Hypertext, Hypermedia, Multimedia

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Hypertext Hypermedia Multimedia

Javier Valarezo S. Applied Linguistics in English Program Distance Education ESPE-MED

It could be defined as a link, connection, string among several electronic text to text contents on the web which displays information allowing the web-user to move from one spot to another following a sequence of info related to the main topic. Hypertext can be accessed or highlighted just with a click of a pointer device i.e. mouse. It may be identified since it is in underlined blue type enabling an easy and fast connection to obtain information from the internet. In any browser we can find many underlined blue type text (hypertext), which leads to the hyperlink source and detail of the topic published on the web and to which the hypertext key words refers to. In other words, a hyperlink is the content of the hypertext.


Hypertexts may appear as an organizational and relational type links (Mohageg, 1992). In organizational (linear) links, all information can be lined up alphabetically, so that the reader may follow clear directions without having to move back and forth to attain what is searched. This link has a structure. In relational (nonlinear) links, electronic text is set by its importance and central information can be discovered faster. In language learning, hypertext motivates users to surf in the web, since hypertext links afford a sequence in the info which can be expanded and these links provide usually explanations, answers, quizzes encouraging learner to evaluate his own progress in the process of learning.

Hypermedia can be seen as the evolution of hypertext, because its not just links text to text, but it relates a whole blend among text, images, graphics, sound, video, animation that are easily accessed and all this new advantages can be hyperlinked too. Hypermedia applications are seen in our mobile phones (Messages/create message/ add an image/sent message). Hypermedia only uses two types of media (text images, text video) The term hypermedia appeared around the year 1940 when information started to be presented in more creative ways, advantages to provide full information as understandable as possible.

Hypermedia is used as a significant technological tool to create attractive, positive and educational ambiences where learner can interact and study with the possibility to encounter information from all over the work, just with a click. Nowadays, hypermedia has been one of the massive technological tools to develop self-learning and proficiency in students of different ages. Academic learning, business professional training, educational programs can be obtained to improve our inputs enhancing learning. For passive learners, hypermedia is a secret tool, where every sort of information is available for a topic, but for active learners hypermedia can have some limitations on the reliability of the information published on digital texts. Nevertheless, there are many reasons why hypermedia is useful for education. For instance, many electronic contexts sources are designed in hypermedia forms and are studied only in electronic devices.


Multimedia concentrates all the previous types of media that can be easily accessed from the web. Several media types such as texts, pictures, videos, sound, animations, and slides presentations are simultaneously shared in simple applications. The term multimedia may be found in almost every means of communication humans have developed up to now. By the 1990s, people used to buy multimedia computers but not all the information contained specially in Cds was easy to access. One of the greatest advantages of multimedia is the way in which the user of the web can enrich his expectations and may interact in an easy, fast and functional way with the information presented.


Users can also find interactive multimedia where information is full completed with too much digital text, images, sound, video, animation, etc and all these elements can be linked each other and complemented with similar topics. E.g. (Encarta Encyclopedia) Multimedia is a huge helper for CALL in these days, since many applications can be encountered with a click on one initial link and photographs can be manipulated using programs, all these modifications are allowed to manage with multimedia components to create original and unique results.

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