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Name: Palmy (Thita) Lamsam

Class: 8B Orange

Date: Tuesday March 12, 2013

Heat Lab Report

Group Members: Problem: Independent Variable: Dependent Variable: Hypothesis: JearEing (Peachyapa) Chow (Saengcharoentrakul) How do different angles of flap affect the change of temperature in the water inside the pizza box? Angles of Flap (25o, 35 o, 45 o, 55 o, 65 o) Temperature of water (measured with a thermometer) Middle angle (45o) will heat water up the most because it will be in the middle, not too low and not too open.

Fixed Variable Amount of water (20mL)

Placement of pizza box

Duration of experiment for each trial (10mL)

Colour of paper on base (black)

Why is it important? If you have a lot of water, it will heat up slower than if you have less water. So, in order to see how much the water heats up, we will have to keep the water the same amount. If we put the pizza box in different places all the time, the amount of sunlight received may vary since different places have different distances from sunlight. If you didnt keep the duration of the experiment same, then the amount of temperature change in water might be different because it didnt get time to heat up. Keeping the same colour every time is important. Different colour might absorb more or less heat. This could affect your experiment since it could heat the water differently. Every pizza oven is not the same. There is always something different about it. It could affect the experiment since the it could absorb different amount of heat, resulting to heating the water up to a different temperature. Whatever that holds your water is important since the apparatus itself might heat up too. If the apparatus heats up, it could possibly heat up your water too, making it hotter.

How do I control it? Always measure water (20mL) before pouring into the plastic cup. Always conduct experiment in the same place. Time each experiment trial for 10 minutes

Pizza box

Always use the same piece of paper (other pieces of paper might have a different tone than the one youre using. Use the same pizza box every time

Apparatus for holding water (plastic)

Always use a plastic cup

Procedure in making the pizza box: Equipment:

1 Empty pizza box (wipe off all the crumbs) 1 Black Marker 1 30cm Ruler 1 Glue stick 1 Black paper Aluminium foil Cutter (craft knife)

Name: Palmy (Thita) Lamsam

Class: 8B Orange

Date: Tuesday March 12, 2013

Clear Plastic wrap 1 meter long string 1 ice cream stick 1 Roll of Duct Tape Method: 1. Cover all the holes in the pizza box with tape on both sides. 2. Using your ruler, measure 3 cm from each side of your box. (Completed on the box cover) 3. Put a dot on each side and connect the dots. 4. Cut three sides with a craft knife. 5. Carefully open the flap. This becomes your sun window. Fold the window up along the uncut line. 6. Using the shiny side of the foil, glue the foil to the inside of your window and smooth out as many wrinkles as possible. 7. Tape the black piece of construction paper on the inside of the box. 8. Glue or tape plastic wrap to the underside of the lid. Try to make the seal as airtight as possible. 9. For the stand: a. Break the ice cream stick into half. Place it side by side b. Wrap the ice cream stick together with tape. Make sure that it is always next together. Continue taping it until it is really hard to bend. c. Using the string, make a loop on one side of the string and put the rectangle created earlier into the loop d. Tighten the loop e. Attach the piece by taping the stand to the cover (flap). Make sure the string is still there YOUR SOLAR OVEN IS DONE! Equipment for the experiment: Pizza Oven (created earlier) Plastic cup Water Thermometer Notebook and pen or laptop (any apparatus for recording the results) Stopwatch Protractor Procedure of the experiment: 1. Measure the water to 20mL and pour it into the plastic cup 2. Measure the temperature of the water and record it 3. Place the oven where you can receive the most sunlight 4. Measure the flap to 25o. Hold the angle with the stand by stretching the string and topping it with something heavy (a brick for example. But, stepping on it is probably the most efficient way). 5. Put the plastic cup filled with water in the pizza box (youll have to open up the plastic wrap flap) and set the stopwatch on for 10 minutes 6. After 10 minutes, carefully open up the plastic wrap flap and measure the water temperature and record it 7. Repeat steps 1-6 twice. After that, change the angle to 35o, and then 45o, 55o and 65o. Repeat steps 3 times for each angle and always record all data. Results: Raw data (Highlighted column indicates the flap with most change):
< Flap Start Temp End Temp LUX AVG.CHNG Time

Name: Palmy (Thita) Lamsam

25 Degrees 35 45 55 65 33/33/33 20/20/20 30/30/30 30/30/27 32/32/32

Class: 8B Orange
38/38/38 30/31/31 31/32/32 33/34/38 36/38/37 37,000 18,000 24,000 20,000/75,000 33,000

Date: Tuesday March 12, 2013

5 11 2 6 5 10 minutes 10 minutes 10 minutes 10 minutes 10 minutes

Graph (Line graph with trend line):

Average Temperature Change of Water

12 Temperature (Celcius) 10 8 6 4 2 0 25 35 45 Angle of flaps 55 65 Average Change Of Temperature Linear (Average Change Of Temperature)

Graph (Bar Graph, no trend line):

Average Temperature Change of Water

12 Temperature (Celcius) 10 8 6 4 2 0 25 35 45 Angle of flaps 55 65 Average Change Of Temperature

Name: Palmy (Thita) Lamsam

Data Analysis:

Class: 8B Orange

Date: Tuesday March 12, 2013

Looking at both graphs above, I think that there is no pattern shown in here. At first, I expect it to go up on 25o/35 o, reach its peak on 45 o and then slowly come down on 55 o and 65 o. But, it turns out that 45o has the least temperature change while 35o has the most temperature change (LUX was the lowest too). Discussion: Conclusion: My hypothesis was WRONG. The angle of flap which warmed the water up most was 35o. There was no pattern in my experiment. Scientific Explanation: I think that 35o warmed the water up most because it is the perfect (not exactly) angle for the sun to come in. Since silver reflects everything, it bounces back and with the angle on 35O, it landed on the cup. This is based on the discussions I had with Mr Barclay. How the pizza oven works: The aluminium foil will help reflect the sun light back into the box. The black paper then absorbs the sun's heat and warms up your solar oven. The clear plastic will allow the sun to shine in and keeps the heat from escaping. The water is heated up by the UV light rays from the sun (which is then converted to heat energy). It has been converted to heat energy from the plastic cover. UV light rays have the right energy to heat water, fat and protein, so you can make delicious snacks using your solar oven! Diagram:

Name: Palmy (Thita) Lamsam

Class: 8B Orange

Date: Tuesday March 12, 2013

Errors, Limitations and Weaknesses:

Error/Limitation/Weakness The Sun (position) How it could affect the results Different angles of sun can affect the results as they give out different amount of sunlight each time (period one sun may be at 55O while period four sun may be a difference of 35O) The Lux may vary each day as some days might be bright and sunny while others are cloudy. The more Lux you have, the more change of temperature the water could heat up. But, since we did it in different days, the Lux could have varied, making the results messy and not having a pattern. Even though the placement is the same, there might be objects such as people in front of you who can possibly be blocking the sun from getting to your pizza box. You might not get the amount of sunlight you could have gotten, making it harder to heat the water up How we can control/ fix it Cannot be fixed as it is something we cannot control

LUX (Amount of sunlight)

Cannot be fixed as it is something we cannot control Can be fixed if quickly done at the same day


Complete experiment in a place where there is nobody in front of you and always stay there

Overall Evaluation and Improvements for Further Experiments: Overall, I think that I have completed a really fair experiment. I have accurately measured the dependent variable and noted down every results and any error that could affect the results. I have made some changes to the pizza oven procedure by making the stand but overall, the solar oven worked pretty well. For improvements to be made for future experiments, I think that I should reduce the time to conducting the experiment for each trial (10 minutes to 3-5 minutes) since it was too long. On the last day of the experiment, the Lux was really high so I might have gotten some pattern in my results. But, because it would take 10 minutes to do each trial, I didnt get the chance to do it. Next time, I would probably reduce the time down to 3-5 minutes or else it would be too long. Bibliography: "Solar Oven for Kids." - Solar Energy for Kids. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Mar. 2013. <>. "Deals on Solar Cookers and More..." How Does Solar Cooking Work? N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Mar. 2013. <>.

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