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DM Case Study The four steps that are to be written are: 1. Product Offering 2. Lead Generation 3.

Database Development 4. Methodology/Channels Used Define the target audience in terms of demographs/psychographics. . 1 The Product Offering Mention the product and company name Initial introduction, the contents which are mentioned in the case study question. Features of the product to include variants, if any. Price of the product. Incentives - discounts, free gifts, special bonus offers, combo-pack offers etc Guarantees ( this is very critical to direct marketing) depending on the product, Mode of delivery, speed of delivery, terms and payment ,The features of the product. Talk about specifics if given or fabricate and develop along stated guidelines if very little info is give. Other details given have to be mentioned. 2 Lead Generation The key to lead generation is understanding three key media media investment relationship investment action Lead generation involves a combination of targeted communication with the goal of generating a response. . It is to be aimed at the target audience. It is a method to understand the prospects. Lead Generation may be a one step approach, two step or multi-step approach. Lead should be generated in as many ways as possible for the success of the lead generation programme. One approach can be to initiate the response and sale simultaneously . eg Readers Digest sends a mail which include all relevant details such as all the information that is required to be filled for the database records The two stage or multi-stage approach will first get the consumer to write in or flog on or call in or sms and then only at the second or subsequent steps initiate the sale through highlighting the product offering through direct mail or personal selling or telemarketing or sms. Sometimes this is done by asking the consumer to participate in a contest or sweepstake and then at the later stage, sell the product Lead generation may also use flyers, inserts, or regular advertising that gives a toll free number or a website address etc 3 Database Development This is done through 4 steps 1 Manage the Data source 2 Manage the Data Entry 3 Manage the database

Database applications

The database source is all the source from, where the data will be collected for developing the data base The data entry will be validation of names and other details through de-duplication , merge and purge, and verification to ascertain the authenticity of the data. Loyalty programmes, Customer Care, Suggestion Boxes, etc whatever is applicable should be mentioned. 4 Methodology/ List the steps that the Direct Marketing Plan that will be followed as briefly This will be specific to the case and the creativity is needed here First and foremost the channel to be used has to be decided. That is Direct Mail, Direct Response, Newspaper, Magazines, TV, Radio Internet, Catalogue, Brochures, Telemarketing, Personal Selling, Sms etc Direct Mailer may be sent to the customer. The contents of the same may be mentioned briefly. If internet is mentioned the contents need to be given in brief A combination of the above can be used List the steps that the DM Plan will follow Lastly the duration of the campaign should be given , 2 months from (state the month ) to (month)

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