Weight Grisel WikiStudentTeachingLesson3

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5 Given a two-digit number, mentally find 10 more or 10 less than the number, without having to count; explain the reasoning used. Components of an effective lesson plan Introduction/Daily Review: TW review vocabulary terms with the students (digit, less than (subtraction), more than (addition). TW state that they have learned how to determine place value using a two digit number, and they have also learned how to determine if 2 two digit numbers are <, >, or = to. TW review skip counting by 10s up 120, since this is a skill that helps them in place value. Daily Objectives: SWBAT use mental math to solve ten more or ten less of a two digit number. Language: SW use listening skills during direct instruction. SW use speaking skills to reply during power point game. SW use writing skills during independent practice. Concept / Skill Development and Guided Practice: REVIEW: TW will write 43 ten more? on the board. TW divide the ones place and the tens place with a line down both numbers, and will add the ones place together first (0+3), and will add the digits in the tens place second (1+4) to get 53. TW also model adding ten more using the hundreds chart. TW ask the students, Does anyone notice what happens to the digit in the ones place when we add ten? (It stays the same) Does anyone notice what happens to the digit in the tens place when we add ten? (It goes up by one). Students will do think, pair, share with their elbow partner to talk about it. Students will share. TW now tell the students that she wants to solve 10 less than 43 (43-10). TW also solve this problem using basic subtraction by vertically writing 43-10, drawing a line down the middle, and subtracting the ones place (3-0), and subtracting the tens place (4-1). TW also use the hundreds chart, and show that when we subtract ten (less than), we count back ten beginning from 43. TW circle that number on the 100s chart. TW ask the class, Does anyone notice what happens to the digit in the ones place when we subtract ten? (the ones place stays the same) Does anyone notice what happens to the digit in the tens place when we subtract ten? (It goes down by one). Students will do think, pair, share with their elbow partner to talk about it. Students will share. This is a pattern that will always be true when we add or subtract ten. TW do another example using ten more and ten less from 63. TW encourage students to use mental math to solve these types of problems. Collaborative Practice: TW use the power point game on ten more and ten less. Class will be divided up into groups of four based at the color group they are in. TW provide students with one chip each. When a problem is placed on the SMART board, students will do Talking Chips to discuss the answer first with their team. Teams will put their heads down when they have solved the problem. TW wait for all of the teams to have their heads down, and will have one person in their team give the answer. TW then will show the correct answer. Independent Practice: Students will independently complete the "ten more/ten less rocket" worksheet using mental math. Homework: Homework packet for the week was given. Closure/Assessment: TW explain to the class that using mental math to add ten or take away ten can help us not just in school, but in other places as well. For example, if you know that you have 10 apples at home, but you need 10 more and you are at the store and do not have a paper or pencil, you will easily be able to add the two digits in the tens place together to know that you need 20. Using these skills can be useful to us in many different situations, not just school.

TW informally assess the students during the game and during the independent worksheet. Accommodations/Differentiation: Below level: TW review vocabulary. IEP students Brianna and Allen will be able to collaborate with their peers during Talking Chips. The questions during the game will be read out loud as an aid for Brianna and Allen. TW provide them, as well as other students, with positive reinforcement. TW also provide them with extra time to solve the problems. TW continue modeling how to use the 100s chart to mentally solve these problems. At level: Students will use mental math during the game and to solve the problems on the worksheet. Above level: Students can quiz each other on ten more or ten less by coming up with their own problems, and quizzing their partner to see if they were correct.

Materials: Elmo, POWER POINT TEN MORE/TEN LESS, ten more/ten less rocket worksheet, hundreds chart for teacher and every student

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