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Lebanon Road

Church of Christ
2307 Lebanon Road; Nashville, TN, 37214 * (615) 883-6918

Volume 57, No.12 March 22, 2009

Special! Johny Baker
Adam Faughn
JD often reminds us that Lord.. Interestingly, it’s well. Wayne Davidson
our young people at something we all need, so 758-2705
Lebanon Road are spe- there’s something for Several families have wel-
cial. He’s right! I’m each of us. comed little ones recently, Earl Flynn
thankful we have many and for them we are so 889-1659
One of the great things happy. May I give an en-
who pray for our young young people do is invite
people often, and others couragement to each per- Ted Fox
and encourage. We need son at Lebanon Road to be
invest a lot of time with to follow their example! I
our young people. the right kind of influence
know we’ve been “hit” on these precious treas- Charles Myers
The Bible has a lot to say with a lot of sickness ures. 883-6837
to young people. Many lately, but our attendance
of the great servants about has been down quite a bit. It’s nearly pictorial direc-
tory time. Have you Jim Schroeder
whom we read in the Bi- Let’s get back to work, 754-8990
ble served as youths. never resting in our ser- signed up for your time
Jeremiah, Mary, Josiah, vice. You know someone yet? We want 100% par-
Cliff Wilson
David and others are spe- who needs to come to the ticipation in the directory!
cifically mentioned as be- Lord. Invite him or her There will be a table set up
ing young as they served. today! in the foyer before our
services both this Pulpit Minister
Age—whether youthful or We are so Adam Faughn
older—is no excuse to morning and tonight
happy for Gavin 973-4483
avoid service to the Lord. so you may get an ap-
and Rachel pointment.
As we continue in the Hammers on Outreach Minister
book of Titus this morn- the birth of their Lebanon Road is spe- Harry Middleton
ing, we will notice that first child, Elias. cial, but Christ is even 292-3164
Paul wrote something to The family went more special. Tell
young people that should home Tuesday from the someone about Him to-
Youth Minister
guide their lives in the hospital, and all are doing day!
JD Buckner
(731) 336-4768

Sunday Sermon Preview

AM: A Winning Lifestyle (Adam Faughn)
PM: (Harry Middleton)
The Sick Worship Leaders
Ailene Crowell fell and broke her hip. She is at Sunday Morning (Contact: Carlos 889-3185)
Imperial Manor room 223B. Opening Prayer: Wayne Gordon
Hilda Thomas has moved to McKendree Manor Closing Prayer: JD Buckner
room 283N for rehab. Read Scripture: Mark Pugh
Emily Wright is having shoulder surgery on March Sermon: Adam Faughn
24th. Song Leader: Philip Autry
Serving Lord’s Supper:
Thank You... Roger Reaves 1
During our mother’s final stretch of her journey here on Lynn Wright 2
earth, she was so blessed to receive so many cards from Jack Vannatta 3
her church family. There were even cards from the little Fred Williams 4
ones. We, the family of Lucille Clanton, were blessed that Tim Hill 5
so many people from her church family sent her cards BJ Turner 6
wishing her well and letting her know that they were pray- Rich Deppisch 7
ing for her. Also, thank you for the birthday cards and for
Carlos Denny 8
the flowers. Family of Lucy Clanton
Sunday Evening (Contact: Marion 883-5038)
Congratulations Opening Prayer: Ted Fox
Closing Prayer: Ronnie Oakley
To Gavin and Rachel Hammers on the birth of their
Read Scripture: David Smith
son, Elias.
Sermon: Harry Middleton
He was born Saturday, March 14th Song Leader: Adam Faughn
He weighed 7lbs, 2 oz. Serving Lord’s Supper (Room)
Wayne Davidson 1
Congregational Potluck Wes Carnahan 2
Wednesday, March 25th (Contact: Keith 889-7366)
Immediately following Bible Class Read Scripture: Shea Cofer
Bring your favorite dishes. Opening Prayer: Austin Nichols
Speaker: JD Buckner
Drinks and Paper products will be furnished.
Song Leader: Richard Roberson
Pictorial Pictures Announcements:
Schedule your appointment to have you pictorial pic- Harry Middleton & Earl Flynn
tures made! Picture taking dates are April 8-11.
Nursery Attendants:
Spring Golf Scramble Rachel Deppisch and Rachel LeSuer

Saturday, April 18th

Ravenwood Country Club
The Record
Noon Sunday Morning Worship: 330
$40 per player Sunday Evening Worship: 224
Includes fee and cart
Open to Everyone Sunday Bible Study: ——
Friends and neighbors Wednesday Night: 206
“Just For Fun Prizes!”
Sign ups are on the tables Contribution: $11,669.50

Page 2
by Harry Middleton JD’s Column
LEBANON ROAD Hello church family!
SOUL SEEKERS Unfortunately I did not get to go to the youth minis-
This has been a very encouraging part of my ter’s workshop in Columbia, TN this past weekend. I
work. There have been at least twenty (20) individu- am sure it was a wonderful workshop. Hopefully I
als in the Lebanon Road church to express and inter- will be able to go next year!
est in door knocking. We had a meeting of fifteen
(15) last Sunday afternoon to discuss the prospect of I am thankful for the kind words and especially the
the work. It was decided by the group to meet Sat- prayers many of you have extended to Maria’s mom.
urday morning March 21, 2009 (that will be this She is waiting for more test results to determine how
coming Saturday) at 9:00 a.m. to plan the particu- to best treat her cancer. Please continue to pray dili-
lars for best carrying out the operation. We plan our gently for the Tina Kersey and the whole family. Her
first day of canvassing to be Saturday April 4. address is 620 Meadow Road, Mt. Pleasant, TN 38474
This is in anticipation of getting to invite as many as if you would like to send a card or encouraging word.
possible to be here for worship on Easter Sunday,
April 12, 2009. Our first Bible Camp meeting last Sunday was a great
You do not have to be a trained experience success. We talked about the camp committees and
“personal worker” or a professional “door knocker” decided on the theme for this year! Please consider
to be a part of this group. We will need those who how you can contribute to our camp this year. We
can knock doors, those who will go along for sup- want everyone to be involved!
port and protection, those who want to learn the
Our retreat is just around the corner! If you have not
process and especially those young people who have signed up to attend or help on Saturday, March 28,
attended Evangelism University the last five (5) or please do so as soon as possible! I want this to be a
six (6) years. So, if you have a desire to be a part of great weekend of work and spiritual growth; we need
this group and lend a hand to maybe saving the soul you to accomplish that! Also, don’t forget our youth
of one or more individuals then be here Saturday intern, Chris LaFever, will be there!
morning March 21, at 9:00 o’clock!!
If you have any questions, please email me at
Visitation Team 2 and letter writers
Thank you very much! JD :)
Meet after Services Sunday Evening

Mark Your Calendar...

March 21: Soul Seekers meeting at 9:00AM (see above article for more info)
March 22: Sycamores Terrace—Paul Smith, Richard Roberson and Don Morris
March 22: Congregational Potluck following Bible class
March 25: VBS Committee Meeting at 6:15
March 27-29: Spring Retreat—Chaperones and Saturday Adult workers are needed. See JD.
April 5: Easter Egg Hunt at Two Rivers
April 8-11: Pictorial Directory Pictures taken
April 18: Spring Golf Scramble
May 8-9: Ladies Retreat at Cedars of Lebanon—Sign up Soon!

Page 3
Have You Seen _____ Lately?
I guess that it happens in every congre- As the word gets around, people they didn’t care as much as they said
gation. See if this scenario looks famil- wonder what in the world could have they did.”
iar to you: happened and what could have been
done to prevent this situation.
How much of an impact would it
A person or a family is not with the have if every member of the local
saints when they assemble one week at May I offer one suggestion? Don’t congregation would notice when
a particular congregation of God’s peo- depend on the elders or the somebody is not attending as they
ple. It is assumed that they must be out preacher to do all of the “checking formerly did and made it a priority to
of town or something, because it is up” on individuals. Why not make it live up to all of those “one another”
unusual for them to not meet with the your responsibility (as well as the passages in the New Testament?
local congregation to worship. Another responsibility of the elders and Why don’t we try to find out what
week or two goes by and they are still preacher) to let people know that that impact would be?
missing. After about a month or so (or you care enough about them to let
more), somebody asks the preacher, them know that they are being
Will you join me in setting a goal
“Have you seen_____________ missed when they are not with us.
similar to mine? Will you make it a
lately? Let me share with you one of my goal to never have to ask the ques-
personal goals. It is just that; a goal. tion, “Have you seen
The preacher informs the brother or Unfortunately, I sometimes fail to ___________lately?”
sister that, yes indeed, he has seen meet the goal, but it is always before
me and I honestly do try. —Jim Faughn
them and/or talked with them and that
they are now worshiping somewhere It is one of my goals to make it im- via Central Messenger
else or are not worshiping anywhere at possible for any former member of
all. There is shock and disappointment the congregation to be able to say,
on the part of the one who has asked “Well, I was gone for months and
about _______________. nobody ever checked on me. I guess


2307 Lebanon Road Non-Profit Org
Nashville, TN 37214 US Postal Paid
Nashville, TN
Permit 2464

Worship With Us
Sunday: Worship 9 AM & 6 PM * Bible Classes 10:20 AM
Wednesday: Bible Classes 7 PM

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