Mirror Image Essay

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Mirror Image Essay

English 11 Choose one of the topics to develop into a full-length expository essay. You will need to draw on specific examples from the story (using quotations) in order to make your argument. Be sure to see me with your thesis statement before you get started on your rough copy. It is expected that you will complete an essay outline to be handed in with your final draft.

Topics: 1. The eyes are one of several important symbols in the story Mirror Image. Identify and discuss the symbols in Mirror Image. or 2. The eyes are the mirror to the soul, he used to say. Whose soul is that? After Alices body transplant, she struggles with finding her identity in her new body. Discuss Alices quest for identity, and her struggles with others accepting who she has become.

Steps a) Choose one topic b) Ask yourself- What will my paper prove/show? c) Formulate a thesis statement d) Come up with two-three major points that will support your thesis. These will be the basis of your essay. e) Show Miss.Bell your thesis and main points f) Find evidence, quotes, and examples from the story that prove what you are saying is correct. Record the page numbers of the quotes.

g) Make a complete outline, in point form, but include topic sentences and your thesis h) From your outline, write/type a rough copy i) j) Edit your rough copy Write/type good copy using correct format

k) Hand-in with outline

DUE: April 15th

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