Poker Analyser With Report

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>>> You MUST ENABLE MACROS to use this analyser <<< Texas Hold'em Analyser...

This analyser works on the .txt hand history files that Party Poker generates on your computer If you don't already have a party poker account you can open one today.. All I ask is that you use the link below to register so I can receive some reward for my efforts. Getting started To use the analyser... Put the directory path to your hand history folder in cell A1 on the sheet named "Sheet1". Once you have done this press Ctrl + G (for Go!). You should end up with a list of all hands you took part in and you should also see all the other hands that other players showed down and any profit you made I have tested the analyser only on No Limit Hold'em games: Cash, Tournament and Freerolls What do you do once you have the results? Well plenty! You can sort the table of data you get out to see if perhaps you are doing something that is causing you to lose frequently. You can also take a look at which hands are winning for you. You could also see how the number of players involved on the flop may affect how the hand turned out for you if you were involved past the flop If you highlight the table of data then right-click on the highlighted data you should see an option to sort the data. Hints and tips: what to look for in your games to improve profitability If you look at the way small pairs are played (I notice from my own play) usually you can win a small pot if you bet, but if you get raised someone is trying to create a bigger pot and you should then probably fold your hand as you will infrequently win if you call that raise. Look at your results to see if this is true in your own games. I also noted in my own play that people who make too many raises often do so with hands that aren't too difficult to beat. If you play pairs in the hole, you will notice raising this player back will get more money in the pot and win more for you. Be aware if you get your player wrong they may have a pair themselves and call you with a better hand. You may notice again as I did in my own play that when there is a straight/flush draw, your opponents are more likely to play a big pot so make big bets to protect your hands in such cases. If the straight/flush draw hits though, be prepared to fold. Look at hands where you had draws only (no pairs) did you win much? Or do you lose in general?

Identify how often you win all in vs how often you lose. Do you win more than you lose? What about when theres 3 to a flush or straight on the flop.. Does a bet generally win the pot for you? One thing you need to be able to do is to analyse the community cards for the nuts. Maybe you could win more frequently if you knew your opponents didn't hold the nuts. Does your bluff bet look big? E.g. 200 is just 2 x 100 chips, 298 is a larger number of chips and so psychologically looks a lot bigger than it really is. Check how much your straights win when they are obvious (hole cards (67): 345KQ) rather than mixed up and contain face cards (hole cards (JT): 9Q2K8) Check if an all red flop hides your flush better than a flop that has 2 diamonds and 1 club/spade Hopefully this section has given you a few things to think about for next time you play and also a few things you can analyse as a result to improve your game and profitability. Odd results? Bugs? Errors? As this is the first version of the software I have released (ever), the analyser still has a few bugs. If you find any bugs that need a quick fix, here's what do do: Save the analyser, if possible before excuting the run command, with the data you want to analyse and send it back to me at: I will make updates to the code and post an updated version online when I am able to do so - follow me on twitter to stay up to date with the latest updates. I am making updates roughly 1-2 times a month a minimum at the current time and am planning a few new cool things that should help you improve your game immeasurably with just a couple hours study. I will also be working on the interface as at present its pretty basic. If you spot your profit/loss is '0' but the analyser said you played then this is usually because you were in the Big Blind or Small Blind position. In this case you may have folded on the flop and therefore lost only your forced blind bet.

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hole1 hole2 Played? Profit Flop Flop Flop Turn River

3s 2h 2s Th Jd 5s Js

6d 8h 6c Jd 3c 5c Qs

0 0 0 1 1 450

5d Qc

Js 7c

As Th

6s Js

7c 6c

0 As

Kc 4c 3d

2s 3h 7h

6s Jh 2s

2d Qh 2d

1 -3450 6c 1 -420 7s

Hands Shown

Blinds Blinds Won

Player Down

Am I all-In?

Position Players PF PF Hand type

600 600 600 600 stamsi : Qc, 8c pkrOD : Jd, 3c move63 : 6s, Qs lollobob : Th, Tc ANTONIY555 : Ah, Jh lollobob : 8s, Ad 600 600 600 -5.75 -0.7 Game Over 1 0.75 1 5 5 5 3 3 4 6

4 3

1 2

Hand type Position & Win(1)/Lose(0) & Win(1)/Lose(0) Stack

6890 41 31 1 41 1 10 20 1 1 1 11 51 50 50 6890 7990 7990 6990 6190 6090 6090 6090 6640 940

3870 3870 3870 3870 4320 4020 420


Hole Cards Winner

Profit ($)

PF Move







PAGE NOT YET COMPLETE. Under construction Follow me on twitter: for the latest updates on my poker analyser

Use the 'OpponentData' sheet to look for patterns each player has.. Do they play draws fast (and so are weak) or do they only play bet made hands (and so are strong)? How to use the OpponentData data-sheet First sort the data by column E, then look to see who raises with weak hands. Once you have found that player you can re-sort the data by player ID and see if they were consistently weak, or repeated an action that gave away the real strength of their hand. You will soon see there are categories of player 1) those who raise with hands too weak to raise with - meglomaniac 2) those who call with hands too weak to call with - calling station 3) those who raise only with good hands, and check all other times - the rock 4) the loose aggressive player, plays a variatey of hands usually quite well. 5) the professional player. You won't run into this player often but if you do look out. You will be better able to play aggressive against the correct opponents once you can see how they are playing, With the unshown hands, you should also be able to see if players fold frequently to straight draws/flush draws and if you often fold to straight draws yourself. Using the sheet provided you should also be better able to estimate what a check/bet/raise/reraise really means. I have already provided some quick analysis on this topic on my webpage, see: ..there is an image displaying info on re-raises with some reasonably quick commentary about what I learnt about it.

hey play draws fast (and so are weak)

hands. Once you have found that player weak, or repeated an action that ategories of player

s once you can see how they are playing,

frequently to straight draws/flush draws

hat a check/bet/raise/reraise really means.

ick commentary about what I learnt about it.

Poker is an odds based game This sheet is a work in progress but here are a few odds you need to know in order to work out a profitable strategy. The more odds you know, the more profitably you should in theory be able to play and the more fun it will be.

If you know you'll hit an A OR a K on the flop roughly 30% of the time (with AK specifically) then you can estimate that yo put more than 30% of your stack into the pot preflop to break even, or if your opponent has less than you do, you can bet more than 30% of his stack and so long as he doesn't have a pair he will eventually lose by calling a bet on the flop. Actually, I try to stick to putting in no more than 12% as it is about 15% to hit any card so Im playing with a n edge of aggression that isn't overbearing nor does it get me committed to a pot if I make a bet on the flop whether or not I believe I am ahead. You will need to adjust in order to adapt to pots with more than 1 opponent and you will also need to adapt to your position and the types of opponent you face. Also you will be able to estimate far more frequently whether or not your cards will hit by remembering the last few flops. This gets easier as you begin to understand the game better because you'll remember why you decided to play a hand a certain way, so you'll have a better ability to recall. Most players don't remember much past 2 hands unless they lost a lot of money on both, and that's all they'll remember it for. ODDS'em) Above is a link to a wiki page with as many odds as you could ever want. You will also need some basic knowledge of a) how likely you are to hit if you are unpaired and how much you should call in order to profit b) how likely you are to make a hand on the flop and how likely it is to improve after the flop c) how much you should bet in order for your opponent to lose if s/he calls the bet (base it on their stack using the percentages below) Being dealt an A/K PreFlop (or any card of a particular value) An A/K flops when you have a A/K in your hole cards Being dealt a pair Being dealt AK Being dealt a suited hand Being dealt a suited hand Being dealt unsuited connected Being dealt unsuited unconnected (aka junk hand) DRAWS Open end straight draw Gut shot straight draw Flush draw completing 0.18


Note: you are more likely to hit an open end straight draw or flush draw with two cards to go than you are to hit an AK on the flop i.e. 4567, 5678 etc.

0.05 0.01 0.1 23% 15% 70%

2 cards to go 31% 8% 34%

1 card to go 16% 4% 17%

The rule of 2 and 4 says: if there are 2 cards to come multiply the number of outs you have by 4 to get a rough estimation of how likely it is to hit your hand and if you only have 1 card to come then multiply the number of outs by 2 to get a rough estimation of how likely you are to make your hand. Of course if you are only playing

for one more round and will fold on the turn if your opponent bets again you should consider your chance if you will only be playing for 1 more card rather than 2. For an open end straight draw you have 8 outs, 4*8 = 32% ... Thefore your slightly less than 1/3 to hit the straight For a flush draw you have 9 outs, 4*9 = 36%... Alternatively on the flop there are 47 cards in the deck. If you estimate your opponent has AA, you have KQ and the flop is ThJs2d, then you can guess you only have 6 outs out of 47. rounding a little will give you odds of roughly 5/45 which = 1/9 Implied odds say that actually if you make your straight though, you will be likely able to win a big pot. Again I notice from my own game that its harder to win a big pot if you wait for the hand to appear first than if you gamble before it appears. These odds aren't exact but the longer a hand doesn't appear for you the more likely it becomes that it will do (by law of averages). So you can play tight to begin with to pick up the frequency then start playing fast after you've missed 3 straight draws in a row as statistically the next one is just around the corner.... Pay attention and you will be better able to bend the odds in your favour. Strategy If you have a pair of aces and everyone checks to you but you think some one may be sitting on a flush draw then you know: a) you are likely to have the best hand b) if you don't bet you could lose the hand c) if you bet too little your opponent(s) will profit and you will could lose a big pot either to a flush draw or another hand like two pair/a set which you didn't bet enough against to stop from completing. d) a flush draw is likely to hit 34% of the time In no limit then a super aggressive strategy that stops some one betting their whole stack at you is best. I like to bet a large amount at my opponents in this situation to start with but often this won't work against all players so you may just have to get by with slight oversized pot bets. I often find I break 2 or more players when I first sit at a table using this strategy but using this strategy I also go broke once in every while. However, it does afford me other compensations as it means I can get paid on my big hands when I hit them and that means I often win another 3-4 stacks, than I would otherwise be able to, on top. Therefore a more aggressive strategy based around the odds should see you right in the long term. The moral of this story is to not worry about being very aggressive if you think it will win you a very large pot (i.e. A player's entire stack) more often than it will lose. Have courage. See if it works out and if not why not? Notes: Against a short stack you may find that they call your oversized bets, this is because short stacks just can not be bluffed and they often cannot bluff successfully themselves so in the long term lose because they play very tightly or get lucky on a few gambles and grow quickly to become as large as the other stacks at the table.

As you make a pair roughly 30% of the time, with an Ax, with 3 or more players in the pot you should have the best single pair hand roughly 1 in 5 times although (unless you have AK AQ AJ AT) you will naturally be outkicked from time to time. Also note then that the best time to play this hand is *with* position. An AQ or AK often gives you 2 overcards, 1 overcard or a better kicker than your opponent so you should have the best hand about 75% of the time so if anyone raises you, you should profit if you just bet on the flop and fold any time you get raised, though of course, you need to be sure of your opponent if you call a raise or re-raise back. Take your time to think through if your opponent would play his/her hand that way if he had just a draw or if he would only play that way if he had top pair or better... You will soon see from your results some players are more trustworthy than others. As long as you remember these percentages you can see that simply playing an odds based strategy against a certain number of opponents will allow you to break even at the very least, although you will also need to 'read' when you are beaten or not from time to time. Usually if you bet in this way you will notice from your results that others won't play with you unless they hit their hands and then you will make the right fold more often. Always Remember:All in is always a gamble. You won't win every hand just because you hold AA so be prepared to lose your money if you do go all in with AA from time to time. P.S. - If you are unable to apply strategy correctly analyse your hands and see what went wrong. Usually you will see you got attached to a hand that was close to being a winner when you lost a big pot or you didn't read a player correctly. I often find that if I estimated my opponent was tight, then used this super aggressive strategy against them they would call me with a far superior hand and I would thus lose. Try to learn from these experiences and you will soon see your results shifting into the right direction.

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Your Statistics
Hands analysed Hands played Hands Dealt #Played Pairs Suited connectors Suited Connected only Ax - AK, AQ, ... A2 All other hands Totals Position Small/Big Blind Early Middle Late Button #Played #Won Blinds Won #Lost Blinds lost Profit

Blinds won

Blinds lost



Blinds Won


Blinds lost


0.6 0.4 0.2


#Pots won vs lost
1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

#Blinds won vs lost Whats this?

#Pots won vs lost

1 0.5 0 1 0.5 0

#Blinds won vs lost

hole1 hole2 hole1


hole2 Played? Profit Flop Flop




Hands Shown


Blinds Won Player DownAm I all-In?


Players PF

PF Hand type Hand type & Position Win(1)/Lose(0) & Win(1)/Lose(0) Stack

hole1 hole2 hole1


hole2 Played? Profit Flop Flop




Hands Shown Blinds

Blinds Won Player DownAm I all-In?


Players PF

PF Hand type Hand type & Position Win(1)/Lose(0) & Win(1)/Lose(0) Stack

hole1 hole2 hole1

hole1 hole2 Played? Profit Flop Flop




Hands Shown Blinds

Blinds Won Player DownAm I all-In?


Players PF PF Hand type

Hand type & Position Win(1)/Lose(0) & Win(1)/Lose(0) Stack

hole1 hole2 hole1

hole1 hole2 Played? Profit Flop Flop




Hands Shown Blinds

Blinds Won Player DownAm I all-In?


Players PFPF Hand type

Hand type & Win(1)/Lose(0) Position & Win(1)/Lose(0) Stack

hole1 hole2 hole1

hole1 hole2 Played? Profit Flop Flop




Hands Shown Blinds

Blinds Won Player DownAm I all-In?


Players PF PF Hand type

Hand type & Position Win(1)/Lose(0) & Win(1)/Lose(0) Stack

hole1 hole2 hole1


hole2 Played? Profit Flop Flop




Hands Shown Blinds

Blinds Won Player DownAm I all-In?


Players PF

PF Hand type Hand type & Position Win(1)/Lose(0) & Win(1)/Lose(0) Stack

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