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8 March 2008 Sabbath Day 11:28AM

Conquest Vocabulary
Here is some of Germany's Vocabulary
Airlift: 1. A system of transporting troops or supplies by air when surface routes are blocked; To transport supplies or troops by air. Allegiance: 1. Loyalty or the obligation of loyalty, as to a nation, or sovereign, or cause. 2. The obligation of a vassal to his overlord. Brainwashing: Intensive indoctrination, usually political, aimed at changing a person's basic convictions and attitudes, and replacing them with a fixed and unquestioned set of beliefs. Clandestine: Concealed or kept secret, often for an illicit purpose. Coma: 1. The nebulous luminescent cloud containing the nucleus and consisting the major portion of the head of a comet. (This definition is included because a. the con-trails of the A380's and A320's resemble them, and b. God used major comet events such as Hale Bopp; Hyutake; and Mc Knott to signal the invasion). Con-trail: A visible trail of water droplets or ice crystals sometimes forming the wake of an aircraft. Covert: 1. Covered or covered over; sheltered. 2. Concealed; hidden; secret. Deceive: 1. To cause (a person) to believe what is not true; mislead. 2. To catch by guile; ensnare. Delusion: 1. a. The act or process of deluding; deception. B. The state of being deluded. 2. Something that is falsely disseminated or believed. 3. A false belief held in spite of invalidating evidence, especially as a condition of certain forms of mental illness. Delusive: 1: Tending to deceive or mislead; deceptive. 2. Having the nature of a delusion; false. Fascism: 1. A philosophy or system of government that is marked by stringent social and economic control, a strong, centralized government usually headed by a dictator, and often a policy of belligerent nationalism. 2. Oppressive or dictatorial control. Furtive: 1: Characterized by stealth; surreptitious. 2. Expressive of stealth; shifty.--Furtiveness. Homage: 1. Under feudal law, ceremonial acknowledgment by a vassal of allegiance to his lord. 2. Special honor or respect shown or expressed publicly.

Illusion: 1. a. An erroneous perception of reality b. An erroneous concept or belief. 2. The condition of being deceived by a false perception or belief. Illusive: Of, or pertaining to, or of the nature of an illusion; illusory. Incursion: 1: A sudden attack on or invasion of hostile territory; raid. 2. An act of entering or raiding another's territory or domain. Infiltrate: 3. To pass (troops, for example) surreptitiously into enemy held territory. 4. To enter or take up positions gradually or surreptitiously. Intrude: To put or force in, especially without invitation, fitness, or leave. Intrusion: 1. a. The act of intruding. b. The fact of being intruded upon. 2. An inappropriate or unwelcome addition. Law: Illegal entry upon or appropriation of the property of another. Invade: 1. To enter by force in order to conquer or pillage. 2. To encroach or intrude upon; violate. 3. To overrun as if by invading; pervade. 4. To enter and spread harm through. Invasion: The act of invading, especially entrance of an army to conquer or pillage. 2. The onset of something injurious or harmful, as a disease. Invasive: 1: Tending to spread, especially tending to invade healthy tissue. 2. Of, pertaining to, or given to armed aggression. Kingdom: 1. A political or territorial unit that is ruled by a king or queen. 2.a. The eternal spiritual sovereignty of God. b. The realm over which this sovereignty extends. 3. An area, province, or realm in which one thing is dominant. Kingdom come: The next world: a bomb that could blow us to Kingdom come. Lebensraum: Additional territory deemed necessary to a nation for its continued existence or economic well-being. Marked: 1. Having a mark, or marks. 2.Having a noticeable character: clearly defined. 3. Singled out, especially for a dire fate: a marked man. Nationalism: 1. Devotion to the interests or culture of a particular nation. 2. The belief that nations would benefit from acting independently rather than collectively, emphasizing national rather than international goals. 3. Aspirations for national independence in a country under foreign domination. Nazi: 1: A member of the National Socialists German Workers' Party, founded in Germany in 1919 and brought to power in 1933 under Adolf Hitler. Nazism: The ideology and practice of the Nazis, especially the policy of state control of the economy, racist nationalism, and national expansion.

Pervade: To be present throughout; permeate. Permeate: 1: To spread or flow throughout; pervade. Propaganda: The systematic propagation of a given doctrine or of allegations reflecting its views and interests. 2. Material disseminated by the advocates of a doctrine. Surreptitious: Performed, made, or acquired by secret, clandestine, or stealthy means. To take away secretly. Stealth: 1: The act of moving, proceeding, or acting in a covert way. 2. Furtiveness; covertness. 3. The act of stealing. Stealthy: Marked by clandestine or secret movement. Vassal: 1. A person who held land from a feudal lord and received protection in return for homage and allegiance. 2. A subordinate or dependant. 3. A bondman; slave.

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