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Mesa, Manila College of Engineering Department of Computer Engineering



Submitted to: DR. DUQUE

Through the use of the advanced technology, Google Maps lets you to have a close and detailed view of a particular place and area, as an example, the City of Caloocan where I was raised and currently been living for about 17 years.

Cities are made up of barangays. It is the smallest administrative division in the Philippines. My home is included in Barangay 28 Zone 3 of Caloocan City, which has a land area of 30.7 hectares or is equivalent to 307,000 square meters. Below is the map which the Barangay 28 stretches.

The number of people residing in the said barangay is more or less 29,657. The community has an average household size of 4.78 or 5 persons per house. Among the population, nearly 59% are not married and 38% are married. 14.3% of the population fall under age bracket 5 years and below, 22.9% fall under 6-14 years old, 21.1% are under 15-24 years old and only 1.6% belong to age bracket 65 years and above. Regarding the economic profile, 55.38% are employed or have business. About 44.6% are unemployed including those women who opted to stay at home and are not actively looking for jobs. 30.8% are production workers, 20.7% are service workers, 19.8% in transport services and only 3.1% are professionals. 51.5% account for those underemployed. About 76% are working for private establishments, 15.4% are self-employed, only 2.5% are working for government agencies and only 0.6% in family-operated business. 84.7% are in permanent employment status while 14.7% are in casual employment status. 49.4% of the households have income within the range of 5,000-9,999, 26.1% have income in the 10,000-19,999 range and about 18% have income below 5,000. Monthly household expenses ranging from 5,000-9,999 which account 54.5% of the households, 15.5% have expenses below 5,000 while 26.8% have expenses ranging 10,000-20,000. Monthly food expenses of the households concentrate in the expenses range of 2,000-5,000 per month which account to 71%. Focusing to housing, 63.9% of the households are house owners, 18.4% are renting and 17.6% are renting for free. 75.2% of the houses are made of strong materials and only 2% are made of mixed materials. Crime incident is very often in the barangay. According to the data, only 5% of the population is involved in misconduct and delinquency. And from this 5%, teenagers were most of them. Many police officers are on duty and taking responsibility for the peace and order of the community. The barangay has several patrol mobiles which help them to go and stroll around in order to make sure that everything is settled and under control. Below is a picture of a patrol mobile owned by the barangay.

There are government and non-government projects conducted in this particular barangay. One is the construction of waiting shed in a school and another is making a path walk. Senior citizens are empowered because of the regular meeting they are conducting. The community participated in the program One Day, One Bay of Mayor Enrico Recom Echiverri and gathered 1000 sacks of garbage in clearing water ways and declogging creeks. The barangay also supports the waste segregation and gives trash bins like this one in the picture below.

The beautification of the multipurpose barangay hall is a milestone for the barangay. Below is the picture of the barangay hall.

Inside the multipurpose hall are health center or clinic (left) and a day care center (right) which picture shows below.

There are five day care centers including one which is in the hall, one elementary and high school which are both Kasarinlan Elementary/High School. The picture of the school appears below

School attendance of the 6-24 age group account 63.7%. Of these, 61.8% are in elementary level, 29.6% in high school and 8.6% are in post-secondary courses. Of the 16% who are not attending school, 35.2% are employed/actively looking for work, 27% cannot afford the school expenses, 16.6% for housekeeping reasons and 10.2% lack the interest for schooling. There are only 6.1% of the household heads who finished college while 10.1% are college level and about 36.3% are high school graduates while 15.6% are high school level. Regarding the health profile, 48.9% account usual cases of flu/fever, 37.9% for colds/cough, 6.7% for abdominal pain/diarrhea. Only 8.4% visit health institutions, mostly to barangay health centers. The barangay is not careless with the peoples health because there are clinics where they can find free medicine and consultation for their illness. In addition, they have an ambulance in case that there are people who needed immediate medical attention and must be confined in the hospital because of their condition. Below is a picture of the ambulance vehicle. The thing that amazed me the most is the rubber boat which can help rescue citizens during extreme flooding. Below also is a picture of the rubber boat.

Most of the businesses established in the community are sari-sari stores, furniture shops, trucking, wholesale groceries and softdrink manufacturing and delivering. There are several computer shops and gasoline stations situated in the barangay.

ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATION With the data given, it just shows that this barangay is a young community (like the Philippines which is said to be a young nation) because of the great percentage of children compared to the elderly. Therefore, man power is lacking in this place. It is said by one of the official in the barangay that the budget for the whole year is 10 million pesos. With this large sum of money, the leaders must utilize and spend the money as transparent as possible in order for the people to feel the improvement within the community. The unemployment rate is nearly half of the community and it must be given importance. Because, how can a person supports his/her family if he/she doesnt know where to make income. The barangay chairman must pursue a program about entrepreneurship especially to those who have not finished schooling. Vocational or technical training must be given to young adults who can work best at their age. Recreational activities must be conducted in order for the people to interact with each other and for them to enjoy life even they are at home doing the chores especially to the mothers. The persons in position must extend their arms to their constituents to promote harmony between them. The low percentage of persons who finished college is very alarming. The barangay must have informal schooling in order for some people to gain knowledge even if they are not in school. Teenagers must take a great role in the community. They must participate in organizing events that many people will enjoy. The youthfulness of the teenagers must be utilized because they are dominant and it must be used to promote education and good behaviour. Rules must be implemented strictly. Curfew must be followed. Good governance must be observed

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