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Maneesh Tekwani

Population Pyramid Graph of India

Graph for the year 2000-

Graph for the year 2050-



Maneesh Tekwani

Understanding and Analyzing Population Pyramids PART 3: Criterion A: Knowing & Understanding: Uses development terms appropriately to describe the population structure of your chosen country. The interpretation should show an understanding of what a population pyramid can show about a countrys development, using details from the pyramids to illustrate ideas. PART 4: Criterion C: Thinking Critically: Analyze how changes between 2000 and 2050 in the population structure can create problems for the country you chose by presenting reasons why the changes might take place. Your country: India

DESCRIPTION OF THE POPULATION PYRAMID IN 2000: The shape of the population pyramid above is an expansive pyramid; this is because this pyramid has a broad base which helps indicate high proportion of high population growth and lower population of elderly people. The pyramid shape shows that there is a rapid birth rate and a low population of elderly people in the population. The shape shows that the male and female ratio in India is equal, as the bars for each genders age group are equal lengths. We can also determine the dependency ratio, as there are two groups that fit into that column people below age of 15 and people over the age of 65. We can easily see that most of Indias population is independent, as there is huge group of population older than 15 and younger than 65. The fertility rate can be found out by seeing the amount of the population of children at the age 0-4 as children are born during that age group. The death rate in India is considered to be high, as the shape of the pyramid is expansive. We can also determine whether a country is more developed or not by its economy. This can be done by looking at the age

DESCRIPTION OF POPULATION PYRAMID IN 2050: The shape of the population pyramid above is a mixture of expansive and stationary data, as you can see a lower proportion of elderly population in India and soon the shape turns into a stationary data shape as there is roughly the same amount of people in each age group. We can determine the birth rate to see if there is a high population during the age group 0-4, as that is the age group when children are born. The pyramid shape shows that there is good birth rate as; its population is roughly equal to a few of the other age groups. We can easily determine the male to female ratio, as we can easily see it with the information received. I feel that the male to female ratio will also be the same as the length of the lines are equal lengths on both gender sides,



Maneesh Tekwani

groups between 15 and 65, as those the age group between these two numbers are considered to be working age. As we look at the data we can see that India is economically developed as a lot of the population is in the working age and making money. Overall, I feel that India is a under developed country as the country has a high birth rate, high death rate, more independent countries, high fertility rate and equal male to female ratio.

making the male and female ratio similar. We can easily find out the death rate during this time period by looking at the shape and seeing whether the numbers drop at the top. In this case at the high age groups there is expansive shape meaning that the old age will have a high death rate as in expansive data there is always a low proportion of elderly population. I feel you can easily find out the dependency rate by looking at the at age group in the middle of the age 15 and 65, as the below 15 are children and above 65 are elder people, who are dependent and in need of help. The dependency ratio will be more independent than dependent as the age groups between 15 and 65 has most of the population meaning most of the population is independent. I feel that the fertility rate is easy to find out as all you need to know is the birth rate. The fertility rate for India in this time period would be considered in the middle as there is a medium amount birth rate. The life expectancy for India can be easily seen by looking at the top of the population pyramid and looking at the age groups. The life expectancy would be considered to be medium as the top is shows little different length, meaning it has a medium proportion of elder population indicating good life expectancy. We can find out whether there is an economic develops or no by looking at age group between 20 and 65, as those age groups between the two numbers are considered to be working age. India is economically developed as a lot of the population is in the working age and making money. Overall, I feel that India has become more developed as the country has it has a good birth rate, medium death rate, more independent countries, fertility rate and equal male to female



Maneesh Tekwani


PART 4: Criterion C: Thinking Critically

What are the predicted changes in the population structure between 2000 and 2050? Can you identify possible reasons for these predicted changes? During the year 2000 to 2050 few drastic changes occurred with the development of the country. An example of a change that occurred was that the birth rate had decreased from the 2000 to 2050. I feel the birth rate had changed as the length of the line of the two genders in 2000 had decreased in length compared to in 2050. I think the length of the birth rate would decrease, due to a higher level of infant mortality in the population. Another example of a change in development that occurred was more economy. I found this to be a change, as I saw that in that in the population pyramid changing from expansive to stationary data. Possible reason for more economy in the country could be, due to progress in technology as the technology improving in the country. Another reason could be that the age groups in 2000 moved to 2500, therefore moving certain population higher. Like 0-4 for 2000 will move to 2050 and will be changed into 50- 54, making the population for the two age groups somewhat similar. What problems might the country face in the future from these predicted changes in its population? Give reasons for your ideas. I feel that the low birth rate can lead into less schooling need. The teachers lose their jobs as less people are in need for help for education purposes. As few teachers will lose their jobs they will not have a way of earning money and wont be able to support themselves and their family. I feel that too much economy can be a problem as; the population will spend the money on luxurious items like cars that will pollute the environment. Another way that economic growth can be bad is because that economic growth makes thing more expansive for others to buy needs and wants. Explain how a countrys population structure is connected to development? I feel that a population pyramid is connected to development, as it is a good tool to use when you want to learn about few aspects of development. This tool helps us a lot when you are learning something connected to development, as it has age groups and show the population of each group making it easier to use when deciding whether a country is developed or not.

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