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TEST 3 VII grade Name.......................................

2 June, 2009 1. Put the sentences in Present Perfect Tense and choose the correct word. 1.She has just / yet left. 2.He has already / yet bought tickets. 3.He hasnt called since / for yesterday. 4.(he/come) just/yet ? 5. They .(already/finish) the car park ./10 2.Use the past simple tense of the verbs in brackets. 1.I (read) .. my new magazine last night. 2. I (take) sister to the cinema. 3. We(see) . The Jurassic Park. 4. I (write) a letter to my pen-friend. 5. I (not send) . the letter. ./10 3. Use the Present Perfect or the Past Simple Tense 1. They (not appear) on the show yesterday. 2. Can I speak to Tony,pllease? Sorry! He (just/leave) 3. (she/call) yet ? 4. He .(buy) lots of clothes so far. 5. It (open) two weeks ago. ./10 4. Put A/ AN /THE/0 where necessary. I am from Winchester, Hampshire. Winchester is city in..United Kingdom. I live in called..Taunton which is onRiver Tone. I live in . house in .quiet street in the countryside. street is called "Hudson Street" and house is old - more than 100 years old! I am ..English lecturer at near centre of town. I like.books, music and taking ..photographs. I usually have ..lunch at college. I usually go home by car. We have all kinds of food in England. I like Polish food very much. Sometimes, I go to Polish restaurant in Bath. restaurant is called "Magda's".Polish food is delicious! ./10 5. Write the opposite adjectives. Use the prefixes in-, im-, dis-,un-. 1. honest.. 2. sensitive. 3. friendly 4. patient 5. loyal .. 6. happy . ./12 6. Circle the odd one out. 1.palace concert hall bridge museum 2. church mosque bazaar cathedral 3. bus bike tram train 4. traffic lights zebra crossing park cycle lanes 5. restaurant pub sandwich bar steak house ./10

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