2 May 2006, Go To Babylon

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2 May 2006 Go to Babylon! A Message for those that refuse God's Protection When Europe invades Israel with their troops, do not resist them. This is correction from God. All of Israel have corrupted themselves, and are deserving of this affliction (All 13 Tribes). Everyone who refuses God's conversion to the TRUTH must take the medicine of Satan's rule over them. God will then deliver them from the land of their captivity (The European Union). They won't allow God to rule them now, so God let's Satan rule over them as slaves. That way they have something to compare to. Everyone would be wise to consider the History of how the Germans have treated the enemy's they have conquered in the past. A rapid repentance will ease the pain God will not ease your affliction until you repent. Most people should realize what has occurred, either on the flight over, or upon their arrival in Assyria (The European Union, lead by Germany). This is God's judgment on us; No one else could have brought us down so quickly by removing the Blessings from our land. Only God could have sent so many afflicting arrows to the Weather, geology, government & Economy so precisely as to strike at the same time, with such totally devastating effect. Staying in Israel is no escape Those that choose to stay in Israel will learn very quickly that Germany's plan was to empty the Nations as quickly as possible, in order to attain control of the people in "blitzkrieg" fashion. Anyone that stays behind will very quickly be overcome by skilled German soldiers. The sooner you give Glory to God, the sooner he will lessen your burden. Look up, your redemption draws near. Look to the moon; Revelation 12 v 1! The 12 NEW stars forming a crown are the 12 Apostles, newly born into the Family of God. You won't be in captivity forever. The day of the Lord is in 2 1/2 years, so make the best of it. Everyone that accepts God's correction, and is still alive, will be spared from the Day of the Lord, immediately following the 2 1/2 year Great Tribulation. If you will help God convert the Germans, he will Honor that behavior. Don't be timid; you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

What you have to gain! They may kill you for it, but they can't take your reward! Your reward is being born as a spirit being into the Family of God. You will be a lesser god, under God the Father, but a god never the less, with all the awesome potential that implies. Now that's something to die for! A Peaceful Invasion! The Beast power might even permit those boarding the planes to "check their bags and possessions", but little do they know, those things will be left behind. The only things going on the plane are the passengers and flight crew. It's just a part of the deception. Everyone is at ease, thinking that it's just "another flight". It all seems to make sense. Everyone will be in favor of getting out of this wounded land as quickly as possible, even if it means being packed in like Sardinians. It's only for the flight over, RIGHT? Although the Invasion begins deceivingly peaceful, it very quickly manifests its true brutality. There will be allot of paralyzing anguish; Matthew 24 v 51. Admit to your bad behavior Denial will not lessen your affliction. If you won't admit to the truth, God will not help you. Americans have been setting a horrible example to the world. The only thing that Americans care about is money, and they don't care who gets hurt in the process. The ironic thing about this is that it's mainly "Christians" doing it. God has to use strong measures to prove to people that they have actually been worshipping Satan. The truth has been out there for years, mainly through God's end time Elijah (Herbert W. Armstrong), but people love to worship the white horse of the apocalypse. Satan's ride on the White Horse The white horse of the apocalypse was the first horse to ride, infiltrating the earliest assemblies of religious groups and governmental organizations established on this Earth. Satan, dressed up in a white robe, picked up a bow, and mounted a horse setting out to infiltrate all forms of Religion and human endeavor; Revelation 6 v 2. Christ appears on a white horse too, but he wealds a two edged sword from his mouth, which is his WORD of truth, NOT a bow like Satan has; Revelation 19 v 11. Christ

makes war, but he uses spiritual armies from heaven. Satan makes war with human armies of this Earth. Satan Conquers by using lies. He pawns himself off as an angel of light, when in fact he is destroying you. He high jacked Christianity during the Dark Ages, and it never recovered. Christmas, Easter, Sunday Worship, the Trinity, All Saints Day (Halloween), & Valentines Day have been his main tools. They are ALL Satanic holidays. God's Holy Days & Nothing Else! If you want to be a part of God's Spiritual Family, you must accept his Rule. God Rules through His GOVERNMENT; and a big part of his Government is explained through HIS Holy Days. The whole plan of God is laid out by observing those days. You need to read Mystery of the Ages for a detailed explanation, but here is a short synopsis: The Spring Holy Days: The "First Fruits" Season Passover, the Day's of Unleavened Bread, & Pentecost illustrate God's plan to Replace the Rule of Satan over human beings, with the rule of the spirit born saints, under God the Father and Jesus Christ. This is manifested through the Bride of Christ. The Fall Holy Days are divided into two phases The "Ingathering Season" A) The Feast of Trumpets & Day of Atonement picture the return of Jesus Christ AND the removal of Satan from the Throne of the Earth. B) The Feast of Tabernacles & the Last Great Day illustrate Jesus Christ using those spirit born saints to help God bring everybody else, who is willing, into his Family after the Second Resurrection.

Who's in the Desert?

Matthew 24 v 26; Know this, that the Germans wait for you in the American South West. God's very elect are admonished to "not go to the desert". God's work is not being done there. God's work is being done elsewhere, and everywhere! The Southwest is the departure point to Israel's (America's) land of correction. This is the area where everyone who refuses to be converted by God's message is transported to the "land of enlightenment". Habakkuk 3 v 16; It's a very painful enlightenment, but enlightenment just the same. American's are going to be weary of not having any electricity, and other services, and will willingly board the "planes of salvation". They are in fact "planes of salvation", but not the same salvation God offered: before, before, before; Jeremiah 13 v 16! He offered the salvation of his word before, but since Israel refused that salvation, he now implements the salvation of severe trials.1

Go to Babylon(last updated 3 July 2007)

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