Geology Review Question

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__________________________________ Last Name First Name PRINT GEOL 1330 Dr.

Murphy EXAM 2

_______________________________ Signature

1 - The principle of horizontality states that ________________________________. 2 - The half-life of a radioactive isotope refers to:

3 What terms belong together? a) 4 - Which of the following type of features result in horizontal extension and vertical thinning of the crust?

5 - The presence of a non-conformity implies the following sequence of events. 6 - The presence of an angular unconformity implies the following sequence of events. 7 - How many half lives are required to yield a mineral with 7,500 atoms of U235 [parent] and 52,500 atoms of Pb207 [daughter]?

Refer to the diagram to the left. 8 What type of radioactive decay would explain the decay of Th234 to U234? 9 What type of radioactive decay would explain the decay of Th230 to Rn222?

Use the following diagram to answer questions 10 - 15.

10 Is Dike B older or younger than Fault B? 14 - Which feature is the youngest? 11 Is fault A older or younger than Dike B? 12 Is fault B older or younger than the sandstone layer? a) younger b) older c) not enough information to answer 15 What type of fault is Fault B? 16 Fault A is a _____________.

13- Which of the features is the oldest? a) 17 What items listed below best describe the blueschist metamorphic facies? The diagram to the right depicts a path, in pressure-temperature space, that a metamorphic rock has experienced. 18. A rock that travels between point A and point B will experience what type of metamorphic reactions? 19. A rock that travels between point B and point C will experience what type of metamorphic reactions?

20. Which type of metamorphism is associated with the path depicted in the diagram above? 21. What geologic setting does contact metamorphism occur? 22. Parallel alignment of mineral grains in metamorphic rocks is referred to as ______________. 23. What type of geologic features form in igneous rocks due to unloading?

24 The type of fault illustrated in the diagram above is ________________. 25 If a rock is strained at a slow rate it will most likely display _____________. 26. Sediment grains that are classified as being angular are often interpreted to have traveled a long distance from their source. a) True b) False 27. Porosity is: 28. Detrital sedimentary rocks are classified by _____________ 29. How does compaction and cementation affect the porosity of a sedimentary rock?

30. Gypsum and halite form by what process?

C B A 31 The rock layers at this location dip towards the ____________ 32 - What type of fold is on the right side of the diagram? 33 - What type of fold is on the left side of the diagram? 34. In the figure to the right, which type of sediment is poorly sorted? a) A b) B 35. Which type of sediment has a lower porosity? a) A b) B 36. River (fluvial) deposits are characterized by: 37. If you observed a sedimentary rock that contained grains that are boulder-to silt-sized and angular, it was likely deposited in a(n) __________________. 38. If you observed a sedimentary rock that contained grains that are boulder-sized and rounded, it was likely deposited in a(n) __________________. 39. Water molecules are effective at chemically weathering rocks due to their ______________.

40. How do fractures in rocks increase the rate of weathering? 41. Divisions in the geologic time scale are based on __________________. 42 The Richter scale classifies an earthquake according to its _____________ which is a measure of the amount of ______________ released. a) strength, motion b) magnitude, energy c) magnitude, motion d) intensity, damage

#43 #45


Questions 43 through 45 refer to the diagram above, which depicts an earthquakes occurring beneath the surface of the earth. Match the appropriate term with numbered box on the diagram.

46 - What is the minimum number of seismograph stations needed to locate the epicenter of an earthquake?




47 In the plot shown above, this arrow is pointed at the first _______________.

48 In the plot shown above, this arrow is pointed at the first _______________. 49 In the plot shown above, this arrow is pointed at _______________. 50) How does the wavelength and amplitude of tsunamis change as they move towards land?

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