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0 The integrated programs at Dawn Mountain have both the flexibility to respond to individuals specific situations and, for those who seek it, a traditionally sanctioned sequence of teachings from the Indian and Tibetan traditions. Some of our programs emphasize life-skills, such as developing calm, focus, a capacity to give and receive kindness. These same skills are crucial for all aspects of the spiritual path. Travel on the path takes time, and one of the first skills we cultivate is patience for our own process. Travel on the path also requires the guidance of teachers and the support of a practicing community. We invite you to participate at whatever level works for you at this time, and to proceed in a way that is maximally helpful to you. Join us for teachings, for practices, and for retreats, and you will find nourishment for your practice as well as a community to support and keep you company. Over a continuing open-ended period you can expect to be introduced to and accomplish the major practices of the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, grounded in the most ancient traditions dating back to the 8th century and alive today, passed on to us by our own teachers in the Nyingma tradition and supported by a range of teachings from the Indian and Tibetan traditions. All these teachings are oriented toward realization of your real nature, already perfect, as articulated in the highest reaches of the Ancient (Nyingma) Buddhist path, known as the Great Completeness. Most briefly we can divide the path into four main phases, some of which may overlap In the first, your main goal is to develop a daily practice, and to cultivate the skills of presence, kindness, and an appreciation of the paths significance for your life (Mind Training, LoJong ) In the second, (which can overlap with Phase I) you gain substantial basic knowledge of the core elements of the path, including an introduction to foundational practices, in tandem with training to connect your practice with your everyday life. In the third, you can make a formal commitment to foundational practices, deepen your knowledge of their significance through deeper understanding of Buddhist values and teachings. In the fourth, after you have completed the foundational practices, you are introduced to direct training exclusively associated with the Great Completeness Teachings and related practices. This includes individual sessions with Anne or Harvey, and restricted retreats with us or visiting teachers More details about these phases, and readings associated with them are below. The way to move through these phases is to participate in a regular manner in, ideally, Teaching Tuesdays and other programs as you are able. If you are not in Houston, you

Dawn Mountain Curriculum Version 1.0 Losar 2012

can do this through our downloadable teachings, recommended readings, and meetings with Harvey and Anne, ideally coming to Dawn Mountain once a year or as possible. All of our programs are mutually supportive. You can join any of them at any time. Here is a summary: Guided Meditation, Sundays 11am. An opportunity to learn simple yet profound practice you can take home with you. Led by senior Dawn Mountain students and approximately monthly by Anne or Harvey Mindfulness for Everyonebasic training in mindfulness (presently led by Dawn Mountain Community Instructor, Claire Villarreal Teaching Tuesdays (first and third Tuesdays): Teaching Sequences focusing practices and teaching related to a particular reading or theme. Past programs are available as downloads and can be used to further support your developing path. Weekend Retreats Focus on practices related with the current teaching sequence, important for deepening understanding and practice. After participation in one or more Retreats, or Iat appropriate Teaching Tuesdays, you will be invited to participate in Dawn Mountain Practices on 2nd and 4th Tuesdays. Feast Days (Tshog) approximately monthly; group practice and a shared meal of the food that the group has brought and blessed. Special Events: Tibetan New Year practice period; which includes instruction for the formal practice period at end of this time; focused ad-hoc programs that respond to needs of sub-groups in the community Childrens Program: An opportunity for children to gain skills and values in harmony with the basic values of mindfulness and kindness in relating to oneself and others. Parents invited to participate. By early 2013 or before we hope to arrange a professional training for parents wishing to learn more about supporting their children in this process. Past programs are available for download. These programs can be accompanied by readings tailored to where you are in the program, and the pace at which you proceed is flexible. More detailed materials available on request. For more details on our program see below/ PHASES OF THE PATH. PHASE I Developing a Regular Practice cultivating stability, kindness, and pathorientation. (i.e., through the Four Thoughts and/or first 3 Longchenpa Trainings) Developing Stability: First thru focusing on breath, then through broad-gaze awareness. Claire Villarreals Mindfulness for Everyone Course Sunday 11am Meditations Attentional Practices, developing stability: dmlosar12.yeshedawa, Deepening Stability with nonconceptual Mind Training: The Seven Trainings of Longchenpa, emphasizing non-conceptual contemplations. Dawn Mountain Curriculum Version 1.0 Losar 2012 2

Compassion: Mind Training (Lo Jong) Giving and Taking, the Seven-fold Cause and Effect Practice, the Eleven Rounds of Tsongkhapa. Reflections on the significance of a spiritual path in your life: LoJong Seven Trainings of Longchenpa (Annes recordedretreats in California 2011 & 2012 and Anne and Harvey together, Mexico City, 2012) Attending Fall and Spring retreats, participation in Tuesday and other Sangha Practices as appropriate. After you have maintained a daily practice for 12-24 months and participating regularly at Dawn Mountain, you may choose based on discussion with Teachers Anne or Harvey, to gain or deepen familiarity with the foundational practices. This consultation continues through all subsequent phases. Suggested Readings Happiness: Lifes Most Important Skill Matthieu Ricard Tantric Practice in Nyingma * Engaging in Bodhisattva DeedsShantideva Buddhist Practice on Western Ground Harvey Aronson Ethics for the New Milennium HH Dalai Lama Essential Tibetan Buddhism (CK TITLE) - Robert Thurman Heart Essence of the Vast ExpanseTr. Anne Klein PHASE II Begins once a stable daily practice has been established for six months or more, developing skill In attending to your in-life processes Dakini and Elements Practice Part I (Recorded Fall 2011) Dakin & Elements Practice Part II (Coming , possibly in 2013 or 2014) During this period you are encouraged to do 1-2 individual weekend or longer retreats, in consultation with Anne or Harvey. Participation in tenth and 25th day practices at Dawn Mountain (Green Tr and Guru Rinpoche) Suggested Readings Words of My Perfect Teacher Engaging in Bodhisattva DeedsShantideva * Heart Essence of the Vast ExpanseAnne Klein Treasury of Special Qualities * Practicing Wisdom,Dalai Lama Now that I Come to Die Longchen Rabjam * Introduction to Emptiness Guy Newland Knowledge and Liberation- Anne Klein Special Insight section of The Great Treatise by Tsongkhapa (Volume III) Mind Beyond Death Dzogchen Ponlob

Dawn Mountain Curriculum Version 1.0 Losar 2012

Stages of Meditation- Kamalashila * Nectar of Manjushri (Commentary on Shantidevas text) Comfort & EaseHH Dalai Lama Audio recorded teachings related with this text are archived and we are in the processs of making these available.

Phase III Formal engagement with the Foundational Practices. Individual meetings and Personal Instruction with Teachers on dana basis Analytical Meditation based on Middle-Way Teachings (and appropriate readings) Basic and Mid-Level Instruction in Green Tr and Guru Rinpoche practicestheir relation to the wider spectrum of teachings. Option to receive transmission for these practices. 1-2 self-retreats per year. in connection with initial personal oral teachings (after halfway mark of Foundational Practices) Suggested readings related with your practice and overall personal context Phase IVupon completion of Foundational Practices Focus on Sem Tri and supportive practices. Yeshe Lamaa group retreat with Adzom Rinpoche when it becomes available Pending discussion with teachers, You can begin to complete or accomplish (drub) the tantric practices for which you have initiation, usually beginning with Green Tr, Green Tr Accomplishment or other personal Retreat(s) determined in discussion with Teachers Teachings from the Dzogchen Tradition and Retreatsprivate or small group teachings with emphasis on texts and practices associated with (tho not necessarily restricted to) the Longchen Nyingthiig. An active role in 10th and 25th day practices at Dawn Mountain (Green Tr and Guru Rinpoche) Readings (to be expanded in discussion with Teachers) Please note this is version 1.0. We will be continuing to refine and expand our articulation of the curriculum

Dawn Mountain Curriculum Version 1.0 Losar 2012

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