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Question 1

1) What do you think have been the marketing communications and advertising objectives of Asia pacific Breweries for Tiger beer from 1932 to 2012?

Marketing communication for Tiger beer from 1932-2012 Tiger beer has been using traditional communication media like: 1. Newspaper 1932 2. Television Pre-1980s to mid-1990s: Winners 1973: Theme of advertising was Unshakable for Singapore market. 1978: Theme of advertising was Around the World 1998: Theme of advertising was Reward for winners Mid-1990s: Give that man a beer, Make that a Tiger Give the man a beer, No. Give that man a Tiger Decentralized period 2004: What time is it? Tiger time, Tiger time 2005: use Hollywood star Jessica Alba The quest 2006 to present: Centralized campaign and winner message 2006: Tiger: Unravel the secret Reincarnation 2010: Tiger Crystal 2011: Tiger Beer Heist 2012: Heres to always working it out. Heres to tiger time : The straits times

Apart from these two, tiger beer also uses: 1. Football sponsorship Tiger cup which is organized by the ASEAN Football federation Live telecast of the English Premier League

European football supporters clubhouses in Singapore and other ASEAN countries- Arsenal Football Club and Football Club Barcelona. Tiger FC-a football club Street football events in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, China, and Vietnam. 2. Tiger Translate A platform for emerging artists, film makers, designers, photographers, and musicians in Asia. 3. Tiger live Brewery exhibitions 4. Internet Facebook Website ( E-mails

Objectives In Pre-1980s to mid-1990s, Pioneering advertisement was used as introductory stage of product life cycle. The advertisement told people what a product is and where it can found. The objective was to inform the target market and build awareness of the brand.

In decentralized period, the objective was to reminder the target market, reinforce previous knowledge of Tiger beer by used the musical execution approach and Hollywood artist.

In 2006 to present, the objective is reinforcement intended to reassure purchasers, to tell them that they have done the right thing in buying the Tiger beer as well as how to best take advantage of the product. It is shown in 2006- Tiger: Unravel the secret, telling the story of Tigers history and the number of awards it had won and in 2010, shown television commercial featuring the brewing process and aroma and taste of the bear.

2) What should be the appropriate marketing communications and advertising objectives from 2012 onwards? Appropriate marketing communication Internet The consumers of the Tiger beer are spread all over the world, hence internet will become an appropriate marketing communication for advertising the products and it offers much lower cost than commercial advertisement such as television. Online advertising is similar to print advertising in that it offers the audio and video capabilities of the internet. Sound and movement may simply attract more attention from viewers, or they may provide an element of entertainment to the message. Online advertising also has the unique feature of being interactive. Called rich media, these interactive ads have drop-down menus, built-in games, or search engines to engage viewers. Altough online advertising is relatively small compared to other traditional media, it offers an opportunity to reach target customers.

There are variety of online advertising options. The most popular are paid search, display (banner) ads, classified ads, and video. Paid search is one of the fastest-growing forms of internet advertising, as approximately 80 percent of all internet traffic begins at a search engine such as Google and yahoo

Place-based media As traditional media have become more expensive and cluttered, Tiger beer can use the alternative such as place the advertisement in location that attract a specific target audience such as billiard, bar, and nightclub. Appropriate Objective advertisement Reminder and Reinforcement advertising with its objective to build awareness to increasing repeat purchase can be the appropriate objective for Tiger beer in 2012 onwards.

Reminder advertisement give brief messages designed chiefly to keep a product in the mind of the consumer once the product is already familiar. Reminder advertising usually follows an extensive advertising campaign, and therefore does not elaborate on the reasons to buy the product. Common examples of reminder advertisements are those found on matchbooks as well as the more traditional media vehicles. Advertising designed to remind consumers of the benefits of a product or service, or of their current need for those benefits.

Building awareness, comprehension, and intention will bring in a good customer response, but will diminish if the message is not reinforced. Maintaining a high level of awareness is expensive. One approach to reinforcement that maintains awareness and reduces copy wear-out is "pulsing", which is use of alternating exposure periods. Other approach is "heavy-up" for seasonal items

Question 2

1) Who are the target customers of Tiger Bear? As we can see in television advertisement from 1980 to present, Tiger Beer stands for adult, dynamic , and outgoing people, adding that its target customers are whitecollar workers and professionals between 25 and 35 years old.

2) What do they look for in a beer? The target market for Tiger beer is the more mature and discerning consumer that is looking for a brand with international credentials.

3) How would that affect Tiger beers advertising messages? The target market is consequently a more mature consumer and accordingly it would make no sense to use advertising that is not specifically directed towards the target market. Hence, the advertising might be appropriate for this target market are specific magazines, Newspaper, Internet, advertisement which is placed in locations that are attract specific target audience such as billiard, bars, night clubs, etc.

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