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Life is sometimes tough, best when you are tough on yourself life is infinitely more rewarding INTRODUCTION The

term Productivity refers to the ratio between, the output of the wealth produced and the input of resources used in the process of any economic activity. Every organization desires higher outputs or productivity to attain larger profits and compete with other organizations. Suitable HRM policies and programs help to increase productivity because it is the human resource which when tapped maximally can yield levels of efficiency thus increasing productivity of an organization. Definition of productivity Productivity is an important element in the process of economic growth. Productivity is the key to prosperity. Productivity refers to a ratio between the output of wealth in the form of goals and services and input of resources used to get that output. According to the Oxford Illustrated Dictionary, Productivity is defined. Efficiency in industrial production. This efficiency is measured with respect to, relationship between output and input. Peter Drucker has described Productivity in the following manner: The enterprise must control wealth producing resources to discharge its purpose of creating a customer. It, therefore, has the function of utilizing these resources productively. This is the administrative function of business and in its economic aspect is called Productivity.

The International Labour Organization has defined Productivity as the ratio between the volume of output as measured by production indices and the corresponding volume of labour input as measured by employment indices. The Central Board for Workmens Education has explained Productivity in the following Manner: (1) Productivity is an effort to save time, energy, power and money to achieve higher production at lower cost.. (2) (3) (4) Productivity means getting more out of the existing resources. Productivity means elimination of waste. Productivity primarily indicates attaining more outputs from lesser inputs. Output means value of goals produced and Input refers to resources (men, material, machines) utilized. The formula for Productivity is Productivity = Output / Input.

Labour is generally the most common factor used in measuring Productivity, This is because: (a) It is easier and precise to measure units of labour input than other units of material, capital, etc.; (b) The input of labour is universally applicable.

However, using labour as an indices to measure Productivity has its limitations too because (i) The output ascertained per man-hour does not measure, productive efficiency as a whole; (ii) Output should be considered not only in terms of quantifiable units of output but also psychological and emotional benefits of work satisfaction, well-being and pleasure derived from the work. There is a difference, between Productivity and Production. Production refers to the absolute output while Productivity is a relative term wherein output is always expressed in terms of input. ELEMENTS OF PRODUCTIVITY The following elements influence Productivity: (1)CAPITALRESOURCE (2)TECHNOLOGY (3)PEOPLE

(1) CAPITAL RESOURCE: Capital resources are essential to allow for productivity and enhance the productivity level in an organisation. With high capital availability, it is possible to purchase advanced technological equipment, utilize advanced techniques and employ competent personnel; all factors which enhance productivity in an industry. Developing countries have to make judicious use of capital resources to improve productivity, reinvest the profits obtained, generate more employment possibilities and continually yield higher surpluses.

(2) TECHNOLOGY: Technological innovations are on a rampant rise and it is essential to adopt suitable technological equipments, processes and products that help to enhance productivity level. Obsolete technology needs to be discarded for improvised techniques so as to obtain higher efficiency levels and reduced wastage of resources and time.

(3) PEOPLE: Human resources are the most important resources affecting productivity. Suitable HRM practices and policies help to motivate employees to optimize their potentials and contribute maximally towards the growth and high productivity level of the organisation. It is the people/ human resource which control other physical resources and hence their right utilization definitely, reaps benefits of increased productivity for the organisation. .

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