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Libon, Albay


PROF. ED - 9
Submitted by: ROMANO, SANDINO C. BEEd III-B Submitted to: JOAN SIONICIO Instructor


In doing this portfolio, it will need a more focus to the learnings and activities that I encounter to this subject in order to have an idea to make this portfolio. In this portfolio, I would give thanks the entire person behind to this output, first of all to my teacher that sharing his idea and knowledge to this subject, and to his untiring dedication of teaching us. To my family that serve as my guidance and my friends in helping to make this portfolio, for their support and kindness. I always owe all of that and serve as my inspiration.

Statement of Purpose
This subject help me a lot to develop my knowledge in assessing the knowledge of learners in this portfolio serve as my compilation of all the activities and learnings that I gain to this subject. It also includes my understanding to every topic that being discussed. Doing this portfolio is not easy as I know by with help of my learnings that I gained to this subject It help me a lot to understand and to analyze the different way of assessing the learners. This portfolio is not just a requirement in order to pass this subject, but will be my reference someday .

Comparison and Contrast

Assessment of Learning 1
The assessment of Learning 1 primary purpose is the improvement of student learning. The Assessment process will highlight and promote those practices that are most effective, determine action for improvement where needed and provide evidence of program quality and student learning. Establishing clear, measurable objectives (expected outcomes) of student learning. Ensuring that students have sufficient opportunities to achieve those outcomes. Systematically gathering, analyzing, and interpreting evidence to determine how well student learning matches our expectations. Using the resulting information to understand and to improve student learning.

Assessment of Learning 2
The assessment of Learning is to measure cognitive, skills, competencies, ability, products, and output and project targets. It also includes the validity, reliability and fairness then the other to which first time I heard the practicality and efficiency and ethics in assessment.

CRITERIA Visual Appeal Organization of entries Variety of entries Reflections Readability Prompt submission Outstanding (5) Very good (4) Good (3) Fair (2) Poor (1)

The rubrics serve as a scoring guide in order to easily assist the intelligent of the learners, rubrics help also the teacher to serve as guidelines for what is expected in a final product, including points on which a grade can be based, To provide students with a structural picture of an excellent paper and To provide an

organized approach to revision, which is the key to a student writer's growth.

Sandino Romano & John Matthew Pernecita

Sample computation of Grades (K to 12)

Knowledge (15%) Quizzes 10%
Student 1 Student 2
9 7

Oral participation T
28 27

Practical test E
86 89



11 12

8 8

80 77

10 9

15% 20%
11 14 18 17

39 40

30 32

86 91 84 85.67 15 12.85

Process /Skill (25%) Quizzes 10

Student 1 Student 2
10 10

Oral participation T
28 29

Practical test E
83 83



10 12

8 7

80 83

9 8

9 9

15 16

33 33

14 12

93 80 85.33 82 21.33 20.5

Understanding (30%) Quizzes 10

Student 1 Student 2

Oral participation T E 20 18 19 10 9 10 15 15 15 T E

Practical test 10 9 8 E 90 80



10 10 8

10 8 7

9 10

27 90 25 88

42 93 49 98

91 87

27.3 26.1

Product/Performance Home work

Student 1

Journal 92 90

P.E 89 92

GW 88 88

Ave 89.75 90

30 26.93 27

Tentative Rating 88.16 86.45

FR 88% 87%


90 90

Student 2

This grading system in k to 12 is really confusing and very chaotic for the teacher especially to the beginner teacher, you need to put some effort and time in order to finish all the subject need to be computed, this grading system is divided in to four levels which is knowledge (15 percent), (30 process and or skills (25 percent), (30

understanding percent).



The results of the student's performance will be summed up based on these levels to come up with a numerical value. The corresponding level of proficiency will appear on the report card at the end of the quarter. For the final grade, the quarterly ratings will be averaged and expressed in terms of the levels of proficiency. The general average will be computed based on the final grades of the different learning areas, and will be expressed in terms of the levels of proficiency. The numerical equivalent shall appear in parenthesis.

Reflection (Every Child is Special)

1. Who are the influential persons of ishaan life? Mr Nikumbh was the influential person to ishaan, Mr. Nikumbh discussed Ishaans situation to the principal and suggested that he will teach Ishaan how to read and write while in return, he asked that the boy will be judged orally for the time being. He received the consent he needed and worked with Ishaan for the following days. One day, Mr. Awashti visited Mr. Nikumbh to tell him that his wife is doing some research about their sons condition. Mr. Nikumbh asked him why he was telling him these details. Mr. Awashti said that he dont want him to misunderstood them for being careless parents. Regardless of what Mr. Awashti had said, Mr. Nikumbh told him the real meaning of caring. On Mr. Awashtis way out, he heard his son reading the advertisement for the upcoming painting competition. It was his first time to hear his son reading and in shame, he did not have a face to show his son and left without saying hi. 2. What are the some of the characteristics of the main character in the story which contribute to miss- failure of learning? Mr. Nikumbh discussed Ishaans situation to the principal and suggested that he will teach Ishaan how to read and write while in return, he asked that the boy will be judged orally for the time being. He received the consent he needed and worked with Ishaan for the following days. One day, Mr. Awashti visited Mr. Nikumbh to tell him that his wife is doing some research about their sons condition. Mr. Nikumbh asked him why he was telling him these details. Mr. Awashti said that he dont want him to misunderstood them for being careless parents. Regardless of what Mr. Awashti had said, Mr. Nikumbh told him the real meaning of caring. On Mr. Awashtis way out, he heard his son reading the advertisement for the upcoming painting competition. It was his first time to hear his son reading and in shame, he did not have a face to show his son and left without saying hi. 3. What philosophies of education can you see from the movies? The philosophies I viewed to the movie is every child is have own way on how they learn and how they interpret themselves, and in the movie itself it show that every child is special, we must consider that every child have their own differences, we dont need to set aside if ever they have a problem on learning encase we think a way on how to solve their problems and difficulties on learning. 4. Site some outstanding characteristics of the person who change ishann life Mr. Nikumbh is a loving teacher to his pupils, he give effort to learn the pupils he handle, and he have a courage to motivate himself to be positive in teaching his pupils.

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