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Topic: Drugs and Alcohol Unit- Day 1 Class Length: 65 minutes Subject: 6th Grade Science Objectives: Students

nts will be able to identify different types of drugs and how they affect the human body. Students will be able to differentiate between physical and psychological dependence. Students will be able to define related terms such as addiction, stimulant, depressant, herbal medicine, and tolerance.

Supplies needed: What do you think? worksheet copies Human Body Systems and Health textbook by Holt Science and Technology Blank sheets of lined paper Pencils Saying No and Feeling Fine packets

Standards met: Think critically and logically to make the relationships between evidence and explanations Understand and apply knowledge of the functions and interconnections of the major human body systems including the breakdown in structure or function that disease causes.

Detailed Steps: I. Ask students to complete one side of the What do you think? handout. Students should read each statement carefully and think about each one as they respond. a. Differentiation: Read each statement aloud, repeating as necessary, pausing in between to give students time to respond. Explain vocabulary that some students may not be familiar with. Once students finish filling it out, read a statement, ask students to raise their hand if they agree, then raise their hands if they disagree. If necessary ask students to do a heads down, hands up vote so they dont change their response to match peers. Ask students to support their answers, then discuss and answer questions. a. All drugs can be deadly the first time you use them Disagree, marijuana and tobacco are examples that will not kill you the first time you use them. Repeated use may lead to negative side effects, but the drug itself will not kill you in one use. b. All addictions are bad for your health Disagree, examples of addictions that are not bad for your health: nail biting, cracking your knuckles discuss psychological vs. physical addiction some


c. Someone who drinks one or more alocoholic beverages a day is an alcoholic Disagree, an alcoholic is psychologically and physically dependent on alcohol. They depend on alcohol to fix problems and make them happy someone enjoying a glass of wine with dinner every night is not necessarily an alcoholic. d. Tobacco is the most addictive drug Agree, cigarettes and chewing tobacco are highly addictive nicotine is added to make them more addictive. Question: Raise your hand if you know someone who smokes and has tried to quit its hard right? e. All drugs are physically addictive Disagree, hallucinogens and marijuana are examples of drugs that are not physically addictive. f. There is no difference between a psychological and physical addiction Disagree, explain difference, physical has withdrawal (nausea, vomiting, etc.) psychological does not. Give examples of each. g. When someone has an addiction it can cause problems for them in their family, relationships and financial life Agree, discuss how product becomes very important to that person, takes precedence over other things h. Anyone can have an addiction Agree, discuss how some are more susceptible to it. Alcoholism can be genetic. i. If a drug is legal it isnt as bad as drugs that are illegal Disagree, discuss legal vs. illegal, legal drugs can turn bad (prescription drugs especially hydrocodone and oxycontin are very prevalent in this area for teens right now EXTREMELY addictive and dangerous!), also just because some drugs, like marijuana, are legal some places and not others- its still the same drug **IMPORTANT CLARIFICATION: JUST BECAUSE A DRUG IS LESS BAD THAN ANOTHER DOES NOT MEAN IT IS GOOD III. Read aloud from pages 160-162 a. Read What is a drug? section i. Have students write down 3 examples of drugs (can be legal or illegal) ii. Sharing whip asking each student to name off one drug they wrote down. b. Read Dependence and Addiction section i. Ask students to define addiction and tolerance ii. Think pair share- write one sentence defining the difference between psychological and physical addiction. iii. Sharing whip c. Read Herbal Medicines section i. Discuss: Why does it matter that the FDA does not regulate herbal medicines? What does the FDA do to ensure our safety with other drugs? d. Read Tobacco section i. Write down 3 negative side effects of tobacco ii. TPS the difference between cigarettes and chewing tobacco

IV. V.

iii. Fact to share: 90% of first time cigarette smokers become addicted HUGE number!! e. Read Alcohol section i. Why do you think the legal drinking age is set at 21? (still growing, brains developing, etc.) ii. Write down 3 negative side effects of alcohol. Flip over What do you think? sheet and do the other side to see how your ideas changed. Hand-out Saying No and Feeling Fine packets a. Students should open to pages 4-6 about alcohol and tobacco they need to read the definitions and information and then complete the activities

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