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SECTION A: Directed Writing


1. This module consists of 10 sets of sample questions and answers for Directed Writing as well as some grammar notes, covering all the themes and formats as in the syllabus from Form 1 to Form 3. 2. The ten sets are arranged according to the format used and grammar focus as mentioned in the following table. All the themes, topic and possible learning outcomes are stated at the beginning of every set as guidelines for teachers. 3. Each set starts with a subtopic called Grammar Focus in which some notes on certain grammar rules are provided. It is suggested that teachers give simple explanation on the grammar rules and if need provide some simple grammar exercises to ensure students have acquired some knowledge on the grammar rules intended to be focused on for the specific set, before expecting its application in the students essay. 4. It is followed by Task A in which a model essay question and answer are given where words or phrases are printed in bold to emphasise on the grammar rules focused in this section. Step-by-step procedures in composing the essays are also included as guidelines to help the teachers and students. 5. Then, in Task B, students are required to complete a text of the same format as in the Sample Essay in Task A with words in suitable form based on what they have learned in grammar focus. This part is included as an enrichment exercise to consolidate students acquisition of the grammar rule and as a practice for its application in essay writing.

6. Finally, in Task C, a writing task is given for the students to complete. It has the same format and chosen with care for further practice to apply the grammar rules in writing the whole essay. 7. Answers are given in a separate section and written in full text, with the answers printed in bold to give better guidelines for teachers in carrying out the answer discussion. 8. This module is compiled in such a way that gives teachers the flexibility to choose any set or task to be taught at any order suitable in their teaching without having been conformed to follow rigid orders of the sets. However, some consideration is given towards the order of difficulty in teaching grammar in the process of building the module, as students need to grasp some basic grammar rules before moving on to more difficult ones.

The main objective of this module is to enable students to write essays. In specific to fulfill the task of producing guided essays as required in the PMR Paper 2, Section A. However, due to the fact that students main weaknesses lie in the application of correct grammar rules in writing, it is essential to put some emphasis on grammar. Therefore, it is decided that grammar should be incorporated in this module and the approach of teaching grammar in context is highly-considered in producing this module.


1. Social Issues


Description of Place (Formal Letter)

Permission to Visit a Childrens Home

Learning Outcomes
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 2.3 present information to different audiences by: a) writing recounts, descriptions, explanations, speeches, reports and articles c) responding to questions orally and in writing e) expanding notes and outlines f) composing, revising and editing drafts; and checking accuracy of spelling, punctuation and grammar i) using appropriate format, conventions and grammar when presenting information. Level 3 vii. writing brief simple descriptions viii. expanding notes and outlines xi. applying process writing skills

Page 6-10


Science and Technology People Environment Environment Environment

Description of Object Description of People Report Recount Description of Place (Informal Letter) Article Opinion Report

3. 4. 5. 6.

The Importance of Robot in Our Life An Interesting person Saving the Environment A Flash Flood A Visit to the Bird Park Eating Your Way to Good Health A Big Family and a Small Family Movies Watched by Ericas Family Members How to Make a Pizza


17-22 23-31 32-38 39-44

7. 8. 9.

Health Social Issues People

45-50 51-56 57-65

10 .


Process and Procedures


11 12

index proverb Sample Answers

74-80 81-86

GRAMMAR IN CONTEXT NO 1. GRAMMAR FOCUS Subject-Verb Agreement Simple Present Tenses, Present Continuous Tense Present Perfect Ternse Simple Present (Active & Passive) Simple Past Tense (Active & Passive) Preposition 7. Modals
SAMPLE ESSAY 1(a) A Visit to Childrens Home 2 (a) The Importance of Robots in our Lives TEXT COMPLETION 1(b) Request for permission to visit factory 2 (b) KLIA DO IT YOURSELF 1 (c) A Visit to Old Folks Home 2 (c) The Importance of Science and Technology

PAGE 6-7



3. 4.

3 (a) An Interesting Person 4 (a) Saving the Environment 5 (a) A Flash Flood

3(b) J.K. Rowling 4 (b) Endangered species-Toad 5 (b) Girls Guide Activity 6 (b) A trip to Terengganu 7 (b) A Healthy Lifestyle 8 (b) Town house or Country house 9 (b) The Best Softdrink -Pepsi

3 (c) Encik Mansur Khalid 4 (c) The Young Entrepreneurs Workshop 5 (c) A Bush Fire

17-18 23-24





Comparison of Adjectives Comparative & Superlative (Adjective) Sequence Connectors


6 (a) A Gotong Royong 7 (a) Eating Your Way to Good health 8 (a) Big Families and Small Families 9 (a) Movies Watched by Ericas Family Members 10 (a) Making Pizza

6 (c) A Visit to the National Park 7 (c) The Importance of Sports 8 (c) Tuition Classes 9 (c) Ambitions of Form 3 Students of SMK Taman Kota Tinggi 10 (c) Making Jellies

39-40 45




10 (b)

Making Pan Fried Cheese Sandwiches


82-88 Sample Answers to Text Completion and Students Essay

SET 1 DIRECTED WRITING Theme Topic Time : : : People Descriptive Writing 2 hours

Learning Outcomes: Students should be able to 2.3 present information by e) expanding notes and outlines a) writing a description f) composing, revising and editing drafts; and checking accuracy of spelling, punctuation and grammar GRAMMAR FOCUS

SUBJECT- VERB AGREEMENT A sentence consists of a subject and a verb. The subject may be a noun or a pronoun. The verb must agree with its subject. When the subject is singular, the verb must be singular too. (The singular verb normally ends with an s) Singular Subject The bird The bird Johan The student It He She Singular Verb has lives loves answers eats completes concludes no Malay names on insects chocolates the questions the fish the experiment the essays

When the subject is plural, the verb must be plural as well. (The plural verb normally does not end with an s) Plural Subject The birds The birds Johan and Hannah The students They We You Plural Verb have live love answer eat complete conclude no Malay names on insects chocolates the questions the fish the experiment the essays


The Interact Club in your school is planning to visit a Childrens Home. As the secretary of the club, you have been asked to write a letter to ask for permission to visit the Home.

Model Answer :
SMK Taman Kota Jaya 81900, Kota Tinggi, Johor ___________________________________________________ The Director Yayasan Murni Childrens Home 81900, Kota Tinggi Johor 3 August 2007 Dear Madam, Permission to visit Yayasan Murni Childrens Home


Write your address

Write the name or position and address of

the person you are

Write the subject of the letter

The Caring Club in, my school is planning a number of activities after the final semester examination. We are keen on visiting the home and spend an afternoon with the children. We hope you will give us the permission for the visit. 2. The visit will give our members a chance to interact with young people. Our members will learn to be more caring and understanding.

Give information about your club. Ask for permission to visit the

State the: - time and date of the visit - number of participants - activities

3. We plan to visit the Home from 1p.m to 6p.m on 20 September 2007. There will be about thirty members and three teachers in our group. We have planned many activities to cheer up the children. These include a magic show, a story- telling competition and a singing session. 4. I hope you will give us a favourable reply soon.
Express your hope for a positive reply

Thank you. Yours faithfully, Manjalara (MANJALARA BT AZLAN) Secretary of Caring Club

Signing off

[Adapted From: Form 3 English Text Book]


Fill in the blanks with the suitable form of the verbs given in brackets. Pay attention to the subject of each sentence. The Secretary, Geography Society, SM Jalan Sultan Sulaiman, 26600 Pekan, Pahang.

The Manager, Munchys Food Sdn. Bhd., Jalan Kilang, 46050 Petaling Jaya. Dear Sir, Request for Permission to Visit Factory

18 NOVEMBER 2007

As the secretary of the Geography Society, I would like to 1 (request) permission on behalf of my school to 2.(visit) your factory. 2. There 3.(be) 30 students who 4..(be)

5.. (interest) in going for this trip. Two teachers 6.(be) also 7..(come). If it 8 (be) convenient for you, we would like to 9.(visit) your factory on either 18 or 20 December 2007. We 10 (will) 11 .. (arrive) at the factory at approximately 10.00 a.m. 3. If the time and dates 12.(be) not convenient for you,

please suggest other possible times. 4. We 13. (hope) you 14. (will) 15

(grant) us permission to 16 ..(visit) your factory. Thank you. Yours faithfully, . (KAJOL DEVGAN)

The Interact Club of your school is planning a visit to an Old Folks Home near your area. As the secretary of the club, you will write a letter to ask for permission from your principal to visit the home. Include the following in the letter:

Date of visit Number of students Number of teachers Activities planned Estimated cost for the


When writing your letter: - use all notes given - set out the letter correctly - include any other information which you consider relevant - make sure it is not less than 120 words
[Adapted From: Form 3 English Text Book and PKPSM; Sail Through English PMR)

______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ SET 2


DIRECTED WRITING Theme Topic Time : : : People Descriptive Writing 2 hours

Learning Outcomes: Students should be able to 2.3 present information by g) expanding notes and outlines b) writing a description h) composing, revising and editing drafts; and checking accuracy of spelling, punctuation and grammar

GRAMMAR FOCUS SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE, PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE Simple Present Tense The Simple Present Tense is used to: 1. express a fact or universal truth. Example: The sun sets in the west Daniel is the head prefect of our school. 2. show habitual action. Example: Hassan attends music lesson once a week. We play football everyday. 3. show an action that happens at the time of speaking. Example: The player hits the ball with a bat. The goal keeper catches the ball.


Present Continuous Tense The Present Continuous Tense is used to: 1. refer to a temporary action which is happening at the time of speaking. Example: My mother is baking some cookies for us. The boys are playing badminton. 2. refer to an action that will happen in the near future. Example: Nelly is leaving for Australia tomorrow. Your grandma is coming to visit us. 3. show habitual action. used with always, constantly, after etc. Example: The two brothers are always quarrelling with each other. My parents are constantly watching over us. 4. refer to an action that is often repeated. Example: Aunt Muriel is always nagging at the children. The stewards are frequently travelling around the country. Subject I am staying You We They The students He She It The cat are reading Verb verb to be + ing

is sleeping


TASK 2 A : MODEL ESSAY The Science Club is organizing a forum to discuss the importance of robots in our lives. Model Answer 2 A:
Good morning, teachers and friends. 1The topic that I want to discuss is Robots . What is robot? A robot is a machine that is programmed to carry out tasks automatically3.

The idea of robots was first introduced in the 1920s in a play. In the story, a scientist invented robots to help people do simple tasks, repetitive tasks4. However, once the robots were used to fight wars, they turned on their human owners and took over the world. After the play, people began to look at robots more seriously. People find that robots are ideal for jobs that involve repetitions and accuracy. The reason is robots do not get tired, bored or sleepy while doing the job5. As a result, the first robot was used in the production line by General Motors in 1962. Since then, robots have undergone numerous innovations. Now, they are widely used in factories. Almost ninety per cent of robots work in car factories. Robots are also used to arrange food items in boxes. 6 As technology advances, robots today are becoming more humanlike. The latest humanoid robots are fixed with sensors and cameras to make them smarter. They are also attached with flexible limbs to make them move more efficiently7. The latest humanoid robot can walk up and down stairs, pick up things and walk on uneven surfaces. The scientists efforts have been very productive. They are carrying out a lot of research and development to invent and improve robots. Right now, we already have robotic vacuum cleaners to clean the floor8. Who knows, in the near future housewives would be able to relax over a cup of coffee while a robot does the homework. In a nutshell, thanks to these people who dare to dream and take up challenges, we are now able to enjoy the benefits of their innovations. Thank you9.

[Adapted from: Form 2 English Text Book]

1 2

Greeting Introduction of the topic 3 Definition of robots 4 History of robots 5 Reasons of inventing robots 6 Where robots are used and what do they do 7 Include the innovation of robots 8 Stating examples 9 Stating gratitude to scientists and the audiences as conclusion



Fill in the blanks with either the Simple Present Tense or Present Continuous Tense of the verbs given in the brackets. Many tourists 1.. (be) the feeling of awe and admiration when they first 2(set) foot at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport. It 3(be) indeed an architectural wonder and a marvelous engineering achievement. With its sophisticated features and facilities, the KLIA 4 ( be) indeed a symbol of Malaysias progress and success. It 5 (be) truly the pride of Malaysians. Located on a 25, 000- acre site, the complex cost RM20 billion to build. Within the complex 6.(be) a main terminal building and a satellite building. Passengers 7.. (check) in at the terminal building and 8.(board) the planes parked near the satellite building. A beautifully- landscaped garden with a rainforest 9. (be) in the center of the satellite building. The 132.5- metre tall air traffic control tower 10(be) the tallest in the world. The runways 11.(be) 12 (equip) with special aids enabling aircrafts to 13.(land) and 14..(take) off in all weather conditions. Its total airport system which 15(integrate) various airport operations. The automatic mover train 16.(ferry) passengers between the two buildings. An underground conveyor transports passengers baggage and cargoes. The KLIA 17( is) a proof that our country 18.. (be) 19..(come) a long way from its independence in 1957. It 20..(manifest) to the other countries that the country 21..( can) 22( hold) itself well against them


The Science Club is organizing a forum to discuss the importance of science and technology in our lives. As one of the speakers, write out a speech using the notes below. INTRODUCTION Life better today thanpastscientists, inventors, engineersmade great contributions BODY Technology has improved our lives. machines do our hard worktravel fastereasier communication computers, mobile phonesman, conquered many diseases,-- small pox, tuberculosis, poliomodern equipmenttreat many diseases Your opinion: more progressin future cures for cancer, other diseases new discoveries, inventions will harvest more resourcesfrom oceans, other planets CONCLUSION Look forwardthe future with confidence Contributedevelopment [Adapted from: Form 3 English Text Book]


______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________


Theme Topic Time : : : People Descriptive Writing 2 hours

Learning Outcomes: Students should be able to 2.3 present information by a) expanding notes and outlines e) writing description f) composing, revising and editing drafts; and checking accuracy of spelling, punctuation and grammar

PRESENT PERFECT TENSE Subject I You We They The students He She It The cat Present Perfect Tense The Present Perfect Tense is used to: 1. show a past action with the time not mentioned. Example: Have you been to England? I have seen the old man before. 2. show a past action that is continuing to the present. Example: Susan has not been to Malacca since her parents passed away. We have been here since Monday. Verb has / have + (verb in past participle) have spoken

has gone


3. with words such as just, already, recently, yet and ever. Example: Your friends have just left. Fakrul has not finished his job yet. The family has recently moved to Pahang. Has Comel eaten its meal already? Have you ever seen a dragon before?


You have just moved to a new school. The class monitor strikes you as a very interesting person. Write a description of him/her.

Physical Appearance: tall and slim fair complexion short hair Personal Qualities: cheerful firm intelligent and hardworking responsible

Achievement: best speaker inter-school debate school sports champion winner various competitions

When writing your description. use all the notes given. elaborate on the given notes to make it more interesting. make sure it is not less than 120 words. (30 marks)


Before you start writing, make an outline of your composition Composition outline

Title : An Interesting person Introduction : State situation given on how you met the person Body paragraphs: Description of the person Paragraph 2 Paragraph 3 Paragraph 4 Paragraph 5 describe his/her appearance describe the persons personal qualities elaborate on the personal qualities discuss his/her achievements

Conclusion: State that he/she is a good role model.

Model Answer Moving to a new school is a new experience to me. I was a bit scared that I would be alone and without friends. Fortunately, I have found a friend in the form of my new class monitor.
Content 1:
Describe her physical appearance

state the situation and how you met the person

Her name is Zara. She is tall and slim, and has fair, smooth complexion. She is quite pretty actually but she is not vain at all. In fact, she has never paid much attention to her appearance. I have never seen her wearing any makeup. Instead, she wears her hair short, which gives her a boyish look. Zara is well liked and respected by the students in our class. This is due to her cheerful nature. She is always smiling whenever I look at her. However, as a class monitor she is firm in handling her classmates. Besides, she is also responsible and helpful. She is fond of helping others. Therefore, she is popular among the
Content 2: describe her personal qualities


students and teachers alike. That is why they have elected her as the class monitor. I heard that many teachers have nominated her to be the head girl but she refuses, as she has promised her parents to limit the duties she holds at school. Her academic performance outshines her peers. She is obviously an intelligent and a hardworking student. She has always been at the top of the class since she was in Primary school. She is always willing to walk an extra mile to achieve something. Besides that, she is also dedicated to do any task given to her. In fact, she has just completed a long essay to be submitted for the school essay writing competition. I am sure she will win the first prize even though the result has not been announced yet. Zara has proven her excellence through her many achievements. Last week she took part in the enter-school debate competition and turned out to be the best speaker. She is also the school sports champion. She has won many sporting games held in school besides representing the school for various competitions. She has also won some of them, making the school proud of her. These achievements portray her confidence and high self-esteem. Nevertheless, she is always humble in nature She has been a good role model to the other students.
Content 3: Describe her achievements

Elaboration: Elaborate on personal qualities


Fill in the blanks with the verbs in present perfect tense. Harry Potter, the hero of the world-famous series of books, 1 ______ (be) the creation of the author Joanne Kathleen Rowling, who was born on 31 July 1966. The thrilling stories of Harry and his friends, Hermoine and Ron battling with magic against wicked wizards and demons, 2__________


(capture) the imagination of an entire generation of readers. However, many fans are unaware that the magical rags to riches tale of the author herself is also a fairy tale. Several publishers 3 __________ (turn down) Joannes manuscripts. And when finally, Bloomsbury takes up the tales, they 4__________ (decide) to present the author as JK rather than Joanne Rowling as a way to appeal boys who are more likely to favour books written by men than women. However, before long, Harry Potter books 5 __________ (become) popular and are at the top of the best-seller lists around the world. Therefore, JK Rowling 6__________(become) one of the successful writers in the world. Since then, many tens of millions of Harry Potter books 7___________ (translate-passive) and 8__________ (sell) across the world. (Adapted from Just English, Vol. 2 Issue 5)

TASK 3 C : DO IT YOURSELF Below is the information about Hj.Mansur Khalid who is leaving your school to become the Principal of Sekolah Menengah Seri Pinang. Using the notes, write an article for English Language Society bulletin. served 20 years as English teacher 7 years as Senior Assistant promoted - the principal of Sekolah Menengah Seri Pinang understanding and cooperative patient and dedicated both colleagues and students respect him - personal interest in public speaking started the Toastmasters Club produced some good speakers won top placing in competitions result of Encik Mansurs encouragement set up the Scrabble Club organizes inter-class Scrabble games.

When writing your article:


use all the notes given. elaborate on the given notes to make it more interesting. make sure it is not less than 120 words. (Adapted from PMR English Essays, Sistem)

Answer ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________


SET 4 Theme Topic Time : : : Environment Writing a Report of a Survey Chart, Graph 2 hours : Students should be able to 2.3 present information by a) expanding notes and outlines e) Writing a report g) composing, revising and editing drafts; and checking accuracy of spelling, punctuation

Learning Outcomes

and grammar GRAMMAR FOCUS


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Passive voice verb always have a verb form of be, is, are, was, were, been, being) and are frequently followed by preposition by When the verb is changed from the active voice to the passive voice, the object becomes the subject Only transitive verbs can take passive voice since intransitive verb have no object If you want to draw the readers attention to the action, not to the performer, then the passive voice should be used. When changing the active voice to passive voice, we have to be careful with the tense of the verb be and the past participle of the verb.

Tense Simple Present Simple Past Simple Future Present Continuous

Verb take took

Active voice Ahmad takes the pencil Ahmad took the pencil Ahmad will take the pencil Ahmad is taking the pencil

Passive voice The pencil is taken by Ahmad The pencil was taken by Ahmad The pencil will be taken by Ahmad The pencil is being taken by Ahmad

take take


Past Continuous Present Perfect Past perfect

take take take

Ahmad was taking the pencil Ahmad has taken the pencil Ahmad had taken the pencil

The pencil was being taken by Ahmad The pencil has been taken by Ahmad The pencil had been taken by Ahmad

GRAMMAR PRACTICE 1 (A) Rewrite the following sentences in the passive voice 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Your sister drove the car _____________________________________ The monkeys ate those mangoes ______________________________________ The Korean engineers constructed the highway ______________________________________ He caught the birds ______________________________________ The hunters shot the tigers ______________________________________ The doctor is attending to the patient ______________________________________ An artist is drawing the picture ______________________________________ I shall play the next game ______________________________________ The peon sent the parcel ______________________________________ The town council workers will demolish these stalls _________________________________________



You are advised to spend about 40 minutes on this question You are the Secretary of the Nature Club. Your club has organized a talk to educate students on Saving the Environment. As the secretary of your club, you have been asked to write a report. Use the notes taken below as your guide.






recycle papers, aluminum cans, plastic containers and glass bottles save costs and natural resources reduce waste earn extra cash do not litter use rubbish bins prevent diseases from spreading ensure hygiene plant more trees and flowers green the earth prevent soil erosion beautify the environment air pollution cause haze to happen suffer from respiratory problem health complication save petrol prevent air pollution exercise our body improve blood circulation

When writing your report: use all the notes given. elaborate on the given notes to make it more interesting. make sure it is not less than 120 words. (30 marks)


Before you start writing, make an outline of your composition Composition outline

Title : Report on educating students on Saving the Environment Introduction: Date: On 6 May 2007 Organizer- Nature Club of SMK Taman Kota Tinggi Aims- to educate and persuade students for saving the environment Venue - At school hall Speaker - The officer from Malaysia Nature Society. Body paragraphs: Paragraph 1 Recycling- recycle the items such as used paper, plastic containers, glass bottles and aluminum cans. The advantages save costs and natural resources- reduce waste - earn extra cash Throw rubbish into bins - prevent disease from spreading and ensure hygiene Report any open burning - causes air pollution that affects the air quality which at the end will cause haze to happen; Humankind suffers from respiratory problems and other health complication. Practice cycle and walk - save petrol and prevent air pollution. People are able to exercise and improve blood circulation

Paragraph 2

Paragraph 3

Paragraph 4

Conclusion: Sum up all the points. Save the environment before it is too late! Start by recycling, planting more trees, cycling or walking as a measure to help and save Mother Earth


Model Answer Report on Educating Student on Saving the Environment

On 6 May 2007, the Nature Club of SMK Taman Kota Tinggi had organized a talk to educate students on saving the environment. The talk was carried out in the school hall and was attended by all the students of SMK Taman Kota Tinggi. An invited guest came to deliver the talk. He represented the Malaysia Nature Society. Mr Rahman bin Razak gave an informative talk with a slide show. The students were reminded to save the environment because our earth is slowly undergoing destruction! They must take measures to save our earth as the saying goes prevention is better than cure ( proverb)
What, Why and How
State the method of recycling and provide explanation or example

Intro: State..... When Where Who What

The first step is by recycling. Students were told to recycle used papers, plastic containers, glass bottles and aluminum cans. This will help them to save costs and natural resources. According to him, most of our natural resources are slowly depleting and are not being replaced. By reducing the waste in the landfills, we will get to earn extra cash. In addition, he also stressed to the students not to be a litter bug by throwing rubbish all around. It dirties environment. He asked them to be civic-conscious by disposing all rubbish into rubbish bags so that animals like rats and wild dogs or cats will not be able to reach them. This helps to prevent diseases from spreading and ensures hygiene

What, Why and How

State the method of throwing rubbish into bins and provide explanations or examples

What, Why and How

State the methods of planting more trees and providing explanation or example

Another step is the students were encouraged to plant more trees and flowers. This helps to green the Earth. Besides, they can prevent soil erosion from happening. Furthermore, they were adding beauty to the landscape of an area and beautify the environment. He urged the students to report any open burning to the Department of Environment immediately. He informed that open burning can bring about air pollution. This will affect the air quality in the environment and cause haze to happen. Haze can cause humankind to suffer from respiratory problems and other health complication.

What, Why and How

State the point of reporting any open burning and providing explanations or examples


What, Why and How

State the point of walk or cycle and give reasons

Lastly, students were asked to walk or cycle. This will help to save petrol and prevent air pollution. By walking or cycling, they are able to exercise our body and release tension. It is an alternative way to improve their blood circulation and will lessen cars on the road, there will be less carbon monoxide emitted into the air. Most of the students found the talk really informative. Their exposure to such talks has made them aware of how to help and save our Mother Nature.

State the result or benefit from that talk. eg. Informative, taught us to be independent, etc

The writers signature and designation

Report written by, Eleysa (ELEYSA AHMED) Secretary of Nature Club) 2007 8 MAY


Paragraphing When Who Where What is the purpose Why 2nd Paragraph invited deliver represented informative talk to educate to teach to explain were asked were told were reminded were urged Word carried out organized involved participated attended was held from __until _ Example On 6 May 2007, the Nature Club of SMK Taman Kota Tinggi had organized a talk to educate students on saving the environment An invited guest came to deliver the talk. He represented the Malaysia Nature Society, Mr Rahman bin Razak gave an informative talk with a slide show. The first step is by recycling. Students were told to recycle used papers, plastic containers, glass bottles and

Who is giving the talk ( where is the information come from) 3rd Paragraph Point 1


Recycling were mentioned 4th Paragraph Use linking words to connect the ideas. besides, furthermore, hence, moreover, yet, thus, recently, currently

aluminum cans (Logical connector) In addition, he also stressed to the students not to litter or throw rubbish all around. Besides, they can prevent soil erosion from happening. Furthermore, they were adding beauty to the landscape of an area and beautify the environment. Another step is the students were encouraged to plant more trees and flowers. This helps to green the Earth He urged the students to report any open burning to the Department of Environment immediately. He informed that open burning can bring about air pollution. Sum up all the points

Point 2Throw rubbish into the bins

5th Paragraph Point 3 Plant more trees and flowers 6th Paragraph Point 4 and 5 Report any open burning and cycle or walk to school Conclusion


Put the verbs in brackets into correct tense and form. Some of the verb should be in the passive and some in the active. More cars and lorries 1 __________ (drive) on our roads every year and, sadly as a result of these, more and more wild animals 2 _________ (kill) by vehicles. Roads often 3 ________ (cross) the routes that 4_________(taken) by animals when they are migrating, breeding and feeding. In Europe, every spring, many thousands of toads 5 ________ (kill) as they 6 _______ (make) their way to the traditional breeding ponds. All over the world, animals are victims of the road and their remains can 7 ________


(often see) lying on the roadside. Many badgers hedgehogs 8 _________ (hit) by cars at night as they 9 ________(move around) in searching of food. Rabbits sometimes seem to 10 __________ (hypnotise) by the headlights of cars and 11 _________(mot move) quickly out of the way. Birds 12_________(sometimes hit) too as they 13 __________(fly) low over roads.

(Adapted from Longman Secondary World of English)


You have been selected by your school counselor to attend the Young Entrepreneurs Workshop during recent school holidays. Write a report on the workshop that you have attended. Use the notes below to help you write your report


12-14 JUNE 2006 13-17 YEARS OLD 10 A.M- 5.30 P.M RM350.00 NST TRAINING CENTRE



When writing your report: use all the notes taken elaborate on the taken notes to make it more interesting make sure it is not less than 120 words (30 marks) ANSWER

______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________


______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________


SET 5 DIRECTED WRITING Theme Topic Time : : : Environment Descriptive Writing 2 hours

Learning Outcomes: Students should be able to 2.3 present information by e) expanding notes and outlines f) Writing description g) composing, revising and editing drafts; and checking accuracy of spelling, punctuation and grammar GRAMMAR FOCUS

SIMPLE PAST TENSE The Simple Past Tense is used to talk about actions, states, and situations in the past. Example: - Emily Dickinson lived (live) in the nineteenth century. She was (be) a poet. She wrote (write) more than thousand poems. You can use the Simple Past Tense with the time expressions that refer to the past. Some examples of past time expressions are: i. last Examples: - She was here last Sunday. - They were in London last year. ii. ago Examples: - He went shopping in the new mall a week ago. - He saw the Director eating in the Caf a while ago.


iii. yesterday Examples: - Joe was at the cinema when their parents came back from Tokyo yesterday. - Ali and Zai were doing their assignments yesterday afternoon.

The Past Active and Passive Voices

A sentence is in the Active Voice when the subject or the doer of the action is at the beginning of a sentence. Examples: 1. Mechanics Subject/ doer 2. The dog Subject/ doer repaired active verb bit active verb cars. object me. object

A sentence is in the Passive Voice when the object or the receiver of the action is at the beginning of a sentence. Note: Sometimes, the subject/ doer may be left out if it is not important or not known. Examples: 1. Cars Object/ receiver 2. I Object/ receiver were repaired passive verb was bitten passive verb by mechanics. by the dog


When changing an active sentence to a passive ,

i. ii. iii. We must replace the active verb by the matching passive verb. The object of the active sentence becomes the subject in the passive sentence. The subject of the active form becomes the doer/ object in the passive form.

The passive voice is formed by using the suitable tense of the verb be, followed by the past participle of the active verb, as shown below. Tense/ Modal Simple Present Present Continuous Present Perfect Simple Past Past Continuous Past Perfect Simple Future Can/ may/ must Active give gives am giving is giving are giving has given have given gave was giving were giving had given will give shall give can give must give Passive am given is given are given am being given is being given are being given has been given have been given was given were given was being given were being given had been giving will be given shall given can be given must be given



Aswad was caught in a flash flood in his town. Read Aswads recount of what happened during the flash floods. Model Answer 5 A:

EVENTS Who? Where? When? What heard a cry for help Used a raft to reach Encik Salim Started a fire to get attention Rescued and airlifted to Melaka

It was 18th June. I was spending the day at Haykals house. It had been drizzling the whole day. First, we heard someone calling for help. We ran out and saw Encik Hafiz calling out. Water was rushing into his house and it was flooded. Encik Hafiz was standing on a small piece of raised land next to his house. However, the water was rising fast and soon it would be covered with water. Then, Haykal and I looked around and found a floating raft. We climbed onto it and used our hands as oars to make our way to Encik Hafiz. Finally, we reached him and climbed out of the raft. We were so tired. I knew we had to get help soon. So, I decided to use the raft to start a fire. The wet firewood produced a lot of smoke. The thick smoke rose quickly. After about an hour, we saw an army helicopter approaching. We waved our hands to get attention. The army helicopter came towards our direction and a soldier helped us into the helicopter. We were airlifted to a relief center in Melaka.

Write events in the sequence they happened.

Language Features: Use the past tense: heard, found, climbed Use connectors to signal sequence: First, Then, Finally

[Adapted from: Form 3 English Text Book]



Fill in the blanks with the Simple Past Tense or Passive Voice of the verbs given in the brackets. Last weekend, the Girl Guides from our school (1)..(go) camping near a waterfall. As soon as they (2) (reach) the place, the girls (3) (pitch) their tents by a big rock near the waterfall. After pitching the tents, they (4) (go) to look for firewood. They (5)(want) to cook their meals. Off they 6..(go) to the nearby forest. Some of the guides 7.(stay) back to look after the tents. Those who (8). (look) for firewood (9).. (spot) smoke curling into the sky from a distance. They 10.(go) nearer and (11)(hide) behind some trees. To their shock, they (12). (see) some men distilling liquor. It (13)(be) illegal. They (14) (decide) to inform the police. A few girls (15)(run) off to find the telephone booth while the rest (16). (keep) watch. After a few minutes, they (17) .(come) to a public telephone booth at the foot of the hill. They quickly (18).(call) the police and (19)(tell) them what they (20).(have) (21)(see). The police (22)..(thank) them and (23).(assure) them they (24)(be) on their way. Soon the police (25).. (arrive). They hurriedly (26) (climb) the hill and (27).(surround) the men. Seeing that they (28).(be) (29)( outnumber), the men (30) .(surrender) quietly. The Girl Guides (31)(be) (32)..( praise) for their courage and quick action. They (33)(be) also (34) (award) a medal for their bravery.


You were having your sports practice when you saw thick smoke coming out from the bushes behind your school. You and your friends helped to stop the fire. Based on the notes that you have made, write a recount of the incident.

grass, bushes behind school caught fire time: 4.30 p.m. sports practice stopped boy rushed- canteen, houses nearby, borrowed many pails teachers organized students- three long rows boys filled pails- water- stream pails passed- student to student poured water- fire fire stopped spreading fireman arrived- put out fire

[Adapted from: Form 3 English Text Book]

POINTS TO REMEMBER: A recount is a description of events told in the order they occur. When writing a recount, add details about: - the time the event happened - the place and surroundings - the people involved - your actions and feelings You should also follow the sequence of events. Use words such as first, next, then, and finally to show sequence. Since the events you are narrating have already happened, use past tense.


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SET 6 DIRECTED WRITING Theme Topic Time : : : Environment Descriptive Writing 2 hours

Learning Outcomes: Students should be able to 2.3 present information by e) expanding notes and outlines f) writing a description g) composing, revising and editing drafts; and checking accuracy of spelling, punctuation and grammar


PREPOSITIONS A preposition is a word which is used before a noun or pronoun to show its relation to some other words in the sentence. Preposition used in sentences show how things, people and animals relate to each other in space, time and others. Examples He sat on the bench. (space) He called the police at ten o clock. (time) He opened the letter with a knife. (method) He killed the fox for its fur. (purpose) PREPOSITIONS Into Over Across Onto Under Up down EXAMPLES I jumped into the pool. She got into the car. The cat jumped over the fence. He jumped over the puddle. Maria walked across the field He walked across the road. He jumped onto the horse. The cat jumped onto the table. I pushed the paper under the table. They walked under the bridge. He went up the stairs and then he came down again.


Towards Through Along Away

The headmaster is walking towards his car. The train passed through the tunnel. We walked along the riverbank. She is walking away from the tree. TRANSPORT

By In On

Travelling by train is faster than traveling by bus. Lets go to your house in Wanis car. Lets go on foot because this path is too narrow for any vehicles to pass through.


Last school holidays, you went to a bird park. Write a letter to your cousin telling him/ her the account of your visit. Use the notes given below as a guide. Many people Children eating ice- cream Beautiful birds Birds flying around Woodpeckers pecking on the trees Many stalls at the entrance Ducks swimming in the pond


Model Answer Acha Saptriasa bt M.Afdal No. 12, Jalan Mengkudu Taman Selat Jaya Pahang 21 August 2007 Dear Irwan Shah, How are you? My family and I are fit as a fiddle. The purpose of me writing this letter is to tell you how I spent may school holidays. During the last school holidays, I went10 to the bird park in Ipoh. I went there with my parents. We reached the bird park at about ten o clock in the morning. There were many people at the bird park. Since the school holidays had just started, there were many school children too. I saw an ice-cream seller selling delicious mouth-watering ice cream near the entrance at the park. Children from all ages bought ice-cream from the man. We bought our tickets and entered the bird park. It was a wonderful sight. I could also hear the sweet chirping of the birds as though they were welcoming us to their haven. The birds were beautiful to look at too. Some birds were kept in cages. I saw children talking with the parrots. In one corner, there were woodpeckers pecking on trees. Watching them reminded me of The Woodpecker Show with the irritating chuckle. The woodpeckers had huge beaks. I also saw ducks swimming in the pond. We went round the bird park, observing all the birds. I also wrote down the names of the birds. Finally, we came out of the bird park and went to the stall at the entrance. The stall sold drinks. We bought some drinks and returned home with happy hearts.

Yours sincerely,




Use past tense verbs when describing events in the past.


Fill in the blanks with the past tense form of the verbs given in the brackets. 88, Jalan Gambut 2500 Kuantan 25 November 2007 Dear Degawan, It is wonderful to hear from you again after so long! I (1) (be) actually quite (2) .(surprise) to receive your letter after long silence. My family and I (3) (be) a trip to Terengganu, last week. It (4) .(be) actually under a traveling package that my father (5) ..(be) (6) (arrange) for us during the school holiday. Here, I want to tell you my experience watching the turtles lying their eggs. Upon arrival, we (7) (be) (8) . (introduce) to our tourist guide (9) . (name) Mahmud. He (10) ..(bring) us to the sandy beach along the shore of Terengganu to watch the turtles lay eggs. This (11) ..(be) the first trip for all of us. We (12) ..(be) eager and (13) (excite). We (14) ..(wait) and (15) .(keep) very quiet as we (16) ..(sit) on the sand. We (17) ..(bring) along our binoculars and a video camera, ready to take photographs of the turtles laying eggs. Suddenly, Mahmud (18) .(tiptoe) and (19) (point) at the shadow of a giant turtle. He (20) (tell) us to be as quiet as possible. We (21) .(move) slowly towards the huge reptile. What a disappointment we (22) (have)! We (23) (be) very angry to find that it (24) .(be) not a turtle but a Volkswagen car. Red- faced, Mahmud (25) ..(apologize) to us. He (26) ..(explain) that he (27) ..(be) not (28) .. (cheat) us but genuinely (29) ..(think) it (30) (be)a giant turtle. It (31) .. (do) (32) ( look) like one in the dark. He (33) (tell) us that since we (34) . (be) (35) .. (stay) for a few more days, he (36) .(will) (37) (show) them another famous site for turtles activities the next night. Your cousin,



You went to a National Park in Pahang for a class trip. Write a letter to your brother/ sister who is studying abroad about what you saw and did there.

15 August Arrived at the National Park in Kuala Tahanstayed at hostelbeautiful forest reservegreen junglesclean riversfresh air 16 August Climbed Gunung Tahan with friends 2187 metreshighest mountain Peninsular Malaysiasaw lots of plant speciesanimal speciestapir footprints of tiger 17 August Saw- pitcher plantinsectivorous planttraps insectsinsectsdigested by enzymes 18 August Went oncanopy walkwalkaway 25 metres highover 400 metres longthe worlds longestexciting fantastic viewgreen jungle below and the surroundings

[Adapted From: Form 2 English Text Book]


Answer ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________


Theme Topic Time : : : Health Writing an Article 2 hours

Learning Outcomes: Students should be able to 2.3 present information by a) expanding notes and outlines e) writing an article f) composing, revising and editing drafts; and checking accuracy of spelling, punctuation and grammar

GRAMMAR FOCUS MODALS Modals or Auxiliary verbs are used with another verb to express possibility, permission, obligation, determination, refusal, etc. Can, could, will, would, must, might, may, shall, should are all termed modals

Modals Will, Would, Could Can Have to, Must, Need Should Ought to

Functions/Usage To ask for assistance To ask polite questions To express necessity

Examples Will you please open the door? Would you please open the door? Could you please carry the table? Can you please carry the table? I have to study tonight. She must go to the clinic today. You are tired, you should take rest. Your dress is dirty, you ought to wash it.

To express advice



The pictures below show what we should eat and what we should not eat for a healthier living. Based on the pictures and notes given, write an article on eating in a healthy manner. In your article, explain: what type of food needs to be consumed what type of food needs to be avoided

eat healthy food clean food and balanced meals contain meat fish vegetables - carbohydrates

avoid junk food crackers popcorn never eat leftover

When writing your description. use all the notes given. elaborate on the given notes to make it more interesting. make sure it is not less than 120 words.


Before you start writing, make an outline of your composition Composition outline Title: Eat Your Way to Good Health Introduction: Include a saying to introduce the topic. Body paragraphs: Paragraph 2 Paragraph 3 Paragraph 4 State the importance of eating clean food Discuss why junk food is not good Mention about leftover food

Conclusion: Conclude by stating why eating healthy food is important.

Model Answer Eat Your Way to Good Health The saying that We are what we eat might hold a lot of truth. The food we put inside us can make us fit, attractive or even sick-looking. Contaminated food can kill. Too much fatty food also kills in the long run. We have to eat clean food and balanced meals. Balanced meals contain the right proportion of meat, fish, vegetables, fruits and cereals. Raw food such as fish and meat should be well-cooked to kill the bacteria. All food must either be covered or refrigerated. We should cut down on junk food and oily food for our health and body. This is because junk food such as potato chips, popcorn and crackers has a lot of oil. Moreover, it does not have nutrients like vitamins and minerals. We should eat food that is
Content 2: Discuss why junk and dirty food is not good for health Intro: A saying is used to introduce the topic

Content 1: Discuss the importance of eating clean food


clean and hygienic. Dirty and contaminated foods will make us sick. It can even kill.
Content 3: Discuss why leftover food should be avoided

We must never eat overnight food which is likely to have bacteria. If we eat leftovers that are kept inside the fridge, they have to be heated properly. Healthy eating is one of the ways to good health besides getting enough exercise and sleep. If we eat healthily, our bodies are healthy and strong. This is especially so in the case of children. They need to lead a healthy lifestyle to enhance their quality of life. (Adapted from Ulangkaji PMR e-tutor, Vital Star)

Conclusion: Healthy eating is essential for a healthy life


Fill in the blanks with the appropriate modals A Healthy Lifestyle In order to have a good health, we (1) __________ live a healthy lifestyle. What constitutes a healthy lifestyle? Well, they are eating sensibly, doing regular exercise, having enough sleep and having recreation. Eating sensibly means having a balanced diet. For example, we (2) ________ eat more fish, fruits, cereals and vegetables. They have plenty of protein, minerals and vitamins. You (3) ___________ avoid foods which are high in fat and calories such as chocolate, cake, red meat and butter. Eating these foods in large amount is bad for your health and (4) __________ lead to weight gain. Exercising is necessary for good health. It does not matter whether you jog, walk or swim. Do it thirty minutes every day. Exercise (5) __________ build up muscles, making us fit and strong. Moreover, it is good for our heart.


The body needs to recuperate, so it requires enough sleep and rest. We (6) __________ wake up the next day feeling fresh and energized. We also need recreation to relax our minds. We (7) __________ read or watch movies. Remember, mental health is part of the wholesome health of the body. In conclusion, maintaining a healthy lifestyle has its own rewards. We will be able to live longer and become a happier person. (Adapted from Skor A PMR, Pelangi)

Study the pictures and notes given below. Then, write an article on the benefits of sports to students.


sports benefit the students schools should make it compulsory healthy

good way to manage stress develop good qualities good way to pass time

When writing your article; use all the notes given. elaborate on the given notes to make it more interesting. make sure it is not less than 120 words.

Answer ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________


Theme Topic Time : : : Social Issues Writing Opinions 2 hours

Learning Outcomes: Students should be able to 2.3 present information by a) expanding notes and writing b) writing explanations g) composing, revising and editing drafts; and checking accuracy of spelling, punctuation and grammar

GRAMMAR FOCUS ADJECTIVES Comparative adjectives are sometimes written by adding er at the end of the words or the word more before them. As a general rule, shorter words are written by adding er. Words of more than two syllables are usually written by adding more. Comparative bolder colder deeper earlier later nearer quicker richer slower taller weaker Adjectives bad good little beautiful expensive famous popular serious Comparative worse better less more beautiful more expensive more famous more popular more serious

Adjectives bold cold deep early late near quick rich slow tall weak

(Adapted from Kunci Peperiksaan PMR Grammar, Sistem)



The pictures below show different families. Which do you prefer? Write out an argument to support your view. In your argument, explain the reasons for your preference.

Big family more siblings, playmates have to share food, rooms less attention from parents

Small family lonely, no playmates no need to share more attention from parents

When writing your argument; use all the notes given. elaborate on the given notes to make it more interesting. make sure it is not less than 120 words.


Before you start writing, make an outline of your composition Composition outline Title : Big family or Small family

Introduction : Introduce by describing a typical family. State your stand. Body paragraphs: Paragraph 2 Paragraph 3 Paragraph 4 To have playmates / companions and not be lonely. learning to share and not be selfcentred. Learn about fairness and equality.

Conclusion: Reaffirm stand by assuring how life is more meaningful in a bigger family.

Model Answer Todays families are generally much smaller than families during our forefathers time. A typical family today consists of four or five members, including the parents. If I were given a choice, I would prefer to be in a big family. This is because I would be a happier person.
Content 1: Siblings can be playmates and not lonely

Intro: Describe a typical family and state stand

My siblings can be my playmates, both at home or outside. I will not be so lonely. On the other hand, being an only child will make me feel lonely. I have to look for playmates outside of my home. Moreover, my older siblings will help me in my studies if I have problems. Besides, I learn to practice the give and take attitude with my brothers and sisters. This helps me to develop a more caring and understanding character during my formative years. In contrast, a person who is raised in a small family tends to be
Content 2: Learn to share and not be selfish


more self-centred and selfish. At home, he or she does not have to share his things with others. An only child might be spoilt for he or she might expect others to give in to him or her all the time.
Content 3: Learn about fairness

I know that in a big family, the parents attention for their children has to be divided among all of them. But that does not mean they lack parental love. In fact, when parents give equal attention to my siblings and me, it promotes a sense of fairness and equality. This is a quality I can always carry and practice in my life. Despite having to share my things with my brothers and sisters, I still think that life is happier and more meaningful in a big family. I am not lonely, I am a better person and life is certainly more purposeful. (Adapted from Ulangkaji PMR e-tutor, Vital Star)
Conclusion: Life is happier in a big family


Fill in the blanks with the correct comparative form of the adjective given. It is (1)__________ (good) to rent the terrace house in town rather than the one in the countryside. Both are terrace houses although the rent of the house in town is (2)_________ (expensive). However, it is worth it because the house is within town limits and you will spend (3) __________ (some) on transport if you stay in the country. At least we can cycle to school and will be (4)__________(hard) to clean. We are a small family of four. We need only three bedrooms one for Mum and Dad, one for me and another for sister. The house in the country is (5) __________ (spacious) and will be (6) __________(difficult) to clean. In my opinion, a house with or without a garden, does not make much difference. We have (7) __________ (little) time for gardening and if we want


to play, we can go to the field nearby. A (8)__________ (large) garden simply means (9)__________ (few) work. Although the house needs minor repairs, it is worth doing as it will be (10)_________ (economical) in the long run. (Adapted from Mastering PMR Essays, Pelangi)

The pictures below show classes in a school and in a tuition centre. Do you think that private tuition is necessary for students? Write out an argument to support your opinion. In your argument, explain your reasons.

In a school big class less attention good notes teaching aids used

In a tuition centre much smaller class more attention tutors can be unqualified more concerned with profits

When writing your description. use all the notes given. elaborate on the given notes to make it more interesting. make sure it is not less than 120 words.


(Adapted from Ulangkaji PMR e-tutor, Vital Star)

Answer ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________


______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________


SET 9 Theme Topic Time : : : People Writing a Report of a Survey Chart, Graph 2 hours : Students should be able to 2.3 present information by e) expanding notes and outlines a) writing a report f) composing, revising and editing drafts; and checking accuracy of spelling, punctuation and grammar

Learning Outcomes

COMPARISON OF ADJECTIVES (Positive Degree, Comparative Degree, Superlative Degree) 1. Adjectives have three degrees of comparison i) Positive/ negative e.g Ramlah is a beautiful girl. ii) iii) Comparative e.g Mona is more beautiful than Ramlah. Superlative e.g Hani is the most beautiful among them.


The comparative degree is used to compare one person or thing with another. e.g Harmaini is cleverer than Aswad. e.g That book is thicker than this one. The Superlative degree is used to compare one person or thing with more than one e.g Zarmin is the cleverest among the three. e.g The book is the thickest.



GRAMMAR PRACTICE 1 (A) Add er (comparative) and est (superlative) Positive Comparative -+er 1. wise 2. less 3. big 4. small 5. poor Add -+ier [(comparative) and -+iest (superlative)] Positive 1. happy 2. lazy 3. merry 4. noisy 5. busy Add more [(comparative) and the most (superlative)] Positive 1. interesting 2. intelligent 3. handsome 4. famous 5. expensive 1 (B) Fill in the blanks by using the comparative or superlative forms of the adjectives in brackets. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Joseph is _________ (young) than James. Mount Everest is the __________ (high) mountains in the World. She is the _________(good) English teacher we have. It is _______ (hot) today than yesterday. A rug is _________ (cheap) than a carpet. Is Reena ____________(famous) than her sister? The cheese cake is _________ (tasty) than the chocolate cake. He is the __________ (handsome) person I know. Kinabatangan River is the ___________ (long) river in Malaysia. They are the __________(active) students in the school Comparative +more Superlative +most Comparative +ier Superlative -+iest Superlative -+est



Study the pie chart below and answer the question that follows.

Movies Watched by the Members of Erica's Family

Science Fiction 35%

Action Movies 25%

Musicals 5% Detective Thrillers 15% Family Drama 10% Comedy 10%

When writing your report; use all the notes taken. elaborate on the details to make it more interesting. make sure it is not less than 120 words.

(Adapted from Vital Star Ulangkaji PMR)


Before you write your composition, make a composition outline first. Composition outline

Title: Movies watched by Ericas Family Introduction: The pie chart shows the types of movies watched by Ericas family- typical of other families. Body paragraphs: study the types of movies watched which are ranked according percentages Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2 Paragraph 3 Paragraph 4 most-watched- science fiction movies action packed movies- total- more than 50% detective thrillers- popular too-reasons the least watched comedy and family drama- possible reasons

Conclusion: Preference for movies of Erica Family members- typical of other moviegoers these days craze for science fiction

Movies watched by Ericas Family The pie chart shows the type of movies watched by Ericas family members. Like many other families, they watch mostly popular science fiction and action - packed movies. The most- watched movie among them is the science fiction which makes up 35%. This means that out of about three movies they watched, one is science fiction movie. The preferred trend these days is to watch science fiction movie which is attractive due to their special visual and sound effects. For example, Transformer and Harry Porter. The children and

Intro: State what the pie chart is about and the favourite movies

Content 1: Give the figure and provide reasons


parents in the family like to watch them. Sci-fi movies are followed closely by the action-packed movies which are popular among both the old and young. Such movies are seldom boring. Together with Sci-fi movie they total more that 50% of the movies watched by Ericas family.
Content 3: State the next figurereasons

Content 2: state the 2nd preference s and give reasons

Detective thrillers probably appeal more to the males, the father and sons, accounting for only 15% of the movies watched. Two categories that show the lowest percentage are comedy and family drama which only amount to 5%. Probably, family drama type of movies is watched only by the mother. It seldom appeals to the young. Comedy, on the other hand, does not seem to appeal much to Ericas family. The movies watched by Erica family members are indicative of the general preferences of many other movie fans. Science and action- packed movies are often listed as box-office hits.

Content 4: The lowest; give reasons

Conclusion: Sum up the point content 1 -4




Examples The Health Club of SMK Taman has carried out a survey on the effected areas of dengue fever.

1st paragraph

Carried out survey were interviewed were asked state shows, distribution

Five hundred students from Form 1 to Form 5 were interviewed. They were asked to state the career they would choose. The bar graph shows the distribution of occupations among the working population of Mesra Town. From the pie chart, we know that the two subjects with the highest enrolment are the main languages, Bahasa Melayu and English

Content 2nd Paragraph

highest make up population


Content 3rd Paragraph

Linking words Sequence connectors

The highest, the lowest, higher than, lower than, low interest rate Increase, decrease, followed closely, shortage, remaining total, amount. Least, less, constitute, consisted, respondents was sharp, good, better, best, weak, dependent seldom, always, probably, in addition, similarly , predicted, usefulness, depend largest, except, must have affected, sales doubled to, appeal involved, entire, necessary, compulsory, generally, predicted, perhaps, due to, however, availability, Recently, moreover, nowadays, surprisingly

The people working in the manufacturing sector, which is most likely consisted of factories, make up more than half of the working population With the low interest rates on vehicles loans, it was not surprising that many people bought van for delivery and transport.

However, in the year 2007, sales decrease to 150,000 units

Probably, there is a shortage of education centers in town Just a year later, sales doubled to 200,000 units

Content 4th Paragraph

The sales of vans increased so much during these years, except for 2005, perhaps due to reason like availability of vehicle loans.



Fill in the blanks with suitable comparative and superlative adjectives Nowadays, Pepsi is the 1______ (popular) soft drink among Malaysians. According to the survey which has been carried out by Food and Beverage Association, It is proven that Pepsi is the 2 ____________ (popular) soft drink in the market There are a few types of soft drinks in our market like Pepsi, Cocacola, Sprite, 7up and others. Why is Pepsi the 3 ___________ (favourite) soft drink among teenagers? That is because it is 4 _________ (cheap), 5_______(tasty), 6_________(attractive) and 7 _________(refreshing) than others. Definitely Pepsi is the 8 _______ (good). In contrast, Sprite is the 9__________ (little) popular one. Based on the survey, there are only 10 percent of teenagers consuming this soft drink. This is most probably because of the lack of promotion from the manufacturer. They are hardly available either in the groceries or mini-market. Furthermore its price is __________10 (expensive) compared to the other soft drinks in the market. In conclusion, teenagers are more likely to enjoy drinking Pepsi in their daily life


You are advised to spend about 40 minutes on this question. You have carried out a survey on the ambitions of the pupils in all form 3 classes totalling 200 students. The results of the survey are shown in a bar chart and the reasons for their choices are listed in the table. Using the bar chart and the table reasons, write a report for your school annual magazines

The Ambitions of Form 3 Students of SMK Taman Kota Tinggi

60 Number of Students
Bankers, Financiers, Accountants

Medical, Doctors, Dentist, Biochemicals


30 20 10 0


When writing your report: use all the notes and information given. elaborate on the given notes /information to make it more interesting. make sure it not less than 120 words. (30 marks)

sales field




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SET 10 Theme Topic Time : : : Health Process and Procedures 2 hours : Students should be able to 2.3 present information by e) expanding notes and outlines a) writing explanations of process and procedures g) composing, revising and editing drafts; and checking accuracy of spelling, punctuation and grammar

Learning Outcomes

SEQUENCE CONNECTORS used to join the step of the process Firstly, Then, Next, After that, Secondly, Finally Making iced coffee is very simple. It is an ideal drink for a hot day. First, you have to boil some water in an electric kettle. While waiting for the water to boil, take three coffee bags and put them into a teapot. When the water is boiled, pour the required amount of boiling water into the teapot. Next, close the teapot and allow the coffee to soak for seven minutes. While waiting, get three glasses and fill them with ice cubes. After seven minutes, remove the coffee bags from the teapot and add sugar and milk according to your taste and requirements. Then, pour the coffee into the glasses. Finally, put a straw into each glass and arrange them on coasters on a tray. Now the iced coffee is ready to be served.


TASK 10 A: MODEL ESSAY Writing: Describing Process and Procedures Study the pictures below and answer the question that follows.

(3) After baking, add toppings:

(4) Add slices of tomatoes, onions and Minced beef and tomato gravy olives

The pictures above show how beef pizza is prepared. Write a recipe for the beef pizza. In your recipe, describe the simple steps to be taken in the preparation of this dish. When writing your recipe: make it more interesting. words.

use all the notes taken. elaborate on the taken notes to Make sure it is not less than 120


Composition Outline Before you write the composition, make a composition outline first. Introduction Main body Paragraph 1 : Easy to make beef pizza : List the steps in making beef pizza. roll pizza dough- sprinkle some mozzarella cheese on itBake at 500F- drizzled olive oil take out from oven- add ingredients on topbaking- Add fried minced beef- tomato gravycrush tomatoes Paragraph 3 for extra taste- mince garlic- add salt- pepperoregano-basil- parmesan-mozzarella cheese : can add any other vegetables according to your taste- delicious meal

Paragraph 2 after


Model Answer It is not difficult to make beef pizza. Of course, these steps must be followed to ensure that the pizza is properly prepared. Get ready the ingredients.
Content 1
Start with the first step by using firstly mention what must be done

State what process you are describing

First, roll out the pizza dough to the desired size. If you like, you can sprinkle some mozzarella cheese over the dough. Then, bake the dough at 500F for about ten minutes. While it is being baked, lightly drizzle oil over the surface of the pizza. This allows the toppings to cook on top of the pizza.

Content 2 Continue to the next few steps


When the dough is baked, take out from the oven. Now you should put the ingredients on the dough to make pizza. So add the minced beef which has been fried earlier. You can also add tomato sauce or gravy. Crush the tomatoes with a fork and spread it on the pizza. For extra taste, mince the garlic and spread it on top. Add salt, pepper, oregano and basil to taste. Sprinkle more parmesan and mozzarella cheese if you love cheese a lot. You can put any other suitable vegetable you like on top of your pizza. It definitely improves the taste and makes it richer and juicer. Pizza is a tasty dish that is likely by many, young and old alike.

Add some comments about the process or product state if is it simple or difficult

SOME USEFUL GUIDELINES OF WRITING PROCESS AND PROCEDURES ESSAY You must know what process or procedures you have to describe Understand the taken notes and study any include pictures carefully Your description may be presented in the format of report, letter, dialogue or just an explanation depending on the question. Your composition must clearly show the step involved in the process. Jot down points on the steps of the process. You have to use sequence connectors to join the steps of the process. Some sequence connectors include firstly secondly then, next, and finally.


TASK B : TEXT COMPLETION Choose the best answer from the options given. Ever tried making pan fried cheese sandwiches? __________ (1) spread one side of each bread slice completely with butter, making sure to include the crust. __________ (2) the buttered side of two slices lightly together. Spread mustard _____________ (3) the unbuttered side of top slice. Lay a slice of chicken salami over the mustard; at a layer of cheese ____________ (4). Preheat a large pan. When hot, gently lift the top slice of bread with the filling _____________ (5) places the buttered side down into pan. Top it with the other slice, with the butter side up. Cook over medium heat for two minutes until under sight is golden and the cheese begins to _____________ (6). Using a spatula, _________ (7) turn the sandwich over to cook on other side. Lift onto a plate and cut in half diagonally. Repeat the same process with the remaining sandwiches. __________ (8) the sandwiches immediately. (Adapted from Family Circes Pizza and Melts)


A B C 2. A B C D A B C D A B C D

Next Then First Placing Placed Places Place into onto against along side slices rings rolls chips



and but because harden boil freeze melt quietly carefully smoothly Serves Served Serve serving







You are advised to spend 40 minutes on this question Your sister wants to learn about the process and procedures on how to make egg jelly using some empty eggshells. Tell her how to go about making it. Based on the pictures and notes below, write a composition on how to make the egg jelly

When writing your composition: make it more interesting. words.

use all the notes taken. elaborate on the taken notes to Make sure it is not less than 120


ANSWER ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________


______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________




A BAD WORKMAN BLAMES HIS TOOLS A person who blames something or someone else for something he has not done properly himself ABSENCE MAKE S THE HEART GROW PONDER To miss someone when the person is no longer near A BIRD IN THE HAND IS WORTH TWO IN THE BUSH Something one already has better than something one is not sure of getting A FRIEND IN NEED IS A FRIEND INDEED A friend who helps when one is in trouble is a real friend AN APPLE A A DAY KEEPS THE DOCTOR AWAY Eating an apple a day is good for health A ROLLING STONE GATHERS NO MOSS A person who often changes his job or never settle in one place will not succeed in life BARKING DOGS SELDOM BITE People who make loud threats seldom carry them out BETTER LATE THAN NEVER Although delayed, is still better to do something than not to do it at all BIRDS OF FEATHER FLOCK TOGETHER People who are similar in characters to have the same interests get together BLOOD THICKER THAN WATER The ties of relationship are very strong CHARITY BEGINS AT HOME A persons first duty is to remember of his family Two people having the same opinion or idea GREAT OAKS FROM LITTLE ACORNS GROW Great inventions begin from small ideas or dreams GREAT TALKERS ARE LITTLE DOERS Those who talk a lot seldom do what they say HABIT IS SECOND NATURE When we make a habit of doing something, it becomes part of our character HALF A LOAF IS BETTER THAN NO BREAD It is better to have at least something than nothing at all HE LAUGHS BEST WHO LAUGH LAST

CUT YOUR COAT ACCORDING TO YOYR CLOTH Live within your income DONT CARRY ALL YOUR EGG IN ONES BASKET Dont risk everything you have in one venture DEAD MEN TELL NO TALES A person who is no longer alive will not be able to reveal what he knows DONT COUNT YOUR CHICKENS BEFORE THEY ARE HATCHED Dont be too hopeful of your chances of success DONT JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER You cannot judge a person or thing by his/its outwards appearance DONT MAKE A MOUNTAIN OUT OF A MOLEHILL Dont exaggerate a small thing into something big DONT WASH DIRTY LINEN IN PUBLIC Do not reveal a persons family secrets to others GIVE THE DEVIL HIS DUE Be fair to everyone, even to your enemy GOD HELP THOSE WHO HELP THEMSELVES We have to make an effort if we want to succeed in something big. GOOD WINE NEEDS NO ADVERTISMENT A good thing does not need to be talked about GREAT MINDS THINK ALIKE A person who does his best gets greater satisfaction in the end HE WHO HESITATES IS LOST A person who cant act decisively will fall HIS BARK IS WORSE THAN HIS BITE Refers to a person who is bad-tempered, but not dangerous HIS BREAD IS BUTTERED ON BOTH SIDES One who has everything in his favour HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY One should always be honest HUNGER IS THE BEST SAUCE When we are hungry, any food is tasty


IF THE CAP FITS, PUT IT ON Telling someone to accept the comment made about him IMITATION IS THE SINCEREST FORM OF FLATTERY If you follow someones example, it means that you admire him IT NEVER RAINS BUT IT POURS Problems do not come singly but they seem to come together ITS NEVER TOO LATE TO MEND It is never too late to correct ones mistakes ITS NO USE CRYING OVER SPLIT MILK It is useless regretting a mistake that cannot be corrected IT TAKES TWO TO MAKE A QUARREL When a quarrel starts, both sides must take to blame JACK OF ALL TRADES BUT MASTER OF NONE A person who knows a little of everything but is not an expert in anything KILL TWO BIRDS WITH ONE STONE Achieve two objectives by doing only one thing KNOWLEDGE IS POWER The more a person knows, the greater is his power LET BYGONES BE BYGONES Forgive and forget the past LET NOT THE POT CALL THE KETTLE BLACK One who sees the fault in others but does not realize that he has the same fault LET SLEEPING DOGS LIE Avoid discussing unpleasant matters that are over LISTENERS HEAR NO GOOD OF THEMSELVES One who eavesdrops on peoples conversation wont hear anything good about himself LOOK BEFORE YOU LEAP Always be sure before you do something MAKE HAY WHILE THE SUN SHINES Make use of the opportunity when it is there MARRY IN HASTE, REPEAT AT LEISURE Do something in a hurry but later regret it MANY HANDS MAKE LIGHT WORK Work is easier when there are more people to do it

MORE HASTE, LESS SPEED The more you hurry, the less you progress NECESSITY IS THE MOTHER OF INVENTION When one is in great need of something, he will find a way to make it NEVER DO THINGS BY HALVES Dont do thing incompletely NEVER PUT OFF TILL TOMORROW WHAT CAN BE DONE TODAY Do not procrastinate or postpone doing things NEW BROOMS SWEEP CLEAN A person newly appointed to a post usually starts off by being very hardworking NO NEWS IS GOOD NEWS When there is no news about something, it is likely that everything is all right NO SMOKE WITHOUT FIRE People will not talk of something if it is not true NOTHING VENTURED, NOTHING GAINED If you dont try, you will not succeed ONCE BITTEN TWICE SHY Once a person has been tricked or hurt, he will always be extra careful ONE GOOD TURN DESERVES ANOTHER Any help or good deed should always be repaid ONE MANS MEAT IS ANOTHER MANS POISON Not all people like the same thing ONE SWALLOW DOES NOT MAKE A SUMMER You cannot judge a person or thing by one point alone OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS BUT ONCE A good opportunity comes once in a lifetime OUT OF SIGHT, OUT OF MIND We may forget people whom we do not see often OUT OF THE FRYING PAN INTO THE FIRE From one bad situation to another that is worse PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT The more often we do a thing, the better we become at it PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE It is better to prevent something from happening than to let it happen and try to solve it


PRIDE GOES BEFORE A FALL A persons pride will often cause him to fall into disgrace ROME WAS NOT BUILT IN A DAY Great things take a long time to achieve ROBBING PETER TO PAY PAUL Taking from one person to pay another SET A THIEF TO CATCH A THIEF A criminal is the best person to catch another criminal SLOW AND STEADY WINS THE RACE If one does a thing slowly and carefully, one will definitely succeed SPARE THE ROD AND SPOIL THE CHILD If a child is not punished when he does wrong, he will spoilt STILL WATERS RUN DEEP Refers to a person who does not display his feelings or ideas openly STRIKE WHILE THE IRON IS HOT Make use of a good opportunity TAKE THE BULLY BY ITS HORN To face a situation bravely THE EARLY BIRDS CATCHES THE WORM A person who is easily gets what he wants THE GRASS IS ALWAYS GREENER ON THE OTHER SIDE Another persons situation always looks better although it may not necessarily be so THERES MANY A SLIP BETWEEN THE CUP AND THE LIP Things may easily go wrong before something is completed

THERES SAFETY IN NUMBERS It is safer to go about in a large group THOSE WHO LIVE IN GLASS HOUSES SHOULD NOT THROWN STONE People who are not free from blame should not criticise others TIME AND TIDE WAITS FOR NO MAN One should never waste time. Once it is gone, it is gone forever TO BE BORN WITH A SILVER SPOON IN THE MOUTH To be born in a rich family TO ERR IS HUMAN TO FORGIVE IS DIVINE It is human to do wrong but only a great person will forgive the wrong done to him TO LOOK FOR A NEEDLE IN HAYSTACK To look for a small items among a mass of other things TOO MANY COOKS SPOIL THE BROTH When too many people do a thing they spoil it TO PUT THE CART BEFORE THE HORSE To do things in the wrong order TO TURN OVER A NEW LEAF To change for the better UNITY IS STRENGTH We are stronger when we are united WHEN THE CATS AWAY, THE MICE WILL PLAY People will neglect their work when the person in charge is not there to watch over them WHERE THERES A WILL, THERES A WAY When one really wants to do something, one will find a way to do it.


IDIOMS A BED OF ROSES A situation which gives comfort and pleasure A CHIP OFF THE OLD BLOCK Very much like the father A CLOSE SHAVE A narrow escape A COCK-AND-BULL STORY An absurd and unbelievable story ACT THE GOAT To behave foolishly A HARD NUT TO CRACK A difficult problem AN EAGLE EYE To watch over someone or something very carefully A PENNY FOR YOUR THOUGHT An expression used to ask a person what he/she is thinking about APPLE OF THE EYE A person who is greatly A ROTTEN APPLE Someone who is likely to have a bad influence on others A SKELETON IN THE CUPBOARD A dreadful family secret A STORM IN A TEACUP Much excitement about something small AS FIT AS FIDDLE In a very good health AT EACH OTHERS THROAT Always quarrelling and arguing AT LOGGERHEADS Not on friendly or talking terms with someone AT ONES FINGERTIPS To be very familiar with something A WET BLANKET A discouraging person A WHITE ELEPHANT Something useless and expensive to keep BITE THE DUST To fail, die or stop existing BITE ONES HEAD OFF Answer sharply or angrily BLOW ONES TRUMPET Boast BRING ONE TO ONES SENSE Cause one to stop being foolish or wild behaviour BURN THE CANDLE AT BOTH ENDS Overwork BURY THE HATCHET Make peace BUTTON ONES LIPS To keep quite BY HOOK OR BY CROOK By fair and foul means BY LEAPS AND BOUNDS With remarkable speed CALL IT A DAY To stop doing something CANT MAKE HEAD OR TAIL OF Cant understand at all CARRIED AWAY Very excited CAT-AND-DOG LIFE A life full of quarrels CLOSE FITTED Miserly COOL AS CUCUMBER To be calm and relax COOL FEET To be very nervous COST A BOMB Something that very expensive CROCODILE TEARS False tears CRY OVER SPLIT MILK To moan and cry over something that cannot be undone

CUT DOWN TO SIZE To show some that he isnt as important as he think he is DEAD RINGER A person who looks exactly like someone else in appearance DEAD TO THE WORLD To be completely unaware of ones surroundings DEPART THIS LIFE To die DIRT CHEAP Extremely cheap DO AWAY WITH Get rid of DOWN TO EARTH Practical DRAW THE LINE Fix the limit FACE THE MUSIC Take punishment FAIR AND SQUARE With justice and honesty FALL ON DEAF EARS Ignored FEEL IN ONES BONES Have a strong feeling about something FIT AS FIDDLE In very good health FRIEND INDEED A friend who comes to help you GET ALONG WITH Be friendly and harmony with GET AWAY WITH Be successful in something which usually result in punishment or misfortune GET DOWN TO Deal seriously with GET INTO HOT WATER Get into trouble GET IT INTO ONES HEAD THAT Understand GET ON ONES NERVES Irritate

GET OVER Forget GIVE A PIECE OF ONES MIND Punish or scold GIVE THE GAME AWAY Reveal the secret plan GO BANANAS Act crazily GO BY THE BOOK Follow the rules closely GET OFF ONES HEAD Become crazy HARD UP Short of money HARD AND FAST RULES Strict rules HAVE A GO AT To try HAVE AT ONES FINGERTIPS Be thoroughly familiar with HAVE ONES HANDS FULL Very busy HAVE ONES HEART IN ONE MOUTH Be frightened HEAD OVER HEELS Deeply, completed HIGH AND DRY Alone and helpless HIT THE NAIL ON THE HEAD Guess correctly HOLD ONES TONGUE Keep silent IN A NUTSHELL Briefly IN COLD BLOOD Purposely and without feeling IN BLACK AND WHITE In writing IN ONE EAR AND OUT THE OTHER Heard but without effect IN THE NICK OF TIME Just before it is too late

IN THE SAME BOAT In the same unfortunate circumstances LET THE CAT OUT OF THE BAG Tell what should be kept a secret LIKE WATER OFF A DUCKS BAG With no effect or reaction LOCK, STOCK AND BARREL The whole of everything LOOK DOWN ONES NOSE ON Threat haughtily LOSE FACE Be humiliated LOSE ONES HEAD Become confused or over excited LOSE ONES MARBLES To lose ones common sense MAKE A CLEAN BREAST OF Confess MAKE DO To get along with one has MAKE ENDS MEET Manage financially MAKE ONES BLOOD RUN COLD Fill with horror MAKE SENSE Have a meaning MAKE THE MOUTH WATER Cause to desire NEXT OF KIN The nearest of relations NIP SOMETHING IN THE BUD To put a stop to something at an early stage NOT TURN A HAIR Show no fear ON THE DOT At the exact time or point ONCE IN THE BLUE MOON Rarely, once in a very long time OUT OF HAND Out of control OUT OF THE BLUE Unexpected

OUT OF DATE Old-fashioned PICK SOMEONES BRAIN Get ideas from someone PLAY FAST AND LOOSE Act carelessly PULL ONES LEG Try to make someone believe an untruth as a joke PULL/WEAR ALONG FACE Look sad and glum PUT AN END TO Stop PUT THE CART BEFORE THE HORSE Start at wrong end RAIN CATS AND DOGS Rain very heavily RUB THE WRONG WAY Irritate RUNAWAY SUCCESS Great, immediate success RUN INTO SOMEONE Meet unexpectedly SEE EYE TO EYE Agree completely SELL LIKE HOT CAKES Very readily or quickly SEND ONE PACKING Dismiss quickly SEND TO CONVENTRY Ignore someone as a punishment SHOW ONES TEETH Look angry SIT ON THE FENCE Avoid taking sides SMELL A RAT Be suspicious SPICK AND SPAN Neat and clean STEAL THE SHOW Attract all the attention STRIKE WHILE THE IRON IS HOT Act without delay while the situation is favourable

STUCK UP To be proud TAKE TO ONESS HEELS Run away THICK IN THE HEAD Stupid TO PUT ONES BEST FOOT FORWARD To do best possible TURN OVER A NEW LEAF Conduct one better TURN THE TABLES Reserve the result TURN UP ONES NOSE Be scornful of

UNDER SOMEONES SPELL To be unable to resist someones influence UNDER ONES VERY NOSE Directly in front of someone WASH ONES HAND OF Refuse to have anything to do with WEAR ONES HEART ON ONES SLEEVE To behave such that ones feeling are clear to all WITH A HIGH HAND With arrogance WELL BEGUN IS HALF DONE A good start makes easy to finish something WORK HAND IN GLOVE To be in close cooperation at his or her job


SET 1 TASK 1 B The Secretary, Geography Society, SM Jalan Sultan Sulaiman, 26600 Pekan, Pahang.

SET 2 TASK 2 B Many tourists 1have the feeling of awe and admiration when they first 2 set foot at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport. It 3 is indeed an architectural wonder and a marvelous engineering achievement. With its sophisticated features and facilities, the KLIA 4 is indeed a symbol of Malaysias progress and success. It 5 is truly the pride of Malaysians. Located on a 25, 000- acre site, the complex cost RM20 billion to build. Within the complex 6 are a main terminal building and a satellite building. Passengers 7check in at the terminal building and 8 board the planes parked near the satellite building. A beautifully- landscaped garden with a rainforest 9 is in the center of the satellite building. The 132.5- metre tall air traffic control tower 10 is the tallest in the world. The runways 11are 12 equip with special aids enabling aircrafts to 13 land and 14 take off in all weather conditions. Its total airport system which 15 integrate various airport operations. The automatic mover train 16 ferries passengers between the two buildings. An underground conveyor transports passengers baggage and cargoes. The KLIA 17 is a proof that our country 18 has 19 come a long way from its independence in 1957. It 20 manifests to the other countries that the country 21 can 22 hold itself well against them. TASK 2 C : DO IT YOURSELF SPEECH: Technologies and Inventions Good morning, teachers and friends. The topic that I want to discuss is technologies and inventions. Our lives today are far much better than the past. Scientists, inventors, engineers have made lots of great contributions. Nowadays, state of the art technology has improved the way we lead our lifestyles. We have machines among us that can do our hard work and can even handle the meticulous things. Some machines enable us to travel faster which we can reach the north pole in few hours. Ladies and gentlemen, Our communication is much easier with the inventions of modern computers and mobile phones. Through advances in technology mankind can be proud of we have achieved today. We have conquered many serious diseases like small pox, tuberculosis, and polio that provides opportunities to live on, where back then, diseases were unable to be treated which eventually lead to death. I and Im sure most of us are hoping that there will be more progress in the future. As we move on, may be we can find the cures for cancer and other diseases. New inventions and discoveries will be exposed and revealed. Hopefully, we will harvest more resources from the oceans and other planets. Who know that soon the mystery of the oceans and other planets will be discovered. In a nutshell, I am looking forward the future with confidence through new contributions and development.

The Manager, Munchys Food Sdn. Bhd., Jalan Kilang, 46050 Petaling Jaya. 18 NOVEMBER 2007 Dear Sir, Request for Permission to Visit Factory As the secretary of the Geography Society, I would like to 1.request permission on behalf of my school to 2 visit your factory. There 3 are 30 students who 4 are 5 interested in going for this trip. Two teachers 6 are also 7 coming. If it 8 is convenient for you, we would like to 9 visit your factory on either 18 or 20 December 2007. We 10 will 11arrive at the factory at approximately 10.00 a.m. f the time and dates 12 are not convenient for you, please suggest other possible times. e 13 hope you 14 will 15 grant us permission to 16 visit your factory. Thank you. Yours faithfully, . (KAJOL DEVGAN) SET 2 TASK 1 C : DO IT YOURSELF FORMAL LETTER: Permission to Visit Old Folks Home SMK Taman Kota Jaya 81900, Kota Tinggi, Johor _____________________________________________________ _ The Principal SMK Taman Kota Jaya 81900, Kota Tinggi Johor 4th August 2007 Dear Madam Permission to Visit Yayasan Falah Old Folks Home On behalf of the Interact Club, I would like to request your permission to go on an educatioanal trip to the Old Folks Home. 2. The visit will give our members an opportunity to learn more about being caring and understanding towards the elderly. 3. We plan to visit the home on 20th September 2007, from 1.00 to 6.00 pm. There will be about thirty of us and two teachers in our group. We have planned many activities to cheer the elderly. These include book reading, magic shows and music performance. I hope you will give us a favourable reply soon. Thank you. Yours faithfully, Arianna (ARIANNA BT KAMARUZZAMAN)

SET 3 TASK 3 B ; TEXT COMPLETION ARTICLE ; Description of a Person JK Rowling Harry Potter, the hero of the world-famous series of books, is the creation of the author Joanne Kathleen Rowling, who was born on 31 July 1966. The thrilling stories of Harry and his friends, Hermoine and Ron battling with magic against wicked wizards and demons, have captured the imagination of an entire generation of readers. However, many fans are unaware that the magical rags to riches tale of the author herself is also a fairy tale. Several publishers have turned down Joannes manuscripts. And when finally, Bloomsbury takes up the tales, they have decided to present the author as JK rather than Joanne Rowling as a way to appeal boys who are more likely to favour books written by men than women. However, before long, Harry Potter books have become popular and are at the top of the best-seller lists around the world. As a result, JK Rowling has become one of the best known names in the book world. Since then, many tens of millions of Harry Potter books have been translated and sold across the world. (Adapted from Just English, Vol. 2 Issue 5) TASK 3 C : DO IT YOURSELF ARTICLE ; Description of a Person Encik Mansur Khalid Encik Mansur Khalid has been a teacher for twenty years, and after twenty seven years of working experience as an English teacher and as Senior Assistant I, Encik Mansur Khalid has been promoted as the principal of Sekolah Menengah Seri Pinang. His colleagues enjoy working with him. He is the most understanding teacher in the school. Most of the students would find him if they have problems. He is very co-operative, patient and dedicated. Both colleagues and students respect him because of his good personality and friendly nature. Our school is happy that the Education District Officer has recognised his sevices here and has promoted him as the principal of a large and established school. His personal interest in public speaking has prompted him to start the Toastmasters Club in this school. He has produced some of the best speakers in this school and district. Due to his interest and dedication, out school has won top placings in elocution contest and public speaking competitions. These victories in public speaking in the national level are a result of Encik Mansurs encouragement. He has also established the Scrabble Club in the year 2001. He is a good scrabble player himself because he reads widely on many subjects and that is why he won most of the scrabble competitions for the adult category. He has also organized inter-class Scrabble competitions to get the students interested in the games. His main aim is to make the students read and get to know more vocabulary of English and eventually to increase their proficiency in English. Although the school has lost the service of an efficient man, we are at the same time happy that he has taken up a post which is suited for him. We wish him the best for his future success in his new position. (Adapted from PMR English Essays, Sistem) SET 4 GRAMMAR PRACTICE Answers Practice 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

TASK 4 B TEXT COMPLETION Answer 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. are driven are killed cross are taken are killed make often be seen 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. are hit move around be hypnotised do not move are sometimes hit fly

TASK 4 C DIRECTED WRITING: Report on the Young Entrepreneurs Workshop The Young Entrepreneurs Workshop was held in the NST Training Centre on 12 until 14 June 2007. It was organized for students aged between 13-17 from 10.a.m until 5.30 p.m. The cost for each participant is RM350.00 and about 200 students from all over Malaysia took part in this programme. As one of the lucky students who have been selected for this workshop, I am happy to mention that I took part in all the activities concerned. The workshop aimed to encourage creative enterprise among school students. By attending the workshop, I was able to develop my creative and critical thinking skills. Moreover, I was able to improve on my language proficiency. There were many activities for everyone and most of the task that the participants were required to do were based on teamwork. I had been taken a group for every new activity and I found that through these activities, our cooperation and team spirit were enhanced. I was able to build up my social skills and had made many friends from all over the country. During the workshop, i was also made to realize my full potential. I was very careful with any task that was required to be carried out as the organization taught us to plan and manage our work well within the taken time period. I hope to participate in more of these workshops in the future. The exposure and knowledge that I have gained will be used and shared with my schoolmates. Report written by, 28 JUNE 2007 Roslan (ROSLAN BIN ABU) Participant, Young Entrepreneurs Workshop SET 5 TASK 5 B Last weekend, the Girl Guides from our school 1went camping near a waterfall. As soon as they 2 reached the place, the girls 3 pitched their tents by a big rock near the waterfall. After pitching the tents, they 4 went to look for firewood. They 5 wanted to cook their meals. Off they 6 went to the nearby forest. Some of the guides 7 stayed back to look after the tents. Those who 8 looked for firewood 9 spotted smoke curling into the sky from a distance. They 10 went nearer and 11 hid behind some trees. To their shock, they 12 saw some men distilling liquor. It 13 was illegal. They 14 decided to inform the police. A few girls 15 ran off to find the telephone booth while the rest 16 kept watch. After a few minutes, they 17 came to a public telephone booth at the foot of the hill. They quickly 18 called the police and 19 told them what they 20 had 21 seen . The police 22 thanked them and 23 assured them they 24 were on their way. Soon the police 25 arrived. They hurriedly 26h climbed the hill and 27 surrounded the men. Seeing that they 28 were 29 outnumbered, the men 30 surrendered quietly. The Girl Guides 31 were 32 praised for their courage and quick action. They 33 were also 34 awarded a medal for their bravery.

The car was driven by your sister Those mangoes were eaten by the monkeys The highway was constructed by the Korean engineers The birds were caught by him The tigers were shot by the hunters The patient is being attended to by a doctor The picture is being drawn by an artist The next game shall be played by me The parcel was sent by the peon These stalls will be demolished by the town council workers

TASK 5 C : DO IT YOURSELF RECOUNT: A Bush Fire On one fine evening, my team mates and I were busy preparing for the coming match. We were going to meet the most well-l known team in the area. Suddenly, I saw students rushing towards the back of the school area. I was puzzled and wondered, Whats going on? I asked myself. Suddenly I saw thick smoke coming out from the bushes. It was a chaotic situation which had forced the Principal to calm down the students. .Fire! someone yelled. The grass and bushes were caught in fire. It was exactly 4.30 p.m. We had to stop the sports practice. We immediately called the fire brigade since our school was quite near to the town. After a few minutes we heard an announcement from the principal. While waiting for the firemen to arrive, he instructed the students to help putting out the fire. The boys rushed to the canteen and the houses nearby. We borrowed many pails of different sizes and colours. Teachers in- charged, organized the students in three long rows. They asked us to fill up our pails with the water that we need to collect from the stream. Pails after pails were passed to student after another. We poured the water onto the fire to stop from spreading. While pouring the water, we were praying very hard so that everyone will be all right. Finally, the firemen arrived to put out the fire totally. We were praised for our courage, cooperation and determination. SET 6 TASK 6 B 2500 Kuantan 25 November 2007 Dear Degawan, It is wonderful to hear from you again after so long! I 1 was actually quite 2 surprised to receive your letter after long silence. My family and I 3 had a trip to Terengganu, last week. It 4 was actually under a traveling package that my father 5 had 6 arranged for us during the school holiday. Here, I want to tell you my experience watching the turtles lying their eggs. Upon arrival, we 7 were 8 introduced to our tourist guide 9 named Mahmud. He 10 brought us to the sandy beach along the shore of Terengganu to watch the turtles lay , eggs. This 11was the first trip for all of us. We 12 were eager and 13 excited. We 14 waited and 15 kept very quiet as we 16 sat on the sand. We 17 brought along our binoculars and a video camera, ready to take photographs of the turtles laying eggs. Suddenly, Mahmud 18 tiptoed and 19 pointed at the shadow of a giant turtle. He 20 told us to be as quiet as possible. We 21 moved slowly towards the huge reptile. What a disappointment we 22 had! We 23 were very angry to find that it 24 was not a turtle but a Volkswagen car. Red- faced, Mahmud 25 apologized to us. He 26 explained that he 27 was not 28 cheating us but genuinely 29 thought it 30 was a giant turtle. It 31 did 32 look like one in the dark. He 33 told us that since we 34 were 35 staying for a few more days, he 36 would 37 show them another famous site for turtles activities the next night. Your cousin, Cinda TASK 6C : DO IT YOURSELF INFORMAL LETTER: A Visit to the National Park No.19, Jln Melati 81900 Kota Tinggi, Johor. 6th August 2007 Dear Eskandar, How are you? I hope you are in the pink My family and I are doing great. Congratulations for becoming the best student in the previous midyear examination. I am so proud of you. May be you can drop by sometime in December and help me out with Mathematics. I heard you are a genius in the subject. On our final day, 18th August, we went on to go for a canopy walk. This walkway was 25 metres high and it was over 400 metres long which is renowned as the longest canopy walkway in the world. We were so excited. However, we were warned not to go all thirty of us at once. The canopy walkway was old but it could still support our weight. From above, we set our eyes on the exciting and fantastic view of verdant green jungle below and its surrounding. Main body: Paragraph 2: Paragraph 3: Paragraph 4: Paragraph 5: Conclusion : in Kuala Tahan. We stayed at a budget hostel nearby the park. Looking around the park made realize how great the natures creation was. Its beautiful forest reserve, lush green jungles, crystal clear rivers and breezy fresh air lured me to the park. Early the next morning, I set out to climb Gunung Tahan with my classmates. It was 2187 metres above the sea level. We, of course had brought along the necessary equipments. Do you know that this mountain is the highest mountain in peninsular Malaysia? Here, I could see pitcher plant, an insectivorous plant that trapped insects. The insects then were digested by its natural enzymes. Fascinating, is it not? Well, I have to pen- off now as I really need to burn the midnight oil to finish up my homework. I promise I will write to you again. Send my warmest regard to your family. Please reply to my letter soon.

Your cousin asha SET 7 Task 7 B : Text Completion A Healthy Lifestyle In order to have a good health, we 1 must live a healthy lifestyle. What constitutes a healthy lifestyle? Well, they are eating sensibly, doing regular exercise, having enough sleep and having recreation. Eating sensibly means consuming a balanced diet. For example, we 2 should eat more fish, fruits, cereals and vegetables. They have plenty of protein, minerals and vitamins. You 3 ought to avoid foods which are high in fat and calories such as chocolate, cake, red meat and butter. Eating these foods in large amount is bad for your health and 4 will lead to weight gain. Exercising is necessary for good health. It does not matter whether you jog, walk or swim. Do it thirty minutes every day. Exercise 5 can build up muscles, making us fit and strong. Moreover, it is good for our heart. The body needs to recuperate, so it requires enough sleep and rest. We 6 can wake up the next day feeling fresh and energized. We also need recreation to relax our minds. We 7 can read or watch movies. Remember, mental health is part of the wholesome health of the body. In conclusion, maintaining a healthy lifestyle has its own rewards. We 8 will be able to live longer and become a happier person. (Adapted from Skor A PMR, Pelangi) TASK 7 C : DO IT YOURSELF ARTICLE: The Benefits of Sports in School COMPOSITION OUTLINE Introduction: Sports many benefits schools should make it compulsory Explain the benefits of sports to students. Good way to pass time healthy Make new friends Good way to manage stress Develop good qualities such as tolerance Sports bring so many benefits schools should make it compulsory The Benefits of Sports in Schools Playing sports has numerous benefits to everyone alike. Students who play sports will reap many positive elements from this activity. Playing sports is an excellent pastime. It is also a healthy activity compared to other non beneficial activities like loitering, playing video games for long hours and watching to much television. There is no better way to make new friends than by playing sports. This is because the people we meet during games would most likely share the same interest in the games just like us. Some games can even earn us many comrades, especially those that require a larger group of players.

With the hectic lifestyle of today, we tend to get stressed up. Taking part in sports is an excellent outlet to channel away all our pent up stress in a positive manner. As we partake in sports, we develop admirable qualities such as tolerance, understanding and self-discipline. This is because such games require us to have those traits. In conclusion, playing sport brings forth manifold benefits. If is wise for schools to make it compulsory, except for special cases where the student has certain limitations or health conditions. Students should be more interested in sports as they are real games and do not take place in a realm of fantasy like video games; for we live temporarily in a real world. It is good to be part of this world. SET 8 Task 8 B : Text Completion It is 1 better to rent the terrace house in town rather than the one in the countryside. Both are terrace houses although the rent of the house in town is 2 more expensive. However. It is worth it because the house is within town limits and you will spend 3 more on transport if you stay in the country. At least we can cycle to school and will be 4 harder to clean. We are a small family of four. We need only three bedrooms one for Mum and Dad, one for me and another for sister. The house in the country is 5 more spacious and will be 6 more difficult to clean. In my opinion, a house with or without a garden does not make much difference. We have 7 less time for gardening and if we want to play, we can go to the field nearby. A 8 larger garden simply means 9 more work. Although the house needs minor repairs, it is worth doing as it will be 10 more economical in the long run. TASK 8 C : DO IT YOURSELF OPINION: Is Private Tuition Necessary for Students COMPOSITION OUTLINE
Introduction Main body Paragraph 2 Paragraph 3 Paragraph 4 Conclusion : : : : : : my viewpoint private tuition is needed for weak students State arguments for the benefits of private tuition personal attention more guidance clearer lessons for Mathematics, Science and languages stepby-step guidance - technique focused teaching specific needs not money-motivated Private tuition needed for weak students who will benefit

SET 9 GRAMMAR PRACTICE Answer ( 1.a) Positive 1. wise 2. less 3. big 4. small 5. poor Comparative -+er wiser lesser bigger smaller poorer Superlative -+est wisest least biggest smallest poorest

Add -+ier [(comparative) and -+iest (superlative)] Positive 1. happy 2. lazy 3. merry 4. noisy 5. busy Comparative +ier happier lazier merrier noisier busier Superlative -+iest happiest laziest merriest noisiest busiest

Add more [(comparative) and the most (superlative)] Positive Comparative Superlative + more -+ most 1. interesting more interesting most interesting 2. intelligent more intelligent most intelligent 3. handsome more handsome most handsome 4. famous more famous most handsome 5. expensive more expensive most expensive (1.b) Fill in the blanks by using the comparative or superlative forms of the adjectives in brackets 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Salmi is younger than James. Mount Everest is the highest mountains in the World. She is the best English teacher we have. It is hotter today than yesterday. A rug is cheaper than a carpet. Is Reena is more famous than her sister? Cheese cake is tastier than chocolate cake. He is the most handsome person I know. Kinabatangan River is the longest river in Malaysia. They are the most active students in the school

TASK 9B ; TEXT COMPLETION Nowadays, Pepsi is a popular soft drink among Malaysian. There are a lot of reasons why Pepsi is the most popular ones than other soft drinks. According to the survey which has been carried out by Food and Beverage Association, It is proved that Pepsi is the most saleable soft drinks in the market There are a few types of soft drinks in our market like Pepsi, Coca-cola, Sprite, 7up and others. Why Pepsi is the most popular among teenagers? It is because it is cheaper, tastier, more attractive and more refreshing than others. Definitely Pepsi is the best. In contrast, Sprite is the least popular one. Based on the survey, there is only 10 percent of teenagers consume this soft drink.This is most probably because of the lack of promotion from the manufacturer. They are hardly available either in the groceries or minimarket. Furthermore its price is more expensive compared to the others soft drinks in market. In conclusion, teenagers are more likely enjoy drinking Pepsi in their daily life

Private tuition seems to be the trend these days. Almost every student goes for private tuition. It is no wonder tuition centres and private tutors make good money. In my opinion, private tuition in necessary for weak students and for certain core subjects like Science, Mathematics and languages. Students who cannot keep pace with the school lesson may not be able to catch up in their studies. They may not understand the topics taught in class and they may find it difficult to revise their studies for class tests and examinations. Therefore, they need extra private tuition classes. A tutors personal attention is especially useful for the students in core subjects like Science, Mathematics and languages. This is because such subjects are generally more difficult. The step-by step guidance benefits weak students. Another advantage is that tutors often teach their students shortcut methods for solving problems. Besides, tutors teach according to their students pace. However, if the tuition centres have big classes and are interested in only making money, the students will not get any extra benefits than what they are already getting in school. Then it is better to go for one-to-one tuition where the student has one hundred percent of their tutors attention. Weak students have claimed that they have improved through private tuition, especially in subjects that they are weak at. So, private tuition is quite necessary for weak students. They will surely benefit from it.

TASK 9 C:DIRECTED WRITING CHART: Interpreting chart A survey was carried out on the ambitions of 200 pupils of SMK Taman Kota Tinggi. They were asked to state and give reason for their choices. Out of the 200 students, 50 would like to be engineers. They are interested in doing things with their hands and are analytical and mathematically inclined. They are interested in engines, plans and chemicals. They do not mind working in factories or industrial zones. According to them, engineers are in great demand nowadays and it would be quite easy to get jobs. 30 students choose to be doctors or dentist or biochemist in the medical field. They are intelligent. They are also mainly interested in helping the sick. But, a small number mention the prestige, status and the money they can earn being in this profession. Another 30 students are interested in becoming lawyers. They like to argue and talk. They enjoy watching crime television programmes. In addition, there are 25 students would like to set up their own businesses or take over their family business. They like to be self employed and not be responsible to someone else but to themselves. Another 25 students opt fro banking, finance and accountancy. They are good in mathematics and figures. They want to learn all about banking and finance and later be able to set up their own companies. Furthermore 20 students like to be sales representatives because they feel that they have the gift of the gab and can sell almost anything to anyone. Besides, they earn commission. The last 20 students like to take up teaching because they fell it is an easy job with the holidays thrown in. In addition, they believe when they become family men, they can have more time for the family. They do not wish to have pressure and tension of high powered jobs. In conclusion, the most popular job is in the field of engineering while the two least popular are teaching and sales. SET 10 TASK 10 B: TEXT COMPLETION Ever tried making pan fried cheese sandwiches? ____First______(1) spread one side of each bread slice completely with butter, making sure to include the crust. ______Place____(2) the buttered side of two slices lightly together. Spread mustard ________onto_____(3) the unbuttered side of top slice. Lay a slice of chicken salami over the mustard; at a layer of cheese _______slices_____(4) . Preheat a large pan. When hot, gently lift the top slice of bread with the filling _______and______(5) places the buttered side down into pan. Top it with the other slice, with the butter side up. Cook over medium heat for two minutes until under sight is golden and the cheese begins to ______melt_______ (6). Using a spatula, _____carefully____ (7) turn the sandwich over to cook on other side. Lift onto a plate and cut in half diagonally. Repeat the same process with the remaining sandwiches. ____Serve______(8) the sandwiches immediately. TASK 10 C : DIRECTED WRITING PROCESS AND PROCEDURES: How to Make Egg Jelly My sister, Juliana, wants to know how to make egg jelly by using some empty eggshells as a dessert for dinner. She seeks my help . First, I ask her to break some eggs into a bowl. Then, she is to keep the eggs in the refrigerator so that my mother can cook them for lunch. With the shells, she must first wash them under some water. Then, she must dry the empty eggshells. Juliana must prepare the ingredients to make the egg jelly. She must get ready a packet of jelly strips, of sugar, five glasses of filtered water and a cup of fresh milk.

Juliana can begin by putting the jelly strips in a pot. Then, she must pour in the filtered water and put the pot to boil on a stove of low fire. She must stir the jelly strips with a ladle so that it does not stick to the bottom of the pot. Next, she can add in the sugar and fresh milk to taste. When the jelly strips have all melted, she can turn off the fire at the stove. Juliana must pour the boiled jelly strips into the empty eggshells. Lastly, she must let the eggshells containing the boiled jelly to cool down before she chills them in the refrigerator. It is good if Juliana serves the jelly while it is still cold. It will be a nice dessert for dinner. I am sure my parents will be happy to have the jelly after dinner.

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