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Use the adverbials in their correct place. 1. She went (to school, at 10 oclock) 2. He was born (in the year 1994, at 9 a.m, on June 14th) 3. She drinks coffee (every morning, at home) 4. Our teacher spoke to us (in class, very rudely, this morning) 5. I saw my friend off (at 2 oclock, at the station, this afternoon) 6. I loved him (all my life, passionately) 7. Cyndi was working (at his office, very hard, all day, yesterday) 8. They stayed (all day, quietly, there) 9. He played (at the Town Hall, last night, beautifully, in the concert) 10. I shall meet you (outside your office, tomorrow, at 3 oclock) 11. We are going (for a week, to Switzerland, on Saturday) 12. Lets go (tonight, to the picture) Identify errors in point of view. Point of view is the relationship between the verb in the main clause of a sentence and other verbs, or between the verbs in a sentence and the adverbs that express time. 1. Although there are approximately 120 intensive language institutes in the United States in 1990, there are more A B C than three times as many now. D 2. Cartographers did not make an accurate map because the political situation in the area changes so rapidly that A B they were not able to draw the boundaries correctly. C D 3. This year designers are showing very bright colors and styles that were worn closer to the body than those A B C D shown last year.

3. Everyone who saw Star Wars said that it is one of the best science fiction movies that had ever been released. A B C D 4. If there were no alternative we will try to get enough people interested to charter a bus. A B C D 5. Before he retired last April, Mr. Thompson is working as foreign student advisor for thirty years at Community A B C D college. 6. When he tried to make a reservation, he found that the hotel that he wants was completely filled because of a A B C D convention. 7. The secretary thought that she will have to wait until tomorrow to send the letters because the mail had already A B gone, but her boss suggested that she take them to the post office instead. C D 8. Although Emily Dickinson publishes only three of her verses before she died, today there are more than A B C D thousand of her poems printed in many important collections. 9. Between one thing and another, Anna does not get through with her term paper last Friday. A B C D 10. Dew usually disappeared by seven oclock in the morning when the sun comes up. A B C D 11. It is an accepted custom for guests to take their gifts to the wedding reception when the couple invited them to A B C D attend.

12. I thought that they are arriving at the airport today, but so far no one from their embassy has called to confirm A B C D the time. 13. On October 19, 1781, Cornwallis surrenders his army to General Washington, gesture that signaled the end of the Revolutionary War. A B C D 14. The price of coffee is low last month, but everyone knows that it is going to go up this month. A B C D 15. Until the day she died, the old lady who lives by the University was working part time at the language lab. A B C D 16. In a special report last year, Dan Rather said that the crime rate is increasing in spite of community and A B 17. government programs aimed at providing educational and employment opportunities for first offenders. C D 18. In 1990, Public Opinion Magazine reported that 57 percent of all Americans strongly believe that mothers with A B 19. young children should not work outside of the home unless their families badly needed the extra income. C D 20. Last year , the instructor told us that to remember details, it is important to take notes while listening to the A B C D lecture, but the new instructor does not agree.

Someone who spare time meaningless means that he cant enjoy their life.

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