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Batam Free Trade Zone

In looking at Batam FTZ, Singaporeplays an important role in gaining the economic and political power over the region. The rapid development of the electronics industry and booming economic growth in late 1980s encouraged Singaporeto aggressively open up new production spaces and seek new supplies of cheap labour, land and water from its neighbour, Indonesia. The concept of the logic of territorial power applies here. Singaporeis an exemplary case of a political state that can actually set out to build an effective and dynamic regional economy within itself by systematically capturing the molecular processes of capital accumulation in space and time within its borders (Harvey 2003).

The establishment of Batam FTZ as a Singapore backyard for its manufacturing industries involves political negotiations between Indonesia and Singapore in compliance with the standard of global exchange. Included in this, is the hinterlandization, the zoning of neigbouring countries to secure access to land and cheap labour. Institutional arrangements to accommodate the interests of Singapore were made, along with the establishment of infrastructure and land clearing within Indonesia. In this context, citing Glassman (2010), regionalization can be differentiated from regionalism. Regionalism is driven by formal government-to-government arrangements such as economic unions and trade agreements, while regionalization is less constructed and (more) market driven form of integration (Evans, Kaplinsky, and Robinson 2006, 16) . The chapter further elaborates on the concept of the growth triangle of Indonesia-Malaysia-Singapore in the context of regionalization.

Afrika Selatan Belajar FREE TRADE ZONE di Batam

Oleh chandra gunawan on Nov 29th, 2012

BATAMBadan Pengusahaan Kawasan Free Trade Zone Batam menerima kunjungan studi banding Kementerian Perdagangan Afrika Selatan, Kamis (29/11/2012). Menurut Ilham Eka Hartawan, Kasubdit Humas dan Publikasi BP Batam, kehadiran Departemen Perdagangan tersebut bagian dari misi ekonomi dan bisnis Afsel. Program itu diusung Kemendag RI dan Kemendag Afsel. Perwakilan Kemendag Afsel dihadiri oleh Deputy Director General Departement of Trade and Industry Afsel Tumelo Chipfupa. Mereka menyampaikan mau studi banding Free Trade Zone, Afsel ingin bangun kawasan sejenis dan mempelajarinya dari Batam, katanya. Kunjungan Departemen Perdagangan dan Industri Afsel ke Batam ini merupakan kunjungan pertama sejak misi ini dirintis. Mereka akan melakukan pertemuan dengan Kadin Kepri dan BP Batam dan kunjungan ke Kawasan Industri Batamindo, Sumatra Promotion Center, PT McDermott dan Pelabuhan Kabil, tuturnya. Dalam kesempatan pertemuan dengan Kepala BP Batam Mustofa Widjaja, mereka membahas soal regulasi hingga profil kawasan perdagangan bebas dan pelabuhan bebas Batam. Deputy Director General Departement of Trade and Industry Afsel Tumelo Chipfupa bersama delapan delegasi lainnya akan berada di Batam hingga Jumat (29/11/2012).(k17/k59)

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