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Project Datasheet

Sangu, Bangladesh
Facts CUSTOMER SANTOS (formerly operated by Cairn Energy) DURATION 1998 present with 5 year rolling contract LOCATION Offshore Bay of Bengal Onshore Chilimpur, Chittagong, Bangladesh. ASSETS Sangu A wellheads platform; 50km, 20 gas pipeline; Chilimpur Gas Terminal, capacity 260 mmscfd MANHOURS 77000per annum NATIONALITIES 94% Bangladesh, 3% Pilipino 2% British, 1% Indian

Sangu is the first offshore gas field development in Bangladesh. Wood Group PSN (WGPSN) is achieving world class results on performance and safety with a predominantly national workforce that had little gas processing or industry experience prior to the project.
SCOPE We have completed work on the development phase of the field, where we provided project management, engineering and design, procurement, and construction management. We are currently responsible for field management, provision of operations and maintenance personnel, operations and technical support, including asset integrity, management of all surface operations and implementation of a training and competence assurance program to continue increasing the percentage of national and regional personnel.

BACKGROUND Bangladesh is estimated to lose $1billion each year in economic output due to unreliable energy supplies, therefore securing a safe and sustainable gas supply is an ongoing urgent priority. CHALLANGES Our main worksite is in a remote location that is prone to monsoons and severe flooding. Gas production is a comparatively new industry in Bangladesh, so the available workforce is relatively new to this type of work. After nine years of production, the field is in decline and one of the new challenges includes revising operating costs.

MANHOURS 77000per annum Discipline Engineering Operations and Maintenance Services GPC, operations and maintenance, project management

Asset performance for Sangu Operations is up there with the worlds finest - it is a remarkable achievement and a tribute to everyone involved.

Peter Walton, WGPSN Project Manager


Project Datasheet

Sangu, Bangladesh
facts 99.4% plant uptime and LTI-free for over 10 years. Efficient operations and maintenance keeps the costs of getting the oil and gas from the well to a minimum. After a peak in 2005 production at the sangu gas field development in Bangladesh is now declining yet we are achieving world class results on performance and safety with a workforce of whom 94% are from the local area and few had gas processing or industry experience prior to the project.

The operations team here at the Sangu gas plant was successfully re-organised in June 2007 following a manpower review. Our reorganisation was supported by the much earlier and succcessful implementaion of a competency assurance program. The other essential departments, such as HSE, supply chain, finance, security, HR, document control, planning and administration were already being run by local personnel. The reorganisation involved mostly promoting local people into supervisory positions.
Peter Walton, Operations Manager

approach Our site program embodies WGPSNs core values and concentrates on key performance indicators. We share the same building as our customer and have an integrated management team. We have paid careful attention to selecting the right staff to run the competency assurance programme, so that the right mix of technical skills and behaviours are learned. We work with service providers to raise their awareness of health, safety, environment and quality assurance, and quality control standards, so expanding our positive impact on the local community, and have rolled out an employee Aids/HIV awareness programme. Government-provided social care is limited and unemployment is an issue. To increase the local labour pool and reduce some of the strain felt by our existing employees through supporting extended families, we provide financial and practical support to a local hospital and orphanage, a pre-school education program, an non-formal primary education program, and an unemployed adolescent project. We hire graduates of the adolescent project through an apprentice training scheme.

Achievements World class plant uptime and safety performance. Over 7 million man-hours without a lost time incident. Nine years without a lost time incident. 400 billion cubic feet of production has been achieved with zero LTIs and 99.7% uptime. Three years recordable case free. In November 2006 the project team successfully completed a planned shutdown twenty-two hours ahead of schedule. We have project managed the fabrication, installation and successful commissioning of a gas bypass line, and improved production processes at the gas plant, both of which have increased the availability of saleable gas. 2007 We have replaced almost all expat workers with local people at our project in Bangladesh. 2008 Our Sangu project was one of the fastest offshore gas developments in the world - two years from initial discovery to first gas - and boasts world class performance for safety and uptime.

WGPSNs nationalisation process is working well here at Sangu because it is both reducing the operational project costs and truly developiong local resources
Abhijit Roy, Maintenance Supervisor

A little over a month ago, not only did we celebrate 10 years of Sangu gas sales but we also celebrated 10 years of production operations without a Lost Time Incident (LTI). This is a world class performance comparable to and exceeding operations in more developed countries. In those 10 years we have accumulated a total of eight million manhours worked without serious incident. To put those rather dry statistics in a real perspective, every day for the last 10 years an average of 170 people have worked at Sangu and they have all returned home to their families safe and sound at the end of each day. A very impressive acheivement and special thanks are due to WGPSN and Peter Walton, WGPSN operations manager for the Sangu Gas plant and his team for their significant efforts in acheiving this milestone.
Ian Wright, Cairn Energy Director of Operations and Engineering

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