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Boeing 737 New Generation - Questionnaire Flight Management & Navigation

Note: A minimum of 75% of good answers is required to pass the test.


1. When the IRSs are operating in the normal navigation mode they provide: o Attitude and true + magnetic heading o Acceleration, vertical speed & ground speed o Track, present position & wind data o All of the above. 2. A fast alignment should be complete in: o 15 seconds o 30 seconds o 45 seconds o 1 minute 3. Which of the following is not a major component of the inertial system? o Air Data Inertial Reference Units (ADIRU) o Inertial System Display Unit (ISDU) o Instrument Display Unit (IDU) transfer switch o Mode Select Unit (MSU) 4. During the preliminary cockpit preparation the pilot accidentally moves the IRS Mode Selector switch from OFF to ATT instead from OFF to NAV. How can normal IRS operation be regained? o Switch to OFF, wait for ALIGN lights to extinguish, then perform full alignment procedures o Switch directly to NAV from the ATT position o Switch to the ALIGN position then to NAV o Switch to the OFF position 5. The FMC contains 2 databases (Performance & Navigation database) o True o False The database includes:- airplane drag & engine characteristics, maximum & optimum altitudes, maximum & minimum speeds, etc.- the location of VHF navigation database, waypoints, airports, runways, SIDs, STARs, etc. 6. With correct takeoff parameters, the FMC commands the selected takeoff thrust when the TO/GA switch is pushed. During the takeoff roll, the

autothrottle commands the thrust & the FMC commands acceleration to between V2+15 & V2+25 knots. o True o False. 7. For LNAV to be engaged on the ground, the departure runway must be selected and the course, to the first waypoint, must be within ___ degrees of the runway heading. o 5 o 10 o 12 o 20 8. To climb to FL280 in the shortest distance, MAX ANGLE should be selected on this page: o CLB or CRZ o PROG o CLB o CLB or PERF 9. When penetrating turbulence: o The Turbulence N1 is line selected to the scratch pad on the CRZ page and transferred to the N1 LIMIT page for activation & execution o The Turbulence N1 is activated on the CRZ page o The Turbulence N1 is a reference only. The autothrottle must be disconnected and the N1 set manually o The Turbulence N1 is the minimum speed commanded by the autothrottle during all flight conditions to ensure safe penetration when it is encountered. 10. The purpose of the FMC FIX INFO page is to: o Establish your position relative to any stored fix o Create new waypoints, and using place bearing / place bearing or along track fix methods, monitor flight progress o Create a new waypoint at the intersection of the active route and a radial or distance from a known fix o The first & the third statements are correct. 11. If the FAULT light on the IRS Mode Selector Unit illuminates, it indicates: o A failure of a Symbol Generator or a system fault affective NAV Mode of the ADIRU. o An entry of an invalid present position. o A system fault affecting the respective IRS ATT and/or NAV Mode. o That DC power for the respective IRS is not normal. 12. On the FMC TAKEOFF REF Page, the SEL temperature entry may be made in either degrees Celsius or Farenheit: o True o False. 13. The FMC Alerting Message 'VERIFY POSITION' indicates: o The airplane is excessively off the flight planned course. o Position information is contradictory. o The airplane is more than 3.5 NM off the flight planned course. o The captain has left the cockpit for an excessive period of time. 14. After completing the FMC CDU preflight actions, you look at the POS INIT page again. The SET IRS POS line is missing. What is required?

Nothing. This is a normal indication once both IRS's have entered the NAV mode. o Re-enter PPOS LAT/LONG into the FMC. o The alignment was not performed. Cycle the IRS's to OFF and start a new alignment, then re-enter PPOS LAT/LONG o Return to ALIGN, then NAV, and enter the PPOS LAT/LONG into the Left or Right IRS unit. 15. During PATH DESCENT and below the Speed Restriction Altitude, the FMC Alertting Message 'OVERSPEED DICONNECT' means: o VNAV has disengaged because airspeed has exceeded FMC Speed Restriction by more than 15 knots o The FMC has disengaged the autothrottles due to excessive Speed. o VNAV has disengaged at VMO minus 5 knots. o VNAV has disengaged because airspeed has exceeded FMC Target Speed by more than 10 knots 16. Using a Reduced Takeoff thrust setting may result in Automatic FMC of Reduced Climb Thrust. o True o False. 17. The purpose of the FMC LEGS page is to display the lateral and vertical flight path details for each waypoint and to make route modifications involving a portion of a route segment: o True o False. 18. The airplane is not certified for operations: o Above 7815' N or below 7815'S o Above 73N or below 60S o Above 82N or below 82S o Approching North or South pole 19. On which CDU is the ground speed displayed? o PROGRESS page 1 o CRZ o POS REF page 2 o INIT REF 20. Selection of an ILS approach from a DEP/ARR page will automatically remove a previously selected approach: o True o False. 21. With the CONTROL PANEL select switch on the DISPLAYS Source Panel in the BOTH ON 2 position: o The First Officer's EFIS Control Panel is supplying identical inputs to the captain's & First Officer's displays o Both pilots displays are using the No.2 symbol generator. o DEU 2 controls all six display units. o ADIRU inputs for both the L & R ADIRU are being received from the First Officer's pitot probe. 22. Holding patterns appear as scaled representation if the airplane is within 3 minutes of the holding fix with the range scale set at 80 NM: o True. o False.

23. If the FMC Alert Light of the LEFT / RIGHT FORWARD PANEL is illuminated. It means: o The FAIL light on CDU(s) is illuminated. o The FAIL light on CDU(s) is illuminated or an alerting message exists for both CDUs. o The FAIL light on CDU(s) is illuminated or an alerting message exists for both CDUs or test switch is in position 1 or 2 o The FAIL light on CDU(s) is illuminated or test switch is in position 1 or 2 24. Two GPS receivers receive GPS satellite positioning signals. The LEFT & RIGHT GPS receivers are independent and ech provides an accurate airplane geographical position to the FMC & other aircraft systems. GPS operation is automatic. o True o False. 25. When the IRS Mode Selector is turned OFF, the IRS remain powered for approximately ________. o 10 seconds. o 30 seconds. o 60 seconds. o 90 seconds. The ALIGN light illuminates until the system is completely shut down 26. During IRS alignment, If the Latitude / Longitude is not within ___ NM of the origin airport, the CDU scratchpad message VEIFY POSITION is displayed. o 1,2 o 2,5 o 4 o 5 If the entered Latitude/Longitude position does not pass the internal comparison tests, the scratchpad message ENTER IRS POSITION is displayed 27. During an IRS alignment a flashing white ALIGN light indicates alignment cannot be completed due to IRS detection of: o A significant difference between previous & entered position o An unreasonable present position o A related IRS operating in the ALIGN mode o Both first & second statements are correct. 28. The display selector of the ISDU (IRS Display Unit) is moved to position 'HDG/STS' during alignment. What is shown in the right window? o Right window displays ground speed. o Right window displays wind speed. o Right window displays minutes remaining until alignment is complete. o Right window displays true track. 29. If the airplane is moved during alignment or fast realignment, the IRS automatically begins the full alignment process:

True False. 30. When the FMC is not receiving required fuel data: o VNAV disengages and VNAV operation is not possible o The scratchpad message 'USING RSV FUEL' may be displayed o The pilot is responsible for periodic entry of fuel weight in order to keep gross weight value current o Both second & third statements are correct. 31. Fuel onboard is automatically displayed as received from the airplane fuel summation unit and: o A valid fuel entry is xxx.xx o Airplane zero fuel weight is not a required entry o When FMC is not receiving the required fuel data, displayed dashes and manual fuel weight entry is not possible o Normally the ZFW is entered from the airplane dispatch papers and the FMC calculates the airplane gross weight. 32. The fuel quantity displayed on the FMC PROGRESS page 1 is: o Wing tank fuel only o Center tank fuel only o Total fuel quantity remaining direct from the fuel summation unit o Total fuel used since engine start, based on fuel flow inputs to the FMC 33. With HDG SEL engaged, selecting LNAV will: o Engage if the airplane is within 3 NM of the LNAV course, regardless of the heading o Arm if the airplane is on intercept heading of 90 degrees or more regardless of distance from the LNAV course o Engage if the airplane is on an intercept heading of 90 degrees or less and the intercept will occur before the active waypoint o Both first & second statements are correct 34. An acceptable required time of arrival entry found on ACT RTA PROGRESS page 2/3 is: o 10/30/45 o 10304 o 10/30.5 o 103045B 35. Which data is available by line selecting the RTE DATA prompt on the ACT RTE LEGS page? o FMC calculated speed & altitude data for each waypoint o Manually entered speed & altitude restrictions for each waypoint o ETA & forecast wind data for cruising points o All of the above are correct. 36. When an active data base expires in flight, the expired database continues to be used until the active data is changed after landing. o True o False. 37. When aligning the IRS between 78 degrees 15 minutes North or South latitude: o Rotate the IRS switch from OFF to ALIGN

o o

Alignment time will vary from 5 minutes to 17 minutes depending on airplane latitude o The alignment process begins when the ON DC light illuminates & the ALIGN light extinguishes o Airplane present position is not a required entry. 38. The FMC supplies a default required navigation performance (RNP) value that: o Should not exceed actual navigation performance o With RNP exceeded, the message FMC appears on the scratch pad o Is shown on the POS SCHIFT page 3/3 only o Is used for takeoff, enroute, oceanic, terminal and approach phases 39. What does the DES NOW prompt on the PATH DES page provide? o Provides a DES NOW display in ACT or MOD mode o Execution allows early initiation of a SPD descent at 1000 FPM until intercepting the computing path o Execution allows early initiation of a PATH descent at 1000 FPM until intercepting the computed path o Arms the DES NOW function& extinguishes the EXEC light 40. The transition altitude of the FMC PERF INIT page: o Displays 10000 feet at FMC power up o Changes after selecting a departure procedure with a different altitude o Cannot be manually changed by the crew to a new altitude o Is automatically entered when the TRIP/CRZ altitude is entered in the FMC 41. Which factor is not considered in the FMC TRIP/CRZ computation? o GROSS WEIGHT o COST INDEX o ORIGIN o RESERVES 42. On the FMC RTE page, the origin airport will still have to be entered if the company route is entered. o True o False. 43. Pushing the ACTIVATE key arms the route for execution as the active route. o True o False. 44. On the FMC RTE page invalid VIA entries are: o Airways & company routes which do contain the VIA waypoint of the previous line o Airways & company routes that are in the navigation database o Airways or company routes that are in their performance database o Airways or company routes which do not contain the TO waypoint of the previous line. 45. Arrivals can be selected on the FMC for either the origin or destination airport. o True o False. 46. On the FIX page, radial/distance from the fix, displays the radial and distance from the fix to the airplane. This information is continually updated as the airplane position changes. o True

False. 47. The SELECT DESIRED WPT page is automatically displayed when the FMC encounters more than one location for the same waypoint name after a waypoint entry. o True o False. 48. On the FMC CDU, how is the MOD CRZ CLB page automatically displayed? o Entering a higher CRZ ALT on line 1L of the CRZ page o Pressing the CLB Mode Key during cruise o Entering a higher cruising altitude in the STEP TO line on the CRZ page o All of the above are correct. 49. In the FMC a lateral offset may be specified up to 99.9 miles. Some legs are invalid for offset. One of these is: o Beginning of a flight plan waypoint o Discontinuity o PPOS holding pattern o Course change greater than 90 degrees. 50. The FMC Advisory Message 'DRAG REQUIRED' indicates the airplane is ___ knots or more above the FMC target speed or within ___ knots of VMO/MMO o 10 & 8 o 5 & 10 o 5&8 o 10 & 5 51. The FMC Advisory Message 'BUFFET ALERT' indicates: o Current conditions result in a maneuver margin less than specified. o Clear air turbulence has been detected in the immediate flight path. o the airplane is in partial or full stall. o The crew's dinner is being prepared in the galley. 52. The FMC Alerting Message 'SELECT MODE AFTER RTA' means: o RTA mode has been discontinued due to sequencing of the RTA waypoint o The RTA time does not fall within the earliest and latest takeoff time o RTA mode has been discontinued because the RTA waypoint has been removed from the Flight Plan o Both first & third are correct. 53. After RTA waypoint entry, the displayed ETA is based on: o The active flight plan. o Performance parameters at the time of waypoint entry. o Desired RTA and may not be overwritten. o Both first & second are correct. 54. Speed restriction (SPD REST) displays the most restrictive of the following speeds: o Destination airport speed minus 5 knots o Waypoint speed restriction if greater than 200 knots o Minimum flaps up maneuvering speed o Minimum flap restriction speed. 55. Vertical Path Parameters (FPA, V/B, V/S) display which of the following parameters related to the present vertical path:

FPA-actual flight path angle based on flight plan ground speed & vertical spped o V/B vertical bearing direct from present position of the WPT/ALT line o V/S-the required vertical speed to fly the displayed FPA o Blank if there is no entry on the FPA/VS line 56. FMC position updates from navigation sensor positions are used in the following priority order:- GPS- Two or more DME stations- One VOR with a collocated DME- One localizer & collocated DME- One localizer o True o false FMC logic selects the GPS position as the primary update to the FMC position. If all GPS data becomes unavailable, the FMC reverts to radio or IRS updating. 57. When airplane gross weight is not available from the FMC, the Approach Ref page will be: o Flashing o Blank o Box prompts o 'INVALID' 58. What information is available with the IRS mode selector in ATT? o Only attitude information o Only heading information o Only attitude & heading information o Only altitude information 59. An entry of .79 for descent into the TGT SPD line on the FMC ECON PATH DES will: o Change the descent mode to a M.79 SPD DES o Change the page title to display M.79 PATH DES o Result in VNAV & LNAV disengagement o Result in VNAV disengagement 60. Below 2500 feet RA, go around is engaged when a TO/GA switch is pushed. o True o False Below 2000 ft RA... 61. Upon initiation of TO/GA, a new cruise altitude will be automatically assigned & will appear on the FMC pages. The new cruise altitude will be... o The higest restriction in the missed approach routing o Default value of 1500 feet above airport elevation 62. Two fixed climb thrust derates can be selected on the N1 LIMIT page.CLB-1 provides a climb limit reduced by ___ % N1CLB-2 provides a climb limit reduced by ___ % N1 o 3% N1 (approximately 10% thrust) & 6% N1 (approximately 20% thrust) o 5% N1 (approximately 10% thrust) & 10% N1 (approximately 20% thrust)

7 % N1 (approximately 10% thrust) & 13 % N1 (approximately 20% thrust) o 10 % N1 & 20% N1 63. Use of derated climb thrust reduces engine maintenance costs, and decreases also total trip fuel o True o False Use of derated climb thrust reduces engine maintenance costs, and increases total trip fuel 64. If a CLB1 or CLB2 derate is selected, the derate is maintained for the initial part of the climb. Thrust eventually increases to maximum climb thrust by: o 10 000 feet o 12 000 feet o 15 000 feet o 18 000 feet 65. If the FMC fails, the FMC alert light will illuminate, the FMC/CDU FAIL light will appear on both CDUs, and both CDUs will display failure modes. VTK will appear on both navigation displays. LNAV & VNAV will disengage. After 25 to 30 seconds, both navigation displays will display failure information. o True o False During an FMC software restart, the navigation display map track may rapidly slew to a few degrees, then to the correct value. 66. 'INSUFFICIENT FUEL' FMC alerting message appears in CDU. What does it mean? o A change in conditions or flight plan route causes predicted fuel at destination to be 400 kg / 900 lbs or less o A change in conditions or flight plan route causes predicted fuel at destination to be 500 kg / 1100 lbs or less o A change in conditions or flight plan route causes predicted fuel at destination to be 900 kg / 2000 lbs or less o A change in conditions or flight plan route causes predicted fuel at destination to be 1200 kg / 2700 lbs or less 67. 'RESET MCP ALTITUDE' FMC alerting message appears in CDU. What does it mean? o You are within 1 NM of the top-of-descent point without selecting a lower altitude on the AFDS MCP o You are within 3 NM of the top-of-descent point without selecting a lower altitude on the AFDS MCP o You are within 5 NM of the top-of-descent point without selecting a lower altitude on the AFDS MCP o You are within 10 NM of the top-of-descent point without selecting a lower altitude on the AFDS MCP 68. 'DRAG REQUIRED' FMC Advisory message appears in CDU. What does it mean?

o o o o

Airspeed is 10 knots or more above FMC target speed or within 10 knots of VMO/MMO Airspeed is 5 knots or more above FMC target speed or within 10 knots of VMO/MMO Airspeed is 5 knots or more above FMC target speed or within 5 knots of VMO/MMO Airspeed is 10 knots or more above FMC target speed or within 5 knots of VMO/MMO

Use speedbrakes, trim or reduce thrust, as required, to bring the airplane within 5 knots of FMC target speed. 69. If you have a look in your Descent Page (DES), 'V/B' indication means: o Actual flight path angle based on present ground speed & vertical speed (Vertical Bearing or Total Vertical Speed) o Vertical bearing direct from present position on the WPT/ALT line(the flight path angle required if flying direct to the waypoint & altitude on the WPT/ALT line) o The required vertical speed (in degrees) based on ground speed o The required vertical speed (in fpm, based on present ground speed) to fly the dispmayed V/B 70. The IRSs can operate on either AC or DC power. The Left IRS is normally powered from the AC transfer bus 2, and the Right IRS from the AC Standby bus. o True o False The Left IRS is normally powered from the AC Standby bus, and the Right IRS from the AC transfer bus 2.If AC power is not normal, either or both systems automatically switch to backup DC power from the switched hot battery bus. Backup DC power to the Right IRS is automatically terminated if AC power is not restored within 5 minutes. 71. Decceleration points show on the MAP as green open circles with the label DECEL. Deceleration points show prior to: o Airspeed constrained waypoints o Holding patterns o Approach flap extension o All of the above. 72. The supplemental navigation database is accessed by typing SUPP in the scratchpad while on the INIT/REF index page, then selecting the NAV DATA prompt. Access is available either in flight or on ground. o True o False. Access is ONLY available on the ground. 73. Data may be deleted from the supplemental database (SUPP) by 2 methods. Deletion may be accomplished one item at a time on the display pages, or the

entire database may be deleted by selecting this prompt. The prompt is only available before entry of an origin airport. o True. o False. 74. The STEP POINT displays the computed ETA at, and distance to, the first possible step climb point based on gross weight. The STEP button (1R) is then used to enter step climb or step descent altitudes for crew evaluation. It is blank when within ___ NM of top of descent or when RTA mode is active. o 100 o 50 o 30 o 10 75. Let's have a look in the cruise page (CRZ)...The actual wind displays computed or manually entered true wind for present altitude. o True o False.

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