Questionnaire-RM Group 2

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Payment Modes/Preference at Mall or Super Market in Mumbai.


Serial # Conducted by:-

1. Name:-_____________________________ 2. Contact Details: - Telephone # ______________________Email ID:-________________________ 3. Gender:-Male___ Female___ 4. Marital Status:-Married___Unmarried___

5. Age Group
< 15yrs 15yrs21yrs 22yrs25yrs 26yrs28yrs 29yrs-32yrs 66yrs and above





Student Business Employed Unemployed Retired

7. What is your monthly income? Below Above Above 3000 3000 8000

Tick below correct options. Above Above Above 12000 18000 25000

Above 45000

Above 100000

1. How often do you visit a mall\supermarket? Tick below correct options Daily or every alternate day. Twice in a week. At least once in a week. Twice in a month. At least once in a month. Do visit but rarely.

2. 3.

How often do you shop at mall\super market? Tick below correct options Daily or every alternate day. Twice in a week. At least once in a week. Twice in a month. At least once in a month. Do shop but rarely.

What is your monthly shopping expense at a mall or supermarket? Above Above Above Above Below 1000 1000 3000 8000 12000

Tick below correct options. Above Above Above 18000 25000 45000


What is your preferable mode of payment? Tick below correct options. Credit Debit Cash Card Card Coupons Cheque

5. What do you shop in mall or supermarket? Tick below correct options Never or very Rarely Occasionally Often

Most often

rare Grocery and monthly ration. Household Products Clothes and accessories Electronics Goods Gifts and flowers Entertainment Food and beverages. 6. While purchasing this items which payment mode would you prefer? Cash Cheque Debit Card Credit Card Coupons

7. Do you have insecurity in taking large amount of cash while shopping? Tick below correct options. Yes No 8. Rate the characteristics of available mode of payment on given parameters. Various modes of payments Cas h Cheque Debit Card Credit Card Security Acceptance at various locations Cost incur to make payment Control over payment timing Awareness about the mode Speed of payment Accessibility of records.


In above question please write below digits as per your preference given below them. 1 Best 2 Good 3 Ok 4 Bad 5 Worst

9. Does your preference to payment mode depend the discounts provided by the payment mode? Tick below correct options. Yes No 10. How often you use EMI facility for buying consumer durables? Tick below correct options.

Never or Very rare Rarely Occasionally Often Most often

11. Please rate the options given below. (Rate from Highest importance to lowest importance on the scale of 1 to 7) Control Acceptance Cost incur over Awareness at various to make payment about the Speed of Accessibility Parameters Security locations payment timing mode payment of records. Importance (1 to 7)

12. What is the general information about your family? General information Age Father Mother Brother Sister Spouse Child (male) Child (female Education Occupation Income group


Below 10th A Student A No income (dependant) A

Below 12th B Unemployed B

Undergraduate C Self employed C

Graduate D Employed D

Post Graduate E


. Income group Below 5000 B Below 10000 C Below 15000 D Below 35000 E Above 35000 F

13. What is the preference of below mode of payments by your family? Mode of payments Cash Cheque Debit card Credit card Father Mother Brother Sister Spouse Child (male) Child (female) Mode Of Payments


Never 1

Rarely 2

Occasionally 3

Often 4

Always 5

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