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Useful Radiography Formulas

EXPOSURE FACTOR Thickness (mm)

3.175 6.350 9.525 12.700 15.880 19.050 22.230 25.400 28.575 31.750 34.925 38.100 41.275 44.450 47.625 50.800 HVT(Steel ) of Ir192
= 13.0 mm

Film Density 2.00

0.072 0.082 0.099 0.125 0.150 0.180 0.200 0.240 0.280 0.340 0.390 0.465 0.557 1.650 0.777 0.905

HVT ( Lead ) of IR 192

= 5.5 mm HVT ( Concrete) of IR 192 = 43.0 mm

0.091 0.110 0.130 0.150 0.180 0.210 0.250 0.295 0.350 0.410 0.495 0.595 0.702 0.810 1.030 1.250

Radioactive Isotope Decay Formula

Cp = Co / 2n Where:
n = t 74.4 days t = no. of days Cp = Curies after t number of days Co = Original Curies 74.4 days = Half life of IR 192

Safe Distance Formula

SD = Curie x 130 x 37 7.5 meters

Exposure Time = [EF x D2( inch) x FF]


Geometrical Un-sharpness
Ug = Focal size x Material Thickness Distance Max. Reqd = 0.020 inch or 0.503 mm.

Where: EF = Exposure Factor D = Distance in inches FF = Film Factor

Agfa D7 FF = 1 Kodak MX FF = 2.5

Inverse Square Law

I 1 D1 2 = I 2 D2 2

Exposure Time - Distance Relationship Half Value Thickness

I = IO 2n T 1 D2 2 = T 2 D1 2

Where: Io = Initial Intensity I = Second Intensity

n = number of HVT Tenth Value Thickness I = IO 10 n Where: Io = Initial Intensity I = Second Intensity n = number of TVT Alternative HVT Formula No. of HVT = Log I Log Io Log 2

Curie Exposure Time Relationship

C1 T 1 = C 2 T 2

Conversion Factors
1.0 Curie = 37 Gbq = 37 x 10 12 Bq 1.0 Gray = 100 Rads 1.0 Sv = 100 Rems

Output @ 1.0 meter IR 192

= 0.48 R/hr/ Ci

= 130 microSv/hr/GBq

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