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Hand carry bag

Padding carry wrap

One bottle wrap

Two bottle warp

Originating from Japanese culture where it promotes caring for the environment and reducing waste; Furoshiki i s an enviroment friendly wrapping cloth.
it can be Using techniques srmrlar t o or~gami, used for gift wrapping, tied into a shopping bag or simpty as decor. Choose from a wide variety of sizes and designs t o complement your lifestyle.
t h e
e c o - f r l e n d l y

w r a p p l n g

c l o t h

Why furoshiki? It is reusable and multipurpose. Each year billions of plastic bags end up as litter; reusable products, such as furoshiki can help reduce the Impact to our environment. Its versatility allows you to wrap almost anything regardless of its shape or size. Learn m o r e a t


?ocket Reference
reuse, reduce and recycle.

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