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Being in Honor

Whether dealing with creditors, debt, collectors, the tax man, a cop, an agent, clerk or a judge, it is essential to be in honor to effectively handle commercial offers and demands. Actually, this is true of all of human relating and it is the only way to really be in integrity. It is also the only way to deserve to be confident to win. So, #1 rule: If you're not in honor, get in honor. If you are in honor, stay in honor. How? Simple. First, never ignore. To ignore is to dishonor and, in fact, to ignore is to agree by acquiescence with whomever is confronting you. Always respond timely to whatever is in front of you. Secondly, never argue. Turn any argument you might ever be inclined to make into a conditional acceptance. They may look very similar, but the difference is the same as between night and day. Also, every conditional acceptence is a counter-offer and the only offer that is ever relevent is the one on top - for the moment, yours, and you are in control of the matter. Ex.: "I'll accept that upon proof of bona-fide claim in the form of a signed affidavit by you under penalty of perjury and under your own personal, unlimited commerical liablility within 30 days." Thirdly: Generally, avoid making positive statements that someone can challenge you to prove. Sovereigns never put themselves into position to ever have to prove anything; we always put the burden of proof upon whomever may be challenging us. Therefore turn positive statements into negative averments and/or questions. An averment that is negative in form but affirmative in substance must be proved by the alleging party. There is no evidence that I am not correct in this matter and there is no evidence that you are not wrong in this matter, and I dont believe that any such evidence exists. Youre stating what is not; not what is. Questions are our most effective tools. Who controls any conversation? He or she who asks the questions. Watch, for instance, how judges always answer questions with questions - it behooves the sovereign to do the same thing. Even our court system is a commercial venue. Let's say a so-called creditor has taken you, John Doe, to court. In your first turn to speak, you may say: "Your honor, there appears to be no evidence that BoA is in honor in this matter [neg. aver.]; there doesn't seem to exist any evidence that John Doe has not been in honor in this entire process [another neg. aver.]; does any reason exist that this case should not be immediately resolved in favor of John Doe? [question] If judges answered questions, the judge would almost have no choice other than to agree. Much more likely though, the judge may respond with: "Well didn't you use that credit card; didn't you buy lots of items with it?" At this point, if you were to respond with: "Yes, but...", you probably wouldn't get too far past the 'but' when the judge would interrupt and say "Judgement in favor of the plaintiff".

A sovereign would instead come back with another question: "Well, isn't that a moot point, your honor? Again, there doesn't appear to be any evidence that..." Get the point? Another example, making good use of questions, illustrates what is called a 'confession and avoidance', a response in which the accused admits (via passive acquiescence) the allegations but asks for additional facts that deprive the admitted facts of an adverse legal effect. Accusation: "Is this your signature on this document?" Response(s): "Is there a defect in that instrument?" Well tell me the defect is and Ill correct it. Well, if there is no defect in the instrument, then why are you here? Why should I answer your question when you cant even answer mine? Are you telling me that you are not even qualified to make any determinations on that negotiable instrument?" Why are you here? Do you see how effective questions can be? See: Play a game? You can talk to 20 different people and you're likely to get 20 different answers as to what sovereignty is all about, but the truth is that sovereignty is about one thing: Your ability to control your property and your freedom, starting with your body and your mind. If you can do this, you are sovereign. Another way to define sovereignty: Your ability to control your contracting. Obviously, there are billions of us on this planet, but we can all control our contracting by remembering to be and stay in honor. See also: Responding to Offers or Demands; Private vs. Public; Creditor or Debtor; Handling Presentments; Adhesion Contracts

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