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Linking the school with the community


Humphreys Street, Albany WA 6330. Phone: 9841 1166 Fax: 9841 7262

Care, Compassion, Excellence; Mount Lockyer Primary School a place to learn and grow

Newsletter No: 5
Dates to Remember 10th April 2013 Early Close 2.30pm

9th April 2013

Attendance: Weeks 7 & 8 P 90% 1 90% 2 91% 3 93% 4 94% 5 91% 6 89% 7 91%

11th April 2013 Room 21 Assembly Interschool swimming Carnival

Value:- Courtesy Commenced on 3rd April for weeks 9, 10 and 11. Rewards will be presented at this weeks Assembly. Courtesy - is having good manners and acting in a way that makes others feel valued LAST DAY OF TERM: FRIDAY 19TH APRIL Term 2 Dates 2013 Tuesday 7th May Friday 5th July

Hello everyone, I trust you all had a fabulous Easter break, it was certainly very nice from my point of view. Next week the Year 7s are off on a camp to Quaranup. I would like to thank Mr Swann for his work in planning, coordinating and organising the camp, I know Mr Swann has spent many hours of his own time ensuring this will be a rich, fun and safe experience for all involved. Many thanks also to Mrs Murray and Mrs Fethers who have contributed a great deal supporting Mr Swann and preparing their students. There will be a number of parents attending the camp, thank you for volunteering to help out, without your support it would not be possible for the school to provide your children with these types of quality learning experiences. I have mentioned this parenting resource in previous newsletters however I feel that it is such a fabulous wealth of information that it is worthy of mentioning again. On our Face book page there is a link to the following site, if you click on this site it will take you to a whole range of resource materials. You can subscribe to Happy Kids newsletter where you will receive latest parenting ideas and information and find ready to go resources and books about parenting. Further to this for great parenting ideas and advice you can join the Michael Grose Parenting community at Our super attendees for weeks 7 and 8 are Year 4, congratulations you not only are the leaders but you have improved on your previous attendance. This Thursday is the Interschool Swimming Carnival. Thank you to Mr Faulkner for coordinating and organising our children to participate in this event. Additionally thank you Mr Faulkner and Mrs Murray for conducting the early morning training sessions at the pool. There is a small but extremely dedicated group of students representing Mount Lockyer; I wish them every success however, no matter the outcome, I know each and everyone of them will do our school proud. Also this Thursday we will have an assembly, Room 21 will be providing entertainment and hosting. Finally we have scanned some fabulous writing from Zarli, Amelia and Samuel, Room 17 Year 1, enjoy.

P&C Uniform Shop Open Days: Tuesday and Thursday 8:30am 9:30am

Maxine Augustson Principal

Merit Certificates Congratulations to the following students who received honour certificates at last weeks assembly: William McCarney, Mikayla Tupluk, Noah-Tate Grossman, Hailey Keen, Zac Boxall, Caris Kuenen, Keliah Kerr, Callum Balhorn, Cody Wals, Ralph Maratas, Carla Rey, Michaela Mourish, Jake Brown, Riley Wood, Asha Bristow, Flynn Jackman, Beth Stirling, Jordan Fairall, Blake Tysoe, Nicolas Trew, Matthew Simpson, Jim Duncan, Liam Howarth, Imogen Greay, Andreika Langdon, Alan Wright, Jaydan Kowalski and Abby Tysoe.
WEEK 10 WINNERS Most Locky Legends Cinema Tickets: Callum Balhorn Icky Finks Voucher: Phoebe Mooney Lucky Dip Draw Winners: Blue Faction: Jordan Bobby, Tia Ling, Blake Tysoe Green Faction: Samantha Hindge, Amber Lee Manuel, Jazmin Turner Red Faction: Riley Wood, Sophie Garcia, Baydne Pearson Gold Faction: Jemma Smith, Harry Brown, Rebecca Waltho Most Locky Legends in the Class: Room 1 - Jakih Bolt Room 3 - Elizabeth Moor Room 4 - Hannah Archbold and Tobias Peterson Room 5 - Ali Hossaini Room 6 - Nartisha Krakouer Room 7 - Todd McSweeney and Sienna Adami Room 8 - Jordan Bobby and Ebony Ristich Room 9 - Michala Brooks, Cody Brooks, Kaius Pearson and Warren Knapp Room 11 - Trent Phillips Room 12 - Zac Adami and Chloe Ludlow Room 13 - Jake Castlehow, Piper Cottrill and Kate Trayvilla Room 14 - Jazmin Turner Room 15 - Brooke Hanlon Room 16 - Tashana Kent and Blake Tysoe Room 17 - Ebony Grixti and Samuel Westcott Room 21 - Jessica Herbert Room 22 - Jocelyn Meade Coles Sports for Schools The Coles Sports for Schools order arrived at the school recently. With the vouchers collected by the school community we now have an added assortment of sporting gear. That gear includes cricket bats, pop up goals, play balls, soccer balls, basketballs, table tennis kit, tennis balls and bean bag kits. Thank you to all those families who collected vouchers. School Banking School Banking starts this week, Wednesday 10th April. Remember to put your completed deposit slips and deposits into your yellow wallet and place it into your classes grey bag by first bell. Its never too late to join in, get an information pack from the School Office or an account from the Commonwealth Bank and join on any Wednesday. School Holiday Tennis Camp Tuesday 30 April Thursday 2nd May at Lawley Park Tennis Club - $100pp 8.30 11.30am Beginner and Intermediate 11am 2pm Advanced High Performance Includes Awesome coaching, small groups, T-shirt, Morning tea, Certificates, Tournament, Prizes, Sausage Sizzle

Anzac Day Service As part of the Anzac Day Service, Mount Lockyer will be represented by student councillors, students and staff in the main parade. If your child is able to attend please meet at the assembling point (the Stirling Club car park, with all students in school uniform) at 9.30am sharp on Thursday 25th April. The School will have an ANZAC Service on the last day of term, Friday 19th April. Chaplains Chat I love my sleep. But I also love staying up when everyone else is asleep. Its the only time the house is quiet. We spend one third of our life asleep, yet we know very little about why. We do know that many different things happen to our bodies and minds while asleep and sleep deprivation can have serious consequences. The body uses sleep to produce hormones for growth and cell repair. The mind uses sleep to allow us to process what has happened during our day. Like when your child or partner talk or shout while asleep. Things we cant do or say while awake we often act out while dreaming. This is conflict resolution at its best. We all sleep in cycles of light sleep, deep sleep and waking. This will happen every 30 min in babies and last longer as we grow. Good sleepers are able to go back to sleep by them selves after each waking period. Others will call out and need help each time. This can significantly cut into the time our children sleep. Not to mention our own sleep. So how much sleep do our children need? Preschool ages need 11-13 hrs a night. Ages 6-9 need 10-11 hrs of sleep to allow them to be rested, alert and better able to concentrate at home and at school. This can be quite a challenge, depending on your family structure and routine. Children will naturally want to be where the action is and resent having to go to bed on time. Access to electronics and screen time is a constant battle in our house, probably yours too. Hours seem to slip away unnoticed when Facebooking or playing games. It happens so easily to me so how can I expect my children to manage it on their own. Set routines for each child, and even the family as a whole, have certainly made life easier for us. Once again, there are many different articles, books and DVDs to help you learn more about how to help your children sleep. If you have access to the net, the Australian Raising Children Network at is huge, and covers just about everything you may need. Look under your childs age group. Remember we arent expected to have all the answers. Dont be afraid to ask for help. Cheers, Chappie Wanted for the Play Pod Dress up clothes, shoes, bags, hats, etc. Crazy Hair Day Friday 12th April. You can come to school with your hair in crazy designs, sprayed in different colours. You can wear wigs or even put pegs all through your hair. It is up to you how you decide to decorate your hair. It will cost a gold coin donation and the proceeds will go towards activities at the year seven camp. Room 12 students will collect this during the morning from your classes. YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO BRING CAN OF HAIR SPRAY TO SCHOOL!! This is to be sprayed in your hair at home. Hope you all participate and have fun! Year 7 Teachers: Mrs Fethers, Mr Swann, Mrs Murray

Year 7 Raffle Proceeds go toward Year 7 leavers shirts. Tickets $1 each Prizes: Male Cosmetic Pack valued at $214 Female Cosmetic Pack valued at $400

Australias First Coloured Commemorative Coin - Limited Edition For a $10 donation the $2 Poppy Coin will come with a Certificate of Donation Australias first commemorative $2 coin in colour has been unveiled by the RSL and the Royal Australian Mint. A unique Australian legal tender, this ground breaking $2 coin is simply an outstanding keepsake for every Australian. The coin depicts the red Flanders Poppy, which is synonymous with Remembrance Day and the sacrifices made by Australians in conflict. All funds raised go to support our vital RSL programs helping thousands of Veterans and serving Defence personnel and their families in homes and communities across Australia. Available from the RSL National Office at Level 3, 65 Constitution Avenue CAMPBELL ACT Phone orders can also be made through the National Office at 02 6248 7199. Please note there will be a minimum postal charge of $5.
Bring cultural exchange into your home! STS Student Exchange are seeking Aussie families who are busy, friendly, interested in other cultures and willing to welcome an STS exchange student into their family. Aussie families come from all walks of life and all cultural backgrounds, thats what make up our country. Our volunteer host families provide room & board and treat their host son or daughter as a member of their own family. Exchange students have their own spending money and medical insurance. While your exchange student is learning about Australian culture, your family members will learn about theirs. What a great way for your children to learn about another country! For more information, contact: 1800 263 964 or email: Website: School Fees A reminder to all parents that the Voluntary Contributions for 2013 are due. They are $40.00 per child attending Mount Lockyer Primary School. The school uses this money to purchase art and craft material, science equipment and to support various programs run through out the school. Payment would be appreciated. If you are having difficulty making this payment please contact the RegistrarChristine Davidson to make suitable arrangements. Money can be direct deposited into the school account. BSB: 306 001 Acc No: 515 4800 Mt Lockyer School Fund BankWest Cheque Account

MAKING CHOICES Which high school will suit my child? 2 Information Sessions For parents of students with a diagnosed disability (Tea and coffee provided) Thursday May 9th , 2013 from 9:3010:30 at Lotteries House Meeting Room, 211-217 North Rd Thursday May 16th, 2013 from 3:30pm4:30pm at Family House, 219 North Rd (Creche Facilities provided) Information presented with regard to all government high schools. Disability Services Commission will talk about funding, programs and support offered for students heading to High school. RSVP Jenny Allen 98425801 NASHS Annual Jog-A-Thon Fundraiser NASHS recently held their annual fundraising Jog-a-thon on Thursday, 14 March for both lower school and senior school students as part of our Health and Wellbeing / Act Belong Commit focus in 2013. All students participated in this event. Students could walk, jog or run at their own pace. The Act Belong Commit events at NASHS are all about students getting involved in healthy activities, being involved in community events and displaying community spirit by helping others. Students who completed five laps were rewarded with having fun on the Bouncy Castle. The Jog-a-thon was to raise funds for Youth Focus. Each year Youth Focus main event, the Hawaiian Ride for Youth, starts from NASHS. This year 80 cyclists rode from NASHS to Perth to raise awareness and funds for young people suffering from depression. NASHS has a close link with Youth Focus and we are proud to be able to provide them with support. This year NASHS raised $1200 to support the work of Youth Focus.
Senior school students have some fun on the bouncy castle after completing five laps in the jog-a-thon.

NASHS students talking to some of the riders from the Hawaiian Ride for Youth. The Hawaiian Ride for Youth riders leaving North Albany SHS on Tuesday, 19 March 2013 to start their journey to Perth.

Please make sure you put a description in the payment section. As a thank you for paying school fees early, the school will hold a raffle draw for all families who have paid before the end of term one. This will be a dinner voucher at The Venice restaurant to the value of $100.

MOBILE PHONE POLICY Students who bring mobile phones onto school premises must adhere to these guidelines. Responsibility Mount Lockyer Primary School acknowledges that mobile phones may be used as a safety measure out of school hours. Parents are reminded that in cases of emergency, the school office remains the most appropriate point of contact during the school day. The school accepts no responsibility for lost, stolen or damaged mobile phones. Guidelines
Students mobile phones are to be switched off during school time and handed to the class teacher or office upon arrival in the morning. Students are not permitted to use mobile phones for any purpose on school grounds. Mobile phones are not permitted to be taken to school camps, excursions or other functions unless permission is granted by the school

Principal. Students seen using mobile phones on school groundsFirst breach- The phone will be confiscated and returned to the student at the end of the school day. Further breaches- The phone will be confiscated and parents/carers will need to collect it from the office. Dear Parents The value from 3rd April to 19th April is Courtesy. If your child has demonstrated Courtesy notify your classroom teacher and they will be in the draw for a prize at this weeks assembly. Value: Courtesy - Others know I care about their feelings. Memory Jogger - I respect and appreciate others. Student Name:- ___________________________________________________Value:- Courtesy Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Week 9 Week 10
NEWSLETTER QUIZ Q: What date does Term 2 start? A: __________________________________________ Name _______________________________________________________________


The key to this approach is that the child is given a choice at each step to follow directions or face increased consequences. Students making GOOD CHOICES are acknowledged for their efforts. For students making POOR CHOICES the following consequences apply ~
STEP 1 Student refuses to follow directions. Verbal warning. STEP 2 Student still refuses to follow directionsIn-class consequence eg Time Out area. STEP 3 Student still refuses to follow directionsOut-of-class consequence eg Buddy Class. STEP 4 Student still refuses to follow directionsRED CARD is sent to the office. Parents will be requested to attend school. SUSPENSION Students will be immediately suspended for verbal abuse of staff and/or violence towards staff or students.

WHAT IS BULLYING? Bullying is when a student or group keep picking on another student. They try to hurt them physically or emotionally. The behaviour is deliberate and repeated. A fight or disagreement between equal students is not bullying. HOW TO STOP BULLYING Tell an adult, it is not dobbing to ask for help. Both victim and those bullying will be counselled and supported. Do not be a by-stander; if you witness bullying try to stop it or report it. IF YOU ARE BULLYING Step 1: Warning Step 2: In school isolation and counselling at recess and lunch, parents will be notified Step 3: For continued breaches students will be suspended.

RE-ENTRY FOLLOWING SUSPENSION Students returning from suspension must be accompanied by an adult and will attend the Intervention Centre (Room 20) where an Individual Behaviour Management Plan will be developed and implemented.

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