a) Determine the electric field in the region. (b) Sketch some equipotentials and field lines. #66: The potential as a function of position in a region is V(x) = 3x 2x2 x3, with x in meters and V in volts. Find (a) all the points on the x-axis where V(x) = 0, (b) an expression for the electric field, and (c) all points on the x-axis where E(x) = 0. Chapter 23: Electrostatic Energy and Capacitors Page 399: #3: A dipole consists of two equal but opposite charges. Is the total energy stored in the dipoles electric field zero? Why or why not?

Homework 3 Physics 112-3 Fall 2011 p2 #7: A capacitor is said to carry a charge Q. Whats the net charge on the entire capacitor? #11: Two capacitors contain equal amounts of energy, yet one has twice the capacitance. How do their voltages compare? #13: Four 50-C charges, initially far apart, are brought onto a line where theyre spaced at 2.0cm intervals. How much work does it take to assemble this charge distribution? #18: A capacitor consists of square conducting plates 25cm on a side and 5.0mm apart, carrying charges 1.1C. Find (a) the electric field, (b) the potential difference between the plates, and (c) the energy stored. #29: You have a 1.0F and a 2.0F capacitor. What capacitances can you get by connecting the in series or in parallel? #32: Youre given three capacitors: 1.0F, 2.0F, and 3.0F. Find (a) the minimum, (b) the minimum, and (c) two intermediate capacitances you could achieve using combinations of all three capacitors. Page 400: #34: A car battery stores about 4MJ of energy. If this energy were used to create a uniform 30kV/m electric field, what volume would it occupy? #54: Youre evaluating a new hire in your companys engineering department. Together youre working on a circuit where a 0.1F, 50V capacitor is in series with a 0.2F, 200 V capacitor. The new engineer claims you can safely put 250V across the combination. What do you say? Page 401: #61: A sphere of radius R carries total charge Q distributed uniformly over its surface. Show that the energy stored in its electric field is U=kQ2/2R. #71: A transmission line consists of two parallel wires, of radius a and separation b, carrying uniform linear charge densities , respectively. With a << b, their electric field is the superposition of the fields from two long straight lines of charge. Find the capacitance per unit length for this transmission line.

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