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Question 1: Examples from our own thriller

Essex Boys In the videos first I talked about the location and violence incorporated in Essex Boys. These two pictures from our own thriller depict the same image. The first image we have a dingy background, dirty and rough. Although only Anglia square, it creates a background for the characters to be associated with. In this action shot from the character of Steve, we have the violence aspect shown. In Essex boys, throughout the movie violence is explicitly shown all the way throughout, however to build up more suspense we decided only to use hidden violence (one where you dont see the outcome) to leave a more lasting effect on the audience.

This Is England and Utopia In This is England I commented on the costume and how we wanted to reflect the same sort of image. The one character in particular I wanted to focus on with the costume was Edward. He needed to portray this frail, scared teenager who has gotten into a lot of mess. The acting helps, but visually the costume is what is seen first. So just like the characters in This is England, we have used the zip up jacket, tight jeans, nothing that looks overly expensive so the use of simple colours and no patterns was used for the simplicity affect. With the character of Steve, we used all black to visually create this dark nature that he was to have personality wise, the stereotypical baddy character.

The concept of Utopia is what influenced the whole idea of Grip being about a bag. Somethings inside and we dont know what but everyone wants it. In Utopia this idea is reflected as they have a script that will tell them what the white rabbit is, no one knows what it will say but everyone wants it.

Panic Room In Panic Room the transitions and titles were the key features. In our own thriller we have tried to replicate the same style with our own spin. Within our thriller (as shown to the left) we had the character of Edward reveal the name and then make it disappear too. This created a sleek and interesting way for the titles to come on the screen.

Bourne Ultimatum

Within the first running scene of our movie we have the perfect example of the hand held shaky effect of the camera that is shown in the Bourne films. By using it on the running scene and with Edward in the main focus, we have the reflected emotions of Edward with the camera movements. The shaky, uncertain, scared feeling that this thing in the bag and this person behind him isnt going to go away.

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