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Gabriel Garca Mrquez

Gabriel Garca Mrquez was born in 1928 in the small town of Aracataca, situated in a tropical region of northern Colombia, between the mountains and the Caribbean Sea. He grew up with his maternal grandparent - his grandfather was a pensioned colonel from the civil war at the beginning of the century. He went to a Jesuit college and began to read law, but his studies were soon broken off for his work as a journalist. In 1954 he was sent to Rome* on an assignment for his newspaper, and since then he has mostly lived abroad - in Paris, New York, Barcelona and Mexico - in a more or less compulsory exile. Besides his large output of fiction he has written screenplays and has continued to work as a journalist.

Bibliography La hojarasca. Bogot: Ed. S. L. B., 1955. El coronel no tiene quien le escriba. Medelln: Auguirre Ed., 1961. La mala hora. Madrid: Talleres de Grficas "Luis Prez", 1962 (ed. desautorizada por el autor); 2. ed.: Mexico: Ed. Era, 1966. Los funerales de la Mam Grande. Xalapa 1962. Cien anos de soledad. Buenos Aires: Ed. Sudamericana, 1967. Monlogo de Isabel viendo llover en Macondo. 1969. Relato de un nufrago. Barcelona: Tusquets Ed., 1970. La increble y triste historia de la cndida Erndira y de su abuela desalmada. Barcelona: Barral Ed., 1972. Chile, el golpe y los gringos. 1974. Ojos de perro azul. Barcelona: Plaza y Jans, 1974. Cuando era feliz e indocumentado. Barcelona: Plaza y Janes, 1975. El otono del patriarca. Barcelona: Plaza y Janes, 1975. Todos los cuentos. Barcelona: Ed. Bruguera, 1975. Obra periodstica. Vol. 1: Textos costenos. Barcelona: Ed. Bruguera, 1981. Crnica de una muerte anunciada. Barcelona: Ed. Bruguera, 1981. El rastro de tu sangre en la nieve: el verano feliz de la senora Forbes. Bogot: W. Dampier Editores, 1982. Viva Sandino. Managua: Nueva Nicaragua, 1982. El secuestro (screenplay). Salamanca: Lquez, 1982. El asalto: el operativo con el FSLN se lanzo al mundo, Nueva Nicaragua, 1983. Erendira (screenplay from his own novella), N.P., Les Films du Triangle, 1983. El amor en los tiempos de clera. Bogot: Oveja Negra, 1985. El general en su laberinto. Bogot: Oveja Negra, 1989. Doce cuentos peregrinos. Bogot: Oveja Negra, 1992. In English Leaf Storm, and Other Stories. (La hojarasca. 1955) Transl. by G. Rabassa. London: Cape, 1972; New York: Harper & Row, 1972, 1979; Pan Books, 1979. No One Writes to the Colonel. (El coronel no tiene quien le escriba. 1961.) Transl. by. S. Bernstein. London: Cape, 1971; New York: Harper & Row, 1979. An Evil Hour. (La mala hora. 1962.) Transl. by G. Rabassa. New York: Harper & Row, 1979. Big Mama's Funeral. (Los funerales de la Mam Grande.1962.) (Published with: No One Writes to the Colonel. See above.)

One Hundred Years of Solitude. (Cien anos de soledad. 1967.) Transl. by G. Rabassa. New York: Harper & Row, 1970; Pan Books, 1980. Innocent Erndira, and Other Stories. (La increible y triste historia de la cndida Erndira... 1972). Transl. by G. Rabassa. New York: Harper & Row, 1978, 1979; Pan Books, 1981. The Autumn of the Patriarch. (El otono del patriarca, 1975.) Transl. by G. Rabassa. New York: Harper & Row, 1976; Pan Books, 1978. Chronicle of a Death Foretold. (Crnica de una muerte anunciada, 1981.) Transl. by G. Rabassa. London: Cape, 1982. Collected Stories. New York: Harper, 1984; revised edition, London: Cape, 1991. Love in the Time of Cholera (El amor en los tiempos de clera). Transl. by E. Grossman. New York: Knopf and London: Cape, 1988. Diatribe of Love Against a Seated Man (play produced in Buenos Aires, 1988). Collected Novellas. New York: Harper Collins, 1990. The General in his Labyrinth (El general en su laberinto). Transl. by E. Grossman. New York: Knopf, 1990 and London: Cape, 1991.

From Nobel Lectures, Literature 1981-1990, Editor-in-Charge Tore Frngsmyr, Editor Sture Alln, World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore, 1993 This autobiography/biography was written at the time of the award and first published in the book seriesLes Prix Nobel. It was later edited and republished in Nobel Lectures. To cite this document, always state the source as shown above.

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