An Awkward Story About My Friends

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An Awkward Story about My Friends

It was a lovely day at the park but suddenly it started raining cats and dogs. Lily got very upset because they ate her mushrooms. Then Gabriel came along wearing a mini skirt and fishnet stockings attempting to be pretty, Kaitlen was terrified. Then Lily sat on the park bench then killed Kaitlen with 97 mushroom guns. Taylah was born after Kaitlen died; she was a baby teenage mutant ninja turtle Lewis trained her well, (thank you Lewis for looking after my child) Antony shouted Ill avenge you! when Kaitlen died, then ran off in a Mario suit. Then he fell over and said the word that should never be said. Lily died with shock. Hurray shouted Antony but then he realised that he was alone so he shot himself so he could be with his friends. Ellen came along on a llama eating broccoli; she saw our dead bodies and rode off to find Evil Doctor Max. Evil Doctor Max turned us into living human animal type species. Meanwhile, Gabriel found himself a hand mirror and looked at his reflection and decided that as long as he could see his reflection he would never feel lonely. Then Shaun came along and tried to out beauty Gabriel sadly he failed. Then he heard a voice that said you have failed me Shaun. He turned around to find a 5foot tall rat of the voice of Kaitlen. Shaun looked down and suddenly he was ninja turtle. There was Lily-red, Shaun-orange, Taylah-purple and Antony-blue. Their next mission was to save a damsel in distress, AKA Gabriel Taylah, the purple turtle flipped off a building grabbing the bad guy by the hair. WOOOSHH went the body over the edge. Kaitlen (master splinter) said Young Shaun, why cant you be like my daughter? Shaun, the orange turtle shrugged.

Evil Doctor Max just casually strolled out of fire escape with a monkey. Meet my new friend, Michael, hes very intelligent, he said I installed a nitro-glycerine powered furnace that charges the planets magnetism over a giant pigeon! RIIIIIIGGGGGHTTTTT.. We all said with confutations. Then Gabriel, Taylah, Doctor Evil Max and fellow primate jumped on the invisible hovercraft Gabriel made with his bare hands!!! :O Gabriel and Monkey Michael high jacked a turbo rocket at NASA! As drag queen, turtles, rat, doctor and prime mate walked in sloooowww moooottiooon to the turbo rocket when YOU FORGOT THE DAMN MUSHIES!! yelled Lily, Ellen and her Llama and turtle. THE END

Purple= Ellen Blue= Lily Red= Antony Green= Max Black= Me

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