3 March 2008, Germanys Conquest of The United States

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1 3 March 2008 Monday 10:41AM

Germany's Conquest of the United States

God revealed more details of Germany's acquisition of the United States to me last night. I'll see if I can get some of it documented. The methods they used are age old. The most effective of these is patience. Germany has been pursuing America from our earliest days in the NEW WORLD. I was looking at a map of North America which outlined the original settlements. The German's had major settlements throughout the eastern seaboard, even before the original 13 colonies were established. Israel has never really comprehended the multi-generational plan God had purposed for us. We always get stuck in the present. Satan, of course, makes full use of this national character trait. The current invasion of the United States has been a long term project of Assyria (Germany), of which processes we have suffered from many times in our history. "In their Ranks", God's soldiers stick to the script Joel 2 v 7 They shall run like mighty men; they shall climb the wall like men of war; and they shall march every one on his ways, and they shall not break their ranks: (KJV) The clandestine invasion of the United States that Germany is accomplishing requires the absolute loyalty of all participants. If anyone deviates from the script, the proverbial cat will be out of the bag. The Invasion is an exercise in deception and deceit. All aspects of our "free" society are being used against us.

Plastic surgery and Acting school It's a powerful combination

One of the methods the "Beast" is using against us is "bait and switch". They identify likely candidates with similar traits of a "target" individual, such as a politician. That candidate studies the mannerisms of the "target individual" so that they will be able to replace them at the appointed time. Plastic surgery and acting school refines the rough edges so that the public is not aware of the "swap". Does this sound crazy to you? They have been doing this in the movies for decades. When an attacking nation has no morals, anything goes. It's nothing but fun for them. This is what is occurring in politics and the NEWS Media currently. It's very obvious, for example, with "Hillary Clinton", since her double doesn't watch her weight like the real Hillary did. At this point, it appears that everyone in a pubic role has been replaced in this manner. I was originally thinking that genetic clones were in widespread use, but they really don't have to go to that extreme. European Union members are attending all of the political rally's, completing the deception. They look just like Americans, so no one suspects a thing. This is what happens when we let human beings run the country.

God is extremely mad at us, and has turned his back on us, since we have refused to believe HIM. However, there is a remnant of loyal individuals that God will be delivering to Grants Pass that will "show fourth God's praise". God will use these individuals to train the gentiles very soon. The Beast thinks they are going to stay in Grants Pass, God will never allow that. I'm regularly feeling the unrest of the underlying magma in this region, indicating to me that the deliverance event is imminent. God will be removing the invaders supernaturally, to make way for his very elect. I constantly pray that he hastens that event. Everything has to be according to his plan, so I patiently wait. I'm really looking forward to the fellowship of converted members of God's family. I'm very tired of being surrounded by the enemy. God's End Time Watchman Kenyon D. Williams

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