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Why managers fail?

Why managers fail? Managers are those who are able to maintain a productive working environment, build positive working relationship and engage in problem solving matters. Successful managers are those who are effective and efficient which is the attainment of objectives and goals that an organization sets for itself. Managers fail because of inability to lead, plan and delegate, communicate, listen, and lacking intelligence. Why managers fail is due to failure to lead and direct as employees do not appear to align their personal goals with organizational goals, a situation that would lead to failure. The organization performance suffers and loss of skills when employees leave for better opportunities in other firms or just do not participate using all their skills. Another failure to lead occurs when individuals stop volunteering probably due to loss of trust, the leaders effectiveness is demolished which makes visions difficult to share as the leader is unable to achieve the ultimate leadership goal. Why managers fail is due to lack of planning and delegation as they are a part of managerial skills. Effective delegation involves understanding and getting work done through employees, and dedication of resources towards fulfilment of the objective of the organization. Why managers fail is due to communication failure. Lack of communication involves a number of bad practices such as failing to share information, not listening to input from one being managed and not providing feedback. Leading a group of employees needs understanding of their strengths and weaknesses and something like that comes through interaction. Listening skills is also a part of communication. Whatever knowledge a manager possesses, the expertise needs to be shared. Why managers fail is due to lack of intelligence and experience as several employees have stated that their managers have no focus and displays poor thinking. Judgement as previously stated was mentioned in a recent article describing their boss as not strategically thinking. A manager that lacks expertise, insight and certain skills, for example, problem solving ability. A flaw like this may be a matter of perception, because the managers may have the expertise but unable to use it convince others causing leadership failure. Lacking the ability to make decisions is another trait. The reasons provided why managers fail are significant issues that managers struggle with continuously. Management can also recognize any further development problems that needs to be addressed so they can break free of them and ultimately become successful.

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