Science Form 3 July Test

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Section A (40 %) Answer ALL the questions [The time suggested to answer this section is 60 minutes.] 1.

Figure 1 shows the structure of a human eye.

Figure 1
(a)(i) Label the following parts in Figure 1. Vitreous humour Yellow spot

[2 marks]

(ii) Name the part X and state its function. X : ..

Function : .. [2 marks] (b) Complete the following sequence to show the path of light rays from the object entering the eye.


Aqueous humour


Vitreous humour [1 mark]

2. Figure 2 shows three types of substances

[3 marks] Figure 2 (a) Label the above substances using the following words. Compound Mixture Element

(b) Draw lines to match the following words with the meanings correctly. Element Mixture Compound Consists of two or more types of elements chemically combined Consists of two or more elements or compounds physically combined Consists of only one type of atom [2 marks]

3. Figure 3 shows the human urinary system.

R Figure 3 (a) What is the main function of the urinary system ? .. [1 mark] (b) Name the parts that are labelled P and Q i. P : [2 marks]

ii. Q : .. (c) Structure X carries blood to the kidney. What is structure X ?

[1 mark] (d)(i) Name the liquid that flows through part R. [1 mark] (ii) State two waste products present in the liquid named in d(i). 1. . 2. [2 marks]

4. Figure 4.1 shows the process of pollination which is important in the life cycle of a flowering plant.

Figure 4.1


(a) Name the types of pollination illustrated in Figure 4.1.

[2 marks]

(b) Pollination type T is usually used in agriculture. Give two reasons why pollination type T is preferable to type S. 1. .. 2. . [2 marks] (c) State what happen to the ovules and the ovary of the flower after fertilization. Ovules Ovary [2 marks]

(d) Complete the Table 4.2 by giving one difference between insect pollinated and wind pollinated flower. Structure Petal Table 4.2 [2 marks] Insect pollinated Wind pollinated

5. Figure 5.1 shows a set of apparatus to study method of heat flow.

Figure 5.1 (a) Name the method of heat flow that being investigated in this experiment ? .. (b) (i) Which thumbtack will fall off first ? .. (ii) Give your reason in b(i). .. . [1 mark] (c) A set of apparatus is being set up as shown in Figure 5.2. [1 mark] [1 mark]

Figure 5.2 (i) Thumbtack from which rod will drop off first? . [1 mark] (ii) Give a reason for your answer in C(i). .. [1 mark] (d) Name another method of heat flow and its medium. Method of heat flow Medium

[2 marks]

6. Figure 6.1 shows an experiment to study the reactions of metals with oxygen. X

Figure 6.1 The magnesium powder and the iron powder were heated first then followed by the heating of the potassium manganate(VII) crystals. The results of the reactions are recorded in Table 6.2 Observation Metal Rate of burning Magnesium powder Iron powder Burned very vigorously with a brilliant bright flame Burned with a bright yellow flame but not very vigorous Table 6.2 (a)(i) Which is more reactive, magnesium powder or iron powder ? . [1 mark] (ii) Give a reason to support your answer in a(i). .. [1 mark] (b) What is the function of heating the potassium manganate(VII) crystals? [1 mark] (c) Suggest a suitable material for X. [1 mark] (d) Name the two solids formed after the reactions have completed. (i) White solid :.. (ii) Reddish brown solid : .............................................................................[2 marks] (e) Write the word equation to represent the reaction when magnesium powder is heated : + [2 marks] Product formed A white solid A reddish brown solid

Science Form 3 July Answer Scheme Section A Question 1. a(i) Answer

Vitreous humour


Yellow spot

(ii) (b) 2. (a)

X : Lens Function : Refracts and focuses images onto retina Retina

1 1 1

3 Element (b) Element Mixture Compound Mixture 3 correct 2M 2 correct 1M 1 correct 0

Consists of two or more types of elements chemically combined Consists of two or more types of elements physically combined

3.(a) b(i) (ii) c. d(i) (ii) 4.(a) (b)

Compound Consists of only one type of atom To remove excess water containing unwanted dissolved substances. P : Right kidney / Kidney Q : Ureter X : Renal artery Urine Urea, mineral salts, nitrogeneous waste products(Any two answers) S : Self-pollination T : Cross-pollination Produce better quality fruits / New plant has higher resistant to diseases / Provide more genetic variations / Better adaptation to changing environment (Any two answers) Ovules : Developes into seeds Ovary : Developes into fruits Insect pollinated : Brightly coloured Wind pollinated : Dull coloured Conduction K Heat flows from the hotter end to the cooler end of the copper rod Copper rod Copper is a better conductor of heat compare to iron. Convection ; Liquids / gases OR Radiation ; Vacuum

1 1 1 1 1 1,1 1 1 2


1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1;1

(d) 5.(a) b(i) (ii) c(i) (ii) (d)

Question 6a(i) (ii) b(i) (c) d(i) (ii) (e)

Answer Magnesium powder Because magnesium powder burned more vigorously with a brilliant bright flame To release / provide oxygen Glass wool Magnesium oxide Iron oxide Magnesium + oxygen Magnesium oxide

Mark 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

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