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Department of Economics Business School University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen AB24 3QY. Tel 01224 273855 Fax 01224 272181 Email

Contact Details

Educational Back Ground and Qualifications

1986-1992 PhD in Agricultural Economics, University of Manchester 1984-1985 MA(Econ) in Agricultural Economics, University of Manchester 1980-1984 BSc Hons. (Agriculture), Upper Second, University of Aberdeen

Employment History
2003- present Reader in Economics, Department of Economics, University of Aberdeen. 2000- 2003 Senior Lecturer in Economics, Department of Economics, University of Aberdeen. 1996- 2000 1990-1996 1989-1990

Lecturer in Economics, Department of Economics, University of Aberdeen. Lecturer in Operational Research, School of Economic Studies, University of Manchester. Temporary Lecturer, Department of Econometrics and Social Statistics University of Manchester. Research Assistant, Centre for World Food Studies, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam.

Publications Refereed Papers

Phimister, E (2005) Urban Effects on Participation and Wages: Are there Gender Differences (Forthcoming) Journal of Urban Economics. Phimister, E, Theodossiou, I and R.Upward (2005) Are Low Pay Employment Spells Shorter In Urban Areas? Evidence From The UK. (Forthcoming) Environment and Planning A Benjamin, C, LeRoux, Y. and Phimister,E (2005) Regulating agriculture under asymmetric information: an empirical evaluation of the efficiency of subsidies to new farmers. (Forthcoming) Land Use Policy. Vera-Toscano, E, Phimister, E. and Weersink, A. (2004) Panel Estimates of the Canadian Rural/Urban Womens Wage Gap American Journal of Agricultural Economics 86(4) (November) 1136-1151 Phimister, E, Roberts, D and Gilbert, A (2004) The Dynamics of Farm Incomes: Panel data analysis using the Farm Accounts Survey Journal of Agricultural Economics 55(2) (July) Vera-Toscano, E, E.Phimister, and A.Weersink. (2004) Short-Term Employment Transitions in the Canadian Labour Force: Rural-Urban Differences in Underemployment. Agricultural Economics 30(2) 129-142.

Kidd, M, E Phimister, and I Ferko (2003) Are Employment Effects of Gender Discrimination important? Some evidence from Great Britain. The Manchester School. 71(6). (December) 593-610. Vera-Toscano, E. Weersink, A and Phimister, E., (2003) Earnings mobility of Rural vs. Urban workers in Canada Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 51 (July) 241258. Gilbert, A, E. Phimister, and I Theodossiou (2003) Low Pay and Income in Urban and Rural Areas: Evidence from the British Household Panel Survey Urban Studies 40(7) 12071222. Benjamin, C. and E. Phimister. (2002) Does capital market structure affect farm investment? A comparison using French and British farm level panel data American Journal of Agricultural Economics. 84(4) (November), 1115-1129. Phimister, E., E.Vera-Toscano, and A. Weersink.(2002) Female participation and labor market attachment in Rural Canada American Journal of Agricultural Economics. 84(1) (February) 210-221. Benjamin C and E. Phimister, (2001) Imperfection du march du capital et investissement des exploitations agricoles l'Actualit conomique. 77(3) (September) 1-28. Gilbert, A, E.Phimister, and I Theodossiou (2001) The Potential Impact of the Minimum Wage in Rural Areas' Regional Studies 35(8) (November) 765-770 Phimister, E, M.Shucksmith, and E. Vera-Toscano (2000). The dynamics of low pay in rural households: Exploratory analysis using the British Household Panel Journal of Agricultural Economics 51(1), 61-77. Phimister, E. R.Upward. and E. Vera-Toscano (2000) The Dynamics of Low Incomes in Rural Areas. Regional Studies. 34(5) 407-417 Benjamin, C. and E. Phimister. (1997) Transactions costs, farm finance and investment, European Review of Agricultural Economics, 24, 453-466. Burton, M.P. and E. Phimister (1996) The ranking of agricultural economics journals, Journal of Agricultural Economics, 47(1). 109-115. Phimister, E. (1996) Farm household production under CAP reform: the impact of borrowing restrictions, Cahiers d'Economie et Sociologie Rurales, 38, 61-78. Burton, M.P. and E. Phimister (1995) Core Journals: A reappraisal of the Diamond list, Economic Journal. vol.105, pp.361-373. Phimister, E. (1995) Farm household production in the presence of restrictions on debt: theory and policy implications, Journal of Agricultural Economics, 46, 371-380. Phimister, E. (1995) The Impact of Borrowing Constraints on Farm Households: a Life Cycle Approach, European Review of Agricultural Economics, vol.22, pp.61-86. Phimister, E. (1995) Farm consumption behaviour in the presence of uncertainty and restrictions on credit, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 77, November 1995, 952-959. Phimister, E. (1993) Net Capital Outflows and the Viability of Family Farms, Oxford Agrarian Studies, vol.21, pp.119-132.

Books and Chapters

R. Elliott, V. Gerova and E. Phimister. (2005) The Distribution and Structure of Pay in Scotland and England in eds J Ermisch and R Wright Living in Scotland,: Bristol, Policy Press (in press). H Battu, V Gerova and E Phimister (2005) Residential Mobility A comparison of England and Scotland eds J Ermisch and R Wright Living in Scotland. Bristol, Policy Press (in press). Miulu, T, Gilbert, A, Phimister E and Shucksmith M (2004) The changing rural context, in eds. B. Jentsch and M. Shucksmith Young People in Rural Areas of Europe. pp-26-62 Ashgate Publishing.

Chapman, P., Phimister, E., Shucksmith M, Upward, R., and Vera-Toscano, E. (1998) Poverty and exclusion in rural Britain: The Dynamics of low income and employment:, 54 pages. York Publishing Services. York. Phimister, E. (1994) The impact of intergenerational farm asset transfer mechanisms: an application of a life cycle model with borrowing constraints and adjustment costs, chapter (pages 169-189) in eds. F.Caillavet, H.Guyomard and R.Lifran Agricultural household modelling and family economics, Developments in Agricultural Economics volume 10. Amsterdam: Elsevier. Phimister, E. (1993) Savings and Investment in Farm Households: Analysis using Life Cycle Models, 187 pages. Aldershot: Avebury.

Work in Progress
Keyzer, M, and Phimister, E, Cooperative Gains in Agricultural Succession. Watson, V, Phimister, E and M Ryan Testing the assumption of compensatory decisionmaking in Discrete Choice Experiments: An application to the decommissioning of oil installations Battu, H and E Phimister Family migration and labour market outcomes: a panel investigation Phimister, E and Roberts, D The Effect of Off-farm Work on Production Intensity and Output Structure Battu, H, Ma A and E Phimister Home-ownership and Job Mobility in the UK

Recent Grants
2005 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 World Econometric Modelling of Arable Crops (WEMAC). Partner in EU 6th Framework Territorial Aspects Of Enterprise Development In Remote Rural Areas (TERA) (Co-holder Deborah Roberts, Business School, University of Aberdeen) Partners in EU 6th Framework. Home Ownership, Commuting and Residential Mobility (Co-holder Harminder Battu, University of Aberdeen). ESRC The impact of the Minimum Wage in Scotland (Co-holder Bob Elliott, Aberdeen).Scottish Centre for Research on Social Justice. Older people in Rural Areas (Co-holders Natasha Mauthner, Lorna Philip Aberdeen. Alana Gilbert Macaulay Institute). Scottish Executive. The Environmental Effects of Pluriactivity (Co-holder Deborah Roberts, University of Aberdeen). Scottish Executive Rural Affairs Department The Impact of the minimum wage in rural areas (Co-holder Ioannis Theodossiou, Aberdeen). Low Pay Commission.

Other Professional Activities

2004 2001-2004 2002-2003 2000-2003 2002,1994 1997-2004 1999-2002 1997-present Member of ESRC Commissioning Panel Scottish Economic Policy Network Coordinator(Agriculture and Rural Affairs). Principal External Editor Journal of Agricultural Economics Member of the Editorial Committee Journal of Agricultural Economics Visiting Researcher, Institut Nationale de Recherche Agronomique, Rennes Associate, Arkleton Centre for Rural Development Research, University of Aberdeen External Examiner, University of Manchester Associate Editor Cahiers dEconomie et Sociologie Rurales

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