Pink For Your Thought.

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Pink for your thought.. Blue for Kris.. Green for Luhan..

[ Your / Hye Mis POV ] There you were again, next to your boyfriend. Exo just finished their showcase that theyve been preparing for about 6 months or so. They were having a party at SM. It was a private party, only the artist, family members and the staff were also allowed. Since Kriss family are over at Canada, he had invited you as his guest. At first you were nervous to come, the person that knows about you are Exo-M & Exo-K. But the others didnt know, this might be the first time, he showed you to the others. You rejected the offer first but Kris wouldnt take no as an answer and plus hes a sweet talker. He always manage to get you agreed on anything. He even convinced you to move in with him. Baby, I dont think I should be here.. you whispers to Kris. He looked at you and hold your hands. Its fine. Dont be nervous. Im here.. he re-assured and you were immediately agreed as if he cast a spell on you. You nodded and got up. Baby, Im gonna go to restroom.. you said and he nodded. Sure babe. And with that you walked to the restroom. You got in one of the cubicle and sat down. You tried to calm yourself and you were about to get out when you heard girls entered. You could heard the heels sound and sounds of laughing. I cant believe she had the nerve to come.. that made you sat down back. I have no idea what Kris saw in her. I mean hes a 10 and her. Maximum shes a 5. you peek through the door and saw Krystal and Sulli from f(x) gossiping about you. Come on..dont.. you heard Sulli said. Yes, at least she defended me. Shes a 4 and hes 11.. she continued. Ugh.. I was about to compliment her.. Shes so innocent.. That kind of girl wont get far.. Krystal added. I was actually have a thing for that Kris. Hes freaking yummy.. Sulli giggle. What they didnt know that you were there. Tears started flowing and you tried not to make any type of sound. If they found out, they might mock me even more.,

You shut your mouth with your hands. Lets make a bet., I bet I can seduce him faster than you.. Krystal suggested and Sulli agreed immediately. Deal. They started laughing loudly and do a re-touched on their make-up. Lets get our mission going.. Sulli yelled as they walked out. Finally the bathroom was silent again and you came out. You look yourself at the mirror and it was ugly. They are right. I am ugly.. You washed your face and grab a tissue to dry your face. You took a deep breath and came out. Once you arrive at the table, you saw Kris talking to Krystal & Sulli. That was fast. You felt heartbroken when you saw Kris was responding to them. You tried to shook it off. Theyre just friends. Friends! Hye Mi, get that to your head. You smiled and walked towards Kris. Both Krystal & Sulli realized your presence but they tried to act like nothing happen. You sat there for about an hour and Kris was still chatting with them. He didnt make sure youre fine or hungry or at least something. Heck, he didnt even glanced at you. Oppa~ theres a after party. Wanna come? Sulli invited him and you could feel your blood boiled up. You took a glanced at Kris and he was somehow. Enjoying it. He enjoyed the attention. Sure Sulli.. he answered and that was your limit. He knew they were flirting with him. It was kinda obvious.. They were twirling their hair, showing aegyo at him and keep making touch contact with him. You got up and walked out. After this, no more party, Hye Mi. Youre just embarrassing yourself. You thought as you wipe your tears away. You were about to walked out when you heard someone called you. "HYE MI~" You turned around and saw Luhan. Owh~ Luhan-shii.. you mumbled and lowered your head. Leaving already? Its still early they havent even serve the food. Yeah, I dont feel well, I think I just should go back and rest.. you reasoned. Wheres Kris? He shouldve accompany you.. Luhan said and you shook your head. ANI! Im fine. Plus hes busy. I dont wanna bother him.. but Luhan still wouldnt believe your reason. Youre his girlfriend. At least he should make sure you arrive home safely.. Luhan added and it only made you tear up more. I wish Kris was as caring as Luhan. Luhan saw tears forming at the edge of your eyes and he knew something was up. Did something happen? Nothing! everything is fine. I gotta go. Bye!! you rushed to the exit door. Kris, what have you done to her? Luhan thought as he shook his head. You got a cab and went back to your apartment that you shared with Kris. You didnt even bother to change your clothes. You just throw yourself at the bed and cried your eyes out. Why is he so insensitive!!!!?? you screamed at the top of your lungs.

You buried your face at the pillow and started screaming, cursing and bashing Kris. You didnt why you were mad at him but.. He should have knew how you felt. This is not the first time, this kind of thing happen.. This was the 16 times.. Everytime something like this happen..he would persuade you easily and you had no choice but forgave him. You love him that much. To the extent that you cant get mad at him.. You have a weak spots for Kris..

[ Kriss POV ] Kris!! I heard Luhan yelling calling my name. I look at him and wave my hands. Whats up?? I excuse myself from the girls and walked towards him. Did you have fight with Hye Mi? I saw she left and she was crying.. Luhan snapped. What? But she was next to.. I stopped talking when I realize she wasnt even next to me. You didnt even realized that she left. Wow~ youre.. Luhan couldnt find any words to describe the leader. You should check on her. She said shes not feeling well.. Luhan said coldly. Then, I should leave her alone. She might be more sick if I bother her. Plus, the party havent even started.. I said and Luhan looks like he wanna strangle me. Ugh, its a waste of time talking to you. Treat your women nicely Kris.. Luhan removed my arms from his shoulder and walked away. Damn that kid.. Fine, Im leaving..!! I shouted at Luhan and he just gesture me to leave.

[ Your / Hye Mi's POV ] Babe~ are you fine? you heard Kris whisper as he stroke your hair. You heard he came when the door open. You just pretended to be sleeping. You didnt want to fight, you hated fighting with him.. You keep your act and still pretend. Babe, I know youre awake.. he said as his fingers traced your nose. Babe, wanna tell me whats wrong? you heard him asked and you couldnt help your tears. They fell and you felt Kris wiped them. Babe, Im sorry. You know I never wanted to hurt you.. Kris whisper as he kiss your tears away. You spin around and made your back faced him. You didnt want to fight but still you didnt want to made up. Its just gonna happen again and hes gonna said sweet things to make it up to you. Sure, it felt amazing when he sweet talk you but this whole thing would happen again like a cycle. Hell hurt you. Youll cried. Hell comfort you.

Youll forgave him. Its time to make him realize. You heard him sighed and then you felt an arms wrapped around your waist. He was hugging you from the back. Wo ai nie.. he whispers as he kiss the top of your head. You took his arms and removed it from your waist. You move yourself further from him and took a pillow. You placed it behind you. No more forgiving this time. You need to wake up Kris. You cant keep doing this to me. Babe!! Stop being childish! You know I love you. Why are you acting like this? Dont you love me anymore..?? Kris yelled in frustration. You chuckled. He pulled out the big gun, making me felt guilty? When its clearly this whole thing was his fault.. Do you think this is funny babe? Babe, tell me what I did wrong..? Why are you ignoring me? What did I do?? Kris yelled again. Thats the most hurtful thing, you hurt me but you didnt even realized it.. Babe, okay..! If thats how youre gonna act. Fine! Kris hissed in anger. You got up and took the pillow and a blanket. You walked to the living room and placed your pillow on the couch. You couldnt be in the same room with him. You knew you would never hear the end of it. Hes just gonna nag all night to make you forgave him. You lied again and closed your eyes. Kris was there, he saw your swollen eyes and your eyes didnt show any type of emotion.

[ Kriss POV ] I hurt her again.. Her eyes was emotionless.. shes never like that.. She was always the one laughing, smiling and seeing her like this.. Its killing me.. I didnt even know what I did wrong.. I watched her as she slept on the couch.. Did I hurt her that bad, until she didnt even want to be in the same room with me..? I sat on the floor and laid my head on the couch, near at her head. If youre sleeping here, Im sleeping here too.. Im sorry Hye Mi for whatever I did.. I love you. Please dont be mad at me..

[ Your / Hye Mi's POV ] If youre sleeping here, Im sleeping here too.. you heard Kris said. You peek through your eyes and saw that both your face are inch away.. He had his eyes closed as he sleep in a upright position..

Your hand traced at his nose. Baby, it hurt even more when you hurt me without even realizing it.. you whipers..

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