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Application form to AIESEC Internship

Dear student, AIESEC is a global organisation run by students and recent graduates. AIESEC enables young people to discover and develop their potential, to learn more by experiencing the unique internship and development program. Fill this application form if you want to work on your personal development and to gain international experience. The steps of selection process are following: 1. Application form; 2. Interview interview takes approximately 30 minutes 3. Student Review Board: This interview takes approximately 50 minutes Submit the application form to: latest by the 7th of December 2012. The subject of the email should be of the following format: <Winter Exchange><space><your name><your university> for example: Winter Exchange, Aamash Altaf, SZABIST Good luck!

Personal data Name and surname Contact address Cell phone Date of birth University Jasim Arif Ali and Ali R121/1 sec 14a North Nazimabad 0347-2540245 02-04-1993 NED-UET e-mail

Hometown Karachi

Faculty/field of study Industrial and manufacturing engineering Current year of study: (Expected) Month and year of graduation: Nationality: Are you a passport holder of any other country? If yes, which other country(s): For which countries n/a no Pakistani 2015 First year

Winter 2012 Exchange Application form, AIESEC in Karachi


do you currently hold a visa of, on your passport: (if any)


What are your first impressions of AIESEC? What do you think AIESEC is/does (from your point of view)?

AIESEC encourages young people to come forward and prove their talent, international exposure would let the youngsters to prove their skills internationally thus AIESEC picks up the hidden gems.


Why have you decided to engage into AIESEC? What do you think you will gain out of it?

The reason is because I want international exposure which will help to increase my social circle to fulfill my future plans.


What are your career plans for the future (after you finish your studies)?

My passion is to take admission in MIT university for masters degree.


What are your preferences for the AIESEC Internship: when and what kind of?

I would prefer to go in the technical field of AIESEC where management and development is concerned as development and manufacturing is related to my field.


What is your understanding of a development traineeship? What sort of work do you think you will be engaged in?

Development traineeship polish the skills of the individual skills like communication skill more importantly it makes one a team player which is necessary

Winter 2012 Exchange Application form, AIESEC in Karachi



How will this Development Traineeship help you in achieving your career goals?

This development traineeship will help to build up my extra-curricular activities, which is mandatory for admission in prestigious universities.


What is the biggest global issue in your point of view? And why? What do you think you can do about it, now, while being a university student?

In my opinion the biggest problem is the security of people. Due to the increasing extreamism, terrorist activities are augmenting. I intend to develop innovative devices that will help to protect citizens.


Which foreign languages do you speak? What level?

English at good level.


Previous working experience (companies, student organizations, NGOs) Area of responsibilities Duration What did you learn from it?


Winter 2012 Exchange Application form, AIESEC in Karachi



Please list all the extra curricular youve been a part of after O-levels/Matric (student councils, societies, event management, etc) Area of responsibilities Duration What did you learn from it?


I was the captain of departmental NED chess team

6 months I learnt in order to take over pressure one has to enjoy playing.

To take part in writing competitions 1 year and literary competition inside Literary and university and with other university

Essay writing helps me improve my writing skills

publication society as well (NED university)

This is the arts and craft society in MOSAIC (NED university) NED university. My responsibility was managing their events.

6 months I learnt about arts and culture of Pakistan, which I learnt was very rich.


Have you been abroad for more than a week? Where and how (study, traveling)? Also please list all the countries youve been to


Your schedule during a week: 12. S school, I hobbies, interests (language course, football...), H home (in the different city), J job, for other obligations make a short note, empty free time Monday 08:00 09:00 10:00 s s s Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Winter 2012 Exchange Application form, AIESEC in Karachi


11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 13.

i i

Which part of promotion of AIESEC caught your attention? Why?


Which area from these are you interested in? Number by preference where 6 is the highest and 1 lowest mark. Marketing and external relations IT Finance

Cooperation with development sector (NGO) Cooperation with corporations Human resources


What are in your opinion benefits of working in small or medium enterprise, nongovernmental organization or governmental organization? (choose two and describe)


Please specify the dates for which you can go on a development traineeship.

nge Type-

17. Please select the type of traineeship that you are interested in taking part in. You may select one traineeship type.

Winter 2012 Exchange Application form, AIESEC in Karachi


Development Traineeship - The student has the opportunity to work in a company, NGO, government, university or organisation and will spend the majority of his/her time working in areas related to community development issues. These areas may include childrens rights, environmental issues, education, rural development and entrepreneurship. Education Traineeship The student has the opportunity to work in a company, NGO, government, university or organisation and will spend the majority of his/her time working in areas related to Education. The work is related to promotion, curriculum development, teaching, and counseling in the education sector.


How long is the ideal internship for you?

6 weeks 8 weeks 3 months 4 months 6 months More than 6 months


ation Please read carefully and indicate your agreement by signing the declaration. 1. If selected I am prepared to participate in the required activities and various stages of the program, including learning activities in the preparation, integration and re-integration stages of the program. 2. I have checked the application and it is to the best of my knowledge complete and correct, with all necessary attachments. 3. I have checked the website ( and have some knowledge of AIESEC, its purpose, its objectives and its activities, and my reasons for wanting to participate in the program are in line with this vision. 4. I have the adaptability, open-mindedness, awareness and maturity to handle the challenges of a traineeship in a different country and culture.

Winter 2012 Exchange Application form, AIESEC in Karachi


5. I have the ability to cover travel and other related costs to the location of the traineeship (air fare, visa fee, insurance etc) I am matched to. 6. In regards to the country of choice, I possess a degree of flexibility that will facilitate my ability to be more readily matched to a traineeship. 7. I am willing to sit for a review board and pay the Rs.7,000 AIESEC fee which is non refundable except in certain circumstances. 8. I have an understanding of AIESECs roles & responsibilities, and my own roles and responsibilities throughout the exchange program. 9. I understand that this is a traineeship program and I am expected to return back to Pakistan at the end of the traineeship.

Signature: ____________________________

Date: ________________

Print Name: ___________________________ Thank you for your application!

Winter 2012 Exchange Application form, AIESEC in Karachi


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