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After Download install IDM via idman614b2.exe, Exit it from tray and Then open patch.

exe and click on patch and browse to IDMan.exe from C:/Program Files (x86)/Internet Download Manager.

Sometimes we need to translate documents from english to some other language or viceversa. If u need to do this and you dont know that language, then now you can do this simply by using MS Word 2007, no need of translator.

you can insert phrases from languages you do not know into your documents, duplicate documents in multiple languages without retyping and transform documents you have received in foreign languages so you can read them.











1). 2).

Open Click


and select

text which on


want then


translate. on translate.

on Review button


3). A window will open on right hand side, here select language in which you want to convert document and also existing language.



on Go.

5). The selected or highlighted text will be translated in the lower part of the task pane shown in figure.

If you need to translate the selected text into a language that is not included in the given list, click on Translation options and select the particular language you want.

How would you like to change the logon screen background in Windows 7 so as to give your Windows a customized look and feel? With a small tweak it is possible to customize the Windows 7 logon screen and set your own picture/wallpaper as the background. Changing logon screen background in Windows 7 is as simple as changing your desktop wallpaper. Well here is a step by step instruction to customize the logon screen background. 1. The image you need to set as the background should be a .jpg file and its size should not exceed 245KB. 2. The image resolution can be anything of your choice. However I prefer 1440 x 900 or1024 x 768. You can use any of the photo editing software such as Photoshop to compress and set the resolution for your image. Once youre done, save this image as backgroundDefault.jpg.

3. You will need to copy this image to C:\Windows\system32\oobe\info\backgrounds You will need to create that path if it does not already exist on your computer.

4. Now open the Registry Editor (Start -> Run -> Type regedit) and navigate to the following key HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Authentication\LogonUI\Background If Background does not exist rightclick LogonUI, select New and then Key, and then name it Background. Now locate OEMBackground (listed on the right side). If it does not exist, rightclick Background and select New and then DWORD and name it OEMBackground. 5. Double-click on OEMBackground and set the Value Data to 1. 6. Now log-off to see the new logon screen background. If you would like to revert back to the default background, just set the Value Data back to 0. I hope you like this trick. Just try out and give your feedback!

To Do so we will be using netstat command in windows. If you want to know the IP address of a specific person on facebook or orkut or any chat service, there is only one way: Just invite or ping him for a chat and while chat is ON open Command Prompt on your PC (Start >Run>cmd). note: before trying this make sure you close all the other tabs in your browser. and only facebook is open. also if possible delete all the history and cache from your browser. When command prompt opens Type the following command and hit Enter. netstat -an And you will get all established connections IP addresses there. Note down all the suspicious IPs


To do so we will be using IP tracer service. Go to the below address and paste the IP address in the box that says lookup this ip or website. and it will show you the location of the user. It will show you all the information about that user along with his ISP and a Location in the MAP. Now in the MAP Just click on click for big ip address location in the big picture you can actually zoom in. and try to recognize the area. If any serious matter just note down the ISP details in that page and contact them about the IP. they will respond you. Other netstat commands: -a Displays all connections and listening ports. -e Displays Ethernet statistics. This may be combined with the -s option. -n Displays addresses and port numbers in numerical form. -p proto Shows connections for the protocol specified by proto; proto may be TCP or UDP. -s option to display per-protocol statistics, proto may be TCP, UDP, or IP. -r Displays the routing table. -s Displays per-protocol statistics. By default, statistics are shown for TCP, UDP and IP; the -p option may be used to specify a subset of the default.

A Registry tweak
The process begins with a very minor Registry tweak. Even for those who would not normally feel comfortable editing the Registry, this ones a piece of cake. To begin, click the Start button and type Regedit in the Search box. Then, select the appropriate result and press [Enter]. When you do, youll see the User Account Control, shown in Figure A, and will need to click the Yes button. Note: Editing the Windows Registry file is not without its risks, so be sure you have a verified backup before making any changes.

Figure A

You will encounter a UAC when you launch the Registry Editor.
Once the Registry Editor launches, locate and right-click on HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE key and select the Find command. When you see the Find dialog box, type OEMBackground in the text box and make sure that only the Values check box is selected, as shown in Figure B.

Figure B

Type OEMBackground in the Find dialog box.

When the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Authentication\LogonUI\ Background key opens, locate and double-click the OEMBackground value. When you see the Edit

DWORD dialog box, change the value data from 0 to 1, as shown in Figure C. (If the OEMBackground value doesnt exist in the Background key, youll need to pull down the Edit menu from that key and select New | DWORD (32-bit) Value).

Figure C

Change the value data from 0 to 1.

To complete this part of the operation, click OK to close the Edit DWORD dialog box and then close the Registry Editor.

Creating folders
In the second part of the operation, youll need to create a couple of folders. To begin, launch Windows Explorer. Then navigate to the C:\Windows\System32\Oobe folder. Once you access the Oobe folder, click the New Folder button in the Windows Explorer toolbar. Youll see a confirmation dialog box, like the one shown in Figure D. When you click Continue, the new folder will be created and you can name it info.

Figure D

When you click the New Folder button, youll encounter a confirmation dialog box.
Then, open the info folder, click the New Folder button again, work through the confirmation dialog box, and then name the second new folder backgrounds.

Configuring the wallpaper

You can use any image that you want for your new Logon screen wallpaper. However, the image has to be in JPG format and you need to name it backgroundDefault.jpg. When you copy your file to the Windows\System32\Oobe\info\backgrounds folder, youll encounter and will need to work through a confirmation dialog box similar to the one shown in Figure D. Two other things to keep in mind: First, the actual file size of backgroundDefault.jpg cannot exceed 256 KB. Second, youll want to use an image whose dimensions match the screen resolution that you are using. If you use a file whose dimensions are smaller, the image will be stretched and may appear distorted.

Altering shadows
As you know, the button and the text used to identify your user account on the Logon screen have shadows behind them to give them a 3D-like look, and these shadows work well with the default Logon screen wallpaper. Depending on what image you use for your new Logon screen wallpaper, these shadows might not work so well. In addition to making it easy to change the Logon screen wallpaper, Microsoft also made it easy to adjust or disable the text and button shadows to accommodate your particular image.

To alter the shadows, launch the Registry Editor again as described above and access the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Authentication\LogonUI folder Once you open the LogonUI folder, youll create a new DWORD value called ButtonSet, as shown in Figure E. You can then configure the shadow by setting the value data to one of the following numbers:

0 Light shadow 1 Dark shadow 2 No shadow

Figure E

The ButtonSet value allows you to adjust or disable the text and button shadows.

Whats your take?

Now that you know how easy it is to change the Logon screen wallpaper, will you do so? As always, if you have comments or information to share about this topic, please take a moment to drop by the TechRepublic Community Forums and let us hear from you. TechRepublics Windows Vista and Windows 7 Report newsletter, delivered every Friday, offers tips, news, and scuttlebutt on Vista and Windows 7, including a look at new features in the latest version of the Windows OS. Automatically sign up today!

Maintenance and cleaning up of your PC should be part of a regular routine to ensure that you dont have any long-term problems with the computer. Unfortunately most basic computer users may not understand the mechanics of a computer or may feel intimidated with the maintenance. Just follow the step by step to make your windows Faster as never before Disable CD Autorun ( Win XP PRO Only) 1) Click Start, Run and enter GPEDIT.MSC 2) Go to Computer Configuration, Administrative Templates, System. 3) Locate the entry for Turn autoplay off and modify it as you des Speed Up Browsing When you connect to a web site your computer sends information back and forth. Some of this information deals with resolving the site name to an IP address, the stuff that TCP/IP really deals with, not words. This is DNS information and is used so that you will not need to ask for the site location each and every time you visit the site. Although Windows XP and Windows XP have a pretty efficient DNS cache, you can increase its overall performance by increasing its size. You can do this with the registry entries below:Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEM CurrentControlSetServicesDnscacheParameters] CacheHashTableBucketSize=dword:00000001 CacheHashTableSize=dword:00000180 MaxCacheEntryTtlLimit=dword:0000fa00 MaxSOACacheEntryTtlLimit=dword:0000012d Make a new text file and rename it to dnscache.reg. Then copy and paste the above into it and save it. Merge it into the registry. Disable Indexing Services Indexing Services is a small little program that uses large amounts of RAM and can often make a computer endlessly loud and noisy. This system process indexes and updates lists of all the files that are on

yourcomputer. It does this so that when you do a search for something on your computer, it will search faster by scanning the index lists. If you dont search your computer often, or even if you do search often, this system service is completely unnecessary. To disable do the following: 1. Go to Start 2. Click Settings 3. Click Control Panel 4. Double-click Add/Remove Programs 5. Click the Add/Remove Window Components 6. Uncheck the Indexing services 7. Click Next Optimise Display Settings Windows XP can look sexy but displaying all the visual items can waste system resources. To optimize: 1.Go to Start 2. Click Settings 3. Click Control Panel 4. Click System 5. Click Advanced tab 6. In the Performance tab click Settings 7. Leave only the following ticked: - Show shadows under menus - Show shadows under mouse pointer - Show translucent selection rectangle - Use drop shadows for icons labels on the desktop - Use visual styles on windows and buttons Speed Up Folder Browsing You may have noticed that every time you open my computer to browse folders that there is a slight delay. This is because Windows XP automatically searches for network files and printers every time you open Windows Explorer.

To fix this and to increase browsing significantly:

1. Open My Computer 2. Click on Tools menu 3. Click on Folder Options 4. Click on the View tab. 5. Uncheck the Automatically search for network folders and printers check box 6. Click Apply 7. Click Ok 8. Reboot your computer Remove The Desktop Picture Your desktop background consumes a fair amount of memory and can slow the loading time of your system. Removing it will improve performance. 1. Right click on Desktop and select Properties 2. Select the Desktop tab 3. In theBackground windowselect None 4. Click Ok Disable Unnecessary ServicesBecause Windows XP has to be all things to all people it has many services running that take up system resources that you will never need. Below is a list of services that can be disabled on most machines: Alerter Clipbook Computer Browser Distributed Link Tracking Client Fast User Switching Help and Support (If you use Windows Help and Support leave this enabled)

Human Interface Access Devices Indexing Service IPSEC Services Messenger Netmeeting Remote Desktop Sharing (disabled for extra security) Portable Media Serial Number Remote Desktop Help Session Manager (disabled for extra security) Remote Procedure Call Locator Remote Registry (disabled for extra security) Remote Registry Service Secondary Logon Routing & Remote Access (disabled for extra security) Server SSDP Discovery Service (Unplug n Pray will disable this) Telnet TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper Upload Manager Universal Plug and Play Device Host Windows Time Wireless Zero Configuration (Do not disable if you use a wireless network) Workstation To disable these services: Go to Start and then Run and type services.msc Double click on the service you want to change Change the startup type to Disable Remove Annoying Delete Confirmation Messages Although not strictly a performance tweak I love this fix as it makes my machine feel faster. I hate the annoying are you sure? messages that XP displays, especially if I have to use a laptop touchpad to close them. To remove these messages: 1. Right-click on the Recycle Bin on the desktop and then click Properties

2. Clear the Display Delete Confirmation Dialog check box and click Ok!!

Some times it happens that you forgot the password of your memory card (MMC, micro SD) and you have lots of your important data in it. and You struggle to get back your password. Right? Today am going to show you how you can recover the lost password of your memory card with the help of nokia phone. It is possible only if you have Nokias s60 phone (eg: 6600, 6610, N70,N73,E63,E71,N95) The thing you got to do is download and install Fileexplorer software. .

After installing follow the steps: 1. Open FExplorer and access the c: drive. 2. There u will find a file named mmcstore 3. Rename the file to: mmcstore.txt 4. The file will now open in notepad 5. U will get your password written in the notepad file Note #1: I think only few s60 phones have microSD slots. so you got to get a MMC adapter (costs around Rs.50). fit your microSD card in it and insert the MMC in your phone. Note #2: If you Just want to format your card (without recovery of data), then just get a microSD card reader and format it.


1) go to the following dir : c:\system\apps\phone\oplogo 2) delete any file in this directory 3) restart the phone


1) use the pencil key + 0 2) the screenshot is saved in C:\NOKIA\IMAGES\FE_img\


1) use the shift key + 0 2) the screenshot is saved in C:\NOKIA\IMAGES\FE_img\


<KeyPad 1> : copy <KeyPad 2> : show path (scroll with joystick left/right) <KeyPad 3> : PageUp <KeyPad 4> : cut <KeyPad 5> : *not yet used* <KeyPad 6> : top of the list <KeyPad 7> : paste <KeyPad 8> : *not yet used* <KeyPad 9> : PageDown <KeyPad 0> : Mark / Unmark a file <KeyPad *> : go to root <KeyPad #> : file properties <KeyPad C> : delete a file

There are a lot of websites on the Internet that provides free sms services but only handful of them allows you to send Sms without registration and anonymously. In this post I will review the services of 4 sms websites that allows you to send Anonymous messages. 1. allows you send message of complete 160 words and without any ads. There message service is very fast and you can even check the delivery reports of the sms that has been sent. They provide their sms services for Indian Mobile numbers only. 2. Seasms allows you to send messages all over the world. This is the only free sms service that I found which all allows you to send worldwide messages anonymously. They also provide 160 character support for SMS. 3. Spicesms allows you to send sms only in India with 130 character support for sms. Their service is very fast and sms are delivered instantaneously.

4. Bollywoodmotion Bollywoodmotion is one of the best sms website as you can send sms up to 500 characters long. They do not include any ads into your message and messages are delivered in real time.This service is available only for Indian mobile numbers If you know any other sms services that allows you to send messages without registration then do share with us by commenting.

Track Anyone Just By Sending Mail Well u wanna track ur victim or want to get his ip, location, browser settings, language or timings. all u have to do is get his email id

Once u have it.

Go to

Register there Once registered . . . send a mail to ur victim by the email id u registered at But before sending the mail just add with the victims id.. for example

and then send it when ever victim opens it his all the info will be mailed to u.

which can b very useful for the hackers.

Note = U can also change the settings in

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