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Linking the school with the community


Humphreys Street, Albany WA 6330. Phone: 9841 1166 Fax: 9841 7262

Care, Compassion, Excellence; Mount Lockyer Primary School a place to learn and grow

Newsletter No: 4
Dates to Remember 27th March 2013 Early Close 2.30pm Staff meeting

26th March 2013

Attendance: Weeks 5 & 6 P 92% 1 90% 2 92% 3 92% 4 93% 5 93% 6 88% 7 92%

28th March 2013 Room 4 Assembly 3rd April Mini Assembly Value: Courtesy

Hello everyone Thank you to all those parents who attended the Numeracy Workshop last week and the Literacy Workshop today. Ken Beatty, Numeracy Specialist Teacher, presented lots of great activities and ideas for parents to do with their children at home to support their numeracy development along with the expected standard for children in Pre Primary and Year 2. Today Dorothy Laffin, Literacy Specialist Teacher, also presented many strategies that can be done at home to support reading along with an introduction to phonological awareness. Thank you Ken and Dorothy for providing this very valuable information, when school and parents are on the same page, our kids get better. I would like to thank the many parents/carers who come in to the school every day to support the programs we have operating. Those who help out with the early morning reading program, Guided Reading taking small groups, working down at Our Place with groups of students or in the shed and attending meetings such as the School Community Partnership Group. Having your support and input greatly enhances the learning of all students and it is hugely appreciated. On the weekend the poles at the Learn-a-Torium (this is the area adjoining the bottom oval on City Council land) were removed and placed at the front of the school near the hall. Due to extreme vandalism it was deemed by the School Community Partnership Group and the Noongar Elders of Mount Lockyer that the Learn-a-Torium be moved to the current site. I would like to thank Stanley Loo, Johnno Woods, Regina Hayward, Dianne Williams and Steve Faulkner for being present on Saturday to assist with the placement and relocation. I would especially like to thank Stanley Loo who remained for the entire morning overseeing, supporting and ensuring the poles were placed where the committee had identified. Friday week ago our school had a free dress day to raise money for the Leukaemia Foundation. Also on the day Mrs Tupluk very courageously had her hair shaved in support of The Worlds Greatest Shave. It was a fabulous day and in total the school raised $545.45; this is a truly wonderful achievement. Thank you everyone. Last night the P&C met, it was fabulous to see so many people in attendance and I would like to thank those people for contributing to our school by joining the P&C. Last night it was brought to my attention that we need to address the issue of hygiene in the school toilets. Thank you Amy Burns for the extensive research you have done in this area, we will be fitting all toilet blocks with foam liquid dispensers. This is far more economical than soap or gels and as it comes out in very small quantities it will be difficult for students to waste, additionally the foam dissipates so there is not the problem of clogging up drains etc. This Thursdays assembly will be hosted and entertainment provided by students in Room 4 Year 5, I look forward to it. Maxine Augustson Principal

Value:- Tolerance Commenced on 18th March for weeks 7 and 8. Rewards will be presented at this weeks Assembly. Courtesy - is having good manners and acting in a way that makes others feel valued Easter Long Weekend School will be closed on Friday 29th March and will be re-opening on Wednesday 3rd April. Term Dates 2013 Term 1 Monday 4th February Friday 19th April Term 2 Tuesday 7th May Friday 5th July Early Close Dates March 27th, April 10th P&C Uniform Shop Open Days: Tuesday and Thursday 8:30am 9:30am

Mrs Kowalskis reading group with Lily Kowalski and Adam Carson.

Dorothy Laffin: Literacy Specialist Teacher Parent Workshop

Merit Certificates Congratulations to the following students who received honour certificates at last weeks assembly: Luke Carson, Mackenzie Weston, Zac Adami, Jasper Weston, Zac Collins, Taiah Curtis, Jarrah McCandless-Cartledge, Mitchell Cooney, Kirk Phillips, Kulaiya Mohammad, Dylan Lock, Leila Lemin, Sharmaine Boyd, Willow McLaughlan, Jake Castlehow, Sharni Klau, Harley Webb, Stephanie Francis, Shaylee Napier, Anthony Turner, Zarli Curtis, Braydyn Hill, Kia Joy Fuentebella, Cody Brooks, Emma Boyce, James Brown, Tenaya Dowdell and Declan Hepworth.
WEEK 4 WINNERS Most Locky Legends Cinema Tickets - Warren Knapp - Room 9 Icky Finks Voucher - Phoebe Mooney - Room 9 Lucky Dip Draw Winners: James Westle and Chloe Paine - Blue Oliver Wallis and Joshua Tracey - Green Rhylan Cowcher, Dylan Whitehurst and Jessica Dlugi - Red Tamahli Coyne, Dylan Noble and Marlin Bennett - Gold Most Locky Legends in the Class:

Easter Raffle Winners Mr Daniels Mr Swann x2 Zakeera Ball Mrs Goldsmith Michaela Mourish Mercadies Howarth Mrs Robinson Kyle Kowalski Jusdyce Archbold Locky Legend Faction Points Gold - 219 Blue - 189 Green - 178 Red - 174

Room Room Room Room Room Room Room Room Room Room Room Room

3- Elizabeth Moor 4 Deacon Wynne 5 - Janna De Leon 6 Dylan Whitehurst 7 - Sienna Adami 9 Kia Fuentebella and Warren Knapp 11 Jim Stirling 12 Adam Wilson 13 - Logan Archbold 14 Anthony Turner 15 Brooke Hanlon 17 Zarli Curtis and Fiona Hindge

Uniform Shop New stock has arrived at the uniform shop. We now have a good range of new and second-hand uniforms. We are open every Tuesday and Thursday morning from 8.30 9.30am. PLAYGROUP WEDNESDAY MORNINGS IN OUR PLACE FROM 9.00am to 11.00am EVERYBODY IS WELCOME PLEASE BRING A PIECE OF FRUIT FOR YOUR CHILD. ENQUIRIES TO Mrs Tozer 98411166
Your attendance will earn MOUNT LOCKYER PRIMARY SCHOOL Passport Points

Mount Lockyer Junior Soccer Boys and Girls Soccer season term 2 and 3 on Saturdays Training is after school Cost $90.00 pre primary to year 5 $105.00 year 6 to year 12 Player registrations will be out front of Room 15 before school on Wednesday 27th March, Wednesday 3rd April. Friday 5th April and Monday the 8th April. Registrations need to be in THIS TERM! For further information please contact Marianne: 0492837046 or

Chaplains Chat Hello again. Resilience, what is it and why is it so important? The Webster dictionary describes it as the capability of a strained body to recover its size and shape after deformation caused especially by compressive stress. Have you ever felt like a strained body under compressive stress? Our children feel it too. However, they dont know what it is, or why its happening to them. Its not fair they cry. As we know, a child has a very limited view of the world. They only see whats happening to them. Everything relates to them and what they want. They always want their own way. Its called egocentric. They are the centre of everything. So when they dont win that race, or their best friend decides to play with someone else, or mum and dad decide to live apart, it can effect our childs very centre. How well they bounce back and get on with life shows their resilience. Some children are more resilient by nature. They seem to shrug off disappointments easily. Most need to be taught it as they grow. As parents we can help our children develop resilience. We cant shield them from disappointment no matter how much we would like to. Its a normal, natural part of life. We need to allow them to try and fail. Allow them to experience disappointment. Enter that race that we know they cant win. Then sit with them and listen to how they feel. Give them the language they need to express themselves. Disappointed, frustrated, embarrassed. By being positive and encouraging we help our children see past the immediate crisis and look forward to what comes next. Bouncing back into shape. Of course each child is different and each child will develop this skill at a different pace. There is no doubt though, that resilience will play a major role in determining where our children will end up in the future. Theres a lot of information available for you if you want to know more. Look for articles by Maggie Dent or Michael Grose to name a few. If you need assistance finding any information to help your children grow, come and see me and we can search together. No matter how old we are we never stop learning. Cheers Chappie

Play Pod We will be opening the play pod on Thursday 28th March at 2.30pm so parents/carers can see what it is about. The pod is situated in the grounds of Our Place. If you have any items that you think would be of use, please bring them along.

Maths Information Session Thank you to the parents and carers of Pre Primary and Year 1 students who attended the Maths information session held last Thursday. I hope you all found it beneficial. The session focussed on the importance of introducing Maths concepts in a meaningful way at an early age, provided some ideas on how this could be done and outlined what Pre primary and Year 1s should be able to achieve by the end of their respective year. Board games using dice and cards are 2 very easy ways to help develop number concepts. The department of education has very useful information available to parents about helping their children with Maths at home called Numbers, Showing Children They Count on the Web: Information For Parents New Parent Resources(RH side) Maths(LH side) Numbers. The Mathletics website used at school is also accessible at home. You need to get access passwords from your child or their teacher to log on: The ABC also has a good website for basic skills:

To all current Vancouver Arts Centre (VAC) members: The VAC has extended your membership free of charge! Your membership was due to expire on 1 April 2013 and will now be valid until 30 June 2013. We are making this change to align our memberships with the financial year. The process will still be just as quick and just as easy. More information including a renewal form will be sent to you in with the May edition of the VAC Newsletter. Until then, rest assured your membership is valid until 30 June 2013. Please contact us if you require any further information or if you are interested in becoming a new member. Catholic Religious Education A programme is available for children attending government schools from Pre-Primary to Year 7 on Tuesdays at 3.45 4.45pm at New Camfield, 154 Aberdeen Street (parking behind ITC building). For more information, contract the Parish Office on 9841 1129 between 8.30 - 12.30 Monday to Friday.

Pancakes are actually healthier than most people think. Plus they are quite simple to prepare. Ingredients: 1 cup of wholemeal flour 1 cup of light milk 2 eggs Mix these together and fry circles of mixture on a nonstick pan. Serve with banana, berries and a tbsp of yoghurt. Little chef: Kid loves participating in preparing their own foods. Even a 4 year old can arrange fresh fruit on a platter. Brekky in a hurry? Grab a banana and a glass of milk! If there is time, blend it up with some ice and a drop of honey to make a fruit smoothie. Did you know? Vitamin C helps the body to absorb iron from fortified breakfast cereals and other plant foods. Try to include some fruit in the same meal.


On Monday, 25 February, NASHS held their first Whole School Assembly for the year. During this assembly we announced the members of the 2013 Student Council and presented academic awards for student achievement in 2012. Students in Year 8, 9 and 10 who gained A and B grades received a Principals Gold Award and those who received A and B grades with a maximum of one C received a Principals Silver Award. Congratulations to ex Mount Lockyer student, Ben Arney for being awarded the 2012 Edith Cowan University 2012 Citizenship Award.

Ben Arney

North Cottesloe Primary School is turning 100! Celebrate our Centenary with us If youre an old student, teacher or parent youre invited to our Centenary High Tea Birthday Party. We are also looking for people who might be willing to share their memories and memorabilia of school life in an oral history project to be conducted in March this year. Please let us know if you would like to be a part of that. Date: Saturday13thApril Time: 3.00pm5.30pm Where: North Cottesloe Primary School, 100 Eric Street, Cottesloe Please register your interest in attending by email or call 93847733 www. n o r t h c o t t 1 0 0 . c o m. a u Facebook n o r t h c o t t p s / 1 0 0

School Fees A reminder to all parents that the Voluntary Contributions for 2013 are due. They are $40.00 per child attending Mount Lockyer Primary School. The school uses this money to purchase art and craft material, science equipment and to support various programs run through out the school. Payment would be appreciated. If you are having difficulty making this payment please contact the RegistrarChristine Davidson to make suitable arrangements. Money can be direct deposited into the school account. BSB: 306 001 Acc No: 515 4800 Mt Lockyer School Fund BankWest Cheque Account

Please make sure you put a description in the payment section. As a thank you for paying school fees early, the school will hold a raffle draw for all families who have paid before the end of term one. This will be a dinner voucher at The Venice restaurant to the value of $100.

MOBILE PHONE POLICY Students who bring mobile phones onto school premises must adhere to these guidelines. Responsibility Mount Lockyer Primary School acknowledges that mobile phones may be used as a safety measure out of school hours. Parents are reminded that in cases of emergency, the school office remains the most appropriate point of contact during the school day. The school accepts no responsibility for lost, stolen or damaged mobile phones. Guidelines
Students mobile phones are to be switched off during school time and handed to the class teacher or office upon arrival in the morning. Students are not permitted to use mobile phones for any purpose on school grounds. Mobile phones are not permitted to be taken to school camps, excursions or other functions unless permission is granted by the school

Principal. Students seen using mobile phones on school groundsFirst breach- The phone will be confiscated and returned to the student at the end of the school day. Further breaches- The phone will be confiscated and parents/carers will need to collect it from the office. Dear Parents The value from 18th March to 3rd April is Tolerance. If your child has demonstrated Tolerance notify your classroom teacher and they will be in the draw for a prize at this weeks assembly. Value: Tolerance - Is letting other people do things their way without putting them down. Memory Jogger - I am open to difference and I accept things I cannot change. Student Name:- ___________________________________________________Value:- Tolerance Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Week 5 Week 6

NEWSLETTER QUIZ Q: What day do we come back to school after Easter? A: __________________________________________ Name _______________________________________________________________


The key to this approach is that the child is given a choice at each step to follow directions or face increased consequences. Students making GOOD CHOICES are acknowledged for their efforts. For students making POOR CHOICES the following consequences apply ~
STEP 1 Student refuses to follow directions. Verbal warning. STEP 2 Student still refuses to follow directionsIn-class consequence eg Time Out area. STEP 3 Student still refuses to follow directionsOut-of-class consequence eg Buddy Class. STEP 4 Student still refuses to follow directionsRED CARD is sent to the office. Parents will be requested to attend school. SUSPENSION Students will be immediately suspended for verbal abuse of staff and/or violence towards staff or students.

WHAT IS BULLYING? Bullying is when a student or group keep picking on another student. They try to hurt them physically or emotionally. The behaviour is deliberate and repeated. A fight or disagreement between equal students is not bullying. HOW TO STOP BULLYING Tell an adult, it is not dobbing to ask for help. Both victim and those bullying will be counselled and supported. Do not be a by-stander; if you witness bullying try to stop it or report it. IF YOU ARE BULLYING Step 1: Warning Step 2: In school isolation and counselling at recess and lunch, parents will be notified Step 3: For continued breaches students will be suspended.

RE-ENTRY FOLLOWING SUSPENSION Students returning from suspension must be accompanied by an adult and will attend the Intervention Centre (Room 20) where an Individual Behaviour Management Plan will be developed and implemented.

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