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Organizational Behaviour Max. Marks: External: Internal: Time: 100 70 30 3 Hours.

Note: There will be five units in all. The number of questions to be set will be ten, in a manner that there are two questions from each unit. The students will be required to attempt five questions in all, selecting one question from each unit. There may be a case problem (which may or may not be compulsory); it will be in lieu of two questions carrying 28 marks and will be in addition to ten questions. Course Objective To familiarise the students with the basic concepts, theories and techniques in the fields of organisational design and group dynamics. Course Outlines Unit-I: Organisational Behaviour: Meaning, Nature, Scope and Historical background. The Hawthorne Studies, Ahmedabad Experiment. Unit-II: Work Motivation: Meaning and Theories of Work Motivation. Perception: Person perception, Self-concept. Unit-III: Foundations of Group Behaviour: Definition and types of groups, Teams in work places. Leadership: Nature & Leadership Styles in Organisation. Unit-IV: Conflict: Nature and Types. Approaches to Management of Organisational Conflict. Empowerment & Participation. Unit-V: Organisational Change and Development: Definition and Goals, Approaches to Organisational Change. Prerequisites to Organisational Development, Steps in Organisational Development, Organisational Development Works in India. Suggested Readings: 1. Davis, K. Human Behaviour at Work: Organisational Behaviour, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. New Delhi. 2. Luthans, F. Organisational Behaviour, McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. New Delhi. 3. Robbins, S.P. Organisational Behaviour, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi. 4. Dwivedi, R.S. Human Relations and Organisational Behaviour, Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. New Delhi. 5. Dwivedi, R.S. Corporate Execellence: An External Search, McMillan India. 6. Schermerhorn Managing Organisational Behaviour, et at. John Wiley & Sons, New Delhi. 7. Kreitner and Organizational Behaviour. McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Kinier

mba-882: E-Commerce Max. Marks: 100 External: 70 Internal: 30 Time: 3 Hours. Note: There will be five units in all. The number of questions to be set will be ten, in a manner that there are two questions from each unit. The students will be required to attempt five questions in all, selecting one question from each unit. There may be a case problem (which may or may not be compulsory); it will be in lieu of two questions carrying 28 marks and will be in addition to ten questions. Course Objective: The objective of the course is to acquaint the students with the use of ECommerce in competing markets.

Course Outlines Unit-I: Introduction to E-Commerce: Definition-Forces Fueling E-Commerce- Industry framework types Internet Service Providers Internet access providers Internet Vs. Online Services; WWW: Concepts - Technology- Applications Electronic Payment Systems: Electronic Payment Technology- Digital Cash Electronic Check- On line Credit Card. Unit-II Electronic Commerce and Banking: Changing dynamics in the Banking IndustryHome banking Implementation approaches Open Vs. Closed modelManagement issues in online Banking. Electronic Commerce and Retailing changing retail Industry dynamics online retailing Management challenges. Unit-III Electronic Commerce and online publishing: Online publishing Strategies Approaches advertising and online publishing Digital copyrights and Electronic publishing; Intranets and Supply Chain Management: Supply Chain Management- Managing retail supply chains supply chain application softwareInternet and customer asset Management customer asset management basics. Unit IV Unit-V Intranets and Corporate Finance: Financial Systems Financial Intranets Software modules in Financial Information System Transaction Accounting Payment Management Treasury and Cash Management Human Resource Management Systems size structure of Financial Software Markets The Corporate Digital Library Intelligent Agents. Suggested Readings: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Cady, D.H. and part Megregor: The Internet, BPB Pub., New Delhi. Carpenter: Phil e Brands, HBS Press, Bosten, 2000. Keen, Peter and Mark McDonald the E-Process Edge, Delhi, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2000. Mann, Catherine, L.: Global Electronic Commerce Institute for International Economics, Washington, DC, 2000. Oberi, Sundeep e. Security and you, Delhi Tata McGraw, Hill, 2001. Rich, Jason r. Starting E-Commerce Business IDG Books, Delhi, 2000. Samantha Surety: E-business with Net Commerce Addison Wesley, Singapore, 2001.


Strategic Marketing Management

Max. Marks: 100 External: 70 Internal: 30 Time: 3 Hours. Note: There will be five units in all. The number of questions to be set will be ten, in a manner that there are two questions from each unit. The students will be required to attempt five questions in all, selecting one question from each unit. There may be a case problem (which may or may not be compulsory); it will be in lieu of two questions carrying 28 marks and will be in addition to ten questions. Course Objective The Objective of this course is to make the students aware of the major aspects of the planning and controlling of marketing operations, to execute marketing planning & control within a strategic context and to give recognition to the problem of implementation and how these problems can be overcome. Course Outlines Unit-I: Business Strategy: The Concept and trends in its management- Strategic Marketing Management- Historical perspective, characteristics. Strategic Marketing Management: An overview- External analysis, Internal Analysis, Strategy Identification and selection.] External Analysis: Customer analysis; Competitor analysis, Market analysis. Key success factors, Bases of competition. Environment Analysis Forecasting Trends and Event. Internal Analysis: Self Analysis- Shareholder Value Analysis, Financial performance, Determinates of Strategic option Portfolio Analysis-BCG Growth share Matrix, Market Attractiveness Business position Matrix Risk Matrix. Alternative Business Strategies: Sustainable competitive Advantage-(SCA) Role of Synergy, Strategic vision versus strategic opportunism, Diversification strategies. Generic strategies, Premptive Moves and Global strategies. Implementation and planning process: Implementation of strategy - conceptual Framework, Structure, System, People, Culture. Formal planning system : Process Forms and Pitfalls.





Suggested Readings: 1. 2. Giveck: Strategic Management. Philip Kotler: Marketing Management Planning, Analysis, Implementation and Control, PHI, New Delhi.. 3. 4. Namakumari: Marketing Management, McMillan India Ltd., New Delhi. Ansaff: An Introduction to Business Policy.


Advertising Management

Max. Marks: 100 External: 70 Internal: 30 Time: 3 Hours. Note: There will be five units in all. The number of questions to be set will be ten, in a manner that there are two questions from each unit. The students will be required to attempt five questions in all, selecting one question from each unit. There may be a case problem (which may or may not be compulsory); it will be in lieu of two questions carrying 28 marks and will be in addition to ten questions. Course Objective: The objective of this course is to acquaint the students with the role of advertising in the overall marketing effort. It also aims at helping the students to learn the concepts and skill involved in developing and testing effective advertising programme. Course Outlines: Unit-I: Introduction, Definition, Objectives, Functions and Classification of Advertising, Advertising as a tool of communication, Process of marketing communication, Advertising versus other forms of mass communication, Planning and Communication Programme, Advertising as component of marketing mix. Unit-II: Social, Economic and legal Aspects of Advertising. Productivity of advertising, its contribution to economic development and standard of living; Ethics truth in Advertising. Attitude change, source factors, message factors, cognitive consistency. Unit-III: Copy strategy; message theme, appeals, AIDA concept, Media decisions and strategy; the importance of media strategy, general and special characteristics of different media, alternatives, parameters of media plan, the concept of primary and secondary media. The purchase cycle, estimating of minimum effective frequency; Geographic scheduling over-time. Unit-IV: Advertising Organisation ; Advertising agency- function of modern agency; functions of advertising department and advertising manager, problems of coordination & control relating to the work of agency. Advertising Budget Approaches and procedure and determining the size of the budget. Character of items to be charge to advertising administration and control of the budget. Unit-V: Advertising Effectiveness: The rationale of testing, DAGMAR Approach, types of advertising evaluation, pretesting, post testing and progress testing, opinion and attitude test, Recognition and Recall inquiries and Sales measures. Management of long term effectiveness. Suggested Reading: 1. Sandage & Fryburger Advertising Theory and Practice. 2. Schiffman Kanuck Consumer Behaviour. 3. David, A., Aaker & Advertising Management, PHI, New Delhi. Others 4. Chunawalla, S.A. Foundations of Advertising Theory & Practice, HPH,

5. 6. 7. 8.

Sethia, K.C. Hepner, H.W. Boyd and Newman Lucas and Briff Wheatly, J.J.

New Delhi. Advertising Creative Communication with Consumers. Advertising: Selected Reading. Measuring Advertising Effectiveness. Measuring Advertising.


Industrial Marketing Max. Marks: 100 External: 70 Internal: 30 Time: 3 Hours.

Note: There will be five units in all. The number of questions to be set will be ten, in a manner that there are two questions from each unit. The students will be required to attempt five questions in all, selecting one question from each unit. There may be a case problem (which may or may not be compulsory); it will be in lieu of two questions carrying 28 marks and will be in addition to ten questions. Course Objective The increasing importance of marketing function calls for special attention to different specialized areas. Industrial marketing has assumed increased importance due to rapid economic development and industrialization in the country. The main objective of this course is to appraise the students of the nature and problems of industrial marketing in India. Course Outlines Unit-I: The Industrial Marketing Systems : Participants. Distribution Channels. The Relationship: Contract of sale, Franchise Agreements, Loyalty, Confidence and Reciprocity. The Industrial Marketing Concept: the philosophical and the functional dimension. Unit-II: The demand for Industrial goods: Market level and product types, the Industrial Customer: Buyer motives, Buyer temperament & Buyer characteristics. Purchasing Systems: Recognition of Need, Sorting and Appraising Alternatives. Selecting the alternatives, Order Placement, Invoice Handling, Receipt & Inspection. Unit-III: Value & Vendor Analysis: Value Analysis, Vendor Analysis, Market Identification: The Search Process, The Evaluation process. Unit-IV: Marketing Strategy: The Channel and Price Component; Formulating Channel Strategy, Channel Logistics, Pricing Decisions and Pricing Policies. Unit-V: Marketing Control: Strategic goals, Identifying market opportunity. Goals based on Sales Forecasts. Performance Standards and Instruments of Control: Short Term Goals, the Market Budget. The Process of Control. Suggested Reading: 1. Alexander, Cross and Industrial Marketing. Hill Richard D. Irwin D.B.T. Taraporewala & Sons, AITBS Pub., New Delhi. 2. Raymod Corey Industrial Marketing. 3. Dodge; M.R. Industrial Marketing. 4. Risely Modern Industrial Marketing. 5. Chisnall Effective Industrial Marketing. 6. Vinson, D.E. et al. The Environment of Industrial Marketing. 7. Reeder (Robert R.) Industrial Marketing, PHI, New Delhi. 8. Havaldar (Krishan K.) Industrial Marketing, TMH, New Delhi.


Multinational Financial Management

Max. Marks: 100 External: 70 Internal: 30 Time: 3 Hours. Note: There will be five units in all. The number of questions to be set will be ten, in a manner that there are two questions from each unit. The students will be required to attempt five questions in all, selecting one question from each unit. There may be a case problem (which may or may not be compulsory); it will be in lieu of two questions carrying 28 marks and will be in addition to ten questions. Course Objective : The basic aim of this paper is to acquaint the students with the basic knowledge of financial management in multinational business. Course Outline: Unit I Introduction to Financial Management in Multinational Business, International financial flows, Multinational Firm: nature, reasons for growth, problems, rationale. Unit II Multinational Working Capital Management : Short term financing, financing foreign trade, current assets management, managing multinational financial system. Unit III Capital Budgeting in MNC, Capital Budgeting process, evaluation criteria, determining cost of capital, measurement and Management of political risk. Unit IV International Financing, International equity investment, long term borrowing in international financial markets, Financial Swaps. Unit V International tax management, International dimension of accounting and fiancial markets-recent developments Suggested Readings: 1. Alan C. Shapiro : Foundations of Multinational Financial Management, PHI, New Delhi 2. L.H. Rade Baugh : & J.S. Arpan 3. Henning, Pigott and Scout : 4. Eiteman, D./K. A.I. : Stonshill and moffett, M.H. 5. Keith Pilbeam : 6. D.J. Connor and A.T. Bues : 7. Apte P.G. : 8. Levi, M.D. : 9. Bhalla, V.K. : International Accounting and Multinational Enterprises. International Financial Management Multinational Business Finance. International Finance. International Dimensions of Financial Management International Financial Management International Finance International Financial Management Text and Cases, Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi


Indian Financial System

Max. Marks: 100 External: 70 Internal: 30 Time: 3 Hours. Note: There will be five units in all. The number of questions to be set will be ten, in a manner that there are two questions from each unit. The students will be required to attempt five questions in all, selecting one question from each unit. There may be a case problem (which may or may not be compulsory); it will be in lieu of two questions carrying 28 marks and will be in addition to ten questions. Course Objective: The basic aim of this course is to acquaint the students with the overall view of Indian Financial System and its functioning.

Course Outlines Unit-I: Financial system: concept, nature, structure process, and economic development. Financial market: nature, functions and classifications, Indian Financial System An overview, features, structure and recent development. Unit-II: Financial intermediaries: Functions, classification and role in an economy. Lending policies and operations of certain development banks; IDBI, IFCI, ICICI and IRBI. Unit-III: Investment Institutions: Objectives and functions, type of investment trusts, Major Mutual funds in India, Mutual fund schemes, Investment policies of mutual funds, SEBI guidelines, investment polices and operations of LIC and GIC. Unit-IV: Concept, nature, features, size and structure of new issue market. Methods of location of new capital issue Euro Issue; SEBI guidelines. Unit-V: Stock Market: Introduction, features; structure, mechanics of security trading, listing of security at a stock-exchange, National stock exchange, over-the counter exchange of India, SEBI guidelines. Depository system and dematerialisation. Suggested Readings: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Bhole L.M. M.Y. Khan R.M. Srivastava Financial Markets and Institutions, TMH, New Delhi. Indian Financial System, PHI, New Delhi. Management of Indian Financial Institutions, HPH, New Delhi. R.M. Srivastava Indian Financial System- the Changing Scenario. James C. Van Home Financial Market Rates & Flows. V.A. Avadhani Investment and Securities Market in Indian. R.K. Tandon and Globalisation of Indian Financial Markets. S.L. Gupta Anmol Publishing, New Delhi. Henning William Financial Markets and the Economy. and Scott

mba-891: Portfolio Management Max. Marks: 100 External: 70 Internal: 30 Time: 3 Hours. Note: There will be five units in all. The number of questions to be set will be ten, in a manner that there are two questions from each unit. The students will be required to attempt five questions in all, selecting one question from each unit. There may be a case problem (which may or may not be compulsory); it will be in lieu of two questions carrying 28 marks and will be in addition to ten questions. Course objective: The objective of this course is to impart the knowledge to students regarding the theory and practice of Portfolio Management. Course Contents Unit-I: Introduction- Meaning, need, risk & determination of a portfolio; Markowitz portfolio theory, Sharpe Single index model. Unit-II: Optimal portfolio: selection & problems; Efficient Frontier; Meaning & construction and investors utility; Efficient frontier (i) risk- free and (ii) risky lending and borrowing, leveraged portfolio; market portfolio; Unit-III: Capital market line; CAPM; security market line; characteristic line; APT. Unit-IV: Portfolio Revision- meaning, need and constraints; formula plan; constant-dollar value plan, constant ratio plan. Portfolio performance evaluation, risk adjusted performance measures. Unit-V: Case Study Suggested Readings: 1. Pandian: Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi. 2. Fisher, Donald E. and Jordan, Ronald J. : Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, PHI of India, New Delhi. 3. 4. 5. Sharpe, William F. etc: Investment, PHI of India 1997, New Delhi. Francis, JC. Investment Analysis and Management Kevin: Portfolio Management, Practice Hall of India, New Delhi.


Practical Cum Viva-Voce on base on Paper No. mba-889, mba-890 & mba891 Max. Marks: External: Internal: Time: 100 70 30 3 Hours.

Note: There will be five units in all. The Number of questions to be set will be ten, in a manner that there are two questions from each unit. The students will be required to attempt five questions in all, selecting one question from each unit. There may be a case problem (which may or may not be compulsory); it will be in lieu of two questions carrying 28 marks and will be in addition to ten questions.


Compensation Management Max. Marks: External: Internal: Time: 100 70 30 3 Hours.

Note: There will be five units in all. The Number of questions to be set will be ten, in a manner that there are two questions from each unit. The students will be required to attempt five questions in all, selecting one question from each unit. There may be a case problem (which may or may not be compulsory); it will be in lieu of two questions carrying 28 marks and will be in addition to ten questions. Course Objective: To promote understanding of issues related to the Compensation of human resources & to impart skills in designing, analyzing & restructuring reward management system, policies & strategies. Course Outlines Unit-I: Understanding Reward Management: Nature, Aims and Policies. Determination of Inter & Intra- Industry Compensation Differentials. Internal & External Equity in Compensation Systems. Tools in Designing, Improving & Implementing Compensation packages. Compensation practices of multinational corporations. Components of compensation packages Fringe Benefits, Incentives & retirement plans, Difference between incentives & bonuses. Job Evaluation Definition and function of job evaluation. Incentive systems versus productivity bargaining, Skill & competency-based evaluation. Institutions related to reward system like, wage boards, pay commissionNature, constitution & functions.

Unit-II: Unit-III: Unit-IV: Unit-V:

Suggested Readings: 1. Armstrong M. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Armstorng Michel & Marlis Helln Bergess, Lernard R. Miction, Rock. Sud, D.C. Venkata Ratan & B.K. Shrivastava

: A Handbook of Human Resources Management Practice. Kogan Page, :U.K. : Reward Management: A Hand- Book of Salary Administration Kogen Page, 1984. : Wage & Salary Administration, London Charless E- Merril, 1984. : Handbook of Wage & Salary Administration, 1984. : Incentives Industry, Tata- McGarw Hill. : Personal Management & Human Resopurce, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.


Labour Legislation in India Max. Marks External Internal Time : : 100 :70 : 30 3 Hours

Note: There will be five units in all. The number of questions to be set will be ten, in a manner that there are two questions from each unit. The students will be required to attempt five questions in all, selecting one question from each unit. There may be a case problem (which may or may not be ) ; it will be in lieu of two questions carrying 28 marks and will be in addition to ten questions. Course Objective The course aims at providing students good understanding of such labour laws as have major bearing on the Industrial Relations in India. Course Outlines Each of the five laws is to be studied with reference to its objectives, Major Provisions and the Working: Unit-1 Labour legislation: Meaning, Need, Importance, and Fundamental Principles and Constitutional framework in India. Unit-II The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947. Unit-III Trade Union Act- 1923 and Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946; The Maternity Benefits Act, 1961. Unit-IV The Factories Act, 1948. Unit-V The Workmens Compensation Act, 1923 and The Employees State Insurance Act, 1948. Suggested Readings: 1. 2. Kapoor, N.D. : Industrial Laws, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi. Malik, P.K. : Industrial Law, Eastern Book Co, Lucknow. - Unioversals Labour Law Reference, Universal Law Publishing Co., Delhi. - Mishra S.N. & S.K. Mishra S.K. An Introduction to Labour & Industrial Laws, Central Law Publications, Allahabad. - PillaiK.M. Labour & Industrial Laws, Allahabad Law Agency, Faridabad.


International Human Resource Management

M.M.- 100 Internal- 30 External- 70 Note: There will be five units in all. The number of questions to be set will be ten, in a manner that there are two questions from each unit. The students will be required to attempt five questions in all, selecting one question from each unit. There may be a case problem (which may or may not be compulsory); it will be in lieu of two questions carrying 28 marks and will be in addition to ten questions. Course Objective To make students understand the different orientation needed to manage human resources internationally . Course Outlines Unit-I: International Human Resource Management; Objective, Scope and significance; Key Trend in International HRM: Equal Employment Opportunities, Affirmative action; network organization; Challenges to IHRM. Computer Management Insights: Ouches. Unit-II: International Human Resource Management Planning and procurement: International assignment and selection process. International Staffing policies: Expatriate assignments and Out Sourcing. Unit-III: Orientation, Training and Development practices in HRM. Career Planning and Career Development in HRM. Compensation practices in MNCs. Unit-IV: Comparative Industrial Relation System; Role of International Labor organization and Trade unionism. Productivity and Quality of Work Life Improvement Programme Worldwide. Unit-V: Human Resource Management: Culture and Organization life; Cross Cultural difference and management implications; Hostages Study; Cross cultural imperatives and Work goals. Global Leadership and multicultural teams.

Suggested Readings: 1. Gary Des Slel Human Resource Management, Pearson Education Pvt. Ltd., Delhi. Personal Management, Himalaya Publishing House.


Memoria C.B.

-Armstrong M. -Bratton J. & J. Gold

Handbook of Strategic Human Resource Management, Crest publishing. Human Resource Management: theory Practice, London: MacMillan. Principles of Personnel Management, McGraw Hill, New York. Personnel Management & Human Resource, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi. International Dimensions of Management, Boston, PWS Kent. Human Resource Management, Encell Books, New Delhi.

-Filipp, Edwin B. -Venkata Ratnam G.S. & B.K. Srivastava -Arvind Phatak -Rao, VSP -www. expressot -Porter Michael

Competitive Strategy, Free Press, New Delhi.

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