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CJs Christmas Party

Copyright 2010 CJ England

Cover Art by CJ ENGLAND 2010
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: Sharing of this story is suggested, encouraged
and applauded, but the authors name IS NOT to be removed from it for any
reason whatsoever. Please do not offer it for sale; it is a free read story for
CJ Englands fans and designed only for those who are 18 and OLDER.

All characters in this story have no existence outside the imagination of the
author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name
or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or
unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention.

To each of my Characters, whom I love with everything in me.
Thank you for teaching me how to listen to you. Thanks for being stubborn and forcing
me to let you be the guide in how each story should go. And thank you, thank you, thank
you for never letting me settle for anything but the very best.

This one is for you. Merry Christmas.

CJs Christmas Party

Givr! Stop it. People will see. Amy Cassidy pushed her lover away and
smoothed down her sapphire-blue silk dress. She gazed at his elegant tuxedo-clad figure
with some asperity. Several couples looked their way and smiled, obviously amused at
her escorts enthusiasm. This is a party and we are supposed to be getting to know
these people.
My Ami, Givr Beauchamp lifted her hand and pressed it to his lips. How can I
not be tempted by your kiss? I wish to taste you again and again. It is a miracle to be
with you and not back among the stars. One I do not take for granted.
She softened and went back into his arms. I know. I thank God every day you
came to life in my snowman. And that you wanted to stay with me. Im the happiest
woman on the earth right now. And I love Christmas even more because of it.
Givr groaned and kissed her deeply. Ami. What you do to me. I am told they
have staterooms here. We can go into one of them, and I can make love to you as I wish.
I promise you will enjoy it.
Laughing, she snuggled closer. I always enjoy making love with you. Youve
proven quite often how wonderful you French are when it comes to that specific art. But,
we have to be sociable. Just for a little while.
Quel est ce non-sens? growled her lover. What nonsense is this? I have no need
of anyone but you.
Amy shook her head. CJ went to a lot of trouble to put this party together. The
least we can do is mingle.
I do not understand this mingle. Unless he waggled his dark eyebrows at her,
I am mingling me with you.
She huffed out a laugh. You have a one track mind, my love. Any minute now
youll be wanting waffles again.
Givrs dark eyes gleamed with passion. Oui. Did I make mention of the
staterooms? They are very near the kitchen.
Hush, she whispered. Here come our hosts, Justin Savage and his lady, Lara. Be
But, mon ange, you already say I am very good, no?
She barely had time to punch him before they were joined by the owners of the
casino boat where author CJ Englands very first Character Christmas party was being
I know we introduced ourselves earlier, Lara Kincade-Savage said as she handed
them both a flute of champagne, but we havent had much time to talk.
Too many people to deal with. Her husband, Justin, looked sour. Im more used
to scaring them away than inviting them in.
Thats right. Id almost forgotten. Amy nodded her head. You havent been
backeralive for very long, have you?
Only since Halloween, Lara answered. She looked up at her husband, love shining
in her eyes. Hed been a shade for almost a century, getting his revenge on my
ancestors for a terrible wrong. But if we hadnt have broken the curse
Now, we agreed not to talk about that, Justin reminded her. He dropped a kiss on
her pouting mouth. It happened in the past. Im just glad you were the one who
inherited my ship so the curse could be broken. Now we he gestured to his fellow ex-
spirits, Lottie, Sir Malcom and Charlie who were all arguing over which slot machines to
try next, have a brand new life to live, thanks to you.
Givr looked intrigued. Was there not one more of you? A singer?
Justin nodded. Yes. Diana. But she hated it here on the ship. She went out to
explore the world.
We worry, Lara added, and we hope shell come back for a visit. Charlie misses
her dreadfully.
Youve put together a wonderful party. Amy gazed around the ship in awe. Its
hard to believe, but it reminds me a little of our home in Aspen, Colorado. Yet I know
were sailing off the east coast of Florida.
The Lucky Lady was decked out in all her Christmas finery, celebrating the beauty of
the season. Decorated evergreens surrounded by wrapped presents graced the corners of
the gaming salon. Wreaths dotted the walls and garland was strung over each slot
machine and around the gaming tables. Cinnamon and spice scented the air as wassail
simmered behind the bar and candles of nutmeg and cloves flickered on all the buffet
Faerie lights, magicked up by several of the invited Faerie princes, twinkled
overhead, giving the impression of a starry night sky. A live band, arranged by a group
of Nashville musicians, played traditional Christmas music as well as some of the latest
hits, non-stop throughout the evening.
And to add to the mystique of Christmas, Justin and Lara had arranged a special
touch for all their guests. Outside the windows a gentle snow fell, courtesy of more
magic, this time by a witch and a magician whod come to the party.
My Lara is one hell of a party planner, Justin said proudly. CJ got her in touch
with some of thewellmore unusual contractors she knows and everything just fell
into place. My lady takes care of that side of the business. I deal with the gamblers.
Do you bet on the sports? Givr asked interestedly. You have the ESPN in the
lounge? I have a gamble on the game tonight.
Givr, Amy warned, you promised no sports tonight. She rolled her eyes and
looked at Lara. I swear, once I showed him how to use the TV remote, I created a
Pulling her against him, Givr gave her a firm squeeze. I am a monster only for
you, sweet Ami. But his black eyes gazed at her hopefully, you know we did not
have the ESPN when I was first alive in the 1800s. So would it be too much to ask if I
only glance at the scores? He shot a look at Justin. It will not take long, no?
Nope. Justin grinned. And we can get away from this fucking crowdI mean
our guests.
Two of a kind, thats what you are. Lara sighed. Fine. Go ahead. But dont be
How can I resist that puppy dog look? Amy shook her head. A half hour. No
more. And you owe me.
Grabbing her hand, Givr lavishly kissed it. Je t'aime. Je vous adore. Je vous
remercie. I will be back on time. This I promise.
She shooed him away. Go on. Thirty minutes and then Im coming to get you.
Their eyes filled with laughter, Amy and Lara watched their men hurry away into the
quieter, more intimate bar area. I love that man, but hes so unsociable he can be a pain
in the butt, Lara muttered.
Amy nodded. I know what you mean. Givrs the same way sometimes. But I
sure wouldnt kick him out of my bed for eating crackers!
They heard a soft giggle, and another womans voice inquired, Whos eating
crackers in bed?
Lara laughed as she turned to greet the newcomers. No one. Unless we let them.
She glanced at Amy. Have you met Dawn and Aithne?
No. But Ive seen you with your men. Amy patted her heart. Wow! They make
them nice where you come from.
Aithne laughed and her green eyes glowed. Since I am sister to one and mate to the
other, I feel I can say thank you for both of them. But I must say, your snowman is very
attractive, too.
Id say hes hot, quipped Dawn, but then he wouldnt be frosty anymore.
They all giggled. When they quieted, Amy glanced across the room at the group of
men standing by the bar. The dark one, with the grass-green eyes? Hes Aidan, right?
And hes a
A vampire, Dawn supplied. A very sexy, loving vampire. We own the erotic toy
store, Dont Spank the Vamp. And Aidan loves to play with those very special toys.
Youre gonna make us blush. Lara grinned. But I read your story. Whew!
Youre a lucky woman.
I think so. Dawn looked smug. Once I forgave Aidan for not telling me the truth
about what he was. And for feeding off me without permission.
He didnt tell you he was a vampire? And hehe fed off you? Wow! Amys eyes
widened. One thing I can say about Givr. He told me right up front he was a
Christmas Spirit. She frowned. Course I thought he was crazy.
Aithne sighed. Men can be confusing. And stubborn. When Dawn left Aidan, he
refused to feed from anyone else. He almost died.
But then I realized I loved him Dawn smiled in recollection, no matter what
he was.
I know exactly what you mean. Amy nodded. I finally understood it didnt
matter whether Givr was a Christmas Spirit, a snowman or an escaped lunatic. I loved
him and that was what was important.
Its a key theme in any CJ England book, Lara sighed. Love conquering all.
It did in Aithnes case, Dawn said as she squeezed her sister-in-laws arm. The
hunky blond standing next to Aidan belongs to her, and we all know what he is.
Milcham. The Phoenix. Amy was properly awed. Ive heard legends,
butdamn. None of them said how handsome he was. She shook her head. None of
them said he was human either.
Aithne smiled. He is the Phoenix and he is human. And he is very handsome. He
came to this world to find his one twin-flame. His soulmate.
Dawn smiled. And he found you.
We literally fought the powers of hell, Aithne said with a quick shudder. When
Jehovah sent Milcham out to find his mate, Satan did everything he could to prevent it.
He threw temptation after temptation at him, but while Milcham may have stumbled a bit,
but he never fell. Even when we found each other, the Evil One wouldnt let us alone.
He tried to kill me and prevent us from having an eternity together.
But love conquered all? Amy asked softly.
Oh, yes. Aithnes eyes glowed with an otherworldly light. It was very much
worth it in the end.
Who are the others with them? Lara asked. I didnt meet them when they came
Dawn frowned but then her face cleared. Oh, those are some of their friends. The
two on the right are Alexander and Jarrod. They work with Milcham at the carnival. Im
sure youll learn more about them in the future. My friends, Samantha and Peggy, too.
Are the men? Amy wasnt sure how to ask.
Supernatural? Aithne nodded. Yes. Jarrod is a werewolf. She gazed over at
the muscular blond man and her lips turned down briefly. There are other shapeshifters
here tonight, but he doesnt mix much with his own. Hes gotissues.
And Alexander? Lara glanced curiously at the dark-haired man laughing at the
bar. He looks almost normal.
Aithne gave a ladylike snort. Hes definitely not normal. We arent sure what
Alexander is. He could speak to spirits before, but he her eyes took on a sheen of
tears, he almost died recently and when he came back, he was different.
Now, hes more like an Ethereal than he is a human. Its frustrating to him because
he doesnt know what to do. Going through walls and talking to shades might seem like
a party trick, but its hard being different.
All the women nodded. Being different was something they were all very familiar
What I want to know is who the really attractive guy is standing next to Aidan,
Amy whispered. The one with the long silver hair. He looks like a movie star or
Dawn chuckled. Close. Thats Orlan. Hes an author. He writes all those scary
books that you dont want to read just before you go to bed.
Lara narrowed her eyes. Ive heard of him. Didnt he write The Blood Tells? That
book kept me awake for a week.
Hell be glad to hear it.
Is he a supernatural? Amy asked. It would make sense if he writes about them.
Aithne waved at someone across the room then nodded. He is a vampire. Very old
and very powerful. He and Aidan have known each other for over a century now. I think
youll be hearing more about Orlan, too, in the future.
Who is that youre waving to? Lara asked. Wow. Yet one more gorgeous guy.
Another of the brethren. Thats what vampires call themselves, Aithne explained.
His name is Sebastian. He is also very old. Much older than Aidan.
And the woman with him? Amy gazed curiously at the tall dark man with the
deep brown eyes and neatly trimmed goatee. He had an air of sadness and mystery about
him. As did the small, black-haired woman he held protectively. They were both
speaking to a second couple, another equally attractive man with long white hair and his
partner, a tiny woman with fierce black eyes and long, curling ebony locks.
That is his mate, Teran. They arent as sociable as Aidan and Orlan are. They used
to live away from people in a European forest somewherethats where they met.
Sebastian rescued Teran from some rapists and then fell in love with her. She was the
one woman who could sustain him, but when Sebastian killed a man protecting Teran,
they were driven away from their home. Aithne shook her head and sighed. But as
long as they are together, they dont seem to care where they live.
They stop by for a visit whenever they are near California, Dawn added. Teran
had never seen the ocean until she came to Monterey. She was very sheltered before
meeting Sebastian.
Who are they talking to? Lara asked. Those two came in after Justin and I started
making our rounds.
Another shapeshifter and his mate, Aithne answered. From the Canadian
northwest. Hes Kolt Masatche. Leader of the Silverwolf Clan. Shes Amarie Bandeau.
Now theirs is an interesting story.
Oh, I like interesting stories. A new voice was heard behind them. Dont start
without me.
They all turned to see two couples who had just come into the salon. Here we go
again, Amy muttered under her breath. Two more gorgeous specimens. Does CJ write
anything else but hunky heroes?
This is a great place, enthused Sierra Rawlings as she gazed around the brightly lit
room. You must have worked overtime to get it ready for the party. And I havent seen
this much food since the last Lake Tahoe Summer Rodeo Hoedown. When do we eat?
Sierra! The other woman shook her head chidingly. At least wait until weve all
been introduced.
No need. Lara looked properly impressed. Youre Gabrielle Rousseau. I have
your documentary on Sensual Massage. Justinwellboth of us love it.
Glad to hear it, Gabrielles lover, Clint Braddock, shook Laras hand. For awhile
there we werent sure it was going to be made.
Now, thats not true. Gabrielles eyes flashed mischievously. I always knew Id
get it done. It was just you who were unsure.
The tall man in the cowboy hat next to Sierra chuckled. Well, hell. Id be leery too
of a woman who sent me a pizza with flies, cockroaches and a dead rat on it.
In unison, both Gabrielle and Clint said, They were out of dead rats.
Everyone laughed.
Youre Dalton Grant, right? Dawn gazed up at the man holding Sierras hand.
You have that big ranch in Tahoe, The Double Down.
The tall cowboy nodded. Yes maam. How do you know about it?
Dawn blushed. Before Aidan and I got together, I went to Lake Tahoe once for
vacation. I did some quick sketches of prize winning animals there. So I could do their
sculptures when I got home. I did one of your bull, Jack Pot.
Daltons hazel eyes darkened. I see.
Reaching out to touch his arm, Dawn sighed. I realized it was your ranch and the
bull Id sketched when I heard on the news about your brother being killed by Jack Pot.
Im so sorry.
Sierra put her arms around Dalton as he struggled to speak. It was a bad time. We
still miss Keeley so much.
Almost cost me more than my brother, Dalton managed to say. Could have lost
you over a bull, too.
I dont understand. Dawns gaze moved between the couple.
After Keeley died, Dalton had problems with anyone he loved riding a bull. And
since Im a tiny bit stubborn
Dalton snorted. A tiny bit?
Sierra gave him a withering glare. Ahem. Since Im a lot stubborn, when he put on
his overbearing-Im-in-charge attitude and told me I couldnt ride a bull in the rodeo,
lets just say I didnt take it well.
So I tried to talk her into not riding the bull.
Talk her into it? Gabrielle frowned. I thought she told me you tied her up and left
her in the feed room.
At that statement all the women glared at him. Daltons neck turned red. I was just
doing what I thought best at the time. I was wrong.
Brother, Clint commiserated. You sure were. Youre lucky you didnt get two
pizzas with extra dead rats.
But we made up right there in the arena, I rode the bull, and Sierra slid a sexy
look at Dalton from under her eyelashes, I been riding my cowboy ever since.
Dalton turned even redder. Jesus, Sierra.
You were saying that couple across the room had an interesting story? Gabrielle
mercifully rescued Dalton from further teasing. What is it?
Before you start, Clint protested, just hearing about that dusty rodeo made me
thirsty. I want a beer.
Why dont you both go find Justin and Givr, Lara suggested. Theyre having a
drink and watching the game in the lounge.
And tell my snowman Amy nodded her head decisively, his thirty minutes
are almost up.
Whats gonna happen? Dalton snickered. He gonna melt away?
Ha, ha. Sierra pushed him towards the bar. Youre killing me here. Go have a
beer with your new friends while we dish about all these handsome heroes CJ has
Hey, Im a handsome hero, Clint protested, but he let Gabrielle scoot him along as
The handsomest, she agreed. Now go have a whiskey, watch the game and talk
manly things. Dusting her hands off, she watched the two men argue as they went
through the bar door. Now. About that story. Is it documentary worthy?
Aithne giggled. I dont think this can be made into a movie even though it is an
interesting tale.
So spill, Sierra urged.
What happened was a tragedy. Aithne turned to look at the couple, one so dark,
the other so fair. Amarie was with her parents and brother camping in the forest. Her
folks were some kind of anthropologists studying the local tribes.
Oh God, murmured Amy. I think I know where this is going.
It was horrible. Aithne shuddered. One night they were set upon by a rouge
werewolf. Amarie got up into the trees and was safe, but her family was torn apart in
front of her.
Lord. What did she do? Sierra whispered.
No one believed it when she told them about the werewolf, so Amarie took things
into her own hands. Aithne took a deep breath. She became a beast huntress.
A werewolf hunter? Dawn shook her head. But not all weres are bad. Look at
True. And it was for that reason she and Kolt first met. He had to stop her from
killing those who werent rouges. Shed already destroyed twelve werewolves when he
finally was able to get through to her. And that was only because theyd fallen in love
with each other. But like someone else I know Aithne glanced at Dawn and grinned,
Kolt didnt tell her who or what he was until too late. And then all hell really did
break loose.
What happened? Gabrielle asked. Its obvious they are together and in love, so
how did he convince her?
He didnt. She convinced herself. She realized there was more to the werewolf
story than shed known. And once shed learned what the truth was, she knew they could
work together for the good of all the weres in the area. No one wants a rouge around.
The women all nodded. It didnt matter if it was a vampire, a werewolf, a bull or a
crazy porno producers, those who went rogue needed to be dealt with.
Oh, will you both excuse us? Lara said as she glanced at the roulette table. I see
someone I want to introduce Amy to.
The two left the other four women comparing stories about the rogues in their lives.
Lara pulled Amy through the throng. I really want you to meet these two. You and
your Givr sorta have something in common with them.
Amy blinked. We do? Is she a longsuffering sports widow as well?
Lara giggled. No. But lets just say you arent the only one whose hero isnt to be
believed. In fact, I think this one is the most fantastical of them all.
They made their way over to the gaming tables where a chocolate-eyed blonde
woman was tapping her foot impatiently. Her narrowed gaze watched the man playing
the roulette wheel. It was obvious to both Lara and Amy that gambling wasnt her thing.
But her face lit up when she saw them coming.
Lara! she squealed. Thank God. Please tell me youve come to take me away
from all this.
Come on, baby, the tall, dark blue-eyed man next to her cajoled. You know
youre my good luck charm. Much better than he shuddered, a rabbits foot.
Peter, Bunny, I want you to meet a new friend of mine. Lara grinned at them both.
This is Amy Cassidy.
Its nice to meet you, Amy, Bunny said with a smile. Which tall, dark and
handsome belongs to you?
Amy blinked. Hes in the bar right now, but how did you know Givr was tall, dark
and handsome?
Peter laughed and tapped his own chin. See? CJ likes tall dark men. And her
heroes are always handsome, just like her heroines are always beautifully unique. So she
bet the odds.
Like hes been doing all night. Bunny crossed her arms and glared up at Peter.
And not so well, I might add. If this keeps up were going to have to mortgage the
ranch in Easter Village.
Amy blinked a second time. Easter Village? The light dawned and her eyes went
wide. Oh, my God. Youre Peter Cottontail.
In the fur, so to speak. But Im human for the moment.
Youre the Easter Bunny.
Peter just grinned. Another fantasy come true. Right? Just like your special
Youre real. Amy shook her head and glanced over at Lara. And you were right.
Majorly fantastical. I cant believe it.
Thats what brought Bunny and I together, Peter said seriously. Too many
humans not believing. So my father challenged me to start with one. If I could make
Bunny believe, I would be the next Easter Bunny. And then some day, everyone could
be made to believe again.
Of course he didnt tell me all that until too late. Bunny gave her lover a light
punch in the stomach. And I almost walked away and never came back.
Seems to be a real theme going here, Lara murmured. You all know Justin kept
things from me, too.
But you both made it through. Amy stared at the two obviously happy lovers. It
all came out right in the end.
Happy endings are a must, Bunny stated. But there are hurdles to jump over
before we get there.
Yep. Not only my hiding of the truth, but a false accusation of embezzlement and a
crazy jealous rabbit intent on revenge. Peter leaned over to give Bunny a gentle kiss.
If we hadnt had some really strong Easter magic, Im not sure it would have come out
There is magick all around us, if only you look for it.
They all turned and Lara sighed again. See what I told you? Another tall, dark and
handsome. And look at the men with him. Where does CJ find all of them?
Amy smiled and put out her hand to the small blonde woman with beautiful leaf-
green eyes. Hi, Im Amy.
Hello. The blonde returned the smile. Im Talia and this is my mate, Prince
Calion Sralond of the Calentaur Elves. And these she swept her hand in an all
encompassing wave at the men who stood at the ready behind them, are the Royal
Guard. They protect him
And you, Calion put in with a lifted brow.
Talia rolled her eyes. And me.
Protect you from what? Bunny asked.
Talia was stolen from your world and brought into mine by orcs. Calions face
tightened. But I was able to rescue her before any lasting damage was done.
Why did they take her? Laras eyes had widened at the tale. What did they
To prevent the prophecy from coming true. Talia glanced up at her mate and all
could see the love in her eyes. But we still dont know what the complete prophecy is.
Together, we will come to understand it, Tia maer, Calion promised, his hand
touching Talias cheek. We have gone through so much
Talia rubbed her cheek against his fingers lovingly. Prejudice and hate.
Fire fever and my own stubbornness not to believe.
Betrayal and death.
Calions eyes saddened briefly. Then he took a deep breath. Yet with all of that,
we found forgiveness, love and loyalty. We were even granted a miracle. And most
important of all, we know now we are mylari
Soulmates, Bunny sighed dreamily. CJ definitely believes in them. I think she
touches on that theme in all her books.
But just what did you mean about the magic? Peter asked Calion. He took the
other mans measure. The prince was, as Lara had said, tall with a lean, muscular build.
Brilliant sapphire eyes under slightly tilted eyebrows gazed around the room with an air
of absolute command. From under his long dark hair peeked ears that ended in an
obvious point. I can see youre no more human than I am.
Calion shook his head and his lips curved into a smile. No, as Talia said. I am
And the magic? Amy prompted. I know Givr came to life through the magic of
the Christmas spirit. Is that what you meant?
There are many types of magick, the prince answered. Your world is filled with
it if only you open your eyes. Look around this room. He nodded towards the bar.
You see that group of men over there? The ones surrounding the woman with the
golden eyes and white-blonde hair?
Yes, Lara glanced at the bar then back to Calion. They made quite an entrance
when they came in. There are six men called the Chosen and each of them has two
protectors. They were called to join together by the Peacekeeper. When I spoke to her,
Kira said they were here to save the world.
Peter laughed. Is that all?
Calion smiled. They speak the truth. They fight against an evil that threatens all
human kind. Something that has been lying in wait since the beginning of time. But,
fortunately, this group has a magick that is stronger than anything I have ever seen. The
men are Gallegar, king of the San Francisco vampires, Danolas, High Priest of the San
Francisco Society of Witches
He was one of the magick welders that made it snow, Lara interrupted.
It looks very real, Calion approved. It adds just the right touch to this special
night. And the rest of the Chosen are just as magical. Lucas Kane is a Master
Shapeshifter and is second in command over his clan. Yet not for much longer. Soon he
will fight for his right to lead. Benjamin Carmody is the Sovereign of the Superhumans,
a genetically more advanced form of human.
And the guy with the golden skin and hair? Peter nodded towards the glowing
man. He has ears like you. Is he elven?
Yes. He is Koran, heir apparent to the throne of Faerie. Those extraordinary beings
who live either in the Faerie Mound or in the human world.
Hes different than you? Lara asked.
Calion nodded. I am from beyond the Faerie myst. My world lies in another
dimension, if you will. I am the heir to the throne there. Two separate kingdoms.
There is another woman with them, Bunny observed. They watched as the
beautiful redhead shook her fist in a long haired blond mans face. Whew, shes got a
Like someone else I know, teased Peter.
That is Brianna Muldoon, Talia interjected. She is destined for Danolas. Another
witch, but she is from Ireland.
Calion, arent you one of the princes who made the lights? Lara pointed up to the
tiny faerie lights over their head. Justin met you earlier?
Yes. Calion gazed upwards at his handiwork. I worked with the one known as
Koran to magick them up. Do you like how they look?
Theyre perfect. Amy smiled as the glowing lights danced amongst the greenery.
They look real.
They are real. Just because they are magick does not make them any less real.
Calion cocked his head. Is that not right?
Very much so, Amy agreed. Givr is a real man even though he was brought to
me through magic.
Lara opened her mouth to speak, but she was drowned out by the sound of a horribly
loud hoarse, rasping scream from outside. Kree-eee-ar, kree-ee-ar.
Bunny put her hands over her ears. Good Lord. What is that? It sounds like a rusty
steam whistle. But louder.
Amy also covered her ears. I dont know, but its gotten everyones attention.
See? She motioned with her chin to where her lover was standing warily just outside the
bar. It even got Givr away from ESPN.
Oh, my God, Lara said through clenched teeth. I totally forgot. CJ mentioned
some guests would be arriving from off-world on Skyhawlks. That must be them now.
Peter grimaced. Son of a bitch. Youd think theyd muzzle that thing. Its so loud
its shaking the chandelier.
Another Skyhawlk made its presence known and then a third.
They sound very large, Calion shouted. We have birds such as these beyond the
myst. Do you have a place for them to land?
Lara nodded. Justin built something on the casino roof. Some sort of landing pad.
But now that Ive heard them I just hope its strong enough.
A moment later, there were several noisy shuffling thumps on the roof that made the
whole boat sway. Then all went quiet. For a few long seconds everyone stood in
shocked silence. Then the band began playing the Donner Boys hit, Second Chances
and slowly all returned to normal.
Whew. Glad thats over, Peter muttered.
Look, is that them? Bunny pointed to the two men who had just walked in the
salon door. One was long and lean with blond hair and eyes the color of the sky in the
morning. The other quite different, tall and powerfully built with odd banded tattoos
running horizontally across his chest. His face was triangular and his ebony eyes were
large and round. His straight dark hair hung to his shoulders.
No. But they are from off-world as well. Lara bit her lip in concentration as she
tried to remember the details. I think the Skyhawlks gave them a ride, but they arent
from the same world.
Who are they?
I do not believe the dark one is human, Calion offered. He carries a different
magick in him.
Good eyes, Prince Calion. Lara nodded in agreement. The big guy is the
Sovereign Lord of the Maji, Kobrai Tyrdae, from the planet, Majiea. The other man is
human. He is Devin Collier, who used to be part of the Planetary Space League. He
mapped out other planets for exploration until his ship crashed on Majiea and he almost
He was hurt in the crash? Bunny gazed curiously at the two men. The blond,
Devin, took the muscular Kobrais hand and led him to the large windows to show him
the view.
Some. Lara shrugged. But mostly it was because he couldnt breathe the air.
Devin has some sort of genetic defect that wont let him adapt to other planets
atmosphere, even if it is like our own. But then Kobrai rescued him and gave him
something that helped ease his breathing. They got to know each other and since the
Maji enjoy the affections of their own gender, Kobrai and Devin fell for each other.
But you havent told us what he is, Amy reminded her friend. You said he wasnt
human, so what is he?
Oh, sorry. Lara blushed. Kobrai is a shapeshifter. All his people can shift into
something quite unique. The scientific term is Ophidia. When they all looked blankly
at her, she grinned. Snakes. Kobrai is the Serpent King of the Maji. He can shift into
the form of a king cobra.
Ohhh. Talia gazed curiously at the two men who were enjoying a quick kiss at the
window. I dont think Ive read much about snake shapeshifters.
Not very many books out there, Amy remarked. More people like the warm and
fuzzy heroes. Like wolves or big cats.
Or rabbits, Peter quipped. Dont forget about us.
They all laughed, but their humor was cut off when the salon doors flew open with a
resounding crash. Everyone in the room again fell silent as several men and two women
paused in the doorway. One of them, the obvious leader of the group, took a single step
forward and arrogantly surveyed the room.
I think the riders of the Skyhawlks have arrived, Talia murmured.
And heres a shocker, whispered Lara in response. Another tall, dark and
Look at his eyes. Bunny patted her heart. Ive never seen anything like them
They all stared at the newcomers. The leaders powerful body was dressed in worn
leather pants with a long sleeved silver tunic that went to his knees. His blue-black hair
was woven back in a thick braid that reached his waist. His face was fierce, that of a
warrior, but most remarkable of all were the slanted solid silver eyes. They gave the man
an otherworldly predatory look, one that immediately sent a shiver down your spine.
As they watched, he spoke to another man, this one also handsome and strongly built
with blond hair and sparkling brown eyes. Only when the two of them came to some sort
of an agreement, did the darker man reach behind him and gently pull one of the women
forward to stand next to him. The other man quickly followed suit with the second
Who are they? Amy wondered, awe in her voice.
The male with the brown hair is Prince Dyas of the kingdom of Kylia, Calion
stated. The other is Jhoral, Crown Prince of the Farsaeans. They come from a planet
light years away. The men with them are known as Skyriders. They guard both princes.
And the women? Bunny admired the brightly colored dresses and intricate hair
The younger one with the auburn hair and green eyes is Princess Jhara. The sister of
Prince Jhoral. She is to be Dyas queen if all goes well. And the other
Talia pulled on her mates arm, fascinated by the other group. Who is she?
Calion gazed at the small silver haired woman with eyes like a rainbow. She was
watching the Farsaean prince with obvious adoration. She is Lanai. Jhorals mind-
Mind-mate? Amy questioned. Whats a mind-mate?
Why dont they come in? Peter asked, not waiting for Calion to answer. Were
all CJs characters. Its not like we going to get into a fight or anything.
They are waiting, Calion answered. Watch. You see how careful Jhoral is with
Lania? How he stands so protectively close to her?
Yeah. Peter shrugged. So?
Lanai is an empath and Jhoral her receptor. They cannot come in until he has
examined the room and properly shielded her from anything that might overwhelm her.
They learned the hard way that without her mind-mate to protect her, Lanai could die.
Die? Lara said, horrified. She could die by coming in here?
The elven prince shook his head. Not just by entering, but when there are as many
people in a room as there are here in this salon, the emotions she encounters can be
overwhelming. When they were first mind-mated, Jhoral did not understand this and
almost lost Lanai because of it.
Amy glanced at Talia. I thought you were an empath, too. Does Calion have to
protect you that way?
Talia shook her head. No. My giftings are separate from his, and I can easily work
on my own. I am a human who learned to use my empathic gift in the faerie world.
Lanai was born an empath and while she is strong enough to do some things without her
receptor, her gift is designed to work in tandem with another. Apparently, the need to
find that special person is tantamount to anything else. They look for it with everything
they are.
She was not even allowed to touch another human before she and Jhoral melded.
And that was unexpected, Calion added.
Unexpected? Peter queried, glancing across the room at the fierce looking warrior.
He wouldnt want to meet that guy in the Enchanted Forest after dark.
While visiting Dylas, Jhoral was invited to a Melding Ceremony, where empaths
and receptors are brought together. Instead of picking one of the women receptors in the
circle, Lanai knew Jhoral was the one she was destined for. She chose him, and they
melded, even though those around them tried to prevent it. It caused quite an
international incident and almost took their two peoples to the brink of war.
And because Jhoral hadnt been trained how to be a receptor, he made a lot of
mistakes, Talia continued. It took an attack by rebels and a horrible tragedy before he
finally understood everything.
Yes. Calion dipped his head respectfully when the Crown Prince looked his way.
Jhoral answered with a courteous nod of his own. Jhoral realized Lanai was his destiny.
Shed been chosen for him and he for her before the beginning of time.
Theyre soulmates, too, whispered Talia. Just like we are.
Calion nodded. This is true, Tia maer. And like all soulmates, the road to
discovering that love can be difficult. But it is worth it, is it not?
Oh yes. Amy thought of her own rocky path to love. Its a kind of magic in
Well said. Calion flashed an approving smile. Now, I think it would be good
form for Talia and I to greet them personally. Since Jhoral and I are both from noble
houses. If you will excuse us?
The royal couple and their retinue strode away, leaving Bunny, Peter, Amy and Lara
staring after them. Lara shook her head. It must be tough not to be able to go where
you want, when you want. Poor Lanai.
Are you nuts? Bunny shook her head. Did you see Prince Jhoral? I dont think
Lanai is poor anything.
Hey! Peter pulled Bunny into his arms. Youre my sweet Bunny tail. Dont be
looking at any alien prince.
Bunny giggled and kissed his hard mouth. You know I love you. Fuzzy big feet
and all.
Peter waggled his dark eyebrows. Well you know what they say about rabbits with
big feet.
They all laughed. Then as Peter treated Bunny to another, deeper kiss, Lara
murmured her farewells and pulled Amy away.
Where are we going now? Amy glanced back at the bar door. Givr had
disappeared again. I need to go find my sexy snowman.
Oh, let him have his fun, before he does melt away. Justin will take care of him.
Lara grabbed another flute of champagne from a hovering waiter. Do you like country
Amy rolled her eyes. Of course I do. CJ wrote us all that way.
Then I want you to meet some of the best in the business. Lets see if you get a
little star struck.
Dont tell me you got them to come, too? Amy spotted where they were headed
and gasped aloud. I thought theyd be too famous to come to a party.
Lara shrugged. Theyre CJs characters, too. They wanted to be here. And as you
can see, theyre happy to do a little singing as well.
I have all their albums, Amy whispered. Do you think theyll give me an
Of course. But theyre not the only celebrities in the house. If were lucky, Chantal
Montgomery will even dance for us.
Amy pressed her hand to her heart. Oh, my God. I love her shows. Givr took me
to one in Denver. Shes got such talent. But arent she and Mace part of CJs free
Free reads or published books, we all belong to CJ and she wanted us to enjoy a
party. Theyre in the one shes writing now, so Chantal and Mace came all the way from
Macau just to be with us.
Thats amazing. Amy shook her head. Theyre just getting to know each other
and they still came together?
You know the rules. Lara smiled. No matter how they might start outno
matter what obstacles they have to maneuver, there is always a happy ending in sight
Makes it very safe to be one of CJs characters, doesnt it.
Except that you never know what shes going to put us through to get it. Lara
motioned to another couple who were standing by the buffet table sipping tall fruity
drinks. See those two. Thats Matt Sinclair and his wife, Sharra. They went through so
much to get to their happy ending.
Amy gazed at the tall blond man with the devil-may-care grin. Hes got a great
Lara giggled. And an excellent ass if you read the free story. But he, like so many
guys, wasnt upfront with Sharra and almost lost her because of it.
What happened to them?
Poor Sharra. Lara glanced over at the diminutive redhead and sighed. She was
pulled into everything through no fault of her own. See, Matt was on the trail of a stolen
formula and when he found it, he had to get it out of Mexico safely. Then Sharra literally
fell right into his lap when he saved her from getting drugged and raped in a bar. He
figured shed make a good cover to get out of the country.
He used her?
Nodding, Lara pushed through the crowd. She smiled at another Free Read couple,
Eran and Michelle who stood off to the side of the room watching the crowd. It was
difficult for those two to join in the fun, since they were in the middle of training. The
copper-haired Eran was teaching Michelle to become a warrior like him. But up until last
month it had not been going well.
As a Watcher Angel for the Lord Jehovah, Eran would not give up. Even though the
sultry blue-eyed Michellethe first female Nephilim in millenniumhad succeeded in
distracting him into falling in love with her, he finally figured out how to keep her safe
from the evil that sought her demise.
But Asmodeous, the demon who wanted Michelle to join with him and fight for
Satans evil horde was always turning up in the most unexpected places. It was for that
reason the two could never let their guard down. Their story was another one still
Lara! Amy snapped her fingers in front of her friends face. You were telling me
about Sharra and Matt?
Oh, yeah. Sorry. Lara shook herself. So Matt convinced Sharra that in a
moment of holiday craziness theyd gotten married. He figured he could get them out of
the country and then tell her the truth. But then something happened.
What? Amy listened raptly.
He fell in love with her. Lara grinned. And that screwed everything up.
Suddenly he wanted everything to be real. But then the drug lord who was after the
formula got involved, Matt got shot and Sharra nearly died.
Oh, my God.
And worse yet, Lara went on, the drug lord, Aguilar, told Sharra the truth about
their so-called marriage, and everything that Matt had done. So of course, she left him
Of course, Amy agreed loyally. What woman wouldnt?
So, you add in an ex-fianc who was a really bully, a horse with no teeth, and a
stand off with the biggest drug lord in Mexico, and you have a set of obstacles even CJ
had trouble getting them through.
I think I need to go read it.
Its on CJs website, just like all the other Free Reads she has available. Lara
suddenly grinned and waved. Oh, there they are. Come on. I think youll really like
Callie Jacobs. I met her earlier when they arrived to set up.
Amy allowed herself to be towed to the stage. Callie? Shes married to Jordon
McKenna, right?
Yes. The hoops they had to jump through were really painful. CJ touched on
something a lot of women have had experience with. Fortunately for Callie and Jordon it
had a happy ending.
What do you mean?
Lara sighed. Callie was the victim of date rape. And Jordon was part of it.
He raped her? Amy stopped dead. Butbut, Ive never read any of that in the
No, of course he didnt rape her. Thats not something CJ would allow. Lara
pulled on her friends arm and got her moving again. Its a long story, but suffice it to
say that someone else planted the drug without either of them knowing about it. Jordon
drank some too, so he was pretty out of it by the time it was over.
How horrible. For both of them.
And then Callie found out she was pregnant. That was really hard. She had to
choose whether to tell him or not and once she did, they had to decide whether they could
make a life together. Then there was a horrible tabloid story that almost broke them up,
Jordons ex-girlfriend coming in and stirring the pot, and, oh yeah, Callie was almost shot
to death by some crazed fan.
Amys mouth had dropped open at the list. She finally gulped. Youre right. They
did go through a lot.
But once they knew they loved each other, it was all worth it. Lara smiled. And
they have a beautiful son named J.J. who I hear is a real handful.
Theyd finally reached the stage. A small woman with honey-blonde hair and eyes
the color of pewter stood with two other women. Lara walked right up and gave her a
hug. Callie. The music is wonderful.
Isnt it? She glanced up to where her husband was playing a quick riff on his
guitar. Dustin St. James was strumming right along with him as Keeton Metro played the
piano. They just cant help themselves. They love to play together.
All the better for us. Amy stepped forward. I love the music.
This is Amy Cassidy, Lara said. She and Givr Beauchamp are in CJs latest
Christmas story.
Oh Callies eyes went bright, youre with that sexy Frenchman. The one
that came to life one day as a snowman.
Amy laughed. Thats my Givr.
A snowman? The tiny redhead next to Callie frowned. I dont understand. How
can a snowman come to life? Aint possible, is it? The snow on my mountain dont do
anything but make it hard for me to get to the outhouse.
Amy, Lara, this is Favor Rowen-Metro, Callie introduced. Shes Keetons wife.
How do you do? Lara gazed down at the ethereal looking woman. She gave you
the impression of a forest elf whod escaped the forest. Or in Favors case, her mountain.
I remember hearing about you. You saved Keeton when his plane went down in that big
snowstorm. He would have died if not for you.
Favor blushed. I was just in the right place at the right time.
You were more than that, the woman to the left of Favor spoke. Her beautiful
violet eyes filled with tears. You healed him. Body and soul.
This is Heather Kraft, Callie said, sniffing back her own tears. Shes a new friend
of ours.
What do you mean, she healed him?
Heather smiled. Favor has her own magic. She can heal by empathically linking to
someone. Thats how she kept Keeton alive.
Wow. Another empath, Lara marveled. And this one is in our world. Remind
me to introduce you to Lanai and Talia later on.
And you were snowed in with Keeton all winter long? Amy glanced up at the
handsome blond man stroking the piano keys. That could have been a lot of fun. I dont
think Id mind being snowed in with Givr.
I didnt mind it, Favor answered. Im used to being snowed in all winter long.
But Keeton, he wasnt so happy. He was still hurting from the plane crash and losing all
his friends. She shook her head. Once he got better it was easier.
And you fell in love? Lara sighed. How romantic.
It wasnt quite that easy, Callie said exchanging a brief glance with Favor.
Keeton wanted her to come with him off the mountain. He didnt want to leave her
behind. But then
But then, Favor took up the narration, my pa decided he could get some money
out of Keeton, so he forced us to get married. He lied and both Keeton and I, we fell for
What happened? Amy could see the pain in the other womans face.
We went back to Nashville but Keeton, he wouldnt even talk to me. See, he
thought I was in on it with my pa. Favor shook her head. But I wasnt. My pahe is
a very bad man.
It was a difficult time for both of them, Heather said quietly. And part of it was
because Favor couldnt read or write.
Laras mouth dropped open. You cant?
I can now. Favor nodded decisively. But back then I was so embarrassed I kept it
a secret. And because of it, my pa was able to hurt us for a long time.
It took a while for things to get straightened out, Callie murmured. But once the
truth came to light, then all that was left to do was decide if they wanted to stay married
or not.
And we did. Though that was hard too. Favors lower lip trembled. We was so
different. Keeton likes people and I would rather be on my mountain. Living in a big
town after so many years alone was a big adjustment. But after a while we knew we
were meant to be together, so we both made compromises and here we are.
Wow. Amy wiped away a tear. What a great love story.
Oh, you should hear Heather and Dustins if you want great.
Lara glanced up at the guitarist next to Keeton. He was as dark as Jordon and
Keeton were light and quite dangerous looking. She patted her heart and looked back to
the ebony haired woman. Youre with Dustin St. James?
Heather blushed. Thats still to be decided. But Im at least here for the night.
Heather and Dustins story comes out in January 2011, Callie explained. And if
you like stubborn, hot tempered heroes, Dustin is your man.
Did I just hear my name being taken in vain?
They all turned as Jordon, Keeton and Dustin jumped off the stage. The regular band
took their place and immediately the song, Do Me a Favor began to play. Keeton put his
arm around his tiny wife and grinned at the dark guitarist who had taken his place next to
Heather. Mate, your name should always be taken in vain.
Dustin snorted out a laugh. His dark gaze swept over Amy and Lara. Now, who
are these two lovely ladies?
This is Lara, our hostess, Heather answered him. And this is Amy Cassidy.
Shes with
The artist, Givr Beauchamp. Dustin nodded. Ive seen his work. Its great.
Amy blinked in surprise. Really? But he hasnt had his show yet. How did you
hear about him?
Red touched Dustins cheeks and he exchanged a wry glance with Jordon. I know
some people who know some people. Thats all. But tell your guy he wont have to
worry about selling his work. Ive got this feelingcollectors will be all over it.
Thanks. Amy cocked her head. Do you know a lot about art?
Jordon laughed at the embarrassment on his friends face. Lets just say its a
family thing. Without his family being involved, Dustin wouldnt know a Van Gough
from my son J.J.s latest crayon drawing.
Youve never said anything about liking art. Heather glanced shyly up at Dustin.
What arent you telling me?
Now, honey. Dustin took her hand and squeezed gently. You and I havent had
time to talk about stuff like that. He shrugged at Lara and Amy. See, Heather and I
met six years ago when she and her family came to visit Nashville. Sparks flew, but back
then it was impossible for us to be together.
I Heather blushed, was already married.
Oh. Lara wasnt sure what to say. Bummer.
Dustin snorted again at the obvious understatement. But when she freed herself
from that nightmare
Dustin! Heather interrupted, looking even more embarrassed.
Nightmare, Dustin repeated fiercely. Thats what it was and you know it. He
took a deep breath to calm his rising temper. Anyway, she came to Nashville and we
met again. And everything I felt for her six years ago came rushing back.
But its really hard, Heather whispered, her violet eyes shadowed. Im older than
he is, and Ive got so much horrible baggage. My marriage She shuddered. It
wasnt a very good one. He She shook her head. Never mind all that.
Dont care about your past, Dustin told her. All I care about is now.
Heather stared up at him. But Ive got two grown kids.
Grown kids? Amys mouth dropped open. Good Lord! How old were you when
you started?
Amy! Lara hissed, giving her friend a nudge. Thats not polite.
Im sorry, Amy apologized immediately, her face going a bright red. Its just,
you look so young. God. Can I be you when I grow up?
Everyone laughed, breaking the slight tension. Even Heather had to smile. Trust
me. You dont want to be me. Like I said, I have baggage. Too much of it. And I cant
believe a man like Dustin would want someone like me because of it.
I told you not to think like that, Dustin growled. He pulled Heather closer. Ive
been waiting for you for six long fucking years. You think Im going to worry about a
few extra suitcases?
This is more like a whole shop full. Heathers lips curved in a teasing smile.
And from what I hear you didnt wait for me at all. Shall I tell Lara and Amy your
nickname, Dusty?
No! When everyone laughed at his horrified shout, Dustin gave them all a
disgruntled look. Damn it. I wasnt a monk, but you know I was never serious about
any of them. How could I be? He lifted Heathers hand to his mouth and gently kissed
her fingers. None of them could compare to what I felt for you.
All the women visibly melted. Keeton and Jordon groaned. Christ, Keeton said,
shaking his head. Put it in a song, why dont you. After all, you and Heather are both
Among other things, Jordon muttered under his breath.
I also serve drinks at the Wildhorse Saloon, Heather explained when she saw Amy
and Lara looking confused. None of them saw Dustin glare at Jordon. Or Jordons
teasing one-fingered salute in return. And Dustin is a studio musician. Hes really
That brought Dustins head around. Thanks, honey. Its the music thats important.
Almost as important as he dropped a kiss on Heathers surprised mouth, you are.
So, after six years youre back together? Lara looked back and forth between the
two of them.
Were dating. Heather jabbed Dustin in the stomach when he started to protest.
Nothing is decided yet.
Well, good luck, Amy said with a wicked grin. Knowing how CJ writes, Im
betting it wont be easy.
Dustin shrugged. As easy as the two-step as long as Heather will trust me. Its all
or nothing, baby. You know that.
Heathers eyes darkened again. Oh, Dustin. I want to. But Im so afraid Ill hurt
you and
This is getting a little serious, Favor interrupted, shaking her head slightly at
Dustin. Isnt this supposed to be a party?
Well said, palesa. Keeton dusted a kiss across the redheads nose. We have
music, we have food and we have beautiful women. So lets put all the worry and fear
away right now and just enjoy ourselves.
Hear, hear, agreed Jordon. He motioned to a nearby waiter and a moment later all
had fresh champagne glasses in their hands. Id rather have a beer, but this will do in a
Amy sipped carefully. This is my third glass. If Givr doesnt get back from the
lounge soon, I wont be responsible for my actions.
Ask and you shall receive, Callie whispered. Wow! Hes even more handsome
close up. She giggled at Jordons mock growl.
My Ami. Givr swept up beside her and pulling grabbing her hand, plastered
kisses all over her fingers. I am back within my thirty minutes, no?
Amy glanced down at her watch. Ummm, no.
Givr looked crestfallen. I am late? Impardonnable. I ask of you my forgiveness.
Shes got you on a time limit? Dustin said with a choked laugh. Seriously?
Jordon looked down at his wife who was gazing at the other couple with speculation
in her eyes. Dont even think about it, woman. Im not a two year old you can put in a
time-out corner.
Non, non. Givr put up his hands in protest. I make the promise. I must not
break it, no? But I was distracted. First by the ESPN. He winked at Lara. I won the
gamble, so all is well.
She grinned back at him. Good for you.
And then the noise it came. Givr pointed at the roof. Very loud. But when it
stopped, I finished up with the drink. I came to find my Ami, but she was gone from the
roulette table. Then I was diverted again when I saw the rat.
Rat! Laras eyes went wide. You saw a rat?
Oui. Givr pointed to where two couples were sitting at a group of gaily lit tables.
Candlelight and tinsel made the area festive and bright. I saw it there.
Youre kidding, right? Lara glowered at Givr. We do not have rats on board
The Lucky Lady.
Do not worry, Givr said encouragingly. This rat, it is very tame. It even gives
the kisses to the pretty redhead.
Givr Amy shook her head at him. What are you talking about?
Suddenly, Callie laughed. Oh, my God. Hes talking about Mandy Hinshaw. She
brought her pet ferret, Crikey.
Did I not say so? Givr looked puzzled. She says she writes the sensual stories
just like our CJ.
Isnt she the one who met her lover by buying a hot tub? Jordon asked. Man,
when I heard that story I wanted to buy a Model Three Thousand myself. He sucked in
his breath when Callie punched him in the stomach. Hey. I would have shared it with
So the man with her is Sawyer Hedon? Heather gazed over at the couple. He
reminds me of that really hot actor on TV. The one on the show where the plane goes
down on the mysterious island. She sighed. Hes not dark, but he is tall and
handsome. When Dustin gave a growl, she rolled her eyes. Okay. Forget I said
anything. I like your looks much better.
Keeton grinned. There are a few of us attractive blonds around.
Yeah, Jordon agreed, still rubbing his belly. Its not all dark meat out there.
But why did she bring a rat to the party? Lara wailed. Rats and food do not go
together well.
Its not a rat, Favor admonished. It is a ferret. And Crikey helped bring the two
of them together.
I do remember hearing about them, Amy said slowly. Theyre going to be in
another holiday story. For Valentines Day. When Mandy gets dumped by her
boyfriend, she makes herself feel better by buying a hot tub. And when Sawyer comes to
install it, they fall for each other.
But, Callie picked up the story, like a lot of men, Sawyer is afraid of commitment
and even though he cares about Mandy, he tries to ignore what he feels. So they have to
work through his issues, a misunderstanding about money and a huge fight in the hot tub
show room before they find each other again.
So somehow the ferret helped get them back on track? Lara stared at the tiny grey
and black animal that was curled up on Mandys shoulder. Crikey stuck his nose in his
mistress ear, making Mandy giggle. I mean, I know there are some animal
shapeshifters around here, so I should be okay with this, but geesh.
It doesnt matter what kind of animal, real or supernatural, Favor said quietly, CJ
loves them. So of course they will be welcome.
All creatures great and small, you know, Keeton chimed in.
Great. Lara gave a little huff of annoyance. I just hope our cat Gypsy doesnt
mistake him for a rat, too. Things could go really bad then.
They all laughed.
Whos the other couple, Dustin asked curiously. The guy makes me want to snap
to attention and salute him.
Lara giggled. Youre right on track. Thats Ross Cannon. He used to be in the
military. A captain in the United States Army Rangers if I remember right. He told me
he was so good at blowing things up in the army he figured hed do it in civilian life.
Excuse me?
Givr laughed at Dustins incredulous face. This Ross, he tells me he has his own
company now. He wishes to build things to give happiness to people. So he designs the
fireworks displays in a small town called Bass Lake in California. They are what he
blows up.
I guess weve run out of tall, dark and handsome, Amy quipped, glancing up into
Givrs coal black eyes. Ross is another tall, blonde and handsome.
You gotta have some light threads in the tapestry to make the dark ones stand out
all the better, Dustin said with a grin. Thats all you pale guys are good for. Making
dudes like Givr and I look good.
This is so. Givr nodded seriously, but his face lit with laughter.
Ha Ha. Funny, Jordon said sourly. So whats this Ross story?
He moved to Bass Lake after he got out of the military, Lara explained. When
the town mayor asked him to design and run the Founders Day fireworks display, Ross
agreed, thinking it would be a good way to give something back to his new home. But
then Stacy Jackson crashed into his life.
Keeton glanced again at the tinseled table. Thats the blonde woman that looks like
a college cheerleader? Shes quite pretty, isnt she?
Lara smothered a giggle when Favor frowned at her husband. Ummm, yes, thats
Stacy. But she wasnt happy about the fireworks. She had a horrible tragedy in her past
that made her terrified of them and she vowed to stop Ross no matter what it took.
And did she? Amy whispered.
Nope. Just the opposite. Instead of fighting with Ross, she found herself falling in
love with him. Lara sighed, remembering going through much the same thing with
Justin. But even then, it was hard for Stacy to trust him. It wasnt until another tragedy
almost happened that she understood for Ross it was all or nothing. She couldnt love
him and not have faith in him.
Hmm Dustin glanced down at Heather, whose cheeks had gone pink. I think I
can understand that.
But they figured it out, right? Favor asked. They both learned how to trust each
Lara nodded. Yes. Its one of my favorite of CJs free reads. Love conquers all
among skyrockets and hot summer nights.
And this Stacy, she tells me Bass Lake is one of the places where our CJ grew up.
Givr smiled broadly. So, it has the special meaning, no?
No, I mean yes. Lara glared up into Givrs laughing eyes. You know what I
Heather giggled into her hand. Im so glad I met you guys. I wasnt sure I was
going to come, but now Im glad I did.
You were coming even if I had to sling you over my shoulder to bring you here,
Dustin growled.
From what I heard, mate, Keeton said with a snicker. It wouldnt be the first
Ummm, Lara, I hate to bring this up Callie was looking across the room to the
door opening to the bow of the ship, but if you were so worried about rats, why arent
you freaking out about that huge spider and that flea over there?
They all turned around to see where Callie was looking. Oh. My. God. Lara
rubbed her eyes and looked again. Im not really seeing that, am I?
Who are they? Favor whispered. Why all the critters?
Across the room, gathered protectively around a beautiful young woman with rich
auburn hair and eyes the color of a storm cloud, were a cluster of beings so amazing, so
bizarre it made everyone stop and stare.
All the size of men, there was a hairy eight-eyed spider, a tall skinny hare, and a
sleek black puma. There was also a translucent flea, a red kangaroo, an elegant gazelle, a
croaking frog, an energetic grasshopper, a brightly colored macaw and even a bottlenose
dolphin balancing on his strong tail flukes.
And behind them, peering over the animals shoulders, were three more couples, all
dressed in their holiday finery.
I take it you didnt know they were coming? Jordon asked dryly.
Lara shook her head. I have no idea who
Thats because I just got the phone call myself.
Whirling around, Lara saw Justin standing nearby. Going to him, she grabbed his
arm. Justin? I dont understand. Who are those creatures? And the others?
He motioned with his chin at the people streaming into the room. CJ just called.
Seems this group was going out of print on December first, but the publisher asked to
keep them active until after Christmas. Since they are all Christmas stories, it just made
sense to do that.
Christmas stories? Givr asked, his brows drawn together. They too are for the
Yeah. Theyre in an anthology that came out a couple of years ago. I guess each of
them stands for one of the Twelve Days of Christmas.
Amy did a quick count. Oh. The odd looking animals. There are ten of them. So
that means
the ten lords a leaping, Heather finished. But very interesting lords to be sure.
Justin nodded. The woman is Princess Kaylena. Her father thought she was too
picky about choosing a husband so on Christmas Eve he gave her a choice. Pick from
these ten lords or he would give her to someone he selected.
Callie gasped in horror. She had to choose one of these creatures to wed?
It is not so bad. When Amy stiffened, Givr put his arm around her. There is
magic here, my friends, covering the reality of what is true. The princess, she will also
find a real man, just as my Ami did.
Amy relaxed against him. Youre sure? You can see beneath the magic?
Givr dropped a kiss on her forehead. Oui, mon ange. This I promise you. When
the night is over and Princess Kaylena makes her choice, what she finds will be most
Wow! Dustin patted his heart. Look at that gal who just came in. She looks just
like Marylyn Monroe. I wonder what day of Christmas she stands for.
Heather rolled her eyes. Down boy. If the man with her sees you drooling, you
might not even see Christmas.
Justin chuckled. Thats Lee Ann Grayson. She works for Four Calling Birds
Singing Telegrams and since she looks like the blond bombshell, guess what song she
most often sings.
Callie and Heather looked at each other and parroted, Santa Baby.
Yup. Justin tucked Lara under his arm. Thats how Dorchester found her again.
Devon Dorchester? Dustins eyes narrowed. Of Dorchester Industries? The New
York Dorchesters?
Jordons eyebrow winged up into his messy hair. You know him?
Narrowing his eyes, the dark guitarist shook his head gently at his friend. Imay
have heard the name.
Wait. Ignoring the byplay, Keeton scratched his chin. Found her again? You lost
me, bru.
Sorry. Justin gave an abashed grin. I guess Lee Ann and Devon knew each other
in college, but something happened and they lost track of each other. Then she shows up
to deliver him a singing telegram and this time he wasnt going to let her go.
Didnt she want to be with him? Favor asked, her amber eyes wide with curiosity.
He is a very handsome man.
Tall and dark, too, Lara muttered.
Yes, Justin answered as he gave his own wife a squeeze. But apparently they had
one of those BIG misunderstandings and it took a long time for them to work through it.
But they did, Heather said with a sigh. And on Christmas, too. How romantic.
Nol est l'un des temps les plus romantiques de l'anne. When everyone looked
blank, Givr laughed. Christmas. It is one of the most romantic times of the year.
At least four stories worth, Jordon agreed. So what about that studious looking
guy with the glasses and the short cropped dark hair? He looks like an accountant or
something in that suit.
The gal hes with sure dont look like an accountant. Dustin let out a whistle.
Shes got good time written all over her.
Turning, Dustin looked into Heathers shocked eyes. Not that kind of good time,
honey. I just meant she looks like she enjoys having fun. Shes not so buttoned up and
Thats exactly right. Justin snickered in agreement. The man is Blake Partridge.
Hes the owner of Partridge Pear Orchards and he has pretty much forgotten how to enjoy
life since his grandfather died and left him to take care of his grandmother and her
property. He left college and the one woman he loved to go take care of business.
A Partridge in a pear tree, muttered Keeton. Cute, CJ. Real cute.
And the pretty blond woman with the eyes like molasses is the one he left behind?
Favor asked.
Justin sighed. Yeah. Jodi Bradford. Shes loved him for a long time, and never
understood why he walked away from her. But Blakes grandmother is worried hes
turning into a Grinch, so she talked Jodi into coming to Medford Oregon. Shes hoping
Jodi can fan the flames and make Blake understand all work and no play can makes for a
dull Christmas.
I hope so, too, whispered Amy. Not having someone to love at Christmas
She shuddered. Its horrible.
But something you no longer must worry about, my beautiful Ami. Givr kissed
her possessively. I will never leave you again. This I promise you.
I love you so much, Givr.
Je t'aime, aussi, mon ange, Givr answered hoarsely. I will love you forever.
Get a room, you two, teased Jordon just as Givr was about to kiss Amy again.
Im sure we can spare you for a while.
See. Givr gave Amy a wicked smile. Did I not tell you? We can find one of
those staterooms.
Hush, both of you. Amys face was as red as the bows on the wreaths. Or youll
both get coal in your stockings.
So what about the big guy in the cowboy hat and the prissy looking blonde? Dustin
broke in, ignoring the banter. She looks familiar. Who are they?
Justin gave a snorting laugh. Dont you recognize her? Thats Melissa Barrows,
star of that reality TV show, Your Life Is Mine.
Didnt she do an episode where she was a call girl? Heathers voice was hushed.
High class escort, Lara corrected. And she didnt reallyyou know.
Shes got the best clothes, Callie sighed. Ill bet that purse is a Dorlando.
Ladies, please. Jordon shook his head. Back to the matter at hand. Go on,
Justin. Whos the guy and how did he meet a celebrity like Barrows.
His name is Garth McKay and hes the owner of one of the best Angus Cattle
Ranches in Cedar City, Utah. But when his baby sister brought home a pregnant doe one
day, he suddenly found himself running a goat farm as well.
I know where this is going. Callie waved her hand like she was answering a
question in school. This is eight maids a milking, right?
Yup. Justin grinned. And Garth and Melissa met when the networks set it up so
she would learn how to be a real milkmaid.
I bet that didnt go over well. Amy looked over at the very elegant celebrity. I
cant see her doing any type of manual labor.
She couldnt either, agreed Justin, and she let everyone know it, too. And not
very politely. But Garth didnt care about her image or her name. He just wanted to
teach her how to be a milkmaid so shed get out of his hair.
It sounds like they hated each other, Favor murmured. Its a hard thing, that is.
Palesa, Keeton soothed as he tucked her in close to his heart. Its not the same
thing, love.
I think it was more mutual attraction they covered by sniping at each other. Justin
inclined his head as the man in question tipped his cowboy hat in greeting. And once
they realized itwell, lets just say they went for a roll in the hay.
Everyone laughed at his phrasing.
So Melissa learned how to milk and they fell in love. Lara looked up at her
husband. And that completes CJs part of the anthology?
Justin nodded. Yeah. For now. But she plans to do short stories for the other days
of Christmas and then republish them in a complete Twelve Days of Christmas
Anthology. But that wont be for a couple years.
Twelve stories? All by CJ? Heather said thoughtfully. Ill look forward to that re-
And thats it. Justin looked around the room. Thats all her available books. The
people here tonight are characters from all the books she has published right now.
Keeton looked around. But arent there more? I mean, I thought there were other
characters from books that have been published. Where are they?
Yeah, agreed Dustin. I remember an angel falling in love with a demon, an
Olympian god trying to grant the wish of a blind author, and two couples from down in
Key Largo dealing with diving and treasure.
And werent there a couple of other series as well? Jordon put in. I know I heard
of a couple of science fiction-fantasy books that were the first in a group of novels. One
was a trilogy set on another planet. Its about women being raised from birth to be tokens
of peace and used as barter between races. Its a nod to the TV series, Star Trek because
it features an Empathic Metamorph.
Another empath? Amys eyes widened.
Callie giggled. Well, since CJ has some empathic abilities, she likes writing about
And the other series, Jordon went on, ignoring the byplay, is set on an alternative
earth where those with psychic powers are feared and sometimes destroyed. But a family
leads a rebellion against the shadowy agency trying to control them and finds love along
the way.
Im so glad I can read, Favor sighed. They all sound so interesting. But where
are they now?
Theyre still around. Justin took a glass of champagne from a passing server. CJ
is looking for the right publisher for their re-releases. Shes really picky about who we
belong to.
When CJ called to set this all up Lara stole Justins glass and took a sip of her
husbands champagne, she told me shes got five other stories ready to be submitted.
Three are stand alones and two are the beginnings of new series.
Did she give you the hint? questioned Givr. What are they about?
Lara smiled. A little of everything. The stand alones include a contemporary about
a good girl who falls for a bad boy, a paranormal about a pair of vampires who find their
soulmates in an extraordinary magical way and an incubus who finds the one woman who
can see though his evil nature and find the good within.
Amy shook her head. Wow. CJ dreams such amazing dreams. What about the two
The first one features a kind of shapeshifter who can shift into any creature he
chooses. When the hero meets a woman who can talk to animals, a long awaited
prophecy comes to fruition. Lara took another sip of Justins champagne, and
exasperated, her husband waved down a waiter to get a second glass for himself.
And the second series is one of her hottest yet. Literally. It takes place on Mayall
II, a planet with extremely high temperatures. Its about a beautiful judge who falls
madly in love with a crime lord and when hes falsely accused of a Jack the Ripper type
murder, she has to keep their relationship secret while trying to clear his name.
Those both sound great, Callie sighed. I cant wait to read them.
CJ told me once she has so many ideas, she doesnt know what to do with them,
Favor offered. She says her To Be Written file is so full she often wishes she could split
herself in two so she could get them all done.
As it is, she thinks shell be writing until shes old and gray, Amy added.
Hell, Dustin snorted, if I know CJ, shed stop the preacher from delivering the
eulogy at her funeral just so she could finish writing whatever scene she was on.
They all laughed. CJ was nothing if not tenacious. Nothing left her computer
without her final approval and while her editors might despair of her perfectionism, her
fans appreciated it.
Well, I hope she finds homes for everyone soon, Keeton said. Id like to meet a
crime lord. And I have to admit being curious about an incubus.
Callie grinned. Id like to meet that bad boy and find out just what makes him so
Hey now, Jordon protested, giving her a quick pinch. If you want a bad boy, I
can oblige just fine. You dont need to go searching for one.
Well, Im sure youll meet some of them. Justin stopped the argument before it
started. CJ told me she plans to have a Christmas party every year from now on, and all
the new characters will be invited.
How cool! Amy clapped her hands together. Maybe well have it in Aspen next
Or Nashville, Heather said with a smile. The Wildhorse Saloon does parties.
Knowing CJ, Keeton muttered, it could be in England, Singapore or all the way
out in outer space.
It doesnt matter where it is Favor elbowed her husband, this one has turned
out to be so much fun.
This is true, Givr admitted, giving Amy a squeeze. At first, I did not want to
take the time away from my Ami and our story, but I have met many good people, and
he grinned at Justin, made the sport with new friends.
Dustin choked back a laugh as Justin looked pained. Amy giggled. I think you
meant you watched sports with new friends.
Givr frowned. There is the diffrence?
Rolling his eyes, Jordon tossed back the rest of his champagne. I think its time we
all made a little sport. Its almost midnight. He handed Callie his empty glass and
dropped a kiss on her smiling lips. Jumping back up on the stage, he lifted his brow.
You two with me?
Quickly, Keeton and Dustin downed their own drinks and joined him. Keeton took
his place at the piano, while Dustin picked up his guitar. Jordon did the same, but came
forward to stand before the microphone.
Hey all, he said as he gave a little strum of his guitar to get everyones attention.
Its almost midnight and I have a special toast for to give, so make sure you have a drink
in your hands. Jordon reached down and grabbed a fresh glass of champagne. Raising
the glass he looked around the crowded salon of The Lucky Lady.
Tonight we are all here to enjoy this wonderful holiday season and in a way to
celebrate our lives. We exist because of the dreams and imagination of a wonderfully
creative woman, CJ England. As you all know, CJ writes in quite a few different genres.
We have contemporary stories he grinned and toasted himself and his fellow
musicians, from Taipa, Macau to California to Nashville and all the way to New York
Jordon met the eyes of Calion Sralond and nodded respectfully. Weve got some
great fantasy stories featuring visiting royalty from beyond the faerie myst and beyond
the sun. And fantasies closer to home about he raised his glass to Givr and then to
Peter who still stood near the roulette table, some of our most beloved holiday
He turned and his gaze swept over the many paranormal characters, all who stood
silently watching. We have shapeshifters, Ethereals, witches, vampires, faerie, angels
and demons. We even have the oldest being that has ever lived, one who was here when
the world began. Jordon raised his glass to Milcham Phoenix, who smiled and lifted his
own in return.
But no matter what CJ dreams, her characters can all be assured of one thing. He
glanced down at his wife and smiled that seductive smoky smile she loved so much. We
will fall in love and find the ones that complete us. No matter what we have to do. No
matter where we are and what struggles we have, we know eventually well have our
Happily Ever After. Because thats what true romance is. The meeting of two people
destined to love each other forever.
Hear, hear, Clint Braddock shouted. No matter how many dead rats they get
tossed at them.
Everyone laughed as Gabrielle rolled her eyes and punched her lover lightly in the
And, Jordon went on with a chuckle, I have to admit, CJ has given us another
special gift. One I know I didnt expect. Through this party and other appearances
together, we characters are all becoming friends. And he nodded at Justin and Lara,
I just heard well have a party every year at Christmas time just so we can get
together and reminisce, as well as get to know those new characters we havent had a
chance to meet yet.
A resounding cheer filled the room. Even the Skyhawlks on the roof joined in with
their loud rusty steam pipe screams. Once everyone quieted down, Jordon spoke again.
CJ often says the only books she keeps are friend books. Ones she loves to read over
and over again. That means in her mind, those booksand of course, were included
are keepers, not just words on a page, but people she really cares about. And after
meeting all of you tonight, I can understand why she thinks that way. I think were all
something special, too.
As everyone chuckled again, Jordon raised his glass. So heres to all of us. To the
paranormals whose love has to navigate supernatural mysteries. To those fantasy heroes
and heroines whose fantastical tales are hard to be imagined. To the science fiction
characters whose romances are among the stars and beyond. And finally, to we
contemporaries, who can take simple everyday life and make it extraordinary when we
add love to the mix.
And to the Lady CJ! Prince Calion announced, his deep voice rolling over the
listening crowd. After all, without her we would be nothing but dreams.
And to CJ. Jordon nodded in response. Someone none of us could do without.
All glasses were raised high. To CJ, the room chorused.
Behind Jordon, Dustin did a quick riff on his guitar. Keeton followed up with a
smooth fingering of the keys as he went played the familiar melody of a song. Jordons
smoky voice sang out the beautiful holiday words that spoke of love and friendship not
only in the past, but in the present.

Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And auld lang syne!

For auld lang syne, my dear,
For auld lang syne.
We'll take a cup o' kindness yet,
For auld lang syne.

Down below, Givr pulled Amy into his arms. You see, mon ange, he whispered.
It is as I have said. In the past, the present and in the future, the loveit is what truly
CJ knows exactly what shes doing, doesnt she? Amy snuggled closer into his
strong arms. In a sense, shes writing her very own love story every time she picks up a
pen. All she has to do is let her imagination flow.
Oui. Givr bent and kissed her gently. She is one who has discovered the truth.
Amy cocked her head. And what truth is that?
Givr smiled and his ebony eyes glowed with the magic of the Christmas season.
She understands that to find love you have only to follow your dreams.

The End

*please continue on for more information and a short afterword from the author*

Cast of Characters
(in order of appearance)

Givr Beauchamp and Amy Cassidy FrostyThe Real Man
Buy Link:

Justin Savage and Lara Kincade Luck Be A Lady
Buy Link:

Aidan and Dawn Birmingham Dont Spank the Vamp
Buy Link:

Milcham Phoenix and Aithne Dont Tempt the Phoenix
Buy Link:

Dalton Grant and Sierra Rawlings Cowboy Up
Buy Link:

Clint Braddock and Gabrielle Rousseau Touch Me, Tease Me
Buy Link:

Sebastian and Teran An Unholy Embrace
Info E-book:
Buy Link E-book:
Forbidden Love Bad Boys Anthology An Unholy Embrace
Info Print:
Buy Link Print:

Kolt Masatche and Amarie Badeau The Beast Huntress
Forbidden Love Wicked Women Anthology
Buy Link:

Peter Cottontail and Bunny OHara Here Comes Peter
Buy Link: Coming April 1, 2011 to Aspen Mountain

Calion Sralond and Talia Jennings The Mylari Chronicles: Eyes of Fire
Buy Link:

Gallegar, Danolas, Lucas, Patrick, Benjamin, Koran, Kira and Brianna
The Peacekeeper Journals Series
Info: Coming Soon from UTM
Buy Link: Coming Soon from UTM

Kobrai Tyrdae and Devin Collier KobraiThe Serpent King
Forbidden Love Sacred Bands Anthology
Buy Link:

Jhoral Farasaea and Lanai More Than A Warrior
Buy Link:

Mace D'Avranches and Chantal Montgomery Hustle Into Love (Free Read)
Info and Website Chapters:
Blog Read Link:

Matt Sinclair and Sharra Roberts What Happens in Mexico, Stays in Mexico (Free Read)
Info and Website Chapters:

Eran and Michelle Holt The Nephilim Narratives: Loves Guardian (Free Read)
To Read, Please Join Newsletter:

Jordon McKenna and Callie Jacobs Second Chances: Waiting in the Wings
Buy Link:

Keeton Metro and Favor Rowan Second Chances II: Do Me A Favor
Buy Link:

Dustin St. James and Heather Kraft Second Chances III: Lifes A Dance
Buy Link: Coming January 14, 2011 to Aspen Mountain

Sawyer Heaton and Mandy Hinshaw Hot Tubs and Hot Hunks
Buy Link: Coming February 11, 2011 to Aspen Mountain

Ross Cannon and Stacy Jackson Skyrockets in FlightAfternoon Delight (Free Read)
Info and Website Chapters:

lo:c li:a: llc:icgc and Princess Kaylena Leaping Into Love
12 Torrid Days of Christmas

Devon Dorchester and Lee Ann Grayson Seducing the Songbird
12 Torrid Days of Christmas

Blake Partridge and Jodi Bradford A Perfect Christmas
12 Torrid Days of Christmas

Garth McKay and Melissa Barrows The Reluctant Milkmaid
12 Torrid Days of Christmas

Book Buy Links for 12 Torrid Days of Christmas
E-book: (good through 2010)

*A quick note from CJ England*

When I started this project, I only intended to write a quickie. A short five to ten page story to
wish everyone a Happy Christmas. But, as so often happens, once my characters got a hold of it, all
bets were off. They decided we were going to have a Christmas party. We had to get music, food and
find a place to hold it. And not only that, everyoneeven secondary characters were invited.
And of course, once everyone had RSVPd in the affirmative, that meant they all wanted to be a
part of the story. So, after a few arguments, some stomping of the feet and holding of breathand
that was just what I didwe came up with a story that touched on all the characters, gave readers
something fun to enjoy and maybe even wetted the appetite of those who hadnt had a chance to read a
specific story.
I had a blast writing this fun tale. It was like dropping in on friends, ones you havent seen in a
while, yet you are so comfortable with, you can sit down and jump right back into conversation as if
youd never left. I hated to end the story, and thats why when Givr gave me the French version of
Bambi eyes and asked for another one next year, I couldnt say no.
So, this will be an ongoing tradition. Each year Ill invite my characters somewhere special and
see how they react. Next year it could be on Mount Olympus or at the bottom of the deep blue sea.
But youll find out. Because just like this time, youre invited, too!
Thanks for reading!

CJ England
Follow Your Dreams

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