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3 65 2 TIMOT H Y 2:24

Put up with your share of difficulties, like a goo d soldi er of Christ Jesus. a
4 In the a rmy, no sold ier gets himself mixed up in civilian life, because he mu st 4:8
be a t the disposal of the man who enlisted him; ' or take an ath lete-he canno t 1 Co 9:25+
win an y crown unless he has kept all the ru les of the co ntest; -and again, it is
1 Co 3:6-9
the work ing farmer who has the first claim on any cr op that is ha rvested .• Think
7 Heb 6:7
1 Co 9:7 . 10
over what I have said, a nd the Lord will show you how to understand it all.
Ac 13:22-23
Re member the Good News that I ca rry, 'Jesus Christ risen from the dead, Rm 1:3.4
9 sprung from the race of David'; -it is on acco unt of this that I have my own
EO 3:1
hards hips to bear, even to being chained like a criminal- but they ca nnot chai n
THE SE C ON D LETTER 10 up G od's news. 'So I bear it all for the sake of thos e who a re ch osen, so th at
Ph 1:13-18
Col / :24 +
I Th 2:12
FRO M PAUL TO T IM OT H Y in the end they may have the salvation that is in Christ Jesus and the eternal
glory th at co mes with it.
II Here is a saying th at you can rely on: b
Greeting a nd thanksgiving R m6:5 -+
If we have d ied with him , then we shall live with him.
Rm l:l + Ac 14:22
If we hold firm, then we shall reign with him.
Ac 16:1+ 1 Fro m Paul , a ppointed by G od to be an a postle of C hrist Jesus in his design
to promise life in C hrist Jesu s ; -to Timothy, dear chi ld of mine , wishing yo u
If we disown him, the n he will disown us.
We may be unfait hful, but he is always faithful,
Rm 8:17
Mt lO:J J
Rm 3:3
grace, mercy a nd peace from G od the Fa ther a nd from Christ Jesus o ur Lord. 13 I Co 1:9+
Nb23:1f) :
R m 1:9 +
Ph 3:5 Night a nd da y I thank G od, keeping my consci ence clear a nd reme mber ing for he ca nnot d isown his ow n self. T'1 :2
my duty to him as my a ncesto rs did , a nd always I remember you in my prayers ;
4 :9.21 The stru ggle against the immediate danger from false teachers
1 remember you r tear s" -a nd long to see you again to complete my happiness. 4
Then I am reminded of the sincere fait h which you have ; it came first to live in 5 14 Remind them of th is; and tell them in t he na me of God:' that there is to be
Ac 16:1 I T m 1:4+
your grandmother Lo is, and your mother Eunice, and I have no do ubt that it no wra ngling a bo ut words: all that this ever ach ieves is the destruct ion of those
3:14 -15
is the sa me faith in you as well. 15 who arc listening.• Do all you can to present yo ur self in front of God as a man
1 Tm 4:6- 7
who has co me through his trial s, and a man who has no cause to be ashamed
The gifts that Timothy has received of his life's work and has kept a straight course with the message of the truth.
That is why 1 a m remindi ng you now to fan into a flame the gift tha t God 6 16 Ha ve noth ing to do with point less philosop hical disc ussio ns- they o nly lead
Ac4:20-2 1
gave you when I laid my hands o n yo u. -G od' s gift was not a sp irit o f tim idity, 17 fu rther a nd furt her awa y from tru e religion . -Talk of this kind corrodes like
R m 8: 15
I T m 4: 14 +
/ :/6 but the Spirit of po wer, and love, a nd self-co ntro l. 'So you ar e never to be
I ~ ga ngrene, as in the case 01' Hymenaeus and Philet us, - the men who have gone
I T m 1:20 ...
Lk 9: 26
Rm 1:16 ; ashamed of witnessi ng to the Lord , or ashamed of me for being his priso ner ; right a way fro m the tr ut h and cla im that the resurrect ion has already taken
Eo 3:13 but with me, bear the hardships for the sa ke of the Good News, relyin g o n the place." So me peopl e' s faith ca nno t sta nd up to them .
Tt 3:5 power of God -who has saved us and ca lled us to be holy "-not becau se of 19 However, God 's so lid fo undation stone is still in positi on, and this is the Ep2:20+ ::;;
Rm8:28 :J:
a nything we ourselves have done bu t for his own purpose a nd b) his own grace . inscription on it: 'The Lo rd knows those who {Ire his 0 11'/1' an d 'All who call on Nb 16:5.26
Is 26:13

This grace had already been granted to us, in C hrist Jes us, before the begi nni ng the I{{JIIle of'the Lord must avo id sin'. '
T,R2':'1 ltn of time, -but it has on ly been revea led by the A ppea ring" of our saviour Ch rist 10 20 Not all the d ishes in a la rge hous e ar e made of gold a nd silver ; some are
fi~i,6i~~i~ Jes us. He abolished deat h, an d he has proclai med life and imm ort al ity thro ugh mad e of wood o r ea rt henware: som e are kept for special occasions and others Is 29:66+
Tm 2 1 are for or dinary purposes.• No w, to avo id thes e faults that I am speaking about
) 2:7 the Good News; -a nd 1 ha ve bee n na med its herald, its a pos tle a nd its teacher." II
It is on ly on accou nt of this tha t I a m experiencing fresh ha rdsh ips here 12 is the way for anyone to become a vessel for speci al occasions, fit for the Master
now; ' bu t 1 ha ve not lost co nfidence , beca use I know who it is that I have put himself to usc. a nd kept ready for any good work.
1 T m 6:20 + 22 Ins tead of giving in to yo ur impu lses like a young man , fasten your attention 1 Tn>6:11
my tr ust in, a nd I have no doubt a t all that he is a ble to take care of all that
J Co 1:8 + o n ho liness, faith, love a nd peace, in un io n with all those who call o n the Lord G a 5:22 +
I have en tr usted to him! un til tha t Da y.
I Tm l: IO+ 2 3 wit h pure minds. ·Avo id these futil e and silly speculations, understanding tha t I T m I:4 +
Keep as yo ur pattern the sound teac hing you have hea rd from me, in the 13
) Tm6:20 + 24 they on ly give rise to qu arrel s ; -a nd a servant of the Lord is no t to I Tm3:2f
fait h and love t hat are in C hrist Jesus.• Yo u have been tr usted to look after 14 Tt 1:7 Q.
Rm 5:5 + engage in q uarrel s, but has to be kind to everyo ne, a good teach er, and pa tient.
something precious ; guard it with the help of the H o ly Sp irit who lives in us. ~
As you know, Phygelus a nd Hermogenes and all the others from Asia refuse 15

4:1 9 to have anything more to do with me. · 1 hope the Lord will be kind to all the 16 a. W he n Pa ul le ft Timoth y at E p hes us. 1 Tm 1:3.
b . Li t. 'a nd ca lled us with a h o ly c a ll'; thi s may be 2 a . Vv. 4~ 6 a re three shor t par abl e s: th e so ld ier , th e
):8 + family of Onesiphorus, because he has often been a com fort to me and has never tak en in "two , wa ys here: the ca lli ng of C hris tia ns to a th lete. the farm la bourer .
been ashamed of my chains. ' On the contrary, as soo n as he reached R ome, he 17 sa lva tio n, cr. R m 1:6- 7 : ~ : 2 ~: I Co 1:2.24 : b. Vv. 11-1 3 a re part o f a Chr istian hymn, "Z
Co l 3: 15 : En I: l x; 4:4: Ph 3: 14 : e tc, or (b y m et o nym y) cr . I T m 3:16 + . ~ -,
really searc hed ha rd for me and found out where I was . • May it be the Lo rd's 18
the s ta re (wocut ion" : to which C hr ist ians have been c . Var. ( Vu lg.) 'th e Lord' .
will that he shall find the Lo rd's mercy on tha t Day ." You know better than ca lled. d. T he G reek mind found the resurrection parti cu-
anyone else how muc h he helped me at Ephes us. c . The ' A p oeari nu ' ('c p i p ha n~' ·). cr. 1 T m 6:14 -1lar ly ha rd to acce p t. Ac 17:32 ; 1 Co 15:12 . Hymena eus

her e refers to th e incarna tio n an d re demp tion . a nd P hiletus m ay well ha ve Riven it a pu rel y spi ritual
d . A d d . (V u le .) ' to Ihe pagans ' , inter pr et ati on by analogy with the myst ica l resurrecti on
How Timothy should face hardships e. T he second imprisonment at Rome. tha t occ u rs in bapt ism. Rm 6:4 + ; Ep 2:6 + . ::>
r. E it he r C hrist ia n doc tr in e ( b) ' k eep in g i t intact, e . De ta ils about a buil din g wert" often insc ribed on
1 T m 4 : 14 ;
6: 12
2 You
Accept the stre ngt h, my dear so n, that co mes from the grace of Ch rist Jesus.
have heard everyt hing tha t I teach in pu blic; ha nd it on to reliable
I I Tm 6:20 -i- } or the good tha i Pa ul has do ne a nd his its fou ndation s to ne : 35 th e buil din g her e is the C hu rc h,
co nseq ue n t mer-it, cr. I Tm 6: 19 : 2 T m 4:7f. the fou nda rlon sto ne co u ld be eit he r C h rist him self,
g . ' Lo rd' ca n be taken in eit her case as a reference I Co 3:1 1. or th e ap ostl es. En 2:20. cr. R v 21:14 , o r
people so tha t they in turn will be a ble to teach ot he rs. either to the Fathe r or to [he Son. faith in th e u nb rea ka ble pr omi se of G od, cr . 2 Tm 2: 13.
') ~
2:2 5 2 TIMOTHY 366 3 67 2 TIMOTHY 4:22
Is 42:3
Mt 12:20 He has to be gentle when he corrects peop le who disp ute what he says, never 25 Final advice
Ga6 :1
forgett ing that God may give them a change of mind so that they recogn ise the 9
Do your best to come and see me as soon as you can. -As it is, Demas has 1:4
I Jn 2: 14 r- 10 Phm 24
tr uth a nd -corne to the ir senses , once ou t of the trap where the dev il caught 26 deserted me for love of this life and gone to Thessalonika, Crescens has gone Col 4:14
them and kept them ensla ved . II to Galatia b and Tit us to Dal matia ; -only Lu ke' is with me. Get Mark d to co me Co l 4:10

12 and bring him with you ; I find him a useful helper in my work. - I have sent
T he dangers of the last days Tt 3:12 +
13 Tychicus to Ephes us. -When you come , bring the cloak I left with Carpus in
I Tm4:1 1- 1 Tm 1:20
You may be quite sure that in t he last days there are go ing to be Troas, and the scrolls, especially the parchm ent ones . -Alexander the copper-
Rm 1:29 l- 3 some difficult times. - People will be self-centred and grasping; boastful, 2
sm ith has done me a lot of harm; the Lord will repay him for what he has done. Ps 28:4;
Pr 24:i.2
arrogant a nd rude; disobedient to their paren ts, u ngra teful, irreligious; - heartless 15 Be on your guard against him yourself, because he has been bitterly contesting
and unappeasable ; they will be slanderers, profligates, savages and enem ies of everyth ing that we say.
everything that is good ; -they will be treachero us and reckless and demented 4 16 T he first time I had to present my defence,' the re was not a single witness to
by pride , preferring their own pleasure to G od. -They will keep up the outward 5 support me. Everyone of them desert ed me-may they not be held accountable
MI 7:15 ; MllO:19f
24:4 r.24 appearance of religion but will have rejected the inner power of it. a Have nothing 17 for it. - But the Lord stood by me an d gave me power, so that through me the Ph 1:19f
C o l 2:23 to do with peop le like that. Co 14 :3f
whole message mig ht be proclaimed for all the pagan s to hear ; and so I was
T t 1: 1 1 Ps 22:21
Of the same kind, tor), are those men who insi nuate themse lves into families 6 IX rescued fro m the lion's mouth. -T hc Lord will rescue me from all evil attemp ts D 06:17
in order to get influence over silly women who a re o bsessed with their sins and o n me, and br ing me safe ly to! his heavenly kingdom. To him be glory for ever Rm 16:27 +
A c 17:21
follow one cra ze a fter anot her -in the attem pt to ed uca te themselves, but can and ever. Amen.
In X:32
I T m 2:4 never come to knowledge of the truth . - Men like th is defy the truth just as
Jan nes a nd Ja rnbres defied Moses: " their minds are corrupt a nd thei r faith Farewells and final good wishes
19 1:16
spurious. - But they will not be ab le to go on any longer: their foolish ness, like 20 Greet ings to Prisca an d Aq uila, and the family of Onesiphor us, - Erastus Ac 18:2 + ;
that of the ot her two , must beco me obvious to everybod y. 21 rema ined at Corinth, and 1 left Trop hirn us ill at M iletus .vDo your best to come 19:22 : 20:4
R m 16:23
I Co 4:9
You know, th ough, wha t 1 have taug ht, how I have lived, what I have a imed 10 befor e the winter. 1:4
I Co 13:13+
at; you Know my faith , my pat ience and my love; my constancy -and the II G reetings to yo u from Eubulus, Puden s, Linus, Claudia and all the brot hers.
Ac 14:).22
2 C o 11:23f persecuti on s a nd hardships th at came to me in places like Antioch, lco nium and 22 T he Lor d " be with your spirit. Grace be with you .
Lystra - a ll the persec utions 1 have endured ; and the Lor d has rescued me from
Ac 14:22 ;
Rill X:J h every o ne of them. - You are well aware, then , that anybody who tries to live 12
I Th 3:4-5
Tt J: /O in devo tion to Christ is certain to be attacked; -while these wicked imposto rs 13
will go fro m bad to worse, deceiv ing others a nd deceived themselves. ~
2:2 ;::
11'01 6:20 j You must keep to what you have been taug ht an d know to be tr ue; remember 14
1:5 who your teac hers were,' -and how, ever since you were a chi ld, you have known 15
Ac 16:1
2 Co 3:14-1.'1 the holy scriptures- fro m t hese you can learn the wisdo m tha t leads to sa lvation ::;
R m 15:4 thro ugh faith in Christ Jes us. -A ll scripture is inspired by God and cans profit- 16 :r:
I C o 10;6 -1
2 P J:20-2 1 ab ly be used for teac hing, for refuting erro r, fo r guiding peo ple's lives and
teachi ng them to he ho ly. -T his is how the man wh o is ded icat ed to God 17
beco mes fully equipped a nd ready for any good wo rk. OJ
I f m 6: 1 1f A solemn charge
Ac 10:42 +
Before Go d and befor e C hr ist Jesus wh o is to be judge of the living and the
1 P 4 :5
1 T m6: 14 + 4 dead , I put this du ty to yo u, in the name of his Appear ing and of his kingdo m:

procla im the message and, welcome or unwelcome, insist o n it. Refute falsehood, 2
Ac 20:2 1
co rrect error, ca ll 10 o bedience- but do a ll with patience and with the inten tion
I Tm 4: 1+
of tea ching. -T hc time is sure to co me when, far from bein g co ntent with so und
J T m 1: 10 I 0..
leaching, peo ple will be avid for the latest no velty and co llect thems elves a whole
series of teachers acco rdi ng to their own tastes ; -an d then, instead of listening 4
1 Tm 1:4 ' j-
to the truth , they will turn to myths . - Be careful always to choose the right 3 a. T his is remi niscen t of th e 'fa lse pr op het s' foreto ld includes so me C hristia n writings al so . 1 Tm 5: 18.
cou rse; be brave under trials ; ma ke the preaching of the G ood News your life' s in Mt 7: [5 ; 24:4·5 ,24 . A fresh outbreak of lrr el tnion is 4 :1. Libations o f wi ne. water o r o il were poured ov er
work , in thoroughgoing service. one o f t he character istics o f t he 'la st time s' , d . t he vic tims n o t only in pagan sac rfflccs but a lso in
Jewish o nes, cr. Ex 29 :40; Nb 28:7 . 7Z
1 1'014: 1+ .
b. Paul gets the na mes that he Rives thes e magicians "'..,
P aul in the evening of his life (w ho ar c me ntioned in Ex 7: 11-1 3.22 . etc .) from Jewish
tr adi tio n in wh ic h Jan nes and Jambres (or ' M am b res' ), b. Vu r. ' G au l' . A t that time the name 'Ga latia' wa s
Ph2:17 + re pre sented as the leade rs of th e Egyp tian ma gician s, st ill Riven bo th to th e Ro m an p ro vi nce in A sia , and to
As for me, my life is already being poured awa y as a libat ion," and the time are sa id to be the d iscip les (o r even sons) of Balaam, thc co u ntr y of t he Ga uls.
Ac 20:24
I Co 9:24 has co me for me to be go ne. -I have fought the good fight to the end; T have run 7 c. L u ke thc eva ngeli st, cr. C01 4: t4.
1 Tm 1: 18;
the race to the finish; I ha ve kept t he fait h ; -all there is to co me now is the 8
N b 22:2 +.
c. Var. (Vuln.) 'w ho your teach er was' . T hese d . Mark th e ev ang el ist , Ac 12: 12 + . H is old Quarrel ..,::>
tea ch er s wer e Loi s, Eun ice . I:5. an d . a bo ve all . Pa ul with Paul, Ae 15:37·3 9. seems to hav e bee n fo rgo tten.
2;4 -5 cro wn of righteo usness reserved for me, which the Lord, the righte o us judge, h imsel f. e . A t so me recen t hea r in g o f his case .
I Co 9:25 + d . Or (less pro bably) 'a ll sc ript u re tha t is inspi red r. Or ' a nd keep me safe fo r ' .
will give to me o n that Day : an d not o nly to me but to all tho se who have longe d
I Tm 6: 14+ by God ca n .. .' (Vlllg .). T his im p o r ta nt affirmat ion g . Add , ( Vulg.) 'Jes us C hr ist'. an d (at end,
for his Appeari ng. about the insp ira tio n of the O.T.• cr. 2 P 1:21. p robably ' A '11.en ' .

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