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McNEELY v. U.S. D. C.

Cite as 874 A.2d 371 (D.C. 2005)

lacked standing to claim that statute re-

Robert L. McNEELY, Appellant, garding pit bull ownership was facially
v. overbroad. U.S.C.A. Const.Amend. 1.

UNITED STATES, Appellee. 4. Constitutional Law O258(2)

No. 98–CF–924. The vagueness doctrine forms a basis
for a facial challenge to a statute where,
District of Columbia Court of Appeals.
even if the enactment does not reach a
Argued June 18, 2001. substantial amount of constitutionally pro-
Decided May 12, 2005. tected conduct, it nonetheless fails to es-
Background: Defendant was convicted in tablish standards for the police that are
a jury trial in the Superior Court, William sufficient to guard against the arbitrary
M. Jackson, J., of violating the Pit Bull and deprivation of liberty interests, or it fails
Rottweiler Dangerous Dog Designation to provide the kind of notice that will
Emergency Amendment Act. Defendant enable ordinary people to understand what
appealed. conduct it prohibits.

5. Constitutional Law O42.2(1)

Holdings: The Court of Appeals, Ruiz, J.,
held that:
Whereas the absence of First Amend-
(1) Act did not deprive defendant of fair
ment concerns renders an overbreadth
warning of the proscribed conduct;
claim non-justiciable under notions of pru-
(2) defendant was required to know that dential third party standing, a vagueness
he owned pit bulls in order to be con- claim not implicating the First Amend-
victed under Act; and ment remains cognizable, but only as ap-
(3) prosecutor’s improper comment was plied to the facts of the case presented.
rendered harmless by curative instruc- U.S.C.A. Const.Amend. 1.

6. Constitutional Law O258(2)

The Due Process Clauses of the Fifth

1. Constitutional Law O38

and Fourteenth Amendments of the Con-
stitution have been construed as requiring
A facial challenge to a statute alleges that notice be given of the conduct pro-
that the law is invalid in toto and therefore scribed by criminal statutes. U.S.C.A.
incapable of any valid application. Const.Amends. 5, 14.
2. Constitutional Law O82(4)
7. Constitutional Law O251.6
The overbreadth doctrine permits the
facial invalidation of laws that inhibit the Notice for purposes of satisfying due
exercise of First Amendment rights if the process requirements under the Fifth and
impermissible applications of the law are Fourteenth Amendments refers to the ob-
substantial when judged in relation to the jective intelligibility of the law’s content to
statute’s plainly legitimate sweep. a reasonable person rather than the claim-
U.S.C.A. Const.Amend. 1. ant’s subjective awareness and under-

3. Constitutional Law O42.2(1), 82(3)


Dog ownership constituted a form of 8. Criminal Law O13.1(1)

property interest not protected by the The ‘‘void-for-vagueness doctrine’’ re-
First Amendment, and thus, defendant quires that a penal statute define the crim-

inal offense with sufficient definiteness ticular dog breeds, unprovoked attacks,
that ordinary people can understand what and injury in fact. U.S.C.A. Const.
conduct is prohibited. Amends. 5, 14; D.C. Official Code, 2001
See publication Words and Phrases Ed. § 8–1906(b).
13. Statutes O47
for other judicial constructions and

9. Constitutional Law O258(2)

Although the absence of a scienter
requirement may be a factor considered
Where criminal penalties are at stake, when testing a statute for constitutional
the constitutionally tolerable limits of stat- vagueness, the absence of a scienter re-
utory imprecision under the Due Process quirement is not a sufficient basis to strike
Clauses of the Fifth and Fourteenth a legislative enactment as unconstitutional-
Amendments contract and a relatively ly vague; rather, the absence of a scienter
strict vagueness test is appropriate. requirement may be weighed in determin-
U.S.C.A. Const.Amends. 5, 14. ing that the express language of a statute
10. Constitutional Law O251.4 is void for vagueness, while the presence of
a scienter requirement may save a statute
A statute is not unconstitutionally
from invalidation despite the apparent
vague under the Due Process Clauses of
vagueness of its wording.
the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments
even if it requires that a person’s conduct 14. Animals O4
conform to a somewhat amorphous, yet The temperament of pit bulls, particu-
comprehensible, standard; it is unconstitu- larly their volatile capacity for hostility
tionally vague only if no standard of con- and violent behavior, is sufficiently well-
duct is specified at all. U.S.C.A. Const. known that these dogs are proper subjects
Amends. 5, 14. of regulatory measures adopted in the ex-
11. Constitutional Law O251.4 ercise of a state’s police power. D.C. Offi-
cial Code, 2001 Ed. § 8–1906(b) .
15. Animals O4
A law fails to meet the requirements
of the Due Process Clause of the Fifth and
Fourteenth Amendments if it is so vague Constitutional Law O293
and standardless that it leaves the public Although the usual legislative grace
uncertain as to the conduct it prohibits. period for acts to take effect was reduced
U.S.C.A. Const.Amends. 5, 14. by half for the Pit Bull and Rottweiler
12. Animals O75 Dangerous Dog Designation Emergency
Constitutional Law O293
Amendment Act, defendant had fair warn-
ing of the conduct proscribed by the Act
The Pit Bull and Rottweiler Danger-
for purposes of the due process clause of
ous Dog Designation Emergency Amend-
the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments,
ment Act, which imposed penalties on
where the Act had been in effect for al-
owners of pit bulls that caused injury to
most four weeks before its sanctions fell on
humans without provocation, did not de-
defendant. U.S.C.A. Const.Amends. 5, 14;
prive defendant of a fair warning of the
D.C. Official Code, 2001 Ed. § 8–1906(b).
16. Constitutional Law O270(1), 303
proscribed conduct so as to violate the due
process clause of the Fifth and Fourteenth
Amendments, where the Act criminalized a A statute defining an offense malum
very narrow range of conduct that was prohibitum may impose a fine and/or im-
easily understood by focusing on two par- prisonment on a strict liability basis with-
McNEELY v. U.S. D. C. 373
Cite as 874 A.2d 371 (D.C. 2005)

out offending due process of law. improper; if so, the court must, viewing
U.S.C.A. Const.Amends. 5, 14. the remarks in context, consider the gravi-
17. Criminal Law O1139
ty of the impropriety, its relationship to
the issue of guilt, the effect of any correc-
Court of Appeals reviews de novo is-
tive action by the trial judge, and the
sues of statutory interpretation.
strength of the government’s case.
18. Statutes O181(2), 190
23. Criminal Law O1171.1(2.1)
A cornerstone of statutory interpreta-
tion is the rule that a court will not look Where an objection was lodged at trial
beyond the plain meaning of a statute to a prosecutor’s comment that was indeed
when the language is unambiguous and improper, and where the trial court thus
does not produce an absurd result. erred in overruling the objection, the

19. Statutes O190

Court of Appeals will reverse the convic-
tion unless the defendant was not substan-
It is elementary that the meaning of a tially prejudiced by the court’s error.

24. Criminal Law O1037.1(1)

statute must, in the first instance, be
sought in the language in which the act is
framed, and if that is plain, and if the law Where there was no objection at trial
is within the constitutional authority of the to the prosecutor’s alleged improper com-
law-making body which passed it, the sole ments, the Court of Appeals may reverse
function of the courts is to enforce it ac- only if the trial court’s failure, sua sponte,
cording to its terms. to intervene and to prevent the misconduct
20. Statutes O190
so clearly prejudiced the appellant’s sub-
stantial rights as to jeopardize the fairness
Where the language in a statute is
and integrity of his trial.

25. Criminal Law O1037.1(2)

plain and admits of no more than one
meaning, the duty of interpretation does
not arise. Assuming comment by prosecutor in
21. Animals O75 closing argument that defendant negligent-
Although the Pit Bull and Rottweiler ly released his pit bulls was unfounded, the
Dangerous Dog Designation Emergency trial court’s failure to sua sponte strike the
Amendment Act, which imposed penalties comment did not result in a miscarriage of
on pit bull owners whose dogs attacked justice in defendant’s trial for violating the
individuals, was a strict liability offense Pit Bull and Rottweiler Dangerous Dog
and did not specify a mens rea require- Designation Emergency Amendment Act,
ment, defendant was required to know that where the brief reference to defendant’s
he or she owned a pit bull in order to be negligence was not emphasized as a pri-
convicted under the Act; conviction under mary argument nor urged as a legal theo-
the Act did not require a finding of culpa- ry of the case. D.C. Official Code, 2001
ble intent on the part of defendant. D.C. Ed. § 8–1906(b).
Official Code, 2001 Ed. § 8–1906(b). 26. Criminal Law O720(7.1)
22. Criminal Law O713, 730(1) Prosecution’s comment in closing ar-
When reviewing an allegation of im- gument that defendant intentionally re-
proper prosecutorial argument, the Court leased pit bulls did not prejudice defendant
of Appeals first determines whether any of in trial for violation of the Pit Bull and
the challenged comments were, in fact, Rottweiler Dangerous Dog Designation

Emergency Amendment Act; violation of Emergency Amendment Act of 1996 (the

the Act was a strict liability offense, and ‘‘Pit Bull Act’’ or ‘‘Act’’). See D.C. Act 11–
thus, the issue of fault had no bearing on 257, 43 D.C.Reg. 2156 (Apr. 16, 1996),
the case. D.C. Official Code, 2001 Ed. amending D.C.Code § 6–1021.6(b) (1995),
§ 8–1906(b). re-codified at D.C.Code § 8–1906(b)
27. Criminal Law O1144.15 (2001). He argues that his convictions
The jury is presumed to follow in- should be reversed because the Pit Bull
structions, and the Court of Appeals will Act denies due process of law and because
not upset the verdict by assuming that the the prosecutor engaged in improper clos-
jury declined to do so. ing and rebuttal arguments. In support of

28. Criminal Law O726, 730(16)

the former claim, McNeely contends, first,
that the Pit Bull Act does not give ‘‘fair
Prosecutor’s grossly improper com- warning’’ of the criminally proscribed con-
ment during rebuttal argument, in which duct and, second, that the Act constitutes
prosecutor stated that the jury only need- an impermissible strict liability felony.
ed to read the newspaper and use their We affirm.
common sense to know why defendant was
guilty, was rendered harmless by trial
court’s two clear and strongly worded cu- I.
rative instructions, and thus, defendant At approximately 1:00 a.m. on May 13,
was not prejudiced by remark, where court 1996, Helen Avery carried a bag of spoiled
immediately instructed jury to disregard food to the trash can behind her home. As
the comment and then later instructed the she replaced the can’s lid, Avery saw two
jury that it was required to decide based dogs appear from under the steps of her
solely on the evidence presented during back porch. The dogs charged towards
trial. her, forcing Avery to seek an escape by
scaling a fence to her neighbor’s yard.
Unfortunately, she did not evade the dogs
quickly enough: one of then seized Avery
Kenneth D. Auerbach, Silver Spring, by the back of her leg and pulled her off
MD, for appellant. the fence, while the other dog jumped on
Elizabeth Trosman, Assistant United top of her as she fell backwards. During
States Attorney, with whom Wilma A. the ensuing attack, skin, muscle, and nerve
Lewis, United States Attorney at the time tissues were bitten off from various parts
the brief was filed, and John R. Fisher, of her body, including her leg and both
Roy W. McLeese, III, Darrell C. Valdez, arms; one of her toes was nearly bitten
and Maria N. Lerner, Assistant United off; and she lost a large amount of blood.
States Attorneys, were on the brief, for The attack finally ended when Avery’s son,
appellee. Jerrel Bryant, and two other men success-
fully chased the dogs off by beating them
Before SCHWELB, RUIZ and with an ax and baseball bat.
GLICKMAN, Associate Judges.
Officer Patrick Keller of the Metropoli-
RUIZ, Associate Judge: tan Police Department responded to an
Robert McNeely appeals convictions on emergency phone call placed by Carey
two counts of violating the Pit Bull and Smith, one of Avery’s neighbors who had
Rottweiler Dangerous Dog Designation witnessed the attack. The dogs had since
McNEELY v. U.S. D. C. 375
Cite as 874 A.2d 371 (D.C. 2005)

departed from the scene, but Officer Kel- owned a pit bull. Applying Staples v.
ler was able to follow a trail of blood he United States, 511 U.S. 600, 606, 114 S.Ct.
found in the alley which led several hun- 1793, 128 L.Ed.2d 608 (1994), the court
dred feet to a badly wounded dog col- reasoned that, because the express lan-
lapsed in the backyard of McNeely’s home guage of the Act was silent in regard to
at 79 Q Street, S.W. Another dog was also criminal mens rea, and because the Coun-
present. Having recently returned home cil of the District of Columbia did not
from a wedding earlier that day, McNeely otherwise expressly or impliedly indicate
spoke with Officer Keller and admitted that it intended to impose strict criminal
that he owned both dogs.1 Officer Keller liability, the court must impute to the Pit
inspected McNeely’s dog kennel and back- Bull Act a basic scienter requirement.
yard, noting that, while the kennel was The judge accordingly interpreted the law
closed, secured, and had no openings in it as requiring the prosecution to prove not
from which the dogs could escape, the only that the pit bulls attacked without
backyard fence was dilapidated and had provocation, but also that McNeely knew
been dug out in various places.2 that the dogs he owned were pit bulls.
On May 29, 1996, McNeely was indicted McNeely did not dispute at trial, nor
on two counts of violating the Pit Bull Act
does he now on appeal, that he knew that
by allegedly owning the two pit bulls that
his dogs were pit bulls. His defense at
unprovokedly attacked Avery. See D.C.
trial centered largely on the absence of
Act 11–257, 43 D.C.Reg. 2156, amending
evidence establishing beyond a reasonable
D.C.Code § 6–1021.6(b). Under the Act,
doubt that the attack upon Avery was
each violation exposed McNeely to a po-
unprovoked. Lending general support to
tential fine not to exceed $20,000 and two
McNeely, Susan Simms testified that they
years of imprisonment. See id. Defense
both lived at 79 Q Street, S.W., and that,
counsel filed a pre-trial motion seeking
on the day preceding the attack, she and
dismissal of the indictment on various
McNeely left the house around noon for a
grounds, including that the Act contra-
wedding reception in Maryland and did not
vened due process of law because it was
return until 2:00 a.m. the next morning,
impermissibly vague and because it im-
after the attack had occurred. She stated
posed felony liability in the absence of
that she had fed the dogs the previous
fault. The government opposed the mo-
morning at 10:00 a.m. and that the dogs
tion, arguing that the Pit Bull Act was not
had been locked in the kennel.
vague because it was not standardless, and
although it did not expressly require a During the government’s closing argu-
mental state reflecting some sort of malice ment, the prosecutor reminded the jury
or fault, it could properly be construed as that McNeely’s knowing ownership of the
requiring proof that the accused knowingly pit bulls was established by his own admis-

1. Officer Keller believed the dogs’ names ‘‘time when we [WHS] placed a requirement
were ‘‘Bruno’’ and ‘‘White Boy.’’ As he de- upon Mr. McNeely in order to retrieve a cou-
scribed them, ‘‘[o]ne was basically all black ple of dogs that we had in our custody.’’ It is
and the other one was basically all white.’’ unclear whether the ‘‘couple of dogs’’ to
which Vozobule referred in her trial testimo-
2. With regard to the apparently well-con-
ny are the same pit bulls at issue here, other
structed kennel, McNeely was given specifica-
pit bulls, or dogs of some other breed owned
tions by Rosemary Vozobule, director of the
Washington Humane Society’s (‘‘WHS’’) law by appellant.
enforcement program, at an indiscernible

sion. Apparently attempting to summa- Should the defendant be criminally re-

rize the evidence of the unprovoked nature sponsible? The District Council govern-
of the attack, the prosecutor also reminded ment has already determined the an-
the jury that Bryant had testified that he swer to be ‘‘yes.’’ If you find that he did
recalled seeing the dogs running loose in know he owned pit bulls and they got
front of his mother’s home earlier in the out and they hurt somebody without
evening, and that there was no other per- provocation, the answer is ‘‘yes.’’ You
son or animal in the vicinity when the dogs only need to read the newspaper and
attacked her.3 The circumstances of the use your common sense to know why.
dogs’ escape from the backyard was also The Court interjected sua sponte: ‘‘You
discussed during closing argument. Draw- cannot read the newspaper. You cannot
ing on Officer Keller’s testimony, the pros- read the newspaper TTTT Disregard the
ecutor argued without objection that since comment you only need to read the news-
the police found the kennel secured while paper.’’ The trial court denied McNeely’s
at the same time the dogs were running ensuing motion for a mistrial, preferring
loose, the jury could conclude that instead to give an immediate curative in-
‘‘through negligence, recklessness[, or] TTT struction and to remind the jury later dur-
an omission by the defendant’’ the dogs ing final instructions that they could not
were allowed to run loose and attack rely on what they read in the newspapers
Avery. During rebuttal argument, the to decide the case.
prosecutor’s argument evolved into an as- After the jury reached its verdicts of
sertion that McNeely likely allowed his guilt, the trial court asked counsel to brief
dogs to run free after he returned from the issue of improper argument by the
the wedding reception: ‘‘What happened prosecutor in closing so that the court
that night, ladies and gentlemen[?] The could revisit the matter at sentencing. Af-
defendant came home with his girlfriend. ter taking the issue under advisement, the
They put the dogs in the back yard TTTT’’ judge denied at sentencing defense coun-
Defense counsel objected that there was sel’s motion for a new trial. The court
no evidence to support such an argument. agreed that the prosecutor’s newspaper
The court sustained the objection, ruling comment was ‘‘grossly improper,’’ but it
that there was no evidence that upon re- also determined that its sua sponte inter-
turning with Simms, McNeely let the dogs jection required harmless error analysis.
out of the kennel thinking that the dogs Given the ‘‘low standard of proof’’ and the
would remain in the yard. No curative strength of the government’s case, the
jury instruction was requested or given. court ruled that the prosecutor’s unwar-
Later in rebuttal, the prosecutor said: ranted comment was harmless. After lis-

3. The record vaguely suggests that there may ‘‘there was a third dog that was not owned by
have been a third dog. Prosecution witness the defendant that was taken in TTT to see if it
Tony Queen, an animal control officer with was related to these two dogs and they [ani-
the WHS who was called to the scene, testi- mal control] found that it wasn’t. So[,] TTT
fied that he was familiar with the facts of this [the government is] not claiming the third dog
case because ‘‘there was also a third dog—’’ It was in any way related to these—was owned
is unclear whether this dog was present at the by the defendant.’’ Simms also refers to the
scene of the attack, McNeely’s home, or sim- presence of what may have been a third
ply impounded elsewhere in the city because ‘‘black and white’’ dog by the name of ‘‘Mat-
Queen’s testimony was interrupted by a bench
tie’’ in the backyard at 79 Q Street, perhaps
conference in which the prosecutor informed
owned by McNeely.
the court that Queen was about to testify that
McNEELY v. U.S. D. C. 377
Cite as 874 A.2d 371 (D.C. 2005)

tening to the parties sentencing requests,4 D.C.Code §§ 6–1021.1—6–1021.8 (1995).

the trial court sentenced McNeely to: (1) This law continues to apply today.5 Any
eight to twenty-four months concurrent dog that ‘‘[h]as bitten or attacked a person
terms of imprisonment, with execution of or domestic animal without provocation,’’
the sentence suspended; (2) three years of or ‘‘[i]n a menacing manner, approaches
supervised probation; (3) 150 hours of without provocation any person or domes-
community service; and (4) a fine of $5,000 tic animal as if to attack, or has demon-
payable in monthly installments of $100. strated a propensity to attack without
This appeal timely followed. provocation or otherwise to endanger the
safety of human beings or domestic ani-
mals,’’ is a ‘‘dangerous dog’’ within the
meaning of the statute. D.C.Code § 6–
The Council enacted the first legislation 1021.1(1)(A)(i) & (ii). Once a dog has been
in this jurisdiction to regulate dangerous classified as ‘‘dangerous’’ after a hearing
dogs in 1988. See generally D.C. Act 7– conducted before the Mayor, see D.C.Code
190, D.C. Reg. 35–4787, codified at § 6–1021.2,6 the owner must, in addition to

4. Referring to the Act’s ‘‘dubious constitution- and they were dogs that belonged to the
ality’’ and the absence of any prior convic- defendant.
tions, defense counsel urged the trial judge to
impose probation with a requirement that 5. The law is currently codified at §§ 8–1901
McNeely refrain from ever owning a pit bull to –1908 (2001). We use in the opinion the
again. The prosecutor agreed with defense previous code sections, which were in effect
counsel’s suggestion that probation was ap- at the time the offense occurred.
propriate and added a request that the court
order McNeely to pay restitution. The gov- 6. Section 6–1021.2, entitled ‘‘Determination
ernment also urged the court to impose a of a dangerous dog,’’ provides as follows:
‘‘lengthy probation’’ period, in part, because
(a) If the Mayor has probable cause to be-
of the seriousness of other unrelated prior
lieve that a dog is a dangerous dog, the
incidents involving McNeely’s dogs—inci-
Mayor may convene a hearing for the pur-
dents that the judge excluded from the evi-
pose of determining whether the dog in
dence at trial. See Caldwell v. United States,
question shall be declared a dangerous dog
595 A.2d 961, 966 (D.C.1991) (explaining that
and to determine if the dog would consti-
a sentencing judge may consider any evi-
tute a significant threat to the public health
dence, ‘‘including that which was not intro-
and safety if returned to its owner. Prior to
duced at trial,’’ provided it is not based on
a hearing, the Mayor shall conduct or cause
‘‘material false assumptions’’) (internal quota-
to be conducted an investigation and shall
tions omitted). The prosecutor stated that
provide reasonable notification of the hear-
ing to the owner.
were the prior attacks that this defendant (b) Following notice to the owner and prior
owned dogs that was [sic], that did attack to the hearing, if the Mayor has probable
other people and in fact, one of the dogs cause to believe that a dog is a dangerous
involved in this case, the one that was dog and may pose an immediate threat of
hatched [sic], Bruno, had just about three serious harm to human beings or other
months prior to had attacked somebody domestic animals, the Mayor may obtain a
and Animal Control had to respond. The search warrant pursuant to Rule 204 of the
defendant owns another dog that was at- District of Columbia Superior Court Rules
tacked a person [sic] and when a police of Civil Procedure and impound the dog
officer went out to investigate the dog at- pending disposition of the case. The owner
tacked the officer and the officer shot and of the dog shall be liable to the District for
killed that dog. And that was approximate- the costs and expenses of keeping the dog.
ly, I think that was four or five months to (c) The hearing shall be held within no less
[sic] this incident. In addition to that there than 5, and no more than 10 days, exclud-
were a couple of other attacks, Your Honor, ing holidays, Saturdays and Sundays, after

complying with universally applicable li- a dangerous dog, see D.C.Code § 6–

censing obligations, see D.C.Code § 6–1004 1021.4,7 and fulfill special responsibilities
(1995), specially register his or her dog as that apply only to owners of dangerous
dogs. See D.C.Code § 6–1021.5.8 Violation

service of notice upon the owner of the dog. the amount of at least $50,000 insuring the
The hearing shall be informal and open to owner for any personal injuries inflicted by
the public. The owner shall have the op- the dangerous dog and containing a provi-
portunity to present evidence as to why the sion requiring the District to be named as
dog should not be declared a dangerous an additional insured for the sole purpose
dog or not determined to be a significant of requiring the insurance company to noti-
threat to the public health and safety if fy the District of any cancellation, termi-
returned to its owner. The Mayor may nation, or expiration of the liability insur-
decide all issues for or against the owner of ance policy;
the dog regardless of whether the owner (8) The dangerous dog has been present-
fails to appear at the hearing. ed to the appropriate agency to be photo-
(d) Within 5 days after the hearing, the graphed for identification purposes; and
owner shall be notified in writing of the (9) The owner has paid an annual fee in
determination by the Mayor. an amount to be determined by the Mayor,
(e) If the owner contests the determination, in addition to regular dog licensing fees, to
the owner may, within 5 days of the deter- register the dangerous dog.
mination, bring a petition in the Superior 8. Section 6–1021.5, entitled ‘‘Dangerous dog
Court of the District of Columbia seeking de owner responsibility,’’ provides as follows:
novo review of the determination. A deci- It shall be unlawful for the owner of a
sion by the Superior Court of the District of dangerous dog in the District to:
Columbia shall not affect the Mayor’s right (1) Keep a dangerous dog without a valid
to later declare a dog to be a dangerous dog certificate of registration issued under § 6–
or to determine that the dog constitutes a 1021.4;
threat to the public health and safety, for (2) Permit the dangerous dog to be out-
any subsequent actions of the dog. side the proper enclosure unless the dan-
gerous dog is under the control of a respon-
7. Section 6–1021.4, entitled ‘‘Dangerous dog
sible person and is muzzled and restrained
registration requirements,’’ states that:
by a substantial chain or leash, not exceed-
The Mayor shall issue a certificate of reg-
ing 4 feet in length. The muzzle shall be
istration to the owner of a dangerous dog if made in a manner that will not cause injury
the owner establishes to the satisfaction of to the dangerous dog or interfere with its
the animal control agency that: vision or respiration but shall prevent it
(1) The owner of the dangerous dog is 18 from biting any human being or animal;
years of age or older; (3) Fail to notify the Mayor within 24
(2) A valid license has been issued for the hours if a dangerous dog is on the loose, is
dangerous dog pursuant to District law; unconfined, has attacked another animal,
(3) The dangerous dog has current vacci- has attacked a human being, has died, has
nations; been sold, or has been given away. If the
(4) The owner of the dangerous dog has dangerous dog has been sold or given away
the written permission of the property own- the owner shall also provide the Mayor with
er where the dangerous dog will be kept; the name, address, and telephone number
(5) The owner of the dangerous dog has a of the new owner of the dangerous dog;
proper enclosure to confine the dangerous (4) Fail to maintain the liability insur-
dog; ance coverage required under § 6–1021.4;
(6) The owner of the dangerous dog has (5) Fail to surrender a dangerous dog to
posted on the premises a clearly visible the Mayor for safe confinement pending a
written warning sign that there is a danger- disposition of the case when there is a rea-
ous dog on the property with a conspicuous son to believe that the dangerous dog is a
warning symbol that informs children of significant threat to the public health and
the presence of a dangerous dog; safety; or
(7) The owner of the dangerous dog has (6) Fail to comply with any special secu-
secured a policy of liability insurance issued rity or care requirements established by the
by an insurer qualified under District law in Mayor pursuant to § 6–1021.3.
McNEELY v. U.S. D. C. 379
Cite as 874 A.2d 371 (D.C. 2005)

of any of these heightened duties may D.C.Code § 6–1021.6. While excepting all
result in a fine not to exceed $300 for a owners of pit bulls from civil fines arising
first offense and $500 for a second offense. from technical violations of the special reg-
See D.C.Code § 1021.6(a). In addition, istration provisions,11 see sec. 2(f)(1), 43
‘‘[a]n owner of a dangerous dog that causes D.C.Reg. at 2158, the Pit Bull Act substan-
serious injury to or kills a human being or tially augmented the penalty imposed upon
a domestic animal without provocation an owner when a pit bull causes injury to
shall be fined up to $10,000.’’ D.C.Code another person or domestic animal:
§ 6–1021.6(b). [a] pit bull or a Rottweiler that causes
This statutory framework was tempo- injury to or kills a human being or a
rarily amended on an emergency basis in domestic animal without provocation
1996 by the Pit Bull Act, pursuant to which shall be humanly [sic] destroyed and the
McNeely was convicted.9 In relevant part, owner of such dog shall be fined up to
the Act added the pit bull breed—as de- $20,000 and may be sentenced to not
fined by either the American Kennel Club more than 2 years of imprisonment.
or the United Kennel Club—to the defini-
43 D.C.Reg. at 2158. It was under this
tion of a dangerous dog.10 See sec. 2(a), 43
particular provision that McNeely was con-
D.C.Reg. at 2156. It further excepted all
victed and sentenced.
pit bulls from the provisions of D.C.Code
§§ 6–1021.2 and 6–1021.3, thus removing
the need for an administrative hearing in
order to classify any particular pit bull as a McNeely asserts that the Pit Bull Act
dangerous dog. See sec. 2(b), 43 D.C.Reg. denies due process of law because it fails
at 2156. A new provision was added to to provide ‘‘fair warning’’ of the conduct it
allow the Mayor to impound and humanely proscribes and because it constitutes an
destroy any pit bull found within the Dis- impermissible strict liability felony. The
trict which had not been licensed and spe- government disagrees with the former
cially registered under D.C.Code § 6– claim because the Act’s penalty provision
1021.4, unless the owner provided suffi- expressly provides constitutionally ade-
cient evidence to prove in an administra- quate notice of the conditions under which
tive hearing either that the dog was in fact criminal liability may attach. The govern-
not a pit bull, or that the pit bull would be ment responds to the second claim by ar-
permanently removed from the District of guing that strict liability statutes imposing
Columbia. See sec. 2(c), 43 D.C.Reg. at criminal sanctions are, as a constitutional
2157. Most pivotal to this case is the Act’s matter, permissible, and, that as a matter
amendment of the penalty provisions of of statutory interpretation, the common

9. The Pit Bull Act was effective for only ninety 10. Although the Act applies equally to Rott-
days, and has not been re-enacted. See weilers, we refer primarily to pit bulls
D.C.Code § 1–229(a) (1999) (defining the per- throughout this opinion as that is the breed
missible term of emergency legislation). Giv- involved in this case.
en its emergency and temporary status, the
Act is unaccompanied by legislative history, 11. It appears that such civil fines were sup-
and the present case appears to be the only planted by the Mayor’s new authority under
prosecution brought under it. In addition,
the Pit Bull Act to humanely destroy or deport
we have not heretofore considered an appeal
any pit bull found without proper registration.
concerning the penalty provision of the dan-
gerous dog law, either as it exists today or as
it stood temporarily amended.

law presumption in favor of imposing a facial challenge ‘‘seeks to vindicate not

mens rea requirement where a statute is only his own rights, but those of others
otherwise silent does not permit the court who may also be adversely impacted by
to read into the statute an intent require- the statute in question’’). Because this
ment that cannot be reconciled with the form of objection to an assertedly vague
Council’s obvious purpose. Mindful that legislative enactment implicates the rights
the ‘‘definition of the elements of a crimi- of third parties not present before the
nal offense is entrusted to the legislature,’’ court, we address a threshold matter of
Liparota v. United States, 471 U.S. 419, prudential third party standing, which de-
424, 105 S.Ct. 2084, 85 L.Ed.2d 434 (1985), pends upon the substantive doctrine un-
and that ‘‘a strong presumption of consti- dergirding the claim of error. Although
tutionality inheres in legislative enact- McNeely’s constitutional challenge is cast
ments’’ not easily overborne by a challeng- in general terms, the Supreme Court has
ing party, In re W.T.L., 656 A.2d 1123, recognized at least two bases for a facial
1131 (D.C.1995) (citing Cobb v. Bynum, challenge to a statute.
387 A.2d 1095, 1097 (D.C.1978)), we con- [2, 3] ‘‘First, the overbreadth doctrine
clude that the Pit Bull Act is sufficiently permits the facial invalidation of laws that
definite to comport with the demands of inhibit the exercise of First Amendment
the Constitution’s Due Process Clause and rights if the impermissible applications of
that the Council created through the Act a the law are substantial when ‘judged in
constitutional strict liability felony, without relation to the statute’s plainly legitimate
requiring a culpable state of mind, so long sweep.’ ’’ Morales, 527 U.S. at 52, 119
as it is proved that the defendant knew he S.Ct. 1849 (quoting Broadrick v. Okla-
or she owned a pit bull.12 homa, 413 U.S. 601, 612–15, 93 S.Ct. 2908,
37 L.Ed.2d 830 (1973)). We have accord-
A. Standing
ingly held that, in order for a party chal-
[1] McNeely presses his ‘‘fair warn- lenging a statute as overly-broad to have
ing’’ claim on appeal in general terms prudential standing, the statute must im-
without reference to any of the particular plicate First Amendment concerns. See
circumstances of his case. We therefore German v. United States, 525 A.2d 596,
assume that he raises a facial challenge to 605 (D.C.1987) (citing New York v. Ferber,
the Pit Bull Act’s constitutionality. A ‘‘fa- 458 U.S. 747, 767–68, 102 S.Ct. 3348, 73
cial’’ challenge to a statute alleges that the L.Ed.2d 1113 (1982); Broadrick, 413 U.S.
law is ‘‘invalid in toto—and therefore in- at 613, 93 S.Ct. 2908). McNeely asserts
capable of any valid application TTTT’’ Stef- that the Act does not give fair warning
fel v. Thompson, 415 U.S. 452, 474, 94 because it too broadly criminalizes pit bull
S.Ct. 1209, 39 L.Ed.2d 505 (1974); see also ownership, the evidence of which is a ser-
City of Chicago v. Morales, 527 U.S. 41, 55 ies of unrelated hypothetical situations de-
n. 22, 119 S.Ct. 1849, 144 L.Ed.2d 67 tailed in his brief in which application of
(1999) (explaining that a party mounting a the Pit Bull Act would have ‘‘surprisingly’’

12. Genuine strict liability does not require ever, to be consistent with both McNeely’s
that a defendant know the facts underlying claim on appeal, as well as the broader and
criminal liability, in this case, ownership of more popularly understood meaning of strict
pit bulls. See Staples, 511 U.S. at 607 n. 3, liability, i.e., the absence of a culpable mental
114 S.Ct. 1793. By requiring this baseline state, we continue in this opinion to employ
knowledge we avoid application of the most the strict liability rubric. See id.
rigorous form of strict liability. See id. How-
McNEELY v. U.S. D. C. 381
Cite as 874 A.2d 371 (D.C. 2005)

untoward results. Because dog ownership notions of prudential third party standing,
is a form of property interest not protect- a vagueness claim not implicating the First
ed by the First Amendment, see Nicchia v. Amendment remains cognizable, but only
New York, 254 U.S. 228, 230, 41 S.Ct. 103, as applied to the facts of the case present-
65 L.Ed. 235 (1920) (‘‘Property in dogs is ed. See Chapman v. United States, 500
of an imperfect or qualified nature and U.S. 453, 467, 111 S.Ct. 1919, 114 L.Ed.2d
they may be subjected to peculiar and 524 (1991) (citing United States v. Powell,
drastic police regulations by the State 423 U.S. 87, 92, 96 S.Ct. 316, 46 L.Ed.2d
without depriving their owners of any fed- 228 (1975) (‘‘[i]t is well established that
eral right.’’); cf. State v. Peters, 534 So.2d vagueness challenges to statutes which do
760, 763–64 (Fla.Dist.Ct.App.1988) not involve First Amendment freedoms
(‘‘Where there is no fundamental right or must be examined in the light of the facts
suspect class at issue—as here, where the of the case at hand’’) (quoting United
classification concerns animals—courts will States v. Mazurie, 419 U.S. 544, 550, 95
usually uphold the constitutionality of the S.Ct. 710, 42 L.Ed.2d 706 (1975))). We
law.’’), McNeely lacks prudential standing therefore turn to the merits of McNeely’s
to raise an overbreadth challenge. fair warning argument as an applied chal-
[4, 5] The vagueness doctrine forms a lenge to the constitutional vagueness of the
second potential basis for a facial challenge Pit Bull Act.
to a statute where, ‘‘even if [the] enact-
ment does not reach a substantial amount B. Vagueness Challenge
of constitutionally protected conduct, TTT it [6–11] The Due Process Clauses of the
[nonetheless] fails to establish standards Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments of the
for the police TTT that are sufficient to Constitution have been construed as re-
guard against the arbitrary deprivation of quiring that notice be given of the conduct
liberty interests,’’ Morales, 527 U.S. at 52, proscribed by criminal statutes.13 See,
119 S.Ct. 1849, or it ‘‘fail[s] to provide the e.g., Colten v. Kentucky, 407 U.S. 104, 110,
kind of notice that will enable ordinary 92 S.Ct. 1953, 32 L.Ed.2d 584 (1972). To
people to understand what conduct it pro- enforce this guarantee, courts have
hibits.’’ Id. at 56, 119 S.Ct. 1849. McNee- adopted a ‘‘void-for-vagueness’’ doctrine,
ly’s fair warning claim falls within the lat- which ‘‘requires that a penal statute define
ter category. Whereas the absence of the criminal offense with sufficient defi-
First Amendment concerns renders an niteness that ordinary people can under-
overbreadth claim non-justiciable under stand what conduct is prohibited TTTT’’ 14

13. ‘‘Notice’’ in this context refers to the objec- the doctrinal umbrella protecting citizens
tive intelligibility of the law’s content to a against statutory vagueness:
reasonable person rather than the claimant’s There are three related manifestations of
subjective awareness and understanding. the fair warning requirement. First, the
See, e.g., Lyng v. Payne, 476 U.S. 926, 942, 106 vagueness doctrine bars enforcement of a
S.Ct. 2333, 90 L.Ed.2d 921 (1986) (holding statute which either forbids or requires the
that publication of legislative enactments, in doing of an act in terms so vague that men
this case, regulations governing disaster relief of common intelligence must necessarily
loans that had been published in the Federal guess at its meaning and differ as to its
Register, presumptively satisfies procedural application. Second, as a sort of ‘‘junior
due process of law governing notice). version of the vagueness doctrine,’’ the can-
on of strict construction of criminal stat-
14. The Supreme Court has recently explained utes, or rule of lenity, ensures fair warning
that several related analytical tools fall under by so resolving ambiguity in a criminal

Kolender v. Lawson, 461 U.S. 352, 357, 103 what amorphous—yet comprehensible—
S.Ct. 1855, 75 L.Ed.2d 903 (1983); accord standard; it is unconstitutionally vague
United States v. Smith, 685 A.2d 380, 384 only if ‘‘no standard of conduct is specified
(D.C.1996); Chemalali v. District of Co- at all.’’ Tuck v. United States, 467 A.2d
lumbia, 655 A.2d 1226, 1230 (D.C.1995). 727, 731 (D.C.1983) (internal quotation
‘‘Sufficient definiteness’’ is an elastic con- marks omitted) (quoting Coates v. City of
cept. Where criminal penalties are at Cincinnati, 402 U.S. 611, 614, 91 S.Ct.
stake, the constitutionally tolerable limits 1686, 29 L.Ed.2d 214 (1971)). Therefore,
of statutory imprecision contract and a it is well established that ‘‘a law fails to
relatively strict vagueness test is appropri- meet the requirements of the Due Process
ate. See Hoffman Estates v. Flipside, Clause if it is so vague and standardless
Hoffman Estates, Inc., 455 U.S. 489, 498– that it leaves the public uncertain as to the
99, 102 S.Ct. 1186, 71 L.Ed.2d 362 (1982) conduct it prohibits TTTT’’ 15 Morales, 527
(explaining the Constitution permits a U.S. at 56, 119 S.Ct. 1849 (citing Giaccio v.
greater degree of imprecision in a civil Pennsylvania, 382 U.S. 399, 402–403, 86
statute than in a criminal statute) (citing S.Ct. 518, 15 L.Ed.2d 447 (1966)).
Barenblatt v. United States, 360 U.S. 109, [12] McNeely fails to identify any im-
137, 79 S.Ct. 1081, 3 L.Ed.2d 1115 (1959)) precision in the express language of the
(Black, J., with whom Warren, C.J., and Pit Bull Act that deprives him of fair
Douglas, J., joined, dissenting)); Winters warning of the proscribed conduct. Exam-
v. New York, 333 U.S. 507, 515, 68 S.Ct. ining it ourselves, we observe that the Pit
665, 92 L.Ed. 840 (1948)). Whatever the Bull Act specifically and unambiguously
level of scrutiny, however, a statute is not imposes liability on the owner of a pit bull
unconstitutionally vague even if it requires or Rottweiler that attacks and causes inju-
that a person’s conduct conform to a some- ry without provocation. By focusing on (1)

statute as to apply it only to conduct clearly Court’s reasoning in adhering to the common
covered. Third, although clarity at the req- law presumption favoring statutory interpre-
uisite level may be supplied by judicial gloss tations requiring scienter where the legisla-
on an otherwise uncertain statute, due pro- ture has otherwise been silent. 471 U.S. at
cess bars courts from applying a novel con- 426–27, 105 S.Ct. 2084. See section III.D,
struction of a criminal statute to conduct infra. Contrary to McNeely’s suggestion, the
that neither the statute nor any prior judi- Court did not rely on the ubiquitous nature of
cial decision has fairly disclosed to be with- the regulated conduct in order to strike down
in its scope. In each of these guises, the the statute as unconstitutionally vague. The
touchstone is whether the statute, either broad reach of a statute does not necessarily
standing alone or as construed, made it render its terms indefinite for purposes of the
reasonably clear at the relevant time that void-for-vagueness doctrine. The Court’s ex-
the defendant’s conduct was criminal. press observation that neither party chal-
United States v. Lanier, 520 U.S. 259, 266–67, lenged the statute at issue as being unconsti-
117 S.Ct. 1219, 137 L.Ed.2d 432 (1997) (in- tutional, see id. at 424 n. 6, 105 S.Ct. 2084,
ternal quotation marks and citations omitted). assures us that Liparota cannot lend support
15. McNeely argues that our analysis of his to McNeely’s constitutional claim. We note
fair warning claim is governed by Liparota, that, even as a matter of statutory interpreta-
471 U.S. 419, 105 S.Ct. 2084, 85 L.Ed.2d 434 tion, the Court made clear in Liparota that,
(1985), which he understands as announcing where a statute may criminalize a broad
a strand of constitutional vagueness doctrine range of apparently innocent conduct, the leg-
applicable when a statute ‘‘provides no notice islature, with adequate expression of purpose,
where it purports to regulate widespread, in- ‘‘could have intended this broad range of con-
nocent conduct TTTT’’ The discussion in Lipa- duct be made illegal.’’ Id. at 427, 105 S.Ct.
rota to which he cites, however, explicates the 2084.
McNEELY v. U.S. D. C. 383
Cite as 874 A.2d 371 (D.C. 2005)

the ownership of (2) two specific breeds, language of a statute is void for vagueness,
(3) unprovoked attacks, and (4) injury in while the presence of a scienter require-
fact, the Act criminalizes a narrow range ment may save a statute from invalidation
of conduct that is easily understood. despite the apparent vagueness of its
McNeely complains that the Act subjects wording. See Hoffman, 455 U.S. at 499,
owners of pit bulls to criminal liability 102 S.Ct. 1186 (‘‘a scienter requirement
‘‘without regard to any behavior that they may mitigate a law’s vagueness, especially
could take to avoid violating the law.’’ We with respect to the adequacy of notice to
do not agree because the plain, non-techni- the complainant that his conduct is pro-
cal language of the Act’s penalty provision scribed’’) (citing Screws v. United States,
clearly indicates that ownership of pit bulls 325 U.S. 91, 101–03, 65 S.Ct. 1031, 89
is highly disfavored in the District of Co- L.Ed. 1495 (1945) (plurality opinion)
lumbia and that desisting in such owner- (‘‘[the] requirement of a specific intent to
ship is the most immediately available and do a prohibited act may avoid those conse-
effective recourse to avoiding criminal lia- quences to the accused which may other-
bility. The wording of the Act is thus not wise render a vague or indefinite statute
lacking in fair warning such ‘‘that men of invalid TTTT The requirement that the act
common intelligence must necessarily must be willful or purposeful may TTT
guess at its meaning and differ as to its relieve the statute of the objection that it
application TTTT’’ Connally v. Gen. Constr. punishes without warning an offense of
Co., 269 U.S. 385, 391, 46 S.Ct. 126, 70 which the accused was unaware’’)). We
L.Ed. 322 (1926). find no support for McNeely’s assertion
that the strict liability nature of the Pit
[13] McNeely nonetheless asserts that Bull Act renders it inherently void for
the Pit Bull Act is unconstitutionally vague vagueness—a proposition made plainly un-
because it imposes criminal liability with- tenable by the fact that strict liability of-
out regard to fault. Although the absence fenses are constitutionally enforced in the
of a scienter requirement may be a factor laws of this jurisdiction and across the
considered when testing a statute for con- nation. See section III. C, infra.
stitutional vagueness, see, e.g., Colautti v. Finally, McNeely draws our attention to
Franklin, 439 U.S. 379, 395, 99 S.Ct. 675, Lambert v. California, 355 U.S. 225, 78
58 L.Ed.2d 596 (1979) (‘‘This Court has S.Ct. 240, 2 L.Ed.2d 228 (1957), where the
long recognized that the constitutionality Court considered the validity, under the
of a vague statutory standard is closely Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth
related to whether that standard incorpo- Amendment, of an ordinance that made it
rates a requirement of mens rea.’’) (citing, a criminal offense for a convicted felon to
inter alia, United States v. Ragen, 314 remain in the city of Los Angeles for five
U.S. 513, 524, 62 S.Ct. 374, 86 L.Ed. 383 days without registering with the chief of
(1942) (stating that in the absence of a police. The Court invalidated the statute
scienter requirement, a statute may be- as it applied to Lambert, holding that
come little more than ‘‘a trap for those actual knowledge of the duty to register
who act in good faith’’)), the absence of a or proof of the probability of such
scienter requirement is not a sufficient knowledge and subsequent failure to
basis to strike a legislative enactment as comply are necessary before a conviction
unconstitutionally vague. Rather, the ab- under the ordinance can stand. As
sence of a scienter requirement may be Holmes wrote in THE COMMON LAW,
weighed in determining that the express ‘‘A law which punished conduct which

would not be blameworthy in the aver- United States v. Inter’l Minerals &
age member of the community would be Chems. Corp., 402 U.S. 558, 91 S.Ct. 1697,
too severe for that community to bear.’’ 29 L.Ed.2d 178 (1971) (corrosive liquids);
Id. at 229, 78 S.Ct. 240. The Court drew United States v. Freed, 401 U.S. 601, 91
this conclusion for two reasons. First, the S.Ct. 1112, 28 L.Ed.2d 356 (1971) (gre-
ordinance punished wholly passive con- nades); United States v. Balint, 258 U.S.
duct, that is to say, ‘‘[v]iolation of its provi- 250, 42 S.Ct. 301, 66 L.Ed. 604 (1922)
sions [was] unaccompanied by any activity (narcotics); United States v. Dotterweich,
whatever, mere presence in the city being 320 U.S. 277, 64 S.Ct. 134, 88 L.Ed. 48
the test.’’ Id. Second, ‘‘circumstances (1943) (adulterated and misbranded
which might move one to inquire as to the drugs)). Moreover, unlike in Lambert,
necessity of registration [were] completely McNeely’s undisputed knowledge that his
lacking.’’ Id. Because physical presence dogs were pit bulls should have moved him
within a city is presumptively innocent, the to inquire into his heightened obligations
Court reasoned that there was no ‘‘com- under the Act. See Lambert, 355 U.S. at
mission of acts, or the failure to act under 229, 78 S.Ct. 240. Where such character-
circumstances that should alert the doer to istically dangerous dogs are knowingly
the consequences of his deed.’’ Id. at 228. owned, ‘‘the probability of regulation is so
Lambert is thus a rare instance in which great that anyone who is aware that he is
the Supreme Court has held that, contrary either in possession of or dealing with
to the well-established tenet that igno- them must be presumed to be aware of the
rance of the law is not a defense to crimi- regulation.’’ McIntosh, 395 A.2d at 756
nal prosecution, see Cheek v. United (citing Shevlin–Carpenter Co. v. Minneso-
States, 498 U.S. 192, 199, 111 S.Ct. 604, ta, 218 U.S. 57, 64–65, 30 S.Ct. 663, 54
112 L.Ed.2d 617 (1991), actual knowledge L.Ed. 930 (1910)). Moreover, it appears
of the law is a prerequisite to criminal that McNeely had previous experience
liability. with the dangerous propensities of his
[14] McNeely contends that the Pit dogs that had brought him in contact with
Bull Act is similar to the ordinance in the Washington Humane Society and the
Lambert because it subjects to criminal police. See supra note 4. McNeely was
prosecution an individual engaged in other- thus, at least, on inquiry notice of his
wise innocent conduct—ownership of pit obligations under the Pit Bull Act and he
bulls. But, as we have already discussed, cannot avail himself of Lambert.
the Pit Bull Act more limitedly criminal-
izes ownership of pit bulls that cause seri- [15] We have also taken into account
ous injury or death to a human being or that the Pit Bull Act which was enacted as
another domestic animal. The tempera- emergency legislation, greatly augmented
ment of pit bulls, particularly their volatile the liability attaching to McNeely’s exist-
capacity for hostility and violent behavior, ing ownership of pit bulls, and might have
is sufficiently well-known that these dogs come as an ‘‘unfair surprise.’’ Specifically,
are ‘‘proper subject[s] of regulatory mea- the immediately effective emergency en-
sures adopted in the exercise of a state’s actment of the Pit Bull Act on April 16,
‘police power TTTT’ ’’ 16 McIntosh v. Wash- 1996, and the occurrence of the May 13
ington, 395 A.2d 744, 756 (D.C.1978) (citing attack on Avery afforded McNeely twenty-

16. As noted by the government and acknowl- residents reported 81 pit bull bites in 1994
edged by the pre-trial motions judge, District out of a total of 477 reported animal bites.
McNEELY v. U.S. D. C. 385
Cite as 874 A.2d 371 (D.C. 2005)

seven days to familiarize himself with the to familiarize themselves with the general
penalty provision and to decide whether he requirements imposed and to comply with
would accept the risk of criminal liability those requirements.’’). In this case, even
by continuing to own two pit bulls housed though the usual legislative grace period
in the District of Columbia. Barring dis- was reduced by half, the amendment to
approval by Congress, Council legislation the statute had been in effect almost four
creating criminal offenses under Title 22 of weeks before its sanction fell on McNeely.
the D.C.Code ordinarily takes effect sixty We take note that the longer grace period
days after the Chair of the Council trans- usually afforded by the legislative process
mits the act to the Speaker of the U.S. in the District of Columbia is unusual due
House of Representatives and the Presi- to the unique feature of a Congressional
dent of the U.S. Senate. See D.C.Code layover period. McNeely’s fair warning
§ 1–233(c)(2) (1999). McNeely thus had argument is presented in the most general
thirty-three fewer days than in the case of manner, and does not reveal whether he
non-emergency legislation to take note of was personally prejudiced by the rapid
the amendment to the dangerous dog stat- development in the District’s dangerous
ute. The Supreme Court has stated that dog law.17 On this record, we cannot say
the presumption charging citizens with that McNeely has carried his burden in
knowledge of the law arguably ‘‘may be challenging that the period provided by
overcome in cases in which the statute enactment of the Pit bull Act on an emer-
does not allow a sufficient ‘grace period’ to gency basis did not, in his case, comport
provide the persons affected by a change with due process of law.
in the law with an adequate opportunity to
become familiar with their obligations un- C. The Constitutionality of a
der it.’’ Atkins v. Parker, 472 U.S. 115, Strict Liability Felony
130, 105 S.Ct. 2520, 86 L.Ed.2d 81 (1985); McNeely asserts that, separate and
see also United States v. Locke, 471 U.S. apart from vagueness, the Pit Bull Act
84, 108, 105 S.Ct. 1785, 85 L.Ed.2d 64 violates the Due Process Clause because it
(1985) (‘‘[A] legislature generally provides is a strict liability felony.18 A great weight
constitutionally adequate process simply of case law rejects the notion that there is
by enacting the statute, publishing it, and, a constitutional bar to strict liability
to the extent the statute regulates private crimes or a prohibition against imprison-
conduct, affording those within the stat- ment for conviction on a strict liability
ute’s reach a reasonable opportunity both basis.19 Strict liability criminal offenses—

17. It might be that the new sanction did not 19. See, e.g., Powell v. Texas, 392 U.S. 514,
come as a surprise to McNeely who, as noted 535–36, 88 S.Ct. 2145, 20 L.Ed.2d 1254
previously, had dealt with both animal protec- (1968) (stating that the Court has never
tion and police authorities in connection with adopted a constitutional doctrine of mens rea,
his dogs. See supra note 4. leaving negotiation of such issues to the
states); Chicago, Burlington, & Quincey Ry. v.
18. McNeely’s counsel stated in oral argument
that the language of the statute does not per- United States, 220 U.S. 559, 578, 31 S.Ct. 612,
mit this court to interpret the statute in such a 55 L.Ed. 582 (1911) (‘‘The power of the legis-
way as to impose what McNeely would con- lature to declare an offense, and exclude the
sider an adequate scienter requirement, and elements of knowledge and due diligence
contended that without such a requirement from any inquiry as to its commission, can-
the statute was unconstitutional. We discuss not, we think, be questioned.’’); United States
here the constitutional argument, and subse- v. Engler, 806 F.2d 425, 433 (3d Cir.1986) (‘‘It
quently consider the interpretative issue. is well established that a criminal statute is

including felonies—are not unprecedented clare an offense and to exclude elements of

in the District of Columbia; the Council knowledge and diligence from its defini-
has enacted several such statutes in the tion.’’ Lambert, 355 U.S. at 228, 78 S.Ct.
past.20 Moreover, this court has upheld 240. This latitude is justified in the inter-
the Council’s constitutional authority to do est of the ‘‘larger good TTT [which] puts
so. See, e.g., Harris v. United States, 162 the burden of acting at hazard upon a
A.2d 503, 505 (D.C.1960) (stating that ‘‘it is person otherwise innocent but standing in
now too settled to doubt that the legisla- responsible relation to a public danger.’’
ture may dispense with intent as an ele- Morissette v. United States, 342 U.S. 246,
ment of criminal liability when the regula- 260, 72 S.Ct. 240, 96 L.Ed. 288 (1952)
tion is in the exercise of the police power (quoting Dotterweich, 320 U.S. at 281, 64
for the benefit of the people’’); accord S.Ct. 134); see also United States v. Park,
Commonwealth v. Koczwara, 188 Pa.Su- 421 U.S. 658, 674, 95 S.Ct. 1903, 44
per. 153, 146 A.2d 306, 308 (1958); Kirk- L.Ed.2d 489 (1975).
ham v. City of North Little Rock, 227 Ark. [16] Thus, a statute defining an offense
789, 301 S.W.2d 559, 563–64 (1957); People malum prohibitum may impose a fine
v. Darby, 114 Cal.App.2d 412, 250 P.2d and/or imprisonment on a strict liability
743, 754 (1952); People v. Cramer, 247 basis without offending due process of law.
Mich. 127, 225 N.W. 595, 598 (1929); State Our conclusion is supported by the accept-
v. Striggles, 202 Iowa 1318, 210 N.W. 137, ed proposition that ‘‘[t]he accused, if he
138 (Iowa 1926). does not will the violation, usually is in a
These precedents, moreover, are consis- position to prevent it with no more care
tent with the Supreme Court’s acknowl- than society might reasonably expect and
edgment that ‘‘conduct alone without re- no more exertion than it might reasonably
gard to the intent of the doer is often exact from one who assumed his responsi-
sufficient’’ to constitute a crime because bilities.’’ 21 Morissette, 342 U.S. at 256, 72
lawmakers have ‘‘wide latitude TTT to de- S.Ct. 240.

not necessarily unconstitutional because its pretation offenses not requiring mens rea are
definition of a felony lacks the element of generally disfavored).
scienter.’’) (citing cases); United States v.
Greenbaum, 138 F.2d 437, 438 (3d Cir.1943) 20. See, e.g., D.C.Code § 6–751.18 (Supp.2000)
(‘‘The Constitutional requirement of due pro- (strict liability misdemeanor for unlawful pes-
cess is not violated merely because mens rea ticide operations); § 6–997.12 (Supp.2000)
(strict liability misdemeanor for unlawful use
is not a required element of a prescribed
of lead-based paints); § 22–3214(a) (1996)
crime.’’); Owens v. State, 352 Md. 663, 724
(strict liability misdemeanor for unlawful pos-
A.2d 43, 49 (1999) (‘‘Appellant finds little
session of a sawed-off shot gun authorizing
support in any Court of Appeals or United
not more than one year imprisonment); § 6–
States Supreme Court decision for the propo-
2311(a) (1995 & Supp.2000) (strict liability
sition that a mental element is constitutionally
misdemeanor for failure to register a fire-
required for criminal liability, even when sub-
arm); § 22–3204(a) (1996) (strict liability
stantial penalties are involved.’’), cert. denied,
misdemeanor for carrying a pistol without a
527 U.S. 1012, 119 S.Ct. 2354, 144 L.Ed.2d
license with exceptions that can make it a
250 (1999); State v. Maldonado, 137 N.J. 536, felony); § 6–2912(b)(2) (Supp.2000) (strict li-
645 A.2d 1165, 1171 (1994) (upholding the ability felony for unlawful solid waste disposal
constitutionality of a statute that imposed for commercial purposes).
strict criminal liability on manufacturers and
distributors of certain controlled dangerous 21. As discussed below, however, affirmative
substances that cause death when ingested); defenses may be available where circum-
cf. Staples, 511 U.S. at 618, 114 S.Ct. 1793 stances allow no choice but to run afoul of the
(cautioning that as a matter of statutory inter- statute.
McNEELY v. U.S. D. C. 387
Cite as 874 A.2d 371 (D.C. 2005)

D. Statutory Interpretation (D.C.1977) (quoting Caminetti v. United

As a corollary to his contention that, as States, 242 U.S. 470, 485, 37 S.Ct. 192, 61
a strict liability felony the Pit Bull Act is L.Ed. 442 (1917)).
unconstitutional, McNeely argues that the
trial court could not interpret the Pit Bull [21] The language of the statute before
Act as including a scienter requirement in us is plain and direct. As its full title
order to ameliorate what he contends is its indicates, the Pit Bull and Rottweiler Dan-
illicit strict liability character.22 The court gerous Dog Designation Emergency
imputed two elements of scienter to the Amendment Act of 1996 specifically identi-
statute: (1) whether the accused knew he fies both pit bulls and Rottweilers as dan-
owned the dog, and (2) whether the ac- gerous dogs. The unique treatment of
cused knew the dog he owned was a pit these dogs is made clear from their desig-
bull. We hold that the trial court’s inter- nation as dangerous per se, which is quite
pretation preserves the Act’s strict liability distinct from the way in which other dogs
nature, see note 12, supra, and thus com- are treated under the statute. See supra
ports with the legislature’s intent. note 6. The meaning of the statute is un-
ambiguous, setting forth a criminal penalty
[17–20] We review de novo issues of for specifically proscribed conduct, i.e.,
statutory interpretation. See Porter v. ownership of a pit bull or Rottweiler that
United States, 769 A.2d 143, 148 (D.C. unprovokedly attacks: ‘‘A pit bull or a
2001); District of Columbia v. Jerry M., Rottweiler that causes injury to or kills a
717 A.2d 866, 868 (D.C.1998). ‘‘A corner- human being or a domestic animal without
stone of statutory interpretation is the rule provocation shall be humanly [sic] de-
that a court ‘will not look beyond the plain stroyed and the owner of such dog shall be
meaning of a statute when the language is
fined up to $20,000 and may be sentenced
unambiguous and does not produce an ab-
to not more than 2 years of imprison-
surd result.’ ’’ J. Frog, Ltd. v. Fleming,
ment.’’ 43 D.C.Reg. 2158. This result is
598 A.2d 735, 738 (D.C.1991) (quoting Gib-
not only not absurd, but reflects a legiti-
son v. Johnson, 492 A.2d 574, 577 (D.C.
mate legislative judgment that owners of
1985)); see also Peoples Drug Stores v.
certain dogs—well known to be potentially
District of Columbia, 470 A.2d 751, 753
dangerous animals—should be held crimi-
(D.C.1983) (en banc). ‘‘It is elementary
nally accountable for serious injury caused
that the meaning of a statute must, in the
by dogs over which they voluntarily as-
first instance, be sought in the language in
sumed ownership and control. See Moris-
which the act is framed, and if that is
sette, 342 U.S. at 256, 72 S.Ct. 240; see
plain, and if the law is within the constitu-
also Model Penal Code (U.L.A.)
tional authority of the law-making body
§ 2.06(2)(b) (2001) (stating that an individ-
which passed it, the sole function of the
ual is legally accountable for the conduct of
courts is to enforce it according to its
another person when the code or the law
terms TTTT Where the language is plain
defining the offense so provides).
and admits of no more than one meaning,
the duty of interpretation does not arise.’’ The required element of ownership—
United States v. Young, 376 A.2d 809, 813 and, by implication, control—are weighty

22. Presumably, McNeely’s purpose is to make previous section, however, even a purely
his constitutional attack more effective by strict liability criminal statute does not neces-
precluding the trial court’s ameliorated inter- sarily offend the Constitution.
pretation of the statute. As discussed in the

considerations in our decision. Whether owners is not, on its face, objectively im-
one conceives of the owner’s liability under possible to avoid.23
the Pit Bull Act as springing from the fact McNeely argues that the Act should be
of ownership or as a variation on tradition-
interpreted applying the common law pre-
al vicarious liability, the underlying prem-
sumption in favor of requiring a culpable
ise remains the same—an owner is respon-
state of mind scienter requirement when
sible for that which he owns. In Park, 421
the express language of a statute is silent
U.S. at 673 95 S.Ct. 1903, the Court upheld
on the matter. See Staples, 511 U.S. at
the conviction of a corporation president
who stood in responsible relation to those 606, 625, 114 S.Ct. 1793. The presumption
engaged in criminal corporate conduct and is based on the common understanding of
who did not show he was ‘‘powerless’’ to malum in se offenses, which traditionally
prevent it. As the Court noted, ‘‘[t]he are ‘‘generally constituted only from con-
duty imposed by Congress on responsible currence of an evil-meaning mind with an
corporate agents is, we emphasize, one evil-doing hand.’’ Morissette, 342 U.S. at
that requires the highest standard of fore- 251, 72 S.Ct. 240. Silence, however, is not
sight and vigilance, but the Act, in its always dispositive, and where the legisla-
criminal aspect, does not require that ture is acting in its capacity to regulate
which is objectively impossible.’’ Id. The public welfare, silence can be construed as
same is true in the case before us. The a legislative choice to dispense with the
liability imposed by the Council upon dog mens rea requirement.24 See id. at 262, 72

23. We are not presented here, and therefore N.W.2d 102, 105 (Iowa 1976) (holding that a
do not reach, situations in which there might statute making the owner of a vehicle strictly
be affirmative defenses to strict liability. Be- and vicariously liable for all parking citations
cause notions of ownership and control un- is constitutional because the burden of rebut-
derlie strict liability crimes, see Park, 421 U.S. ting the government’s prima facie case simply
at 673, 95 S.Ct. 1903; Morissette, 342 U.S. at shifts to the defendant, who may show, for
256, 72 S.Ct. 240, strict liability might not lie example, that the car was stolen); cf. City of
where substantive ownership itself is lacking, Campbellsburg v. Odewalt, 72 S.W. 314, 315
or where ownership is substantially vitiated, if (Ky.1903) (holding that an ordinance impos-
the owner no longer stands ‘‘in responsible ing criminal sanctions on the person in pos-
relation to a public danger.’’ Id. at 260, 72 session of premises on which alcohol is sold is
S.Ct. 240. As courts have recognized in the unconstitutional because the defendant may
context of vicarious liability, for example, not affirmatively show that those actually dis-
there are certain violations which are beyond pensing the alcohol entered the premises
the owner’s control precisely because they without his authority).
occur when an individual is deprived of his
24. Although the express language of the Act is
capacity to act as owner. In other words, the
silent with regard to scienter, the structure of
individual standing in responsible relation to
the statute as amended is an indication from
a public danger is made ‘‘powerless.’’ See
the Council that pit bulls are to be treated
Park, 421 U.S. at 673, 95 S.Ct. 1903. See also
differently from all other dangerous dogs, see
United States v. Bailey, 444 U.S. 394, 409, 100
sec. 2(b), 43 D.C.Reg. at 2156 (making admin-
S.Ct. 624, 62 L.Ed.2d 575 (1980) (holding
istrative procedures of D.C.Code §§ 6–1021.2
that duress requires a showing that there was
and 6–1021.3 inapplicable to pit bulls), thus
no opportunity to refuse the criminal act and
implying an intent to impose unique penalties
avoid the threatened harm); Stewart v. United
on pit bull owners, evidently including strict
States, 370 A.2d 1374, 1376 (D.C.1977) (hold-
liability. See, e.g., Lanier, 520 U.S. at 267,
ing that duress is available in the presence of
117 S.Ct. 1219 n. 6 (stating that legislative
a well grounded apprehension of immediate
intent is discerned by reference not only to
death or serious bodily injury).
the language of the statute, but its structure as
For recognized defenses to other strict lia- well). This implied statement of legislative
bility offenses, see Iowa City v. Nolan, 239 intent further supports our conclusion that
McNEELY v. U.S. D. C. 389
Cite as 874 A.2d 371 (D.C. 2005)

S.Ct. 240; Staples, 511 U.S. at 607, 114 As to the first factor, it is inappropriate
S.Ct. 1793. to construe the Pit Bull Act in the light of
It is worth noting that the interpretative background rules of the common law
presumption favoring an element of mens where such rules no longer apply to the
rea—a concept comprising not just specific particular offense.
intent, but general intent as well—‘‘re- While the general rule at common law
quires knowledge only of the facts that was that the scienter was a necessary
make the defendant’s conduct illegal TTTT’’ element in the indictment and proof of
Staples, 511 U.S. at 627 n. 3, 114 S.Ct. every crime, and this was followed in
1793 (Ginsburg, J., concurring) (quoting regard to statutory crimes even where
Cheek v. United States, 498 U.S. 192, 199, the statutory definition did not in terms
111 S.Ct. 604, 112 L.Ed.2d 617 (1991)); see include it TTT, there has been a modifica-
supra note 12. This is the presumption tion of this view in respect to prosecu-
that the trial court applied in requiring tions under statutes the purpose of
that the defendant know that he owned pit
which would be obstructed by such a
bulls. McNeely, however, considers it in-
requirement. It is a question of legisla-
sufficient because the common law pre-
tive intent to be construed by the court.
sumption commends that a culpable mental
state be proved. See also Balint, 258 U.S. at 251–52, 42
In Staples, the Court identified several S.Ct. 301; accord Patton v. United States,
considerations, beyond mere statutory si- 326 A.2d 818, 820 (D.C.1974); see also
lence, which bear upon legislative intent to Hutchison Bros., 278 A.2d at 321 (stating
impose strict liability, including: (1) the that ‘‘[w]here the peculiar nature of the
contextual rules of the common law; (2) legislation requires an effective means of
whether the crime can be characterized as regulation, such legislation may dispense
a ‘‘public welfare offense’’ created by the with the conventional requirement for
legislature; 25 (3) the extent to which a criminal conduct, i.e., awareness of some
strict liability reading of the statute would wrongdoing’’) (citations omitted). We
seemingly encompass entirely innocent think that the Pit Bull Act falls within that
conduct; and (4) the harshness of the pen- class of statutes the purpose of which
alty. See Staples, 511 U.S. at 605–18, 114 would be obstructed by a requirement of
S.Ct. 1793. Consideration of these factors proof of culpable intent. Once the legisla-
leads us to conclude that the Pit Bull Act ture has determined that a particular
should be enforced according to the plain breed poses a heightened danger that jus-
meaning of its terms, without imposing a tifies a special regime, to require proof
mens rea requirement of culpable intent, that a dog owner purposefully, recklessly,
but with a requirement that the accused or negligently set his dog upon another
know he or she owns a pit bull. would undermine the balance struck by

the Pit Bull Act creates a strict liability felony. cavation Co. v. District of Columbia, 278 A.2d
See Staples, 511 U.S. at 606, 114 S.Ct. 1793 318, 321 n. 7 (D.C.1971) (internal quotation
(stating that ‘‘some indication of congression- and citation omitted):
al intent, express or implied, [apart from a
The term, public welfare offense, is used to
statute’s mere silence], is required to dispense
with mens rea as an element of a crime’’) denote the group of police offenses and
(citations omitted). criminal nuisances, punishable irrespective
of the actor’s state of mind, which have
25. This court addressed the meaning of ‘‘pub- been developing in England and America
lic welfare offense’’ in Hutchison Brothers Ex- within the past TTT century TTTT

the legislature in the statute. See Patton, innocent conduct,’’ we have touched on al-
326 A.2d at 820. ready in the context of McNeely’s constitu-
As to the second factor, the Pit Bull Act tional challenges. Dogs in general are not
is primarily a public welfare offense that ‘‘deleterious devices or products or obnox-
regulates potentially harmful or injurious ious waste materials that put their owners
items, not merely a codification of a com- on notice that they stand in responsible
mon law crime.26 relation to a public danger.’’ Staples, 511
In such situations, [the courts] have rea- U.S. at 610–11, 114 S.Ct. 1793 (internal
soned that as long as a defendant knows quotations omitted). The Act, however,
that he is dealing with a dangerous de- does not outlaw ownership of all dogs, nor
vice of a character that places him ‘‘in does it generally criminalize the ownership
responsible relation to a public danger,’’ of pit bulls. It specifically criminalizes a
he should be alerted to the probability of narrow range of intelligible and grievous
strict regulation, and we have assumed conduct, i.e., ownership of a pit bull that
that in such cases [the legislature] in- causes injury without provocation. Cf. id.
tended to place the burden on the defen- (criminalizing mere possession of an un-
dant to ‘‘ascertain at his peril whether registered gun).
[his conduct] comes within the inhibition
of the statute.’’ Lastly, the relative severity of the pun-
Staples, 511 U.S. at 607, 114 S.Ct. 1793 ishment, a fine of up to $20,000 and impris-
(internal citations omitted); see also onment of up to two years, favors the
Holmes v. District of Columbia, 354 A.2d imposition of a mens rea requirement. Al-
858, 860 (D.C.1976) (‘‘Where, as here, rea- though the Court has expressed reluctance
sonable regulations establish public wel- in interpreting felonies as strict liability
fare offenses for the purpose of maintain- offenses, see Staples, 511 U.S. at 618, 114
ing the health and safety of those ill S.Ct. 1793, it has not created a bright line
equipped to protect themselves, the de- rule against it, and, in fact, it has expressly
fenses of good faith or lack of mens rea so interpreted felony statutes when the
are unavailable.’’) (citations omitted). The statutory language has required it. See
known potential of pit bulls for dangerous id. (citing Balint, 258 U.S. at 250, 42 S.Ct.
behavior—declared by the legislature in 301). The message of the Pit Bull Act’s
the Act—places an owner in responsible sanction is inescapable; it clearly articu-
relation to the public danger which his dog lates a legislative judgment on the gravity
may pose. Thus, a pit bull owner is on of the public harm by the very level of
inquiry notice of a host of regulations per- punishment exacted, which exceeds that
taining to his dog, including those govern- imposed on owners of other dogs that
ing licensing, registration, and general cause injury, even though such owners are
conduct in public. In fact, McNeely’s pri- subject to a lesser standard. Compare 43
or interactions with WHS led him to con- D.C.Reg. at 2158 (imposing up to two
firm the design specifications of his kennel years of imprisonment and up to $20,000
with the organization’s law enforcement as fine for death or injury caused by pit
program. bulls) with D.C.Code § 6–1021.6(b) (impos-
The third factor, whether the statute ing fine of up to $10,000 for death or injury
‘‘criminalize[s] a broad range of apparently caused by other ‘‘dangerous dogs’’). Al-

26. While not controlling, the Act’s codifica- Safety is some indication that it is considered
tion under Title 6 dealing with Health and regulatory in nature.
McNEELY v. U.S. D. C. 391
Cite as 874 A.2d 371 (D.C. 2005)

though there is no legislative history avail- tionship to the issue of guilt, the effect of
able, it is apparent from the discrepancy in any corrective action by the trial judge,
sanction that the severity of potential lia- and the strength of the government’s
bility may well have been intended as a case.’ ’’ Id. (quoting McGrier v. United
disincentive to ownership of pit bulls be- States, 597 A.2d 36, 41 (D.C.1991)).
cause of the Council’s understanding that Where an objection was lodged at trial to
they pose a greater risk of serious injury a comment that was indeed improper,
than do other dogs. and where the trial court thus erred in
Having considered the factors set out in overruling the objection, we will reverse
Staples for applying the interpretative pre- the conviction unless the defendant was
sumption in favor of imposing a mens rea not substantially prejudiced by the court’s
requirement, we read the elements of the error. See McGrier, 597 A.2d at 41. On
offense constrained by the clear language the other hand, where there was no ob-
of the statute, which does not indicate a jection at trial to the prosecutor’s com-
culpable mental state for the offense. Nor ments, the court may reverse only if the
do we think such a requirement consistent trial court’s failure, sua sponte, to inter-
with the Act’s purpose as a public welfare vene and to prevent the misconduct ‘‘so
offense based on the dangerous potential clearly prejudiced’’ the appellant’s sub-
of these particular breeds. In view of the stantial rights ‘‘as to jeopardize the fair-
importance of the breed of the dog to ness and integrity of his trial.’’ Irick v.
criminal liability under the Act and the United States, 565 A.2d 26, 32 (D.C.1989).
likely deterrent to their ownership built Reversal in such cases is confined to
into the statute, however, we also think it ‘‘particularly egregious situations’’ where
clear that, for a conviction to stand, it must a miscarriage of justice would result if
be shown that the defendant knew that he this court were to stand idly by. See id.
or she owned a pit bull, and to this limited (citations omitted).
extent, we read in a mens rea element, not [25] The prosecutor stated in closing
of culpable intent, but of knowledge of the argument, without objection, that McNeely
facts that make the conduct illegal. See negligently or recklessly released his dogs:
Staples, 511 U.S. at 619, 114 S.Ct. 1793 What you can believe, ladies and gentle-
(requiring under the National Firearms men, is that through negligence, reck-
Act that the defendant know that the gun lessness and after the defendant—an
was an automatic weapon). omission by the defendant, those dogs
were let loose on the people of south-
IV. west D.C. and they found their prey in
[22–24] Finally, we turn to McNeely’s Miss Helen Avery, and they chewed on
claim that the prosecutor’s closing and her, and they chewed on her.
rebuttal arguments were improper. Assuming that the prosecutor’s remark im-
When reviewing an allegation of improper plying negligence was unfounded, the trial
prosecutorial argument, this court first court’s failure, sua sponte, to strike it did
determines whether any of the challenged not result in a miscarriage of justice. The
comments were, in fact, improper. See brief reference to McNeely’s negligence
Freeman v. United States, 689 A.2d 575, was not emphasized as a primary argu-
584 (D.C.1997). If so, the court must, ment nor urged as a legal theory of the
‘‘viewing the remarks in context, ‘consider case. See Hunter v. United States, 606
the gravity of the [impropriety], its rela- A.2d 139, 146 (D.C.1992) (‘‘[V]iewing the

offending remarks in the context of the ed that McNeely’s fault was at issue, it
case as a whole, TTT it is most unlikely that increased the government’s burden and
a few lines of impermissible comment, to could have redounded to McNeely’s bene-
which neither counsel nor the judge again fit. At worst, the prosecutor’s statements
alluded, compromised the fairness or in- may have distracted the jury’s attention
tegrity of the entire trial or threatened from the sole disputed issue of provoca-
such a clear miscarriage of justice that the tion, but on this record we do not believe
plain error doctrine may properly be in- that the prosecutor’s statements preju-
voked.’’). diced the defendant in any meaningful
[26] The prosecutor also made a more way.
pointed remark, this time over objection,
that McNeely intentionally released his [27, 28] Lastly, the prosecutor stated
dogs: ‘‘What happened that night, ladies in rebuttal argument: ‘‘Should the defen-
and gentlemen, the defendant came home dant be held criminally responsible? The
with his girlfriend. They put the dogs in District council government has already
the backyard and then let me point out determined that answer to be yes. You
something.’’ While the trial court sus- only need to read the newspaper and use
tained defense counsel’s objection, no cu- your common sense to know why.’’ The
rative jury instruction was requested or trial court interrupted sua sponte, declar-
given. The prosecutor’s remark that ing to the jury that ‘‘[y]ou cannot read the
McNeely purposely released the dogs newspaper. You cannot read the newspa-
from the pen may have introduced the per TTTT Disregard the comment that you
issue of fault, but the statements bore only need to read the newspaper.’’ While
little relationship to the issue of guilt the trial court deemed the prosecutor’s
which, as we have discussed, was properly statement ‘‘grossly improper,’’ an assess-
based on strict liability. The prosecutor ment with which we agree, we conclude
emphasized in his opening statement and that the prosecutor’s remark was rendered
the court reemphasized in its instructions harmless by the trial court’s two clear and
to the jury that the only matters which strongly worded curative instructions.
pertained to a determination of guilt were The first occurred immediately after the
knowing ownership of pit bulls and wheth- prosecutor’s comment 27 and the second
er the attack was unprovoked. To the occurred in the context of final instruc-
extent the prosecutor’s comments suggest- tions later that day.28 The jury is pre-

27. The trial court immediately gave the fol- The issue is, the only issue you must decide,
lowing curative instruction: is decide what happened in this case and
you took and oath as jurors to decide mat-
There was a reference with the newspaper, ters based on this case and you took an
that one need only look at the newspaper. oath also to resolve this matter without
Well, ladies and gentlemen, let me tell you prejudice, without fear, without passion.
something. You can’t do that. You can’t Solely from the evidence in this case. I
do that because it is fundamentally unfair. believe and I have confidence that you will
One of the dangers is that you took an oath [do] of that.
to decide this case on this case and not
28. The trial court instructed the jury that it
what may have happened somewhere else,
must decide the case
to someone else. Mr. McNeely stands be-
without prejudice, without fear, without
fore you charged in this case, the evidence
sympathy or favoritism TTTT You must de-
in this case. He is not responsible for all
cide this case solely from a fair consider-
the ills of the world or anything that hap-
ation of the evidence [and you] must not
pens in the newspaper.
allow the nature of the charges to affect
McNEELY v. U.S. D. C. 393
Cite as 874 A.2d 371 (D.C. 2005)

sumed to follow instructions, see Clark v. overwhelming case; we see no reason to

United States, 593 A.2d 186, 193 (D.C. question this determination.
1991) (citations omitted), and we ‘‘will not
* * * * * *
‘upset the verdict by assuming that the
jury declined to do so.’ ’’ Harris v. Unit- Because we detect no reversible error in
ed States, 602 A.2d 154, 165 (D.C.1992) (en the trial proceedings, the judgments of
banc) (quoting Gray v. United States, 589 conviction are
A.2d 912, 918 (D.C.1991)). There is little Affirmed.
reason to doubt the ameliorative effect of
these instructions given their forcefulness

and timing. Moreover, after being fully
briefed on the issue prior to sentencing,
the trial court remained confident that the
prosecutor’s remarks had not prejudiced
the defendant in light of the government’s

your verdict in this case. You must consid- in this case in rendering a fair and impar-
er only the evidence that’s been presented tial verdict.

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