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1 1 January 2008 Tuesday 2:01PM

How America was Defeated from Within Germanys Mastery of the Underground
The Germans set to infiltrated all aspects of our "FREE" society immediately following the end of WW-II. Thats what the Vatican's Rat Lines were designed to do. The Germans knew they had to take down the Americans if they were to prevail in the future WW-III.

Wolfs in Sheep's Clothing

Militarily, the Germans learn from history. The easiest way to take down a democracy is to become citizens of that society generations before the WAR begins. Thats exactly what the Germans did. First, they immigrated to America before we were even a Nation. Next was the infiltration following WW-II! The Nazi's covertly slipped in under the radar. They got jobs, raised families, becoming model citizens while they waited for their Fatherland to reawaken. We "Americans" assume "if you live in America, you must be an American" RIGHT! Well, not necessarily. Our enemies LOVE that kind of an attitude. A free society that welcomes all comers must face the cold hard fact that some Nations really do like to Murder people. Clearly, Germany is one of those Nations. Must Humanity stay in a perpetual state of naivety?

"American" Politics
Democracy is founded on its own destruction. All your enemies have to do is become citizens, sometimes over many generations, and participate in all aspects of that Democracy. That way they ensure that eventually every position of power is occupied by them. The target Nation is completely devoured without anyone even realizing what's going on. Thats what God means when he said the alarm of war would be sounded, but no one would go to the Battle; Ezra 7 v 14. The people were so completely defeated that they didn't even realize they were under attack. That condition, of course, is God's doing because of our disgusting Spiritual condition. Over the years, the Germans joined every political party. They knew what their goal was because their ancestors made sure they passed it to their children.

American NEWS Media

Could there be any more of an insidiously diabolical accomplishment that to have taken over the very system that was trusted to keep a Nation informed? For decades, Americans have relied on the Nations NEWS system to alert them of anything that might be threatening. To not realize that an enemy nation would put the take over of such a system at the top of their list of pre-war priorities, surely

2 demonstrates that our Nation's people are beyond recovery. This is terrifying. I had thought I could rely on Public Television, but was devastated in 2006 when I noticed the same media manipulations on that Network. If you make "flesh your arm" by trusting people, instead of God, this is the result; Jeremiah 17 v 5. Putting ones security in a humanly devised NEWS Media clearly is making "flesh your arm".

Law Enforcement
Law Enforcement and the Judicial System are two more, very easily infiltrated societal institutions. In Grants Pass, they are both being operated by the European Union.

Number one on the list is "of Course" Religion

Jesus Christ made sure he warned everyone about trusting worldly religion, as symbolically described as the "White Horse" of the Apocalypse; Revelation 6 v 2. The white horse is the first of the four horsemen to ride, because it's Satan's main tool to deceive and kill billions of people. In this end time, it is taking countess lives. But thats nothing compared to what's about to happen in the Great Tribulation. God's own Church is the main victim of this infiltration of the Beast Power. The consequences are truly devastating.

War Imminent as 2008 Begins1 God's only End-Time Watchman Kenyon Donald Williams

National Infiltration by Germany

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