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Student: Victor Julian Sibran Perez.

Carrer: Licenciature of Enlgish Subject: Management of Technological Resources for the Teaching and Administration of the
English Language. Topic: VARK results Victor Sibran

Date: 04/04/2013 Introduction The present report has the objective to explain a little bit of the VARK questionnaire at the same time the results of the Victor Julian Sibran Prez will be explained. VARK is a questionnaire that helps students, Professors, and public in general an idea of which is the way he or she acquire the information and offer some tips in how to improve learning process; this questionnaire work with four sensory modalities Visual, Aural, Read/write, and Kinesthetic which are some ways used by humans to get information, the questions help to understand the level of each modality to have an efficient learning. The most important reason to take VARK is to understand the best way to learn because to teach first we have to learn, at the same time having essential information on how Victor learns will help him to apply strategies based in the learning of others and the learning process will be more efficient. Your scores were: Visual: 4 Aural: 5 Read/Write: 4 Kinesthetic: 10
12 10 8 6 Influence

Victor's VARK results

Modality Influence Visual 4 Aural 5 Read/write 4 Kinesthetic 10

4 2 0 Visual Aural Read/write kinesthetic

The results shown that the principal learning modality is the kinesthetic so the Its recommended to use these strategies: The main influence is the kinesthetic INTAKE
All your senses - sight, touch, taste, smell, hearing ... Laboratories Field trips Examples of principles Lecturers who give real-life examples Applications

SWOT Put plenty of examples into your summary. Use case studies and applications to help with principles and abstract concepts. Use pictures and photographs that illustrate an idea. Go back to the laboratory or your lab manual.


Write practice answers, paragraphs... Role plays the exam situation in your own room.

The second in influence is the Aural INTAKE

attend classes Discuss topics Explain new ideas to other people Use a tape recorder Remember the interesting examples, stories, jokes... leave spaces in your notes for later recall and 'filling'

SWOT Convert your "notes" into a learnable package by reducing them (3:1) Put your summarized notes onto tapes and listen to them. Read your summarized notes aloud.

OUTPUT Imagine talking with the examiner. Practice writing answers to old exam questions.

Conclusion The learning is a process that has many obstacles one of them is the path to follow in order to acquire the best of knowledge that is the reason why the VARK questionnaire is an essential part of the professional way it gives a path to follow.

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