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The Best Worst Memory

It was about 7:00 pm one evening .Not a single sound could be heard in the city as the evening was very calm and quiet. Goodnight Jamie, Emily replied, with a warm smile. Goodnight mom, he replied. Why daddy dont cum home yet mummy? He is just out a bit late today, he will soon be home. Emily replied. Now go to bed, you have school in the morning. Jamie, their only child, is four years old. Emily turned off the light as she exited the room. She is also concerned about why is husband wasnt home as yet, but she didnt bother to call. She went to bed and quickly fell asleep. Mark loves his wife and son endlessly. However he is out of a job, and didn't have enough money to support his family as much as he wants to. Emily, being the only person working, sometime feels pressured by the situation, but tries her best to hide this from her husband. A serious back injury and badly strained eyes, was the result of the job he loved. Luckily, his loving wife Emily has been there for him through it all. Mark desperately wants a change. He feels lesser of a man. Mark is now halfway through recovery and is able to freely move around on his own. He was at a place that he would go whenever he wants to be alone. Mark was sitting in front the computer, thinking about the consequences of his action; his failed attempt to hack into the bank system. He knows he might be in deep trouble with the law. He was desperately in need of money. As he was about to leave for home, the thought of his son sends him back into his own past. As a child, In spite of how messed up his life seemed to him, he was always positive. He came from a very poor background and grew up only with his mother. He did not know what it felt like to

have a father. But knowing how it felt to be fatherless, he made a promise to himself that he will always be there for family in the future. At about age 22 he got his first job as a computer programmer. He was making money, enjoying life and later found his wife. That period of time was truly the most fulfilling time in his entire life. However it seems as if it was only those four years of success, life allowed him to have. Things began to change for the worst after he became injured. Mark jumped back into reality, when he heard two solid knocks on the room door that he is in. His heartbeat quickened. Why didn't I leave earlier? I have a bad feeling about this, Mark said to himself, looking rather worried. His thought of detectives behind the door made him weak and nervous. John knew that there was no other way out of the room, and the persons seem to have no intention of leaving. They knocked again and again. A wha dis man Mark said to himself and shook his head. Mark got up and begins to walk slowly and shakily toward the door, hoping he was wrong. He slowly opens the door, revealing too men that dressed somewhat like detectives. F**k, he muttered to himself. A better life doesnt worth going to prison. The two men stepped inside and close the door behind them, not saying a single word to Mark. They scanned the entire room. Mark, trying his best to keep calm, stood in the middle of the room with his palms tightly pressed together. He cracked a slight smile on his face. But deep inside, he was worried. Growing up without a father is not the kind of life mark wants for his son, but things seem to be turning out that way. Mark thinks over and over about escaping, but physically, he was not able to do it.

They walked effortlessly towards Mark, stood in front of him and introduce themselves. Mark replied confidently. We're just here to ask you a few questions so please, co-operate., uttered one of them, in a deep voice. All three men pulled out a chair, and took a seat around a table that was in the room. The conversation went on for about an hour, until finally both men got up, brush-off their suit and left. Mark was left seated with his eyes wide open, replaying everything that has just taken place in his mind. He was speechless. All this time I got it wrong. he said to himself. The two men were representatives from Microsoft, who only wanted to offer Mark the position of being the manager of the well-known company. They knew he had the skill and experience, as he was the best in the city. Best of all, being the manager would allow Mark to stay away from using computers, which was exactly what he wanted. Truly, what seems to be his worst moment turns out to be the best; the moment that changed his life forever. Mark quickly packs his stuff, rush to his car and speeds away, heading for home.

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