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Introduction, Organization and overview of the course, cost of good soled, cost of good manufactured The nature, concepts and classification of cost, Product cost accumulation systems Costing and control of material Costing and control of labour Costing and control of factory over head Job Order costing system Process costing Joint product and by product costing Budgeting Direct and absorption costing Break-even analysis and cost- volume- profit analysis Text Books: Ralph S. Polimeni, Frank J. Fabozzi and Arthur H. Adelberg: Cost accounting Hilton , Horngren: Cost accounting T. Lucy: Cost Accounting Matz and Usury: Cost Accounting

MBA 713 Macro Economics

Key macroeconomic indicators Role of government in an economy Measurement of gross domestic product (GDP) Components of aggregate demand Consumption function and Keynesian multiplier Investment function Government intervention through monetary and fiscal policies Impact of government intervention on economic activity Inflation and unemployment Aggregate supply and its determinants Balance of payments (BOP) and trade Public finance Growth and development Text Books: Samuelson and Nordhaus: Economics McConnel and Brue: Economics Saeed, Amjad Khawaja: Economy of Pakistan Malik, Sohail: Economy of Pakistan


MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM: Needs for MIS, Evolution & Types of Information System, (MIS, DSS, Expert System), The concept of Data and Information DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS: The concept of DBMS, Hierarchy of Database, Elements of DBMS, Contents of Files INFORMATION SYSTEMS FOR BUSINESS APPLICATION: Executive Information System, Manufacturing Information System, Marketing Information System, FIS, HRIS. COMPUTER NETWORKS: Types of Networks, Application of Networks, Network Structure, Network Standardization, Example Networks, Network Software. INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS TELECOMMUNICATION: Communication Channels, Channel Configuration, Channel Sharing, Modes of Transmission OTHER RELEVANT TOPICS: Artificial Intelligence (AI), Office Automation, Multimedia, Computer Viruses Text Books: Jmaes O, Brien Introduction of Information Systems with supplement. McGraw Hill, New York. Robert Schulthies & Mary Sumner: Management Information System, with supplement. McGraw Hill, New York. David Olson: Management Information System, McGraw Hill.


Introduction and Background: Organizational behavior: Key concepts, An historical perspective on organizational behavior, Organizational behavior and contemporary issues. Organization: Structure and Design: The nature and purpose of organization, The classical and modern concepts of organization, Span of control and organization structures, Authority relations: Line, staff and functional, Authority: Delegation and decentralization, Departmentalization, Organizational life cycle stages, The contingency approach of organization design, Todays organizations and various designs, Organizational effectiveness Organizational Culture: The dynamics of organizations culture, the basic approaches to organizational culture, the cross-cultural awareness, total quality culture creation, changing and developing cohesive organizations culture, organizational Change and Development: The nature and typology of organizational change, The diagnosis of forces for change, The models and dynamics of planned change, Resistance to change and its management, Techniques for managing change, Organizational development: Objective & model, Change management and contemporary issues in TQM. Foundations of Individual Behavior: The perception process, The attribution theory, Personality and organizational behavior, Attitudes, personal values and ethics: Learning & behavioral modification Behavior Modification: Behavioral learning models, Principles of behavior modification, the process of modifying on-the-job behavior, Behavioral self-management Socialization and Mentoring: The organizational socialization process, The socialization techniques, Mentoring, Organizational roles and norms Work Group Behaviour: Work group: Types, functions & development process, Work group structure, composition and effectiveness, Inter group interactions, Organization influence tactics, Organizations politics, Strategies for improving work group performance Organizational Conflicts Management: The nature of conflict, Functional versus dysfunctional conflict, Approaches to effective conflict resolution, Conflict stimulation Text Books: Judith R. Gordon, Organizational Behavior, Prentice Hall. Fred Luthans: Organizational Behaviour Davis and Newstrom, Human Behavior at Work: Organizational Behavior, McGraw Hill. Robert Kreitner & Angelo Kinicki Organizational Behavior, IRWIN


Introduction & History, Globalization Forces: Trade Volume & Direction of Trade, FDI & Flow of PDI, Reasons to enter in International Business, Ways to enter to International Business Economic Theories of International Business: Merchalism, Theory of Absolute Advance, Theory of Comparative Advance, International PLC, International Investment Theories Trade Restrictions: Reasons for Trade Restrictions, Tariff & Non-Tariff Business Economic Development: Measurement of Economic Development Level International Organizations: UNO, IBRD, IMF, OPEL, EU, Regional Grouping International Monetary System: Gold Standard History, BOP, Equilibrium & Dis-Equilibrium Financial Forces Influencing International Business, Forex Valuation, Currency Exchange Control, Tariff or Duties, Taxation, Inflation Physical & Environmental Forces: Location, Topography, Climate , Natural Resources Socio-cultural forces: Cultural, Components of Culture, Understanding national Culture Political Forces: Ideological Forces (Communication, Capitalism, Socialism), Government Ownership of Business, Privatization, Government Stability, Country --- Asset. Assessing & Analyzing Markets: Marketing Screening, International Management Information System International Marketing: Marketing Strategies, The Marketing Mix Export & Import Practices: Export Locating Foreign Markets, Payments & Financing Procedures, Export Procedures, Export Shipments Text Books: Don Ball: International Business, Wendell Mcculloerh

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